Sublimation Method
This is a method for solving one's personal problems as a means to solve global issues. Because if you have a problem, likely others have the same problem. Your problem is relevant to the world.
- Dreamcatch. These can be positive or negative. The negative ones can be very fruitful, as they are an opportunity to problemsolve
- Ah, so you got disturbed by a thought. Good. Catch it.
- Sublimate a solution - meaning a first priciples, longtermist, iconoclastic, unleashed solution. Simply start by stating what obvious things (regardless of whether these things are possible) would be required for an inevitable (obvious) solution. Start with that, and start to flesh out the details, no matter how stupid this seems. For example, to end poverty, you can kill all the poor people. Well, in detail, that is cruel. Try again. To end poverty, we can obviously create abundant wealth for everyone. Then start at first principles, such as Kardashev scale (basic limits of energy and resources). This must be met with numeracy, specifically Physical Numeracy.
- Commit.
The above is difficult. Because to commit means that you have to learn in order to acquire meta problemsolving (abstract) skills (see Sublimation). It means you must be willing to learn, be healthy so you can commit energy to this, and have a long term perspective.
The first steps are difficult because people tend to be freaked out by nasty dreams, rather than interpreting them as an opportunity to gain insight or to problemsolve.
Subliming means utmost creativity and ability to think like 5 year old creative children. See Genius. But, it also means we acquire abstract skills, such as the physical numeracy. But, the biggest challenge perhaps is an abundance mindset - which is the definition of open-collaborative culture - what was supposed to come out of the open source software movement but didn't. Open collaborative means sharing economically significant information, or teaching.
And then we need health and energy - in other words the ability to act on Moral Intelligence. Acting on moral intelligence is the same as movement entrepreneurship in our book. There are many valid problems to work on, as opposed to maintaining the status quo.
How many people are creative, engineering-minded, open-collaborative teachers and entrepreneurs in one? Very few. This is what we aim to create through the work of OSE, as these do not exist.