Wood Chips

Woodchips are a medium-sized solid material made by cutting, or chipping, larger pieces of wood. The process of making wood chips is called woodchipping and is done with a woodchipper.
Multiple Uses
- Mulch (ground cover to prevent evaporation, reduce water needs); prevent weed growth
- Playground surfacing, Walkways
- Composting material
- Fuel (e.g. micro-CHP)
- Erosion control
- land management: prevent nitrate runoff
- as part of a biofilter
- mushroom cultivation
- Décor
OSE Subscription
Thanks for your wood chip request, Open Source Ecology!
Please hold on to this email — the link below can be used to edit your request in the future.
If you need to change anything about your request (more chips, fewer chips, change address, cancel request, etc), just visit: http://www.chipero.com/requests/81fc6f30ca5efc7ddb/edit
You will receive a confirmation email when wood chips are delivered to your property. If you don't receive this email, please get in touch or take a look at your request to make sure we accurately reflect how many loads of chips you still want.
Yours, The Chipero Team
Heat treatment for durability
Wood chips can be heat-treated for potentially better preservation. There is not much information on this. Basically, when wood is treated at temperatures up to about 270C, volatiles are mobilized and some polymerization reactions occur. The treated material then has less of a capacity to absorb water, reducing microbial growth and hence biodegradation. The treated wood is structurally less strong, but this is not a concern with wood chips. Please see "Wood Preservation by Carbonization" page for further details. This treatment may have a future role as mulch in perennial agriculture in cases where good durability is required.