Global Problemsolving Method

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Global problemsolving revolves around 4 simple things to do. The OSE solution does not come from OSE, it is just a set of global obvious tasks based on material security with implications towards a democratic society. To get there, we plan to create a large number of Campus entities worldwide (100k) to work collaboratively on material security and the redesign of infrastructures and institutions of civilization. Communication channels distill and contribute to identifying Pressing World Issues. These are laid so the work is cut out for us. The key difference between the OSE effort and others is that we aim for agency, not talk - based on universally-accepted principles of goodness, thus being less politicised or special-interest. To create democracy, we need to educate people, create instititions, and distribute character-based leadership. In such a model, people are called out for real work, not for special interests. This can lead to agency, purpose, prosperity. We work from an integrated, complex systems perspective to unleash raw power of prosperity, liberty, and justice.

The budget for solving any real issue should be on the billion scale. In the OSE model, $50M is allocated for the original GVCS proper. From there, changing infrastructures and institutions should start in a good footing at the $50B budget mark. In the OSE Framework, the Core Enterprise Model at the million dollar scale, augmented to the $10M scale at the Campus level small-to-medium enterprise consisting of a modular cluster (about 10) of the core enterprises. Once a stable facility grows to 240, the operation can be the substance of a small city and fundamental unit of coherence that can transform the surrounding countryside. The 2400 scale, which can be the outgrowth of the 240 member 'village' - gets us to the $100M scale. According to Farm Yields Per Acre, Solar Concrete and Solar Steel get us to the $1M/acre scale, such that a square mile could sustain a $1B/year operation. Such an operation is at the medium technology level, which does not enter yet upon semiconductor-based information technology nor aerospace, which require higher technological precision. The 'farm type' operation, minus the space age components, is fairly straightforward to execute technology-wise. In summary, aone square mile core is at a $1B production level scale.

Compare to DeKalb County, MO, total earnings of $100M, 400 square miles, population of 10k [1]. With about 2% property tax rate, county budget is $2M? About right, documents say $3M [2]. In this case, the OSE value add would be 4000x (1 square mile, similar population, 10x revenue from that mile).

Meta How To

Learn connections between everything, by learning everything about the state of the world, technology, history, and democracy relevant to modern prosperity. Once this is attained, cross subsidize tranformative work with material-security based production. Once financial indepenedence and prosperity is achieved within the subgroup, disseminate widely to the rest of the world

Action Research Problemsolving

Action research is a known concept [3]. 'action research' exists even in law, medicine, and economics. Traction is limited, as the overall global system of liberal democracy sustains a threat from authoritarianism.

We can build upon the method and include it as the core aspect of our pedagogy: instead of going to school, we go to school to solve problems collaboratively with stakeholders in all sectors for all problems. We can also provide traction by cross-subsidizing for long-term duration and scalability. We use the OSE Iron Triangle to get there.

Thus, add

  • Cohort swarming collaboration
  • Cross-subsidization
  • Fundamental approach of looking at root causes and solving with long-termism

Industry Transformation

This is a program where an OSE entrepreneur learns a professional skill with the explicit intent of running a transformative enterprise based on that topic area, while not necessarily functioning as the actual agent of that expertise but more a Deep Entrepreneur in that field.

Prerequisites are management level skill in The Core Enterprise Model

  1. pay 30 to 50% of another graduate students program such as in law medicine engineer or other topics and basically shadow them with learning of all that they learn. Because this is not a full program, it is expected that it will take only about 50% effort to gain a solid basis of experience in a given topic. For example, the shadow person can do some of the assignments for the full-time students. This is set up in a collaborative fashion such that one it is legal and two it helps the student and three It open sources an industry
  2. this begins with the shadow student meeting some of the prerequisites of a given program and seeking various creative ways to gain the same experience while not being formally in the program
  3. This is basically a shadowing, partnership, hacking kind of experience which can indeed produce better results because it can be free of hazing
  4. As a result start an enterprise been that area of endeavor not as the agent but as the agency that employs agents from that field.
  5. The goal is to never become indoctrinated into a given area and to gain a capacity to perform creatively in an enterprise in that area in an open sector environment dedicated specifically towards the transformation of that industry
  6. this program can be cross subsidized, and can produce the long-term effort that is required for industry transformation
  7. this is like combining any professional program with a degree in Enterprise such that the outcome is the ability to function in that enterprise as an outsider boundary player
  8. The goal of participating deeply in the area of expertise or agency is required so that the entrepreneur has sufficient awareness and insight that makes transformation possible. IE one cannot only superficially study the area, but engage in it in a much more profound way including the capacity to do some of the professional work required in that trade. Ideally those professional capacity is full, this can happen in the fields like architecture engineering and law, but maybe more difficult and hands-on topics such as medicine.

Option 1

  1. Analysis of Industry, Infrastructure, Architecture, Systems Standards. Who - what countries, groups, or individuals (alive and dead later through books and documents) are the best at it?
  2. Cultivate Wiki Collaborative Literacy with investigative journalism
  3. Systems-integrate and fill in missing links by open-sourcing technical details necessary for execution
  4. Build a team, with Stewardship Contract, Advisor Contract, Funder Contract, etc.
  5. Cross subsidize via robust earned revenue and some scalable charitable funding.
  6. Use above resources to fund scalable Open Sector Enterprise to solve the issue
  7. Execute solutions for democracy, freedom, justice, prosperity. Opportunity is included in a label playing field scored by justice

Other Notes

  • Expertise - Twitter
  • Forum - builds from Community Member, to Developer, Leader, Master, open source Ecologist, and on to ? Community. Even community requires commit to values and background reading, perhaps a quiz. - must perform to stay. Must get a score, if not- gets ousted. Contributor. Buy in literally, get a sticker (auto fulfill).Etc for swag. Contributors are cash, knowhow, design. Across all sectors. Must publish openly, no attribution required. No attribution allows for true giving? Explore this. Developer - wiki access, passes the wiki test. We set higher standards here for global Collab, settings ng bar higher for unpaid work. Leader - takes on leadership within mission of Solving pressing World Issues. Master, Extreme, Integrator etc - learned Art of Possibility. Interdisciplinarian. One who has learned Collaborative Literacy and can apply it to Swarm Builds. Open Source Ecologist - movement entrepreneur capable of starting new countries or Network States. Can design, build, calculate, operate at the Production Levels below.
  • Funding - large scalable biz such as SEH
  • OSE campus seed after Wiki selection process. Follows Network State concept.
  • People are educated to Worldsaver as the norm job, getting the world rid of evil.
  • Production Levels Required - a movement entrepreneur runs parallel branches under OSE certification for collaboration and openness according to the principles of Distributed Market Substitution. Runs at least 1000 acres of production to solve pressing world issues (wields 10% energy or 50 MW solar input (50,000 kg steel per hour). 50 ton per hour or 5000 ton in 100 hours (16 days). Only need about 1000 tons (20 tanks, 50 TEU containers) or 20 hr of production, so that over a weekend we can prepare remedies for war as needed. Need continuous bulk casting - not die-based but poured into bulk forms.


From Elder Peterson - This recent article suggests that people whose homes burned in wildfires are rebuilding with compressed earth brick. They might be a new market, either as a resource to contractors or to DIY builders. [4]

Response: We are just getting started and the future brings in hybrid CEB-stick using non-cured block to allow for speed of Seed Eco-Home, much higher strength than stick, and fiberglass batts in the framing, u-trusses of OSB such as in the Universal Construction Set, and likely drywall due to its finish quality. Exterior could be vinyl or any standard material. PV is standard, with flat living roof. All innovative as industry standards would cost several times more. Then add heat storage with water in totes for full off grid with ample PV. Then we solve energy, with a hydrogen filling station in every home, at the cost of extra PV. How wonderful is that?.

TLDR: definitely CEB-stick hybrids, where stick gets you the alignment, and CEB gets you structure. with redundancy so either stick or brick alone is structural code compliant. It gets better by the minute, hence the need for open innovation.

Apprenticeship announcement soon. Please repost on FB Workshops if you like, linking to your nice article.

There is definitely going to be a market for eco CEB bug-out huts. Everyone is too scared.

More Notes: Dear Marcin,

I haven't followed this recently and only stumbled over the article I forwarded. I don't know anything new about Jim Hallock.

Where I am living now, in South Africa, many structures are built of brick or cinder block, then completely covered with stucco, and frequently repainted. On the outskirts of town are villages or neighborhoods called townships. Many structures are primitive, built of galvanized roofing panels and wood. It is challenging to see how these people might afford any significant improvement to their housing. They pay in advance for electricity which is added to their meter. Often, they run out of power to operate an electric stove or lightbulb. We try to call them on a phone, but they have "run out" of minutes, which they purchase in advance. When we suggest they download information, the storage available on their phone is insufficient. They do not have internet. Kitchen sinks drain outside on the ground.

Unemployment for 18-25 approaches 60%. People are sweeping gutters and sidewalks. Teams use string trimmers to clear grasslands. Individuals sort through trash to separate various bottles and types of plastic which they carry in huge bundles and sell to recycle.

In contrast, we see miles of fertile vineyards, olive and apricot orchards, and other agricultural fields. Food is plentiful and reasonably priced in malls and large, modern, grocery chain stores. BMW, and Mercedes as well as late model VW, Nisson & Honda are on modern, local highways.

Without commenting on personalities or issues, it is unconscionable that $1 bn will be spent in media, print, and TV advertising.

There are so many opportunities. Thank you for pursuing them.

All the best,

Elder Peterson

MJ response: Thank you for noticing the local conditions. I went to South Africa in 1995 for a 3 month internship at Eskom. I spent my first night in Soweto, with my coworker. The real deal is a Global Problemsolving Method which we are working on, so we can deploy on missions once we have ample staff. The big question is that which i noticed when I arrived to America fresh off the boat from Poland, in 1982. Why are certain countries well off, and others shit? The answer is Institutions. The 2024 Nobel Prize in Econ was awarded for coming up with this answer. So I am wondering if you also thought about this in similar lines. Because the problem is bigger and more costly than going on standard missions. It needs to call out for a much bigger solution, in terms of defining problemsolving on the institutional scale. You can contribute to the wiki etc by starting to define such propositions, including simple steps to get there. Such as: "The locals live in shit housing. The solution is econ dev. Here is a start. But this start builds to insititutions being created." Etc. That is the style with which we approach our Apprenticeship. We cross subsidize via robust enterprise. We replicate like mad. We build to sizeable cohorts based on 24 person class size. By 4 years, 240 people are working on 1 project. Campuses are built up to the 2400 person scale (may be too large for Maysville, we'll see - but definitely 240 people here). Then we need 100k of these serving 100k population each, worldwide, to span the entire population. In 2 decades we should have a new world.

