Learning How to Learn
(Redirected from LtL)
Executive Summary
Learning How to Learn is a core part of the entry level college-level curriculum for all of OSE's higher learning. The general curriculum of OSE's 4 year college-level program includes, Architectures of Civilization, Learning How to Learn, and Learning How to Be a Human as part of integrated education aimed at cultivating future stewards of the planet. Such stewards are intended to become pillars of a world of abundance, equal opportunity, democracy, and freedom on a more level playing field: a truly collaborative world in an inclusive economy of abundance.
Curriculum Overview
- General Semantics and Forming Accurate Mental Models of Reality across 24 disciplines and sectors of society
- Logic and Logical Fallacies
- Numeracy, literacy, and first principles thinking
- Thinking by analogy, metaphor, or story
- How to establish practices, habits, and routines of lifelong learning. Atomic Habits.
- Learning how to teach
- Learning how to read well
- Learning his to write well
- Learning how to speak well
- How to negotiate win-win
- Visual Communication. By hand, computer, and AI. Icons, graphics, diagrams and other visual information and how to create it by hand or digitally. Because a picture is worth a thousand words, this is an important topic for anyone's basic proficiency.
- How to use design tools, calculators, CADs, spreadsheets, tables, etc.
- Multiple intelligences - from moral to emotional to logical
- Multiple literacies: language, computer, collaborative literacy, and 12 others
- Feynman Technique and other tools for cultivating clarity
- Numeracy and Probability - gaining rapid quantitative underestanding
- Physical Numeracy - understanding the physical phenomena, scales, and orders of magnitude
- Rapid Learning Techniques in General
- Mnemonic Habits
- Integrated Problem solving
- Recognizing Wisdom vs Bullshit - how to determine soundness of key mental models across all diaciplines
- Architectures and Institutions of Civilization
- Seminal World Literature
- How to Learn the Law
- How to Practice Investigative Journalism, Primary research, Meta-analysis, how to find public records, and other inquiry
- How to study industry standards and prior art
- Human possibility in character, logic, physical, emotional, and spiritual skills. Towards understanding theeaningvofnpeak performance and setting personal goals
- Personal and political transformations
- Scarcity and abundance - key philosophies of civilization from the sawn of history to present
- War and peace
Civilization Design
- Approach to Redesigning Civilation - test driven, comprehensive, modular process designed to implement a comprehensive ecotechnosphere. Scope and 10000m view.
- Rapid learning techniques in Engineering, math, biology, genetics, nanotechnology Economics, Law, Governance, manufacturing, farming, geology and mining, forestry, energy, transportation, aerospace, medicine, landscape design and terraformong, semiconductors, and military, automation, and AI.
- Modular design across 24 sectors and disciplines