Talk:Seth Godin

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This was mentioned in one of the videos on Drywall Finish levels for a hands on case of this. No point in making it perfect if they aren't paying you for it, haven't specified it, and it will be in a location where it being at that less-perfect state doesn't impact things.

I definitely find it better than the "110%" percent model and all that, although it isn't 100% issue free itself.

I know the New Soviet Man and that more Social (not the geo-political struggle/extension of empire/yada yada yada aspects) aspects of the USSR was that concept, and specifically how they had that infamous quota system, and because exceeding quotas / that superheroism was expected it lead to a bit of a Cobra Problem (may be the wrong term, something where basically once a (non-mechanical obviously, talking people/systems here not weld Bend Tests !) metric becomes an expectation it ceases to become useful. An analogy of that would be the P-Value Crisis in Science a bit ago. It makes sense as a metric, people would only use good sources, the more a source is used the better it is, no? I forget the specifics, but basically people figured out how to "game the system" / "break the game" and that caused a whole mess akin to the Replication Crisis in Science and stuff like that.

HOWEVER having Specifications as well as Defining then managing "Laziness" is still an issue. Doing sloppy work for profit / getting done quicker can easily appear if not actively prevented

Personally i think a combination between 1.) Standardized Specifications (Already "Finished" Development Wise In-Industry for the most part outside of issues where only a Proprietary System Exists such as Pantone Colors etc), 2.) "Meeting Spec", so your Contracts and Quality Control , then finally a sort of Social Framework to keep the "machine" running. This is where much of OSE's work falls.

I Need to dig into existing work on the concept, but some sort of revitalized version of the New Soviet Man is probably a good way to frame/push for that social model. Granted your archetypical "Good Citizen" / "Model Citizen" / "Good Person" etc applies for most of the things. I think the main differences would be 1.) All the Literacies 2.) Post-Scarcity Thinking / Post-Scarcity Mindset and also some mix of the ethos of Leave No Trace (Outdoor Ethics) and the Cradle-to-Grave Analysis from LCAs (Essentially a conscious rejection/counterpoint to a Disposable Mentality )

The Main Flaws with the social bit is it essentially relies on people 1.) Agreeing what is wrong with the world (when a statistically significant amount believe it to be flat for instance) 2.) Cooperating and 3.) Accountability via (mostly) Just Goodwill (ie not via Punitive Force like it is Corvée Enforced by some Dictator, and also long term not enforced via Wage Slavery and other forms of Economic Coercion although in the short term this is something unable to be affected due to the issues of Company Scrip and Alternate Systems of Labor etc being to small to have power (although this can lead to a bit of a Chicken and the Egg type issue)

To an extent the social system can also turn toxic (Although Creeping Change vs Radical Change can "ease into" the changes) between famous examples of The Cultural Revolution (Chinese History) with purges and all that, or the more mundane awkwardness of an overly critical/sensitive environment ( "Tiptoeing Around Landmines" etc)

The book/film The Circle ( The Circle (Film) ) supposedly laid this out, almost as what 1984 did for the USSR and any other Authoritarian Regime of it's type. Wild Out West (Documentary) is another good "case study" of sorts granted as long as we don't have some Guru we decide to suddenly worship and don't suddenly make a Cult of Personality and start making CEB Statues in the Socialist Realist form...we should be good. Still though worth looking into.

At the end of the day though to tie all this together, in combination with Contracts, and Social Systems to support it, Having Specifications as the Goal and Measure of Success is a great method!

--Eric (talk) 22:23, 27 February 2024 (UTC)