August 6, 2020 Notes on the Chapter Contract
Chapter Contract Notes
Details are to be resolved, but obviously they would need to be financially sustainable meeting or exceeding industry standards, and would be a small percentage of revenue 'royalty' to allow for franchise growth worldwide, where all revenue collected goes back into programs (building new OSE Campuses, creating new products, etc). Here we would create a thing that can scale to 10k-30k of facilities worldwide - essentially one near every population center, each doing about $100M/year in programs, for at least a trillion in revenue by about 2038- or 10 years from GVCS completion.
I would consider $50-100k net/year revenue as minimum successful operation in the first year, paying the operator $50-100k. The growth opportunity is there for a full campus at $20-40M/year revenue as a considerable center of human progress, over about 10 years.
For a nominal $50k operation, I would like to see OSE get a chapter fee from 5-12% - but depending on the involvement of the operator in further product development. This could also be a flat fee.
The contract intent is to coordinate and guarantee progress on completion of the Global Village Construction Set civilization-in-a-box, and to guarantee the creation of OSE Campuses as a global, coordinated effort until a transition beyond scarcity-based economics is achieved. This means reaching the Open Source Economy.
I think what may make sense is an annual and then bi-annual charter, in which case if the relationship is working well, the charter is renewed by OSE, but if the operator wants to defect, that is fine also. The intent is voluntary collaboration in a world of growing abundance, ideally. But not drinking champagne through the lips of its leaders. Ie, risk and reward is shared in some way. So we can work on what this means as a contract.
Cost to chapter: First, the assumption is that this all goes to coordinating all effort first towards GVCS completion and then to creation of OSE Campuses; chapter fee; development time and collaboration on all programsBasic of benefit: brand, marketing assistance, continually evolving product catalog, continuing training to stay on top, community, annual conference
Chapter Contract
There are 3 separate phases: Training and Certification, Chapter Charter, and Dissolution. The Training and Certification is a prerequisite for a Chapter Charter.
Training and Certification
- Name of Chapter Candidate - OSE Chapter of X
- Type of Chapter. Regional.
- Operating area - region around city of______, supplying products to the local area, and to the national area as well.
- Communications Venue - OSE Forums, South Africa. To coordinate development, and OSE wiki.
- The training program is a direct mentorship relationship between the OSE Founder and the Candidate, that provides a curriculum of 40 weekly meetings and a 20 hour work/study assignment each week to gain the technical competency to run a chapter.
- Part of the engagement is enlisting a business mentor to help the Candidate on the ground, with concrete business issues of incorporation, business development, and operation as a distributed international organization.
- Training period is assumed to be 2 years, at 20 hours of time requirement per week. The 40 week curriculum is at
Chapter Charter and Duties
- Certification is required to at least an 80% competency level, with supplemental training to be engaged in order to reach 100% capacity in key areas of competency. OSE administers this certification, with basic requirements as at Lesego_Conversation#Chapter_Certification.
- Chapter fee of 4-12% is negotiated based on the capacity, revenue, and adhesion to the OSE development path.
- Chapter fee covers all of the admin, internet, and programming costs related to all coordination of effort as a distributed organization, towards the completion of the GVCS by 2028 as the central goal.
- Development Path - selection of a project focus to work on - shall be in conjuction with OSE International.
- Core of work until 2028 is GVCS and related business models. Post 2028 is about training others, replication, growing the OSE Campus model.
- OSE International Duties. Intent - setting up an infrastructure that encourages all OSE Chapters to collaborate on OSPD. Provision of new products to be distributed and produced by each chapter. Publicity via Podcast, Newsletter, Google Ad Words, marketing. Marketing of products. Provision of new product designs and training on an annual basis via Extreme Enterprise events. Organization of annual XE, Crowd Supply + Teardown, Kickstarter, HeroX campaign.
- OSE provides continuing education for increasing skill sets towards those of Integrated Humans. OSE is a lifelong learnign-centric organization.
- Chapter Duties - Coordination of annual Workshop Calendar, of events for the same dates in all locations. 1 month at Factor e Farm to participate in Summer of Extreme Design/Build. 24 Hour + Planning Participation in XE events. General support of OSE so that the entire movement works as a hole, and not a bunch of divergent efforts. Follows a prioritization set out in the Chapter Charter - for a one year plan, with quarterly and annual review.
- Contributing to business development, product development to assist in the collaborative completion of the GVCS by 2028 and to develop the collaborative OSE product line.
- Keeps Work Log, coordinates via weekly meetings, the OSE Forum, and publishes a quarterly guest blog on the main OSE blog.
- Participates in the public sphere with presentations, talks, and public meeting recordings.
- Works openly by publishing all relevant work online as a general practice for complete transparency of its process.
- Abides by DIN SPEC 3105 for all hardware documentation
- Participates in all large-scale design sprints such as Incentive Challenges, STEAM Camps, hackathons, and Extreme Enterprise events, at a minimum of 1 event per quarter and 4 minimum per year. The STEAM Camp schedule is expected to reach 1 event per month.
- Develops a workshop/fabrication facility for product development, experimentation, and training.
- Produces the products it sells or uses in its programs
- To attain status as a Chapter, there is first a biannual charter that is drawn up, specifying the areas of specialization for each chapter.
- Meets for a a quarterly review to optimize operations
- Charter Duration - 2 years. Renewal every 2 years, pending performance.
- Coordinates closely with OSE International on GVCS completion by 2028.
Collaboration and Advancement Opportunities
- The chapter collaborated directly to support and add to the core effort of OSE. This includes:
- Ongoing product sales and programming of immersion education events - as the core revenue model.
- Extreme U - coordinating University Chapters in the chapter's region or country
- Extreme Enterprise - grand, annual, collaborative event for product release
- Each chapter leads one product release for the Open Source Everything Store as a Distributive Enterprise
- OSE annual conference - each chapter participates hands-on-deck at the OSE International Headquarters (conditions allowing)
- Weekly dev team meeting - focusing on normal development and planning.
- Chapter leaders have advancement opportunities to continue developing their capacity and skills to a full Open Source Microfactory, and an OSE Campus, in coordination with OSE International. Each Chapter may advance their status from a regional to a national branch, or a continental branch as a special economic zone.
Finances and Legal
- Mentorship tuition is $10k. Materials costs for 6 3D printer, CNC torch, filament maker, and shredder will be about $10k. Candidate sources parts locally.
- Admission is on a rolling basis. After initial video of interest, interviews, reference check, 30 minute Slide Deck preparation - and securing mentorship, sponsorship, and facility - the Candidate may be admitted. Offer letter is presented.
- Payment of $10k shall be made upon acceptance. If the candidate changes their mind, there is a 50% cancellation fee up until 4 months from official acceptance. After the 4 month period, the tuition fee is non-refundable.
- At the end of the 2 year training period, a Charter is created within one month of the Candidate's skill certification. The chapter fee is determined in the charter.
- The chapter fee is paid on a monthly basis.
- The chapter benefits from collaborative development of new products through all of OSE's programming, and receives free tuition to all ongoing training, workshops, and continuing education.
- Chapter candidate covers travel, food, and lodging to any OSE events, and receives complimentary housing whenever such is available from OSE.
- Shares financials with OSE using live documents
- Each chapter incorporates in their local jurisdiction. Board of Directors shall have representation from OSE International.
- Any other terms may be accommodated in the Chapter Charter.
- Each chapter uses the OSE brand as an OSE Chapter, X branch - with access to branding and trademarks.
- Each chapter tends not to engage in non-disclosure agreements as a general rule
- No patents or trade secrets shall be obtained or kept, as all work is intended to benefit all humankind.
- An OSE Chapter which continues in good standing after 2 years may apply for representation on the Board of Directors of OSE International.
- OSE International may pursue a trademark within the local Chapter's jurisdiction if that is deemed a good course of action.
- Each Chapter is responsible for its finances, bank account, incorporation, and other memberships in their local jurisdiction.
- Each Chapter shall operate as an entity for the public interest and the benefit of all humankind, in a corporate form that meets this purpose most effectively and efficiently.
Termination, Nonperformance, and Dissolution
- Grounds for Dismissal. During the training phase, not publishing of results transparently or not collaborating is grounds for dismissal. We work openly and collaboratively. A candidate will receive warning as to this issue, and if not corrected, the candidate will be terminated. Mentorship tuition is not refundable in case of termination.
- Withdrawal - If the candidate needs to discontinue participation for whatever reason, withdrawal can be pursued by notice in writing (email will do). If withdrawal occurs within 4 months of program acceptance, 50% of the tuition is refundable. After that, tuition is non-refundable.
- Obtaining OSE certification for the skill set required to operate a Chapter - is a prerequisite for obtaining an OSE Chapter Charter. In case of failure to meet requirements, the Candidate may pursue work as an entity independent of OSE.
- If operating independently of OSE, the independent entity may produce products from OSE designs, and OSE encourages derivative work. In such a case, it may not appropriate the OSE brand identity, unless specifically permitted to do so by OSE International. In the case of pursuing activity based on OSE's work, OSE International still encourages open source publishing according to the OSE license, so that independent entities also contribute to the equitable distribution of wealth for the benefit of everyone.
- Non-performance - If the Chapter, once incorporated, does not contribute to OSE Development, the Charter may be terminated. A warning to this effect will be given, and if no improvement occurs within 30 days, the Charter shall be withdrawn. In the case of non-performance, the entity may continue to operate independently of OSE, and OSE encourages collaboration with independent entities.
- Independent entities do not have free-of-charge access to the benefits that chapters receive, nor to the advancement opportunities of OSE chapters.
- Address a minimum competency within a chapter - build a team.