CEO Role Description
See also Marcin's Proposed Schedule
Role Description of tasks currently taken on by Marcin, ED.
CEO Required Skills
Abstract: The CEO sets the Critical Path, defines process for supporting the Critical Path, and dog-foods initial versions of processes.
- Critical Path Narrative - ability to lead the project along a Critical Path - ability to reframe daily tasks within the framework of the greater project vision.
- Technical Literacy - Ability to translate OSE Specifications into specific product design features of the 50 GVCS Tools
- Fabrication Experience - to understand and direct translation of OSE Specifications into design-for-fabrication of lifetime design products
- Systems design capacity to define and build a coherent product ecology of the 50 GVCS Tools.
- Process Development - Ability to create effective processes for Open Source Product Development, emphasizing strategic clarity, development efficiency, and performance management
- Strategic Planning - ability to execute cost-benefit analysis, risk analysis, review, and effective decision-making ragarding development priorities
- Economic Analysis - Ability to perform economic feasibility analysis and enterprise planning
- Leadership - Ability to generate effective Critical Path Narratives and to inspire the team towards excellence
- Ability to Work Openly
CEO Duties - Until 2014
- Prototyping: Directs integrated development of machine prototyping, agricultural, construction, production, and organizational infrastructures. Reviews strategic priorities and critical path with staff. (25%)
- Production Development: Create and execute process for Collaborative Production and bootstrap funding. (20%)
- Process Development: Continuously create, integrate, and refine Open Source Product Development process - particularly the integration of social and technical aspects of a volunteer/paid process, with on-site and remote collaboration. Develops Management Structure and Financial Controls as key processes to support core prototyping. (20%)
- Review: Review product designs for adherence to OSE Specifications and GVCS 50 Product Ecology (10%)
- Hiring: valuate and approve all hires, contracts, bids, and other offers from on-site and remote participants (10%)
- Development Budget: Create a development budget and development timeline (5%)
- Investor Outreach: Engage in speaking engagements and Investor relations as needed (5%)
- Nonprofit Dev: Oversee strategic effectiveness of nonprofit resource development (5%)
Critical Issues
The critical milestone for effective leadership of the project is clarifying the requirements of a basic hardware development methodology, as well as producing the supporting documentation for this this method. Presently, we are considering a lean technique with the key point of using simple, widely-available development tools for hardware - wikis, Google Docs, and Sketchup. The next major milestone include:
- Refining the Flashy XM platform based on recent CAD, Remote Collaboration, Replication, and Collaborative Production Learnings - in the form of a seminal white paper on a distributed, scalable, open source product development platform.
- Detailing a budget required to execute on each product, with implications for budgets required for scalability
Operations Manager Requirements
Abstract: The Operations Manager is responsible for keeping track of, maintaining smooth flow of, unblocking development processes across prototyping, production, agriculture, and construction areas.
- Performance management and human relations experience
- Ability to make accurate assessments on strategic priorities and their execution
- Effective organizational skills to manage and follow a large number of moving parts
- Ability to Work Openly
Operations Manager Duties
- Process Management - Assures that prototyping, agriculture, production, construction, and organizational development staff and volunteers can carry out their duties effectively. This involves following the Flashy XM procedure and fulfilling its components. Documentation is a special subset of this, and is listed as a separate item below.
- Production Run Management - Assists ED in sourcing, assembling documentation, and preparing for Collaborative Production Runs.
- Process Development - Assists ED in developing and testing Open Source Product Development Process
- Publishing - assures that documentation requrements are met on the OSE Wiki and via Booktype
- Human Resources - Recruits and onboards new candidates, and prepares candidates for final approval by ED.
- Purchasing and Financial Controls - Carries out purchasing and executes financial control standards
- Organization - executes organizational structuring tasks
Critical Issues
For effective process management, the first step is defining and executing processes for fulfilling Flashy XM tasks.
Product Director Requirements
Abstract: The Product Director focuses on the design and prototyping aspect of GVCS development towards Full Product Release, Collaborative Production, and Distributive Enterprise.
- Fluency in professional CAD design (AutoCAD, Solidworks, Rhino, etc)
- Fluency in entry level CAD (Sketchup)
- Familiarity with Wiki culture, Google Docs, Sketchup, and basic computer literacy to embed various media in a wiki.
- Firm grasp of OSE Specifications and translation into Design-for-Fabrication of lifetime-design product ecologies.
- Ability to Work Openly
Product Director Duties
- Leads design of GVCS machines
- Coordinates production run with ED and COO
- Assembles full fabrication Instructionals, including Fabrication Diagram, in Booktype
- Manages remote designer contributions
- Reviews all design for adherence to OSE Specifications
Community Manager Duties
Abstract: The Community Manager harnesses the energy of a larger global community for GVCS project development by directing a distributed effort for both technical development and resource development.
- Actively develops networked collaboration on CAD contributions from technical schools for CAD generation and conversion
- Works with and guides remote project developers on developing the 50 GVCS machines.
- Organizes Dedicated Project Visits for approval by ED
- Organizes Flash Mobs for design, review, and documentation sessions.
- Organizes Collaborative Production runs for production and prototyping.