Wiki Validation
(Redirected from Wiki Testing)
These are the critical essential functions of the wiki:
Basic Editing
- Editing a page.
- Preview of a page shows up properly
- Wiki page redirection works correctly
- Main section and subsection headings
- Gallery can be created - ex D3D_Part_Library#D3D_16.22
- HTML with CSS embed - such as Flashy XM
- int Template works - ex green box on top of MJ
- Hint Template with wikilink - same but with an internal link in the text, as in second box at D3D
- Hint template with image inside of it - ex D3D first green box
- Machine Tool Template works - Template:ToolTemplate
- File upload via Special:Upload
- Check that random page works
- Blog link
- Recent Wiki Pages
- Website link
- Printable version of wiki
- Bold, italic
- Red color front - RED TEXT
- Basic iframe
- Ignore wiki formatting
- YouTube video - OSE Immersion Program
- Disqus - Developer_Test
- FB posts - D3D_CNC_Torch_Table
- FB posts in thumbnail windows - Aquaponic_Greenhouse_Log
- Scrumy - Scrumy
- Vimeo - CEB_Press
- Google presentations with edit link - Development_Team_Log
- OSEDev new burndown - Power_Cube_v17.11#Development_Spreadsheet
- Development Template spreadsheet Embeds - Development_Spreadsheet_Template#Usage
- Embedding of workshop announcements from main site - Miracle_Orchard_Workshop#Signup
- issuu - Miracle_Orchard_Workshop#Book
- Embed of Google Docs - 1_Month_Immersion_Program_Announcement#Rewrite
- Google Calendar embed - Marcin_Calendar
- OSE Developer numbers - MJ
- Paypal - Donate
- - Mt_Best_Freezer_to_Refrigerator_Conversion#amazon
- Countdown from EventBrite - Eventbrite Countdown
- Eventbrite registration - Eventbrite Registration
File Uploads
- attempt to upload one of each
- jpg
- jpeg
- png
- animated gif
- File extension ".fcstd" does not match the detected MIME type of the file (application/zip). freecad File:Asample.fcstd
- odt File:Asample.odt
- pdf File:Asample.pdf
- stl File:Asample.stl
- rtf File:Asample.rtf
- csv File:Asample.csv
- It uploaded successfully, however it gave me: [Wwcdv8lngR47bzr2QcLGJwAAAAM] 2018-05-24 20:17:03: Fatal exception of type "UploadStashFileNotFoundException". Tried more and it works. dxf File:Asample.dxf. File:Asample22.dxf
- Validate that the size of pictures can be changed
- Attempt to update a new version of the freecad file above & validate that it tracks the version history
- Test file upload size limit
Checking Critical Pages
- Front Page
- Marcin Log
- Abe Log
- Lex Log
- OSEdev
- Development_Team_Log
- D3D_CNC_Torch_Table
- D3D_CNC_Circuit_Mill
- CEB Press
- Power_Cube_v17.11
- MicroTrac_v17.10
- Tractor_Construction_Set_2017
- D3D_1612
- D3D
- Universal_Axis
- Flashy_XM
- Critical_Path
- Roadmap
- Distributive_Enterprise
- OSE_Specifications
- Press
- Donate
- OSEmail
- Open Source Ecology:Current events
- LifeTrac_Genealogy
- Power Cube Genealogy
- 3D Printer Genealogy
- Microhouse Genealogy
- CEB Press Genealogy
- Seed_Eco-Home
- Open Building Institute
- Special:ActiveUsers
- Wiki_instructions
- Open_Building_Institute
- Seed_Eco-Home_Index
- Seed_Eco-Home_Part_Library
- Book
- Scrumy
- OSE Immersion Program
- Open_Source_Leadership_Summit_Presentation
- Open_Source_PV_System
- Part_Library
- D3D Part Library
- Extreme_Manufacturing
- Extreme_Manufacturing_Coopetition
- Open Source Economy
- OSE Fellows
- OSE Campus
- OBI_Webinars
- UM_Presentation
- Marcin_Biography
- Marcin Jakubowski
- Extreme_Learning
- Open Source Everything Store
- Immersion_Program_Design
- D3D Workshop Marketing
- Getting_Involved
- SMEs
- Dedicated_Project_Visits
- D3D_Laser_Cutter
- Special:ActiveUsers
- Special:Statistics
- Special:UserCredentials
- Special:ListFiles
- Main Page Old
- Earthship
- Open Source Ecology
- Solar Combined Heat Power System
- Factor e Farm
- Crash course on OSE
New Users
- Request account works via Special:RequestAccount
- Approving new users via Special:ConfirmAccounts
- Verify that the newly approved user can now edit content
- Verify that the newly approved user can reset their password
- verify they cannot set it to 'password'
- verify they cannot set it to a randomly generated 9-char password
- verify they _can_ reset it to a >=10-char password
New Extensions
- Validate that a user can setup 2FA using Special:Two-factor_authentication = Special:OATHAuth
- Varnish integration
- Validate that munin varnish graphs are sane
- Check for sanity of hits/misses/hit-for-pass using varnishstat
LocalSettings Changes
- Validate that Marcin can't login with his <20 char password
- Manually set Marcin with a 19-char password
- Validate that Marcin still can't login
- Manually set Marcin with a >=20 char password
- Validate that Marcin _can_ login now