Ash Handling and Utilization
From Open Source Ecology
- This page goes over the proper protocol for Ash handling, as well as various methods in which it can be used
- Need to determine composition of Biomass ash (and if it's fractions' differences are as significant as Coal Ash
Ash in General
- Agricultural Use (Assuming it is entirely extracted from the Charcoal in the Charcoal Washing process (as well as emissions capture) it should be nearly all of the non-(hydro)carbon elements/compounds from the plants/soil. THUS by returning it to the soil in the proper amounts you close this loop
Chemical Processing
- In cases of Phytoremediation or Burning/Co-Firing with RDF or even unsorted MSW, the ash can contain significant amounts of metals
- Magnetic Separation and Acid Leaching can be used for recovery
- This may have the added benefit of turning Hazmat into worst case scenario more “normal” waste, or better yet Ash of sufficient quality to be used as a Chemical Feedstock or interchangeably with Biomass Sourced Ash in BOAR
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