Critial Paths 2013-2019

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See further April 2019 detail at 3D_Printer_Critical_Path


Development Narrative

Late 2018: But before Christmas - see Revenue_Projections_2019.

Early 2018: The core of 2018 development is the Level 1 of the Microfactory: 3D printer, cnc circuit mill, laser cutter, 3D scanner, and filament maker - the realease of an entry level microfactory prior to heavier builds. The relevance is quadruple: (1) substance of the 1 month immersion program for September where we teach OSE Fellows to run OSE workshops, (2) rapid prototyping in Extreme Design Jams, (3) production of many consumer products for the Open Source Everything Store, and (4) for starting production of materials by recycling waste plastic using the filament maker. Further, the Level 1 Microfactory fits on one's desktop, and can connect to networked production when the 3D printers and other machines are controlled online. 3D printing-on-demand is common - and adding circuit milling for small batches of circuits can be a practical route to on-demand rapid prototyping. Pedagogically - the value lies in product design, rapid prototyping, reverse engineering, and community-based digital manufacturing, which can be inserted into STEM, STEAM, and STREAM curricula. Production-wise, the Open Source Everything Store has the potential to become a powerful force of open source, distributed product development and manufacturing. OSE product development-wise, the Extreme Design Jams can combine Extreme Manufacturing workshops with prototyping/design using the Microfactory I tools. Incentive prizes and coopetitions can create purpose-based involvement of school kids which can transform competitions such as FIRST or VEX into direct economic productivity via practical product development of prosumer goods. Operations-wise - OSE Fellows aim to address the need for regular Extreme Manufacturing and training workshops - and the need for ongoing Extreme Design Jams for community building in real life - in addition to the virtual development of the OSE Development Team.

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December 2018: Main outcomes of year are the first ever immersion program for OSE Fellows was run, with mixed results. 3 people completed the 5 week program out of an initial 7. As of early December, none are yet certified to run workshops, so scaling OSE efforts must be reevaluated. In the immediate term, we pivoted to kits and professional-grade quality assurance procedures as a way to guarantee a high level of product quality. The goal is to enter new markets related to industrial productivity on a small scale, and open source product development based on such industrial productivity. Signups for Immersion exceeded expectations, but completion of the program needs work. Excellent learnings on the difficulty of knowledge transfer regarding the 3D printer, in that for inexperienced builders - the time required to train from 0 is significant. We could not produce adequate results in 2 months from the Immersion, so we could not keep full time engagement of 2 new people beyond 2 months. Learnings are that startup hours (60-80 hours/week) may become a required expectation for success of new people in the initial stages (3 months after program completion). But the biggest learning is that the curriculum must be strict and refined - and not experimental. The work is too complex to allow an experimental aspect during training. We cannot afford for development work - only teaching of proven and documented content. This means that we can not run the next program until the content is complete. This include proven quality control procedures, documentation for trainers (not just builders), and a proven revenue model into which people can be inserted based on predictable markets. This year, we did not meet our revenue goals of $100k per year, but intend to make up for this next year, with projected revenue at least $200k for 2019.

Outstanding items from 2018 include the HeroX challenge, which is planned for release in the first quarter of 2019. Second - multiple workshops and design jams are postponed until we hire more staff. The Cordless Drill Coopetition is now planned for April 27, 2019 - see LIA OSE Club


March Iteration


Missing: book, second greenhouse workshop, swag, Building Book Coffee Table Book, Crowd Design of House HeroX. Year budget. CEB controller for Utah. Soil conditioner.

January Iteration


Notes - 5 months left till August:

  • Filament Maker - convert it to a DPV during August. 2 weeks. Paid $600 for the 2 weeks. Business development. 2 weeks off site. Joins dev team. Lyman Filament Extruder Business Model.
  • Shane - workshop in August. Yes. 12 participants goal.
  • Tom - solar power cube workshop in August?
  • Tractor Automation - Matt Droter?
  • Josh - MicroTrac + improved loader


Dev Team



See more detailed version of this at [1]


3D Printer


OSE Innobay


Review: workshop moved to 2018.

CNC Torch Table





September Review


3D Printer First Workshop Critical Path 2016

From D3D_Product_Strategy -

Preparation for Event Announcement for First Replicable 3D Print Event:


Marcin Critical Path


Open Building Institute

Distributive 3D Printer Critical Path - 1/2 Year



Analysis: 5 of 10 machine milestones were reached through the Workshop model, which provided revenue sufficient to cover materials in the Aquaponics case, and 1/4-1/2 of material costs in the machine builds. Leadership seminars did not bring forth development leadership for CNC Torch table, tractor, or backhoe.



Analysis: We had 24 students over the entire summer for the Summer of Extreme Design/Build. The Summer School of 2014 turned out to be difficult to manage in terms of the number of projects that could be accomplished meaningfully at the same time. The main projects were the CEB press, Open Source Car, MicroHouse 3, and pool. It turns out that only one major project can be managed well with one instructor when a team of students is involved. The main learnings are that without open source product research and development experience, without a stable development pathway/protocol for carrying out such development, and without a micro-detailed Rollout Plan - only so much could be done before students start disengaging from OSE's critical path.

The main single outcome, if one could be named, was getting to about 90% completion on the CEB Press Build Instructions - which are now extremely detailed, and need to be taken to completion.

The main organizational learning is that effective management can happen with more focused development than a summer school, which has informed OSE's direction of focusing on a dedicated Residency Program for Distributive Enterprise, and working with Master's Students or other dedicated development pathways. The shift is towards the final level of Enterprise Development based on products that are nearly complete - in order to shift to financial sustainability of the R&D program, as opposed to pre-enterprise R&D.

Early 2014- 3D Printer Workshop


Analysis: 3D printer. Workshop occurred successfully in terms of attendance (12 people, others had to be turned away). Little documentation of process was left behind, and a discontinued kit was used (Kit TAZ). This branch of development died.


