Seed Home 2 Unique Value Proposition

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  • Include graph of carbon footprint of entire house, and compared to industry standards. Pie chart by materials.
  • Material Cost Breakdown - pie chart


Products exists on 6 levels:

  1. House per se - as an enterprise
  2. Soleprenuer - who has learned full build in a 2 year apprenticeship. Highly scalable. Building for others. $50k/10 weeks - $200k enterprise. Asssumes average joe.
  3. Hired Workshop Leader Model - wall street types donate to a family in need. Corporate CSR.
  4. Corporate Team Building Model - workshops where you sweat and pay.
  5. XE Hackathon
  6. Enterprise training - supplying a universally good product.
  7. OSE chapters training
  8. Supporting machines - printer + tractor
  9. Technical school - apprenticeship model as with veterans; building for hire, custom building, machine building
  10. GI Bill acceptance
  11. Educational institution -
  12. Documentation - coffee table book + Enterprise Manual
  13. Mentoring - Bristol-inspired mentoring to break through mental barriers to self-determination. Spiritual Psychology
  14. Transformation - we train people to Think C - think collaboratively. People end up writing collaboration standards (protocols) during the Hackathon.


  • Kits - plain materials - not even precut. Depends on building supplier relationships. Information business.
  • Kits - plain materials, precut, just short of modules
  • Kits - actual modules. Ready to build house
    • Should include some support. Face time. Etc.
    • Base model - $50-100 hr for a high quality kit.
    • Advanced model - adding automation - for double revenue, or $100-200/hr

House Per Se

A low cost, high value house that is easy to build for inexperienced people.


  1. Lowest possible cost to customer. Customer pays for materials. We invite customers to collaborate and help us find better material options at all times. If there is something better, faster, cheaper - we welcome feedback to improve the product.
  2. Off grid energy option
  3. Off-grid integrated food and waste management system
  4. Aquaponic greenhouse option
  5. Microfactory option - garage scale with 3D printers, plastic recycling, lathe, welder, and CNC torch. + Hand tools.

See more at the Dev template - Seed Home v2 Requirements + Value Proposition

XE Hackathon

The Hackathon has 2 sides: production and education. Since the key to a better world is Collaborative Creation of Genius, where genius is taught - the key to availing such genius is teaching.

We organize as 2-person pairs - where one person documents what the other person is doing. Effectively, both people are developing - because the communication between the 2 people causes learning + teaching to happen. This is the first level of documentation, where collaboration happens with 2 people as a bridge to communicatng with thousands of people. The way that this communicates with thousands of people is by the in-process and final documentation produced by each 2-person team. Then, pneding an ability to handle taxonomic organization by understanding the development process - a large number of people can work together. Everything is organized by a TOC in the Enterprise Manual where people select- and we encourage self-organization as well as redundancy. Each major task can have dozens of people working on it. Ideally - 50 modules times 12 assets per module. But, ideally, with a dozen or more people per asset. This already brings us to 7200 people. To test that the computer infrastructure works for so many people - we have one pre-meeting where we coordinate. Each module has a Design Guide. Each Asset has a howto. Each participant takes the qualification exam for their specific Module and Howto - so we divide and conquer. But the focus is Design Modules - so for example - Smart Home App Design Guide is one task. There must be a willingness to learn technology. We don't require prior knowhow - but we do teach it and require 80% knowhow for tasks prior to the event.

With YouTube alone - you can learn everything - but it will not be rapid learning. How many high quality videos are found on youtube that present any open source productivity/state of art? Very few. If you want to get to the state of art, you have to trudge through dozens or hundreds of videos, as complex products have many elements. Those who build working, complex products are usually never open source.

We can take the XE Hackathon as an opportunity to create Design Guides. Design Guides can be considered as those 'hundreds of youtube videos' condensed into economically-significant productivity on an individual scale. Massive unleashing of collaborative genius - where if we also learn how to collaborate - we can design products together.

Thus - our unique value proposition is the creation of a Collaborative Genius Mastermind.

For example, instead of the Seed Eco-Home Enterprise Manual focusing on How to Start and Run a Seed Eco-Home Enterprise - we have a second half of the story. That second half - is how do you set people up for continuous product improvement? That means learning more about the tools and design principles involved. So for example - we want to create a phone app for Smart Home control of the basic Arduino smart home controller. The basic MVP version gets us Arduino with Solenoids, on a 3D printed board with DIN Mount. This can cost $5 for the Arduino, and $1 per channel for up to 10A*240V. The next level up is adding a wireless module to the Arduino, so we can pass parameters into an Arduino using an Android app. For the Seed Eco-Home - a high quality tutorial teaching how to create this app is a high value product to generate. Essentiall - there is the layer of Modules, Design Guides, and Products - and the 'elite' in the hackathon actually produce what may be called crowd design processes - which help to inolve others in more sophisticated tasks. So for example, a tech savvy person can create a high quality instructional on the Smart Home App - to enable, maybe not the from-scratch creation of such an app - but templating the app - or opensourcing the app - so others can learn to produce derivatives. A great example of such is the FreeCAD Workbench Platform. The critical need addressed here is rapid learning for productive results - instead of slaving through hours of crappy youtube videos- a developer gains access to high quality learning material and produces high-quality, derivative results within hours - as opposed to producing low-quality results over days and weeks. Think about how much creativity such sharing could produce! There are very few mechanisms in society that foster high quality results like this. Instructables is great half-bakery in general, youtube is a gold mine if you have ample time to learn something - and is $300/year. But the point here is that no other resource is explicitly created for creating large-scale collaboration on economic development. That is the potential we are aiming to unleash. You can learn lots of good skills on - if you are in the proprietary world - but Lynda does not offer a single course on FreeCAD.

Enterprise Training

One central theme is how we add value so collaborators continue to contribute to a pool of knowledge so everyone benefits. Ie - retention so that movement swells, as opposed to high turnover. Specifics that we could optimize are:

  1. Feedback loop - venue for getting answers to your questions from the community. Technical community manager on the enterprise side. Forums - one for users - one for developers. Developer communitu is view only, unless you qualify.
  2. Annual conference - great community and vision building time
  3. Webinars - 2-way accessible only to members, 1-way by everyone else
  4. Enterprise webinar - open to distributive entreprise enterprise/tech developers only on specific roadmap only
  5. Coaching - on business problems, dedicated by staff
  6. Access to datasets - staff to hire, builder to hire, recommendation of local builders.
  7. Data collection - full specifications and various test, comparisons, productivity data, application notes
  8. application notes - publishing ways to use a machine or product
  9. Marketing channels - from podcast placement services, to video production support, to email lists and lists of marketing venues, OSE can help make sales not a part of the bottleneck
  10. Distribution channels - from OSE website, OSES, expertise in using existing platforms, YouTube or video channel, podcast,
  11. Marketing assets - producing product brochures, product photo shoots, graphics, social media posts, stickers
  12. Producer certification - OSE label placed on each product. Define a certification process for each product
  13. Website design - turnkey website production and hosting.
  14. Production support - turnkey production facility design, visual factory design, open source production machines, workflows. Inventory management system. Automation development. Production facility development.
  15. Construction support - need a Microfactory? We can provide a turnkey build of the structure, the machines that go inside, and the energy systems that power it. Nickel Iron Batteries may play a role in the OSE energy mix.
  16. Turnkey campus building - OSE coordinates to organize a Swarm Build (200 people, one week immersion workshop)
  17. Product development - all of us swarm on summer-long prototyping sessions. We teach skills, and we shift mindsets. This will be added as a part of the Summer of Extreme Design/Build

Basic Numbers



  1. We involve people to solve the housing issue for everybody: participants are expected to contribute know-how and experience
  2. We involve entrepreneurs as movement entrepreneurs solving Pressing World Issues
  3. The lowest-cost, most efficient, replicable housing that can be built DIY
  4. $50k for 1000 sf, built in one week. Disclaimer: builders spend 2-8 hours each weekend preparing for the week build by producing modules that are then assembled rapidly into place
  5. House is beautiful
  6. Focus on Seed Home - build a small core, then expand as your needs grow. Starting module is 1000 sf, but it can be as small as 256 sf for a complete system.
  7. Off-grid PV option
  8. Off-grid biodigester option.
