CHG-2025-XX-XX migrate wiki to hetzner3
2024-12-29 11:06 UTC
Initial Ticket draft created on wiki (WIP)
Change Info
Scheduled Time
This change will take place on 2025-??-?? ??:00 UTC
- = 2025-??-?? ??:00 Kansas City, US
- = 2025-??-?? ??:00 Guayaquil, EC
This change does the following for
- entirely migrate the OSE MediaWiki site from hetzner2 (EOL CentOS7) to hetzner3 (Debian 12)
- changes site from apache v2.4.6 to v2.4.62
- changes site from varnish v4.0.5 to v7.1.1
- changes site from nginx v1.20.1 to v1.22.1
- changes site from php v5.6 to v8.2.26
- changes site from using mod_php to php-fpm
- changes site from mariadb v5.5.68 to v10.11.6
- update ICU from v50.1.2
- update core MediaWiki from v1.30.0 to v1.43.0
- update "Cologne Blue" skin from unknown version to 9134d2e
- update "Modern" skin from unknown version to 5597681
- update "MonoBook" skin from unknown version to unknown version
- update "Vector" skin from unknown version to v1.0.0
- update "Confirm User Accounts" extension from version 4fe25f7 to bb470fd
- update "Interwiki" extension from version v3.1 20160307 to v3.2
- update "Nuke" extension from version 1.3.0 to unknown version
- update "Replace Text" extension from version v1.2 (4426752) to v1.8
- update "UserMerge" extension from version 1.10.1 (4546537) to v1.10.2 (f9d2664)
- update "CategoryTree" extension from version 850c018 to unknown version
- update "Cite" extension from unknown version to unknown version
- update "ParserFunctions" extension from v1.6.0 to v1.6.1
- update "Widgets" extension from version v1.3.0 (fce5acc) to v1.6.0 (50da5c6)
- update "ConfirmEdit" extension from v1.5.0 to v1.6.0
- install "hCaptcha" extension (unknown version)
- uninstall "reCaptcha" extension
- changes ConfirmAccount CAPTCHA from SimpleCaptcha (trivial math) to hCaptcha
- update "Gadgets" extension from unknown version to unknown version
- update "OATHAuth" extension from version v0.2.2 (bed2e4b) to v0.5.0
Points of Contact
Change being performed by: Michael Altfield
Service owners: Marcin Jakubowski
Time Length
This whole process is expected to take 6-24 hours.
Some systems could be impacted for days, if issues are encountered.
Systems Impacted
This change impacts both hetzner2 and hetzner3. It's possible that we'll need to restart one or both of these servers during this migration, which could affect the availability of all OSE & OBI websites.
Staging Test
Change Steps
# TODO: actually verify these commands #################### # run on hetzner2 # #################### sudo su - # DECLARE VARIABLES vhost_name='' dbName='osewiki_db' dbUser="CHANGEME" dbPass="CHANGEME" source /root/backups/backup.settings stamp=`date +%Y%m%d` backupDir_hetzner2="/var/tmp/backups_for_migration_to_hetzner2/${vhost_name}_${stamp}" backupDir_hetzner3="/var/tmp/backups_for_migration_from_hetzner2/${vhost_name}_${stamp}" backupFileName_db_hetzner2="mysqldump_${vhost_name}.${stamp}.sql.bz2" backupFileName_files_hetzner2="${vhost_name}_files.${stamp}.tar.gz" vhostDir="/var/www/html/${vhost_name}" # STEP 2: BACKUP DB mkdir -p ${backupDir_hetzner2}/{current,old} pushd ${backupDir_hetzner2}/current/ mv ${backupDir_hetzner2}/current/* ${backupDir_hetzner2}/old/ time nice mysqldump -u"${dbUser}" -p"${dbPass}" ${dbName} | bzip2 -c > ${backupDir_hetzner2}/current/${backupFileName_db_hetzner2} # STEP 3: BACKUP FILES time nice tar -czvf ${backupDir_hetzner2}/current/${backupFileName_files_hetzner2} ${vhostDir} # STEP 4: COPY TO HETZNER3 ssh -p 32415 maltfield@hetzner3 sudo mkdir -p ${backupDir_hetzner3}/{current,old} ssh -p 32415 maltfield@hetzner3 sudo mv ${backupDir_hetzner3}/current/* ${backupDir_hetzner3}/old/ rsync -av --progress --rsync-path="sudo rsync" -e "ssh -p 32415" ${backupDir_hetzner2}/current/* maltfield@hetzner3:${backupDir_hetzner3}/current/ #################### # run on hetzner3 # #################### sudo su - # DECLARE VARIABLES vhost_name='' dbName='osewiki_db' dbUser="CHANGEME" dbPass="CHANGEME" source /root/backups/backup.settings stamp=`date +%Y%m%d` wgCaptchaSecret=$(cat /dev/random | strings | grep -oE '[A-Za-z0-9]' | perl -p -e 's/\n//g' | head -c 64) backupDir_hetzner2="/var/tmp/backups_for_migration_to_hetzner3/${vhost_name}_${stamp}" backupDir_hetzner3="/var/tmp/backups_for_migration_from_hetzner2/${vhost_name}_${stamp}" backupFileName_db_hetzner2="mysqldump_${vhost_name}.${stamp}.sql.bz2" backupFileName_files_hetzner2="${vhost_name}_files.${stamp}.tar.gz" vhostDir="/var/www/html/${vhost_name}" docrootDir="${vhostDir}/htdocs" chg_dir="/var/tmp/CHG_${stamp}_wiki_1.30-to-1.35" mkdir -p ${chg_dir}/{pre,post} # STEP 1: ADD DB # create backup before we start changing the sql file pushd ${backupDir_hetzner3}/current cp ${backupFileName_db_hetzner2} ${backupFileName_db_hetzner2}.orig # extract .sql.bz2 -> .sql time nice bzip2 -dc ${backupFileName_db_hetzner2} > db.sql time nice mysql -uroot -p${mysqlPass} -sNe "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS ${dbName};" time nice mysql -uroot -p${mysqlPass} -sNe "CREATE DATABASE ${dbName}; USE ${dbName};" time nice mysql ${dbName} -uroot -p${mysqlPass} < "db.sql" time nice mysql -uroot -p${mysqlPass} -sNe "GRANT ALL ON ${dbName}.* TO '${dbUser}'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '${dbPass}'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" # STEP 2: Add vhost files mv "${vhostDir}" "${chg_dir}/pre/${vhost_name}.$(date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")" tar -xzvf ${backupFileName_files_hetzner2} mkdir -p ${vhostDir} rsync -av --progress /var/tmp/mediawiki/mediawiki-1.35.0/ ${docrootDir}/ rsync -av --progress var/www/html/ ${vhostDir}/ rsync -av --progress var/www/html/ ${docrootDir}/ rsync -av --progress var/www/html/ ${docrootDir}/ # backup LocalSettings.php cp ${vhostDir}/LocalSettings.php ${vhostDir}/LocalSettings.$(date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S").php # fix $wgNamespacesWithSubpages sed -i 's%^\(\s*\)[^#]*$wgNamespacesWithSubpages\(.*\)%\1#$wgNamespacesWithSubpages\2%' ${vhostDir}/LocalSettings.php grep '$wgNamespacesWithSubpages = \[' ${vhostDir}/LocalSettings.php || sed -i 's%^\(\s*\)#$wgNamespacesWithSubpages\[NS_IMAGE\]\(.*\)%\1#$wgNamespacesWithSubpages\[NS_IMAGE\]\2\n$wgNamespacesWithSubpages = [\n NS_MAIN => true,\n NS_TEMPLATE => true,\n NS_CATEGORY => true,\n NS_MEDIA => true,\n# NS_IMAGE => true,\n];%' ${vhostDir}/LocalSettings.php # deprecate require_once() for extensions (use wfLoadExtension() after upgrades instead) # * sed -i 's%^\(\s*\)[^#]*require_once\(.*\)/extensions/\(.*\)%\1#require_once\2/extensions/\3%' ${vhostDir}/LocalSettings.php # deprecate require_once() for skins (use wfLoadSkin() after upgrades instead) # * sed -i 's%^\(\s*\)[^#]*require_once\(.*\)/skins/\(.*\)%\1#require_once\2/skins/\3%' ${vhostDir}/LocalSettings.php # remove require_once() for DefaultSettings.php, which was deprecated in v1.39 # * sed -i 's%^\(\s*\)[^#]*require_once\(.*\)/DefaultSettings.php\(.*\)%\1#require_once\2/DefaultSettings.php\3%' ${vhostDir}/LocalSettings.php # add $wgExtensionDirectory (defaults to null in MediaWiki >= v1.37) # *$wgExtensionDirectory grep '$wgExtensionDirectory' ${vhostDir}/LocalSettings.php || perl -0777 -pi -e 's/# EXTENSIONS #\n##############/# EXTENSIONS #\n##############\n\$wgExtensionDirectory = "\$IP\/extensions";/igs' ${vhostDir}/LocalSettings.php # don't yet load UserMerge (until after upgrades) sed -i 's%^\(\s*\)[^#]*wfLoadExtension\(.*\)UserMerge\(.*\)%\1#wfLoadExtension\2UserMerge\3%' ${vhostDir}/LocalSettings.php # don't yet load Renameuser (until after upgrades) sed -i 's%^\(\s*\)[^#]*wfLoadExtension\(.*\)Renameuser\(.*\)%\1#wfLoadExtension\2Renameuser\3%' ${vhostDir}/LocalSettings.php # don't yet load ConfirmEdit (until after upgrades) sed -i 's%^\(\s*\)[^#]*wfLoadExtensions\(.*\)ConfirmEdit\(.*\)%\1#wfLoadExtensions\2ConfirmEdit\3%' ${vhostDir}/LocalSettings.php # uncomment wgServer (now defaults to 'false')$wgServer#Default_value sed -i 's%^\(\s*\)#$wgServer\(.*\)%\1$wgServer\2%' ${vhostDir}/LocalSettings.php # fix $wgServer grep '#$wgServer' ${vhostDir}/LocalSettings.php || perl -0777 -pi -e 's%\$wgServer = ""; %#\$wgServer = "";\n\$wgServer = "";\n%igs' ${vhostDir}/LocalSettings.php # fix MediaWiki bugs grep 'ini_set' ${vhostDir}/LocalSettings.php || sed -i 's%^<?php%<?php\n# fix mediawiki bugs\n# *\nif( ! function_exists("ini_set") ){\n\tfunction ini_set(){\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n}\nif( ! function_exists("putenv") ){\n\tfunction putenv(){\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n}\nif( ! function_exists("php_uname") ){\n\tfunction php_uname(){\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n}\nif( ! function_exists("set_time_limit") ){\n\tfunction set_time_limit(){\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n}\nif( ! function_exists("chmod") ){\n\tfunction chmod(){\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n}\n%' ${vhostDir}/LocalSettings.php # FIX PERMISSIONS time /usr/local/bin/ # UPGRADE MEDIAWIKI TO v1.35.0 time nice sudo -u www-data php "${docrootDir}/maintenance/update.php" &> ${chg_dir}/update-to-v1.35.log time nice sudo -u www-data php "${docrootDir}/maintenance/populateContentTables.php" &> ${chg_dir}/populateContentTables-to-v1.35.log time nice sudo -u www-data php "${docrootDir}/maintenance/update.php" &> ${chg_dir}/update-to-v1.35b.log # clear varnish cache (before verify step below) varnishadm 'ban ~ ""' # verify by loading: # # * # # make sure the MediaWiki version specified is v1.35.0 # UPGRADE MEDIAWIKI TO v1.43.0 chg_dir="/var/tmp/CHG_${stamp}_wiki_1.35-to-1.43" mkdir -p ${chg_dir}/{pre,post} # Add vhost files vhost_backup_path="${chg_dir}/pre/${vhost_name}.${stamp}" mv "${vhostDir}" "${vhost_backup_path}" mkdir -p ${vhostDir} rsync -av --progress /var/tmp/mediawiki/mediawiki-1.43.0/ ${docrootDir}/ rsync -av --progress ${vhost_backup_path}/LocalSettings.php* ${vhostDir}/ rsync -av --progress ${vhost_backup_path}/htdocs/LocalSettings.php ${docrootDir}/ rsync -av --progress ${vhost_backup_path}/htdocs/images ${docrootDir}/ # backup LocalSettings.php cp ${vhostDir}/LocalSettings.php ${vhostDir}/LocalSettings.$(date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S").php # TODO: idempotent commands to update LocalSettings.php # fix OATHAuth extension failure that breaks upgrade (Error 1146: Table "wiki_oathauth_types" doesn't exist) # * cat $docrootDir/extensions/OATHAuth/sql/sqlite/tables-generated.sql | sed 's/AUTOINCREMENT/AUTO_INCREMENT/g' | sed 's%/\*_\*/%wiki_%g' | mysql -u $dbUser -p${dbPass} $dbName # FIX PERMISSIONS time /usr/local/bin/ # RUN UPGRADE time nice sudo -u www-data php "${docrootDir}/maintenance/run.php" "${docrootDir}/maintenance/update.php" &> ${chg_dir}/update-to-v1.43.log # clear varnish cache (before verify step below) varnishadm 'ban ~ ""' # verify by loading: # # * # # make sure the MediaWiki version speciried is v1.43.0 # UPDATE SKINS rsync -av --progress /var/tmp/mediawiki/themes/CologneBlue ${docrootDir}/skins/ rsync -av --progress /var/tmp/mediawiki/themes/Modern ${docrootDir}/skins/ # UPDATE EXTENSIONS extensions="ConfirmAccount UserMerge Widgets" for extension in ${extensions}; do extension_path="${docrootDir}/extensions/${extension}" source_path="/var/tmp/mediawiki/extensions/${extension}" if [ -d "${source_path}" ]; then echo "${extension}" rsync -a ${source_path}/ "${extension_path}/" fi done # add skins (with wfLoadSkin() instead of require_once) grep 'wfSkinLoad' ${vhostDir}/LocalSettings.php || perl -0777 -pi -e "s/$wgDefaultSkin = 'Vector';/\$wgDefaultSkin = 'Vector';\n\nwfLoadSkin( 'CologneBlue' );\nwfLoadSkin( 'Modern' );\nwfLoadSkin( 'MonoBook' );\nwfLoadSkin( 'Vector' );/igs" ${vhostDir}/LocalSettings.php # re-enable CategoryTree extension grep 'wfLoadExtension.*CategoryTree' ${vhostDir}/LocalSettings.php || perl -0777 -pi -e 's%#require_once\("{\$IP}/extensions/CategoryTree/CategoryTree.php"\);%#require_once("{$IP}/extensions/CategoryTree/CategoryTree.php");\n\nwfLoadExtension( "CategoryTree" );\n%igs' ${vhostDir}/LocalSettings.php # re-enable ConfirmEdit and switch to FancyCaption grep 'FancyCaptcha' ${vhostDir}/LocalSettings.php || perl -0777 -pi -e "s%\\\$wgCaptchaClass = 'SimpleCaptcha';%\#\\\$wgCaptchaClass = 'SimpleCaptcha';\n\nwfLoadExtensions([ 'ConfirmEdit', 'ConfirmEdit/FancyCaptcha' ]);\n\\\$wgCaptchaDirectory = '/var/www/html/';\n\\\$wgCaptchaSecret = '$wgCaptchaSecret';\n%igs" ${vhostDir}/LocalSettings.php # update cron script to use new secret cp /usr/local/bin/ /usr/local/bin/$(date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") sed -ie "s%CAPTCHA_SECRET='\([^']*\)'%\CAPTCHA_SECRET='$wgCaptchaSecret'%" /usr/local/bin/ # re-enable ConfirmAccount extension grep 'wfLoadExtension.*ConfirmAccount' ${vhostDir}/LocalSettings.php || perl -0777 -pi -e 's%#require_once "\$IP/extensions/ConfirmAccount/ConfirmAccount.php";%#require_once "$IP/extensions/ConfirmAccount/ConfirmAccount.php";\n\nwfLoadExtension( "ConfirmAccount" );\n%igs' ${vhostDir}/LocalSettings.php # re-enable UserMerge extension sed -i 's%^\(\s*\)#wfLoadExtension\(.*\)UserMerge\(.*\)%\1wfLoadExtension\2UserMerge\3%' ${vhostDir}/LocalSettings.php # re-enable Widgets extension grep 'wfLoadExtension.*Widgets' ${vhostDir}/LocalSettings.php || perl -0777 -pi -e 's%#require_once\("\$IP/extensions/Widgets/Widgets.php"\);%#require_once("$IP/extensions/Widgets/Widgets.php");\n\nwfLoadExtension( "Widgets" );\n%igs' ${vhostDir}/LocalSettings.php # re-enable ParserFunctions extension grep 'wfLoadExtension.*ParserFunctions' ${vhostDir}/LocalSettings.php || perl -0777 -pi -e 's%#require_once\( "\$IP/extensions/ParserFunctions/ParserFunctions.php" \);%#require_once( "$IP/extensions/ParserFunctions/ParserFunctions.php" );\n\nwfLoadExtension( "ParserFunctions" );\n%igs' ${vhostDir}/LocalSettings.php # remove deprecated password policy and add new$wgPasswordPolicy grep 'PasswordNotInCommonList' ${vhostDir}/LocalSettings.php || perl -0777 -pi -e "s%\\\$wgPasswordPolicy\['policies'\]\['default'\]\['PasswordCannotBePopular'\] = PHP_INT_MAX;\n\\\$wgPasswordPolicy\['policies'\]\['default'\]\['PasswordCannotMatchUsername'\] = true;%#\\\$wgPasswordPolicy['policies']['default']['PasswordCannotBePopular'] = PHP_INT_MAX;\n#\\\$wgPasswordPolicy['policies']['default']['PasswordCannotMatchUsername'] = true;\n\\\$wgPasswordPolicy['policies']['default']['PasswordNotInCommonList'] = true;\n\\\$wgPasswordPolicy['policies']['default']['PasswordCannotBeSubstringInUsername'] = true;%igs" ${vhostDir}/LocalSettings.php # configure OATH (2FA) requirements grep 'wgOATHAuthWindowRadius' ${vhostDir}/LocalSettings.php || perl -0777 -pi -e "s%wfLoadExtension\( 'OATHAuth' \);%wfLoadExtension( 'OATHAuth' );\n\n# Relaxed mode with +/- 4 minutes time drift tolerance. This is important or users will complain and/or disable 2FA entirely\n# The security consequences are small. The usability benefits are huge.\n\\\$wgOATHAuthWindowRadius = 8;\n\n# make admins require 2FA\n\\\$wgOATHRequiredForGroups = ['sysop', 'interface-admin', 'bureaucrat', 'suppress', 'widgeteditor' ];\n\n# make 'powerful' rights require 2FA\n\\\$wgOATHExclusiveRights = [ 'apihighlimits', 'applychangetags', 'autoconfirmed', 'autopatrol', 'bigdelete', 'block', 'blockemail', 'bot', 'changetags', 'createaccount', 'createtalk', 'delete', 'deletechangetags', 'deletedhistory', 'deletedtext', 'deletelogentry', 'deleterevision', 'editcontentmodel', 'editinterface', 'editprotected', 'editsemiprotected', 'editsitecss', 'editsitejs', 'editsitejson', 'editusercss', 'edituserjs', 'edituserjson', 'hideuser', 'import', 'importupload', 'ipblock-exempt', 'managechangetags', 'markbotedits', 'mergehistory', 'move-categorypages', 'move-rootuserpages', 'move-subpages', 'nominornewtalk', 'noratelimit', 'patrol', 'protect', 'renameuser', 'reupload-shared', 'sendemail', 'suppressionlog', 'suppressredirect', 'suppressrevision', 'unblockself', 'unwatchedpages', 'userrights', ];\n\n# full list for reference (taken from htdocs/includes/MainConfigSchema.php)\n#\\\$wgOATHExclusiveRights = [ 'apihighlimits', 'applychangetags', 'autoconfirmed', 'autopatrol', 'bigdelete', 'block', 'blockemail', 'bot', 'browsearchive', 'changetags', 'createaccount', 'createpage', 'createtalk', 'delete', 'deletechangetags', 'deletedhistory', 'deletedtext', 'deletelogentry', 'deleterevision', 'edit', 'editcontentmodel', 'editinterface', 'editmyoptions', 'editmyprivateinfo', 'editmyusercss', 'editmyuserjs', 'editmyuserjson', 'editmyuserjsredirect', 'editmywatchlist', 'editprotected', 'editsemiprotected', 'editsitecss', 'editsitejs', 'editsitejson', 'editusercss', 'edituserjs', 'edituserjson', 'hideuser', 'import', 'importupload', 'ipblock-exempt', 'managechangetags', 'markbotedits', 'mergehistory', 'minoredit', 'move', 'move-categorypages', 'movefile', 'move-rootuserpages', 'move-subpages', 'nominornewtalk', 'noratelimit', 'patrol', 'protect', 'read', 'renameuser', 'reupload', 'reupload-shared', 'rollback', 'sendemail', 'suppressionlog', 'suppressredirect', 'suppressrevision', 'unblockself', 'undelete', 'unwatchedpages', 'upload', 'userrights', 'viewmyprivateinfo', 'viewmywatchlist', 'viewsuppressed' ];\n%igs" ${vhostDir}/LocalSettings.php # FIX PERMISSIONS time /usr/local/bin/ # clear varnish cache again varnishadm 'ban ~ ""' # log into the new MediaWiki site, and update settings: # Create a new account (Called 'CatarinaAdmin') and add it to sysop group # Remove the following accounts from the sysop group ## Audrey Rampone ## Elifarley ## Hart ## Will # TODO: Enforce 2FA for all admin accounts
TODO: Update DNS to point to hetzner3
- wait until DNS changes to hetzner3
while true; do date; dig; sleep 10; echo; done
Validation Steps
- TODO: copy from previous CHGs
Revert Steps
See Also
- CHG-2018-02-05_migrate_osemain_to_hetzner2 Last wordpress migration from hetzner1 to hetzner2
- CHG-2024-07-26 yum update Last (possible) update to hetzner2
- List of other CHG "tickets"