Marcin Log - December 2013
Sun Dec 29, 2013
Working on Project Review technique - a critical component of increased development velocity. Rob is beginning organizing the 3D Printer Workshop. Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation.
Sat Dec 21, 2013
Working on Fab Wagon.
Fri Dec 20, 2013
Joined Fab Wagon Google Group. Engineers for a Sustainable World. Rochester Institute of Tech and Nick from Berkeley have - building an EWB around an OSE project. Kevin from RIT - Projects, Deliverables, Accountability. Materials and resources for - Universal Rotor, Strawboard Machinine - for RIT. Jack Lerner - USC Intellectual Property Clinic - clinic takes new students - Aug-Sep is best time - Downtown LA, Andrew Rens.
Sun Dec 15, 2013
Going over New Website 2 by Rob. High level of social media integration. Donate page based on Integrative Medicine Site. Donate there for speaking engagements. Kaggle is a good example of site.
Sat Dec 14, 2013
Doing Site Planning. 2014 Calendar.
Tue Dec 10, 2013
Kit Liability Disclaimer. Go to SupporTED to find a liability lawyer. Secure second brick press client. Finalize electronics - Zach Dwiel? Rob Beddingfield - finish design. CNC cut source with Water Table. Website updrady - dynamic wordpress. Today - 11 AM rough cut of new website. Developing Kit Sales Contract.
Mon Dec 9, 2013
Jody chair of Landscape Design - Design Week - 120 people mostly students, + professors. Pliny Fisk facilitated last week. Focus would be what gets done with Brick Press- site plan. Eleanor - fall time. Russ in BC - serious interest - brick press and tractor workshop. Scott Mader confirmed a brick press order. Just one order. Need to line up a second order. Scott wants to come in January, 2-3 days. Sample Sale Contract. Rob on College Tour. Clean up site. Microcar - event in LA, build car, disassemble car and bring to Museum for a build event. Build in early Feb - $65k easily. Plan and budget. Start research on - Go through school by school - and find entry points for connection. OSE Internships. Reviewing CEB Press 6 - see CEB Press Genealogy.
Sun Dec 8, 2013
Very fruitful trip to Dorn Cox of Farmhack. Collaborating on opensourcing a micro combine, fitting in Microtractor as a base. modular header. Modular sickle bar. Modular thresher. Modular seed cleaner. Opensourcing hay rake, small round baler. Tractor trailer. Pelletizer. Extruder from sunflowers to bioplastic to aluminum with induction heating coils. heat exchanger for steam generation. Slow speed sawmill. Universal seeder from potato to amaranth. Very fruitful. 22 hp 1 Cylinder Diesel. 33hp 1 Cylinder Diesel. 24hp 1 Cylinder Diesel.
Mon Dec 2, 2013
Crazy last week of finalizing my 2014 Shuttleworth Application. Now - finishing trencher and running 500 feet of tubing over to the Microhouse! Very exciting. If we succeed in trenching the trench in about 8 hours with 27 hp of dig, or 4 hous with 54 hp - that would be a major success.