Welding Certification

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Current OSE Welding Exam

  1. OSE competency required is welding a solid seam for 1/4" and 1/2" steel, on high setting 2-5, Millermatic 200 welder.
  2. Also involves ability to replace welding wire.
  3. Also involves ability to replace shielding gas.
  4. Involves ability to replace, clean, and troubleshoot clogged liner. Test for free liner is 3 lb maximum moving friction force requirement
  5. Requires capacity of additive manufacturing, freeform, to build up a 3" diameter round or square 3D geometry as high as possible, on a square foot base plate. This tests for manual control, speed control, wire speed control, power control, on the highest setting possible.
  6. Timed experiment is a 4 minute weld to determine the highest additive height achieved, on an existing square plate.

Welding 101

The Millermatic 200 machine walkthrough -

How to do Spray Transfer

Protecting Threads on Welded Nuts

By Miguel

Video for beginners. This is what you can expect welding for the first time:

Replacing Welder Liner

Disassembly of MIG Gun to replace liner.

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