CHG-2025-XX-XX deprecate fef
2024-12-30 17:59 UTC
Initial Ticket draft created on wiki (WIP)
Change Info
Scheduled Time
This change will take place on 2025-??-?? ??:00 UTC
- = 2025-??-?? ??:00 Kansas City, US
- = 2025-??-?? ??:00 Guayaquil, EC
This change will do the following for the fef site:
- entirely migrate the OSE fef site from hetzner2 (EOL CentOS7) to hetzner3 (Debian 12)
- changes site from apache v2.4.6 to v2.4.62
- changes site from varnish v4.0.5 to v7.1.1
- changes site from nginx v1.20.1 to v1.22.1
- deprecates the site without loosing the content. we're replacing our fef site (now with an extremely out-of-date & broken wordpress theme) with purely static content made from a wget scrape
- keeps a backup of the dynamic codebase & database on the server, but 1 directory _above_ the docroot.
Points of Contact
Change being performed by: Michael Altfield
Service owners: Catarina Mota & Marcin Jakubowski
Time Length
This whole process is expected to take 6-24 hours.
Some systems could be impacted for days, if issues are encountered.
Systems Impacted
This change impacts both hetzner2 and hetzner3. It's possible that we'll need to restart one or both of these servers during this migration, which could affect the availability of all OSE & OBI websites.
Staging Test
Change Steps
#################### # run on hetzner2 # #################### sudo su - # STEP 0: CREATE BACKUPS source /root/backups/backup.settings /root/backups/ # when finished, verify that the whole system backup was successful before proceeding sudo rclone lsl b2:ose-server-backups | grep -i $(date +%Y%m%d) vhost_name='' dbName='fef_db' dbUser="CHANGEME" dbPass="CHANGEME" source /root/backups/backup.settings stamp=`date +%Y%m%d` backupDir_hetzner2="/var/tmp/backups_for_migration_to_hetzner3/${vhost_name}_${stamp}" backupDir_hetzner3="/var/tmp/backups_for_migration_from_hetzner2/${vhost_name}_${stamp}" backupFileName_db_hetzner2="mysqldump_${vhost_name}.${stamp}.sql.bz2" backupFileName_files_hetzner2="${vhost_name}_files.${stamp}.tar.bz2" vhostDir="/var/www/html/${vhost_name}" # STEP 1: Bring site down on hetzner2 mkdir -p ${backupDir_hetzner2}/{current,old} pushd ${backupDir_hetzner2}/current # backup nginx config cp /etc/nginx/conf.d/${vhost_name}.conf nginx_${vhost_name}.${stamp}.conf # restrict website to local requests only grep 'deny' /etc/nginx/conf.d/${vhost_name}.conf || sed --in-place=.`date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"` 's%^\(\s*\)server_name\(.*\)%\1server_name\2\n\tallow;\n\tallow 2a01:4f8:172:209e::2;\n\tallow;\n\tdeny all;\n%' /etc/nginx/conf.d/${vhost_name}.conf nginx -t && service nginx reload # STEP 2: BACKUP DB mkdir -p ${backupDir_hetzner2}/{current,old} pushd ${backupDir_hetzner2}/current/ mv ${backupDir_hetzner2}/current/* ${backupDir_hetzner2}/old/ time nice mysqldump -u"${dbUser}" -p"${dbPass}" ${dbName} | bzip2 -c > ${backupDir_hetzner2}/current/${backupFileName_db_hetzner2} # STEP 3: BACKUP FILES time nice tar -cjvf ${backupDir_hetzner2}/current/${backupFileName_files_hetzner2} ${vhostDir} # STEP 4: GENERATE STATIC SITE mkdir wget pushd wget time nice wget --recursive --no-clobber --page-requisites --html-extension --convert-links --domains "${vhost_name}" "${vhost_name}" # STEP 5: COPY TO HETZNER3 ssh -p 32415 maltfield@hetzner3 sudo mkdir -p ${backupDir_hetzner3}/{current,old} ssh -p 32415 maltfield@hetzner3 sudo mv ${backupDir_hetzner3}/current/* ${backupDir_hetzner3}/old/ rsync -av --progress --rsync-path="sudo rsync" -e "ssh -p 32415" ${backupDir_hetzner2}/current/* maltfield@hetzner3:${backupDir_hetzner3}/current/ #################### # run on hetzner3 # #################### sudo su - # STEP 0: CREATE BACKUPS # for good measure, trigger a backup of the entire system's database & files: time /bin/nice /root/backups/ &>> /var/log/backups/backup.log # when finished, verify that the whole system backup was successful before proceeding rclone lsl b2:ose-server-backups | grep -i $(date +%Y%m%d) # DECLARE VARIABLES vhost_name='' dbName='fef_db' dbUser="CHANGEME" dbPass="CHANGEME" source /root/backups/backup.settings stamp=`date +%Y%m%d` backupDir_hetzner2="/var/tmp/backups_for_migration_to_hetzner3/${vhost_name}_${stamp}" backupDir_hetzner3="/var/tmp/backups_for_migration_from_hetzner2/${vhost_name}_${stamp}" backupFileName_db_hetzner2="mysqldump_${vhost_name}.${stamp}.sql.bz2" backupFileName_files_hetzner2="${vhost_name}_files.${stamp}.tar.bz2" vhostDir="/var/www/html/${vhost_name}" docrootDir="${vhostDir}/htdocs" # STEP 1: ADD DB # first, get rid of the old vhost dir mv "${vhostDir}" "${backupDir_hetzner3}/${vhost_name}.$(date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")" mkdir -p "${vhostDir}" # put a copy of the db file in the vhost dir (outside docroot) pushd ${backupDir_hetzner3}/current cp ${backupFileName_db_hetzner2} ${vhostDir}/ chown root:root ${vhostDir}/*.sql.bz2 chmod 0400 ${vhostDir}/*.sql.bz2 time nice mysql -uroot -p${mysqlPass} -sNe "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS ${dbName};" # STEP 2: Add vhost files backup to vhost dir (outside docroot) cp ${backupFileName_files_hetzner2} ${vhostDir}/ chown root:root ${vhostDir}/*.tar.bz2 chmod 0400 ${vhostDir}/*.tar.bz2 # STEP 3: Add static html files to docroot time nice rsync -av --progress wget/${vhost_name}/ ${docrootDir}/ # STEP 4: Create README about site deprecation and how to restore it cat << EOF > ${vhostDir}/README.txt In 2024, this website was no longer updated, the code required to render it was broken, and the decision was made to deprecate support for the site. The content is still accessible in as static-content; new content is not possible. For more information, please see: * In 2025, during the backup stage of the change to deprecate this website, a backup of the wordpress webroot directory and database dump were created for upload to long-term backup storage on hetzner3. Because this backup size was manageable small, I put a "hot" copy of this dump in this website's apache vhost dir (but outside the htdocs docroot, of course). -- Michael Altfield <> $(date -u --rfc-3339=seconds) EOF # STEP 5: Add all uploaded files (fix missing from wget) tar -xjvf ${backupFileName_files_hetzner2} rsync -av --progress var/www/html/${vhost_name}/htdocs/wp-content/uploads/ ${vhostDir}/htdocs/wp-content/uploads/ # STEP 6: Fix assets # wget html-encoded question marks in versioned assets, which causes "MIME type mismatch" errors; change it back find ${vhostDir}/htdocs/ -type f -iname '*\.html' -exec sed --in-place=.`date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"` 's/\.js%3F/.js?/' '{}' \; find ${vhostDir}/htdocs/ -type f -iname '*\.html' -exec sed --in-place=.`date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"` 's/\.css%3F/.css?/' '{}' \; # also rename the assets as back to their original filenames js_files=$(find ${vhostDir}/htdocs/ -type f -iname '*\.js\?*') for f in $js_files; do mv $f $(echo $f | sed 's/\.js\?.*/.js/'); done css_files=$(find ${vhostDir}/htdocs/ -type f -iname '*\.css\?*') for f in $css_files; do mv $f $(echo $f | sed 's/\.css\?.*/.css/'); done # SET PERMISSIONS # first pass, whole site chown -R not-apache:www-data "/var/www/html" find "/var/www/html" -type d -exec chmod 0050 {} \; find "/var/www/html" -type f -exec chmod 0040 {} \; ############# # WORDPRESS # ############# wordpress_sites="$(find /var/www/html -type d -wholename *htdocs/wp-content)" for wordpress_site in $wordpress_sites; do wp_docroot="$(dirname "${wordpress_site}")" vhost_dir="$(dirname "${wp_docroot}")" chown -R not-apache:www-data "${vhost_dir}" find "${vhost_dir}" -type d -exec chmod 0050 {} \; find "${vhost_dir}" -type f -exec chmod 0040 {} \; chown not-apache:apache-admins "${vhost_dir}/wp-config.php" chmod 0040 "${vhost_dir}/wp-config.php" [ -d "${wp_docroot}/wp-content/uploads" ] || mkdir "${wp_docroot}/wp-content/uploads" chown -R not-apache:www-data "${wp_docroot}/wp-content/uploads" find "${wp_docroot}/wp-content/uploads" -type f -exec chmod 0660 {} \; find "${wp_docroot}/wp-content/uploads" -type d -exec chmod 0770 {} \; [ -d "${wp_docroot}/wp-content/tmp" ] || mkdir "${wp_docroot}/wp-content/tmp" chown -R not-apache:www-data "${wp_docroot}/wp-content/tmp" find "${wp_docroot}/wp-content/tmp" -type f -exec chmod 0660 {} \; find "${wp_docroot}/wp-content/tmp" -type d -exec chmod 0770 {} \; done ########### # phpList # ########### phplist_sites="$(find /var/www/html -maxdepth 1 -type d -iname *phplist*)" for vhost_dir in $phplist_sites; do for dir in ${vhost_dir}; do chown -R not-apache:www-data "${dir}"; done for dir in ${vhost_dir}; do find "${dir}" -type d -exec chmod 0050 {} \;; done for dir in ${vhost_dir}; do find "${dir}" -type f -exec chmod 0040 {} \;; done for dir in ${vhost_dir}; do [ -d "${dir}/public_html/uploadimages" ] || mkdir "${dir}/public_html/uploadimages"; done for dir in ${vhost_dir}; do chown -R not-apache:www-data "${dir}/public_html/uploadimages"; done for dir in ${vhost_dir}; do find "${dir}/public_html/uploadimages" -type f -exec chmod 0660 {} \;; done for dir in ${vhost_dir}; do find "${dir}/public_html/uploadimages" -type d -exec chmod 0770 {} \;; done done ############# # MediaWiki # ############# vhost_dir="/var/www/html/" mw_docroot="${vhost_dir}/htdocs" chown -R not-apache:www-data "${vhost_dir}" find "${vhost_dir}" -type d -exec chmod 0050 {} \; find "${vhost_dir}" -type f -exec chmod 0040 {} \; chown not-apache:apache-admins "${vhost_dir}/LocalSettings.php" chmod 0040 "${vhost_dir}/LocalSettings.php" [ -d "${mw_docroot}/images" ] || mkdir "${mw_docroot}/images" chown -R www-data:www-data "${mw_docroot}/images" find "${mw_docroot}/images" -type f -exec chmod 0660 {} \; find "${mw_docroot}/images" -type d -exec chmod 0770 {} \; [ -d "${vhost_dir}/cache" ] || mkdir "${vhost_dir}/cache" chown -R www-data:www-data "${vhost_dir}/cache" find "${vhost_dir}/cache" -type f -exec chmod 0660 {} \; find "${vhost_dir}/cache" -type d -exec chmod 0770 {} \;
Validation Steps
- TODO: copy from previous CHGs
Revert Steps
See Also
- CHG-2018-02-05_migrate_osemain_to_hetzner2 Last wordpress migration from hetzner1 to hetzner2
- CHG-2024-07-26 yum update Last (possible) update to hetzner2
- List of other CHG "tickets"
- CHG-2018-02-04_deprecate_vanilla_forums