OSE Book One

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Thu Dec 19, 2024

  • Add a chapter on How It Works. The world through all institutions of power and wealth creation. Means governances, rules, and how to hack. Basic numeracy on everything, really related to the Expansion of Consciousness and Index of Possibilities for human progress. To cultivate agency, gratitude for when it works, and character for when it doesn't - so one could change things.

Tue Dec 17 2024

  • Culture spec - how we work to distribute wealth and solve the first and last frontier of the human experiment: sharing. All I learned was in kindergarten. Open collaborative economic. Closing the gap between life and work, or eliminating 'bullshit work'. Bullshit Jobs
  • Apolitical spec of politics - what do we know about universal humanism.
  • The psychology spec - responsibility, growth mindset, efficient production, open collaborative
  • Economic spec - distribution, not redistribution, not feudalism. Leveling the playing field, leveling Inequality for All, ending terrorism a la Gupta Oct 23 article.
  • Purpose spec- bringing about post-scarcity economics
  • What we do spec-
    • rebuilding a non-feudal civilization where merit is gained by contribution to the common good, by cultivating a philanthropic mindset of collaborativeabundance post-scarcity. And implementing it by starting new institutions that constitute a new civilization.
    • Solving Pressing World Issues - we hire you to start new institutions after 12 years, as you start an advanced micro-civilization microstate.
    • In 4 years, you begin integrated civilization design, as you have learned some about building things. Day to day open design 50%, and then rest is building.
    • In 8 years, you begin to manage an operation, with 50% design/50% build.
    • In 12 years, you begin building microcivilizations.
    • 4 years - 24x24 = 576. At start of $3.2M each, or we are at $1.7B.
  • New Institutions Spec
  • Everyone can collaborate by contributing to economically significant, open knowhow

MON Dec 16, 2024

  • Here is the state of affairs. u

Upside Down. Holocaust. Bullshit Jobs. Evil AI. Not to scare you: all of that is an illusion - if you take on the mindset of collaborative abundance.


  • Mask of Sanity comes off. Expanding one's consciousness. The state of affairs.
  • Learning everything about everything. Forming an accurate mental model of comprehensive reality.
  • New culture. Inclusive, collaborative abundance.
  • Building a new civilization. Energy abundance. Resolv, if you take ng the metacrisis-singularity paradox.
  • Appendix: civilization reconstruction apprenticeship
  • Appendix 2. Viral scaling calculations .

December 12, 2024

December 2024 Book Notes


November 2024 Book Notes


  • Title - Open Source Blueprints for Civilization
  • Positioning - reconnect to the highest values: democracy, transparency, abundance, inclusion, justice, fairness, integrity, freedom, and prosperity - and other timeless principles first started by Pericles.
    • Others: financial independence, self-determination, etc.
  • Organization - cover each major area, with the status quo. Also include technology, governance, geopolitics, war and peace, growth mindset, specialization is for insects, universal consciousness.
  • For each topic (about 16), cover the contrast. Status quo, dystopic evolution, utopic version, and what we all can do.
  • Style is packed with info, but uses simple words like Homo Deus.

Up to 2023 - Positioning and Messaging

  • Financial independence. Defined as the ability to pursue what we are passionate about. If more palatable than self-determination or meaning. Could be 2 versions, one that is popular, one for the evolver and transhumanist.
  • Experiment: if we were left without financial pressure, what would we do? Take 3 types of people: the Subhuman, Average Joe, and the Evolver/Worldchanger.
  • We develop companies that are local and produce 100x the value. 2x by efficiency (integrated design), 2x by modular, 2x by lifetime, 2x by extensible (adding features as they are developed), 2x by interoperable (open standards), 2x by distributed (distributed producibility for DMS, 2x by swarming (speed increase).
  • Prosperity and doing things that you love


  • Shock value anecdotes, such as Abundance Game.
  • Amazing historical tidbits,such as Churchill How the west beat evil only to resume the folly that nearly cost them their lives.
  • Simple stick figure drawings like in Ultralearning
  • It is both a popular publication, bestseller, and OSE School curriculum.
  • 6 volumes, like Churchill. Supersedes scripture, summarizes all knowledge.
  • Reviews by Super learning, Jim Collins, etc.
  • Published upon proof of the $5M replicable model.
  • It goes into the comfortable Seed Eco-Home and the mobile version and the wheeled tiny house version. The important thing here is to use free materials: dirt, 3D printing, steel, solar concrete, etc. Cost is $5k membership in the Open Sector. It is self mobile via slow solar,


  • A (non serial killer and/or radical) manifesto on
  • A sort of ose addition/solution to the problems laid out in BS Jobs
  • Can we get this on amazon once done + proofread? (ie fire up those printing presses! ) (also digital for FREE Amazon Read ?)
  • Also the first in a potential yearly/every 5 years/every 10 years book series
  • Also see GVCS Release (can have a similar schedule + v a l u e - d e a l s )

OSE Book Intro

This is the seminal OSE beginning book, based on the first half of GVCS Development - and deployment of collaborative design on a large scale as a result.

Book Agents

  • Maryanne Vollers via Colby FB



  • Main - 64 p - [1]
  • GVCS 50 - 44p- [2]
  • How to Rebuild Civilization in One Day -[3]
  • The Campus and City State Infrastructures - 3p -[4]


  • Key Points: This book treats the perennial question of making a better world, and is an applied experiment inviting you to the journey.
  • Artificial Scarcity - ending it
  • Evolving as Humans - core of the message is that we will not move forward with technology alone - but by gaining in meaningful, full lives. This takes wisdom. Technology can help. Current technology will not do - it must be appropriate. The GVCS is designed to fill this gap - the prerequisite for a civilization advancing in its human potential beyond artificial scarcity.
  • What Does It Mean to Thrive?
  • Foreward!
  • Utopias. The Global Village - a controlled experiment in human prosperity. Optimizing prosperity. Reducing violence and suffering by supercooperation.
  • The Global Village Construction Set - what is this construction set and why is it important?
  • BHAG MTP: A school to reinvent the world. How? By its open source ethic. Open Source Ecology

Chapter 1 - State of the World and Opportunities

(for Enterpreneurs)

Theme: always relating how open source collaboration can do in these areas.

  • State of the world and emergent trends. In what ways are things improving vs not. What the current institutions look like, how they got there, and what is now disrupting them
  • The State of the World - Combining Gini Coefficient (Distribution of Wealth), Gross National Happiness, and Opportunity (includes freedom, as without freedom, there is no opportunity - and Opportunity replaces Equality, as people aren't eqaual, but they should have access to equal opportunities) in One: the Open Source Ecology Index. Properties of Index: it is negotiable, ie, at any time we can change it for the better; based on Gini; above 1 implies a collapse condition, which can be avoided by different choices).Is the World Getting Better?
  • The Human Condition. The human mind and human capacity. Mainstream and status quo. Outliers. Atrocities + Political Ponerology. Superpowers. Peak performance. Augmented humans. Positive psychology. Humanistic Innovation - where is progress of humanity compared to technology? Self-Determination Theory. Logos-pathos-ethos. Timeless wisdom for a healthy lifestyle. Logical Fallacies. How to take an odious rogue and turn them into a model person.
  • Settlements - from hunter gatherers to civilization - as in Against the Grain - myths about civilization. Summary: life was easier in hunter/gatherer society, but with stupid people and resource depletion, and attacks from even stupider people (who depleted their resources even faster or had less of them) we exited the Garden of Eden into forts and cities.
  • Distribution vs Redistribution of Wealth - is Gini Coefficient actually improving? Is the jury still out? Yes - [5]. Distributive policies rather than redistributive policies?
  • Model Communities - from Quatar to Gaviotas, Walden and Garden Cities of Tomorrow. + work of futurists. City States. Lieberland, Seasteading (new book and project), Titus Gebel - Private Cities; Settling Mars, Microstates and borders. Dissolution of borders. Small state republics. [6]
  • Environment - Green History of the World. Hysteria. Greenwash.
  • Improvement vs demise assessments - survey of loudest voices and reconciling them. Technoutopians. Environmentalism. Ecology. Science fiction. Aliens. The Better Angels of Our Nature, Global Warming, etc.
  • Economy: Small is Beautiful - Distributive Enterprise vs Centralized Economy. Size of 3 sectors and industries. Institutions for enforcement of scarcity thinking: patents, legal structures, education, military, monopoly. Gini coefficient is improving - connection to open source information sharing? Enclosure movements through history - from land, to ideas; writing; internet; intellectual enclosure. Effective management. Scale of economic activity - small is beautiful. Slavery to liberation with the machine and back. From goods to services to Experience Economy - the latter is where OSE dwells. ZMCS. Swadeshi - invading colonials have been conquered before.
  • Economy: Consumer Goods - from $20T to disruption with the open source microfactory.
  • Management. State of art management practice. How to design an organization. Scale of organizations (Schumacher). Happiness is the new Productivity (Lakhiani)
  • Money systems - History of the central bank. History of money. Who gets to coin money. Requirements for new money (connection to value, ability to measure, abundant vs scarce money?), and does cryptocurrency meet these? Gilder= measuring stick is corrupt; $5T currency trading - what does it mean? Up to open source money = bitcoin. Impact of cryptocurrency.
  • Tax. Power to tax. History of taxation. Grain as tax - as in Against the Grain. Flat tax. Appropriate level of tax - best practice. Tax and blockchain.
  • Education - Social order of education: working for someone vs being an entrepreneur in a world of improving technology. Acton academy; Transition from employee to entrepreneur. Augmented learning for Augmented Humans. Education Debt. Education Startups (Benchmarking top 20)
  • Health - Healthy lifestyle. Atlas. Startup clinics. Open source diagnostics + medical equipment. Telemedicine and Robotic surgery.
  • Product Development and Manufacturing - proprietary, scarcity-enforcing production, assisted by legal apparatus. Abundance 360 misses the point of artificial scarcity creation. Product Development - modularity and open source. Food and other product miles and transportation.
  • Agriculture. Mining vs integrated agroecology. Mining - the mine metaphor. 4 tons per acre. Perennial polyculture. Integrated agroecology.
  • Development. Biotecture. Buildings integrated with nature.
  • Governance - Politics follows money, not the other way around - take this point home because my personal observation leads me to believe that very few people understand this. Opportunity to create new money - rebooting civilization. Best governance models. Unresolved issues of governance.
  • Time Scales - Time scale of the corporation. Lifetime. Long and short term thinking institutions. Immortality.
  • Intellectual Property - Open Innovation and Current Enclosures. How to radically simplify all IP law to one line: accepting sharing.
  • Internet Freedom and Information - Who owns the internet. Information enclosure in the University Silo: the Forum at UW. Systems thinking. Information theory. White Paper on a future internet. What it takes to go from no internet to a GB line.
  • Technology - Technics and Civilization. Tech ages in history. Technological Determinism. Technological Nondeterminism - Second Industrial Divide.
  • Freedom. - The next American Experiment - open source. - Institutions fostering freedom - governance, human rights, vs libertarians and minimal law like Athens or Rome. Free and Un-Free States. Evolution of Slavery. From enclosure of land, to freeing the slaves, to debt slavery, to buying out at the bottom.
  • Population - and the Kardashev scale. We aint seen nothin yet.
  • Energy. The blip of oil. Oil revenue vs solar revenue - 20 days of solar income to the Earth and that is 500 years of oil reserves. Oil is a blip. Hydrogen vs batteries. 300W solar panel is worth $1500 to 80% +.7*750 = $2000, and costs $100. 20x return on investment, payback in 1.5 years, and emergy payback of 2.5 years. PV Payback. And the killer app: Kardashev scale.
  • From AT to OSAT - AT [7]. OSAT (pearce) - distinction from traditional to OSAT to OSAT to OSE (distributive enterprise focus, operating system for development)
  • Artificial scarcity and Competitive Waste. Escaping the capitalist kolkhoz. Hundreds of companies developing the same products. Vs Linux.
  • Construction - underground housing [8]

Chapter 2 - Open Source as an Operating System

Theme: OS has shown hands down-domination as an 'operating system' for development. What lesson can we draw if this is translated from software innovation to general innovation? Profound effect on society, which leads us to reexamine institutions from this lens (open collaboration) in chapter 2.

  • Part I is the background: (mastery of Benkler, Lessig, EFF, up to Bitcoin)
  • Chapter 1 - What is open source? Expands on the business model of open source to clarify what is possible. What unique value does open source bring?
  • Reducing all IP Law to Kindergarten Level Share. If that were true, all confusion and waste would be gone, and we could work on substantial things. Learning to share in Kindergarten, and once after high school, we learn the opposite.
  • What is open collaboration? GRAT, but nobody does it. Why. What is it really? What does it require? What is it not?
  • Linux- collaborative model and why it works (summary of Success of Open Source). And OSLS experience - Linux won the battle. Has it won the war? Is distribution of wealth happening? Linux Equivalent for Earth - Question of Kardashev Scale Proportion - if success in OSS, does this apply to the economy in general? Is this a natural part of economic evolution? Or are we doomed to proprietary development for the rest of human history? Will humanity break through to cooperation? Right now OS does not exist. Particular character type in OSS - very smart, competitive, and nonsocial.
  • IP and Patents - what is the role of patents? Critical insight - the artificial scarcity of patents - SEMINAL - [9]. Do patents accelerate innovation. Debunking "there are just as many cases one can cite where patents have increased innovation as cases where patents have stifled innovation". Trademarks, CC, OSHWA, FSF to OSI rift. Fake open source. Intentionally vs Effectively Closed Source - understanding the distinction opens up possibility of collaboration.
  • DRM. And what is the role of DRM? Big brands vs many producers making a living? EFF analysis and response. Greater discussion on consumerization of art and culture - and the ideal state.
  • Open Collaboration vs Fake Open Source NC Enclosure - the hegemony of open source. Discuss the mindset, and also the practical issue - it takes time to document. But tools are there to do that easily today - wikis, blogs, and social media can be used for this purpose. NC enclosure.
  • What is open source? And Beyond Limits to it - effort of good documentation - and What is distributive about it? Ex of FabLabs to Local Motors. Distributive Enterpise.
  • OSPD - what is the possibility of changing the world to open development. New literature of PD is modular, open source PD (refs). Something everyone talks about but does not happen in practice:
  • Extreme Manufactuting Contract-First Design - core of OSE's method. Collab with Wikispeed.
  • Countering hegemony by GRAT - Generally accepted as true - transparency; distribution of wealth
  • Economic freedom of OS. Giving freedom produces a higher chance that freedom will be returned by good will. And for the defectors? The guilty- must be punished. Clarity on OS distributive goal (economic freedom as motivator) vs enclosure via open source. Freedom includes economic freedom.
  • Blockchain. Blockchain - and implication for organizations. The economy is still the substance under the blockchain.
  • Competitive waste - removing competitive waste - by design - for increasing efficiency.
  • Open source money - Bitcoin is an open source alternative to the closed-source currency, whose algorithm has limited accountability. Bitcoin rules are documented, as opposed to central reserve.
  • Revolution. The revolution must be open source - otherwise you are causing trouble or fooling yourself. Efficiency. Max empowerment.
  • Open Source Business Models - a survey
  • Pull Requests in Open Source Hardware -
  • OS As Methodology, Not Specification - this debunks the excuse that 'not everything should be open source.' That would be repeating the biblical 'eating of the forbidden fruit.'
  • The Value of Open Source Hardware - building on Dr. Pearce's paper and crazy formula.

Chapter 3 - War

  • Chapter 3 then moves into one particular pain point and sector - war and conflict. starting with each of us. My story - WW2, grandfather, grandmother.
  • War: Reconciling religion, anarchy, tribes, resources, positive psychology, education, mutually assured destruction, and peace. the Father of Us All? Why is war our daddy?
  • Settling of civilization: started with forts. The fundamental dynamic of stewardship or resource conflict
  • The unresolved issue of conflict. Statistically, it's improving, (Homo Deus - Coca Cola is now more dangerous than Al Qaeda; Father of Us All references) and we have at current trends about 100? years before the end of war.
  • Steven Pinker - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Better_Angels_of_Our_Nature - decline of violence
  • History of war. Its nature and its causes. von Clausewitz + other historians. It starts with each of us (Juice Rap News).
  • Conflicts are resource conflicts. Religious war is 3%.
  • Prerequisite to societal evolution is material security.
  • Class warfare. Historical competition between materialism (dialectical materialism) and capitalism.
  • War and language - NVC
  • Local economy in the Global Village: towards a peacetime economy. How to remove resource conflict issues by design. Global trade is an option, not a necessity. It's a question of size. Modular design of economy, not central. Reconcilizing The Leviathan vs City State and peacetime economies - is the Global Village a return to barbarism or a Reinvention of the World?

PART 2. Chapter 4 - GVCS

  • This introduces the Global Village Construction Set technologies: Civilization Starter Kit.
  • GVCS Intro - requirements for selection in terms of a complete economic base with production of essentials, trade for luxury goods, and provision of a modern standard of living. Only imports are specialized non-abundant resources.
  • Village Scale - Design for basic unit of robust economic organization, which is also a foundation for larger settlements
  • OSE Specifications
  • Selection Metric
  • The 50 Technologies - [10] Going through the list by sector, required performance specificationss, salient features, and product ecologies
  • Product ecologies - housing, cars (90% of gasoline is light duty vehicles [11]), energy, food & ag, manufacturing, primary sector - pushing the limits to plastic, metal, composite, glass, ceramic from local resources to the scale of a village.
  • Current Status - 6 prototyping milestones
  • Future Milestones - 1000 PhDs and several Nobels
  • Specific product milestones and status - current and past prototypes, transitioning now to packaged products
  • Development Model - modular design. Breakdown + parallel. Dev Team. Dev Template + Wiki.

Chapter 5 - OSE Campus as examle of tech

  • Intro - to be built as the replication model, general blueprint with specifics according to place
  • Chapter 6 focuses on what new critical infrastructures could look like - a practical proposition of how we keep house on planet earth to meet our needs without compromising our natural resource base. We build on industry standards and improve upon them to build an antifragile and regenerative technosphere. The point here is that we are not proposing theoretical infrastructures - but ones that we are planning to build. Also the basis of the OSE enterprise model.[12]
  • Model Community [13] - a model community, organized most closely to what would be a modern university campus, but adding the Research Park, Institute for Advanced Studies, and a Eco-Indusrial Park. It's a contract community like a campus, but producing a real life in terms of using its own natural life support systems. Peacetime economy. Campus as small state republic - with 150 people, it's a real village. Land Use Plan.
  • Import substitution - rubber tires; dandelion root resin; canola oil hydraulic fluid. Oil from wood.
  • Rocks, sunlight, plants, soil, water. If you really think about it...
  • Built Environment - living roofs, biotecture, modular workshops. Aquaponic greenhouses
  • Agriculture - Aquaponic Greenhouse + perennial polyculture-basis for regenerative agriculture. Miracle Orchard. Terraforming for regeneration.
  • Energy - solar hydrogen compressed gas for fuel, cooking, and cars. Charcoal for gasifier fuel. Community biogas.
  • Solar Hydrogen - cars with hydrogen backup, no oil for travel. Unimog like car-tractor.
  • Manufacturing - PV manufacturing, some semiconductor devices such as laser diodes, IGBTs, etc. Solar silicon from sand. Microfactory.
  • Natural materials - Open Source Materials Production Facility - bioplastic, rubber, charcoal, lime, insulation (open sourc
  • Freedom - and microstate entrepreneurship. 10,000 OSE Campuses. The Campus Tax - what do taxes pay for? What is the future of tax with blockchain?
  • Lifestyle Engineering: Work-Life Integration and Buying out at the Bottom. The Perfect Day Formula. The American Dream is only $50k, not $500k.
  • Social Security. The capitalist Kolkhoz in jest.

Chapter 6 - Open Source Microfactory

  • Exploring The Second Industrial Divide
  • Small is Beautiful in the Singularity
  • The Open Source Microfactory - Level 1
  • Open Source Microfacory - Level 2
  • Open Source Ecoindustry - The Open Source Materials Production Facility

Chapter 7 - Open Source Agroecology

  • Integrated Perennial Polyculture
  • Integrated Aquaponic Greenhouses
  • Test Tube Food

Chapter 8 - Development and Rapid Learning

  • Requirements for Changing the World. A global movement based on a BHAG. including OSAT for meeting real needs and transcending artificial scarcity so we can evolve as humans. Scalable tools for design - cloud CAD and collaboration. Scalable labs and tools for prototyping. Scalable enterprise - Workshops model absorbs people on demand. Building of Cities - campus model.
  • Modules, Mechanisms, and Algorithms. How to break down everything into bite-size chunks
  • BHAG and MTP. Its nature and promise - transcending artificial scarcity.
  • Scalable Development Process - Requirements and Milestones. What we have learned over a decade. Coordination a la Harari
  • Rapid Learning - Blackboard Instructionals.
  • Transcending Brook's Law. Success of Open Source. Nonsuccess of open hardware. Benchmarking best examples of open collaboration: they don' exist. 3D printing did it. Will the Open Source Everything Store succeed?
  • Feasibility of Abundance. Reference to Kardashev Scale, and 10,000 factor, and the oil blip. Case for distributed resources, vs ones that will always remain under central control. Free Internet. DAO: algorithms for enslavement or liberty?
  • Scalable Program - Open Source Project Requirements: common tools; open tools; refer to nice article in Hackaday on Trunk-Forks-Merge-Patches. Project Status.
  • Level 1 Microfactory. Inludes CAD, Part Libraries, photogrammetry, 3D printing, cutting, and milling.
  • Patch Validation. How do we apply the 'patch' model of rapid bug fixes - to physical hardware? Patch Validation must include CAD and prototyping, based on sound Part Libraries - using a Patch Validation Checklist. Then actual build and submission - by digital replication or by drop ship to the integrator.
  • 10 Year Roadmap - mission impossible. Sequencing + OSE Campus Rollout. Sequencing meets scalability + Campus Build.
  • Open Source Everything Store Specification - 80/20 rule for the economy
  • OSPD Protocol. Builds on current trend in product design, that products will be open source and modular in the future.
  • Dev and Doc Standards - see Building Open Source Hardware, Gibb
  • Getting Social: Extreme Design Jams. The 100 person collaboration architecture: the key is coordination. Real events with fast printers, cnc circuit mills, and laser cutters. The 24 person school team architecture for 6 months.

Chapter 9 - Enterprise

  • How we reach a tipping point towards an open source civilization? From our simple calculation - it takes about one trillion dollars of economic activity to reach the tipping point. What is a potential roadmap for getting there? How do we innovate on a modular growth model that can retain cultural integrity and avoid evil?
  • The model - an ecosystem that reaches $840B - that ecosystem is in its infancy (one person does fiber, another HTML, another TCP, etc in internet - what is it for hardware?
  • Roadmap. XM business model. Viral R&D adoption with OSES. Design for Defection. Modular Developer model of independent agents. OSE Enterprise Milestones.
  • The Framework - a global repository of standards. Global repository of design. Avoiding huge amounts of competitive waste. Getting to Self-determination. Some already exist. Others are to be made - degeneracy of form. Eamples: ball bearing, lumber, etc.
  • Extreme Manufacturing Business Model - products in the Experience Economy. Basic Model. Limit of Applications.
  • Overall Business Model. Teaching campus - immersion up to technical college to university. Production Campus. Largely training events, with some kits.
  • The Open Source Everything Store - collaborative product packaging.
  • Buying Out at the Bottom - Revisiting the American Dream.
  • The Social Contract For the Global Village - starting with the campus as a basic model - can this become real life? Yes, if one is interested in the social contract of lifelong learning, generalism vs specialization, flat taxes, and absolute responsibility for personal growth and productivity. Average of 8 volunteer hours per person per year - [14]. We could build civilizations with that. Robustness model - it takes so little effort to GSD, that it's actually fun - delivering the promise of paradise. Financial and Conflict Resolution Guidelines and Compliance.
  • The Open Source Agroecology Business Model - ergonomics scenario for the resident farmer. Benchmarking the most successful ecological farms.

Chapter 10 - Civilization in a Box

  • Civilization In a Box that can be replicated inexpensively anywhere in the world. Success of humanity is ability to leverage large-scale collaboration.
  • The Question of Kardashev Scale Proportions - big question - is civilization doomed to be proprietary for ever? What happens to the future of civilization, when we know that it will grow way beyond the current limits? From first principles - population is yet to start growing. We hit the limits of fossil fuels, congestion, pollution - now as we clean up the environment and go solar - are we ready for the next population explosion? What the 'experts' say.
  • Shop Class as Soulcraft Meets the Singularity. The new God is technology - and what advanced technology means for more productive, integrated humans.
  • Forever Young. Infinite life extension by leaving a legacy.
  • What Next? Life is as exciting as ever. It is up to us. Next update coming up in a decade.
  • Get Involved. - if you wan to do this and you agree to the approach here, join this work. We're hiring. Join a build to see if this is for you. Apply to be an OSE Fellow. Join OSE Boot Camp. Join OSE Developers. OSE Fellows. Internships. Workshops. Extreme Builds. True Fans. Summers of Extreme Design/Build. Invite us for a lecture. Invite us to run an Extreme Build. Participate in The largest build events in the world - 100 builds in a single day. Quit your job. BOAB. Continue discussion on Forums for technical dev. Apply for the OSE Masteind group. Build a microfactory.


  • Appendix A. Development Process in Detail. For those who want to understand how open economic development can look like - and to get involved in it. How do we create massive parallel development protocols for open source product development? Using wikis and cloud collaboration tools, how can we leverage collective intelligence? Wiki and Key Pages + Templates
  • Appendix B - Process Management. Technical, organizational, enterprise processes.
  • Appendix C - Decade Development Plan - Roadmaps and Development Projects.


As a blueprint, the book can be used in these ways:

  1. Recruting for the OSE Mastermind Group
  2. Recruiting key identified SMEs. Book can be refactored to identify specific Book SMEs who are indispensable to the mission. Then recruiting team can search for the SMEs, invite them, onboard them. OSE Dev Team works with SMEs. Summer program calls upon SMEs for a 1 hour Q&A.
  3. Book is refactored for proposals (product ecology designs with basic business models), student research projects (masters and PhD), and operations plans for various enterprises.
  4. Topic list for one month Dedicated Project Visits, which can be engaged during the Summer of Extreme Design/Build.
  5. Subject for Extreme Design Jams, school coopetitions, Chapters. If university chapters, do
  6. Outcome of book is an advanced team ecology for development teams - for regular Design Sprints. A new FreeCAD in 1 Hour video would be required to get people to learn FreeCAD in about an hour.
  7. Outcome is an Business Development Design Sprint Protocol and a Book Sprint Protocol. Content in GVCS and Campus provides substance for Business Dev and Design Sprints.
  8. Create a stream of blogposts
  9. Create a stream of social media
  10. Podcast list - key interviewees are identified here from all areas of important endeavor
  11. Mastermind invitation
  12. University Tour/Book Tour schedule for recruiting and combining with XM workshops
  13. Visiting tour of key SMEs
  14. Book Contributions and solutions are Crowdsourced for various pain points of civilization - after book is published - as substance for future editions of book. Must be MTP issues, so we are looking at issues that have at least a decade of solution time.
  15. Before Unit - pre-release given to applicants
  16. During Publishing - feedback from key reviewers
  17. After Unit - feedback on grand challenges for future editions.
  18. Emphasize the Personal Microfactory - invest in something that can produce 80% of the stuff on Amazon and Walmart. (about $500B/year).
  19. FreeCAD Workbench Designs
  20. Design Guide Book Sprints
  21. Spawn Open Source Warehouse - as the Open Source Everything store. Thingiverse + Kit.com in one.

Packaging for Book Publishing

  • Conversation: Book - Blog Post series - FB based on blog posts - Podcast based on seminal thinkers in the book - Book/University/Lecture Tour - Forum is Seeded by Development Priorities and Roadmaps
  • Direction and Self-Direction - the Book is intended to provide a decade-long program of development that addresses completion of the GVCS as a starting point - clear delivery of transcending artificial scarcity. This must definitely culminate with at least one facility that practices this - the first Global Village with a PV production line to achieve Kardashev 1. How is it to be structured? As a Campus, using what we have already. Build Infrastructure accordingly.
  • One option is a sea settlement in a tropical country, such as Seasteading, or Belize. But it must be realistic and replicable, meaning that we must create sufficient meaning and purpose within the community beyond that of a retreat or disneyland economy. The strong leadership must prevent a unifying and realistic vision - but the options must be open for how the vision is realized. OSE already has many of the Construction Set philosophies, and we are currently implementing the first construction set - the small MicroFactory.
  • Forums: As an outcome of the book, clear direction must be provided to Forums and ongoing discussion.
  • Immersion: This must be backed by a decent on-site program - 6 month internships, 2 week OSE Boot Camp, regular workshops in different locations,
  • Website - Good website for workshop registrations. Build Yourself. Build Your World. OSmicrofactory.org. Organizational infarstructure for admin.
  • Podcast - it just attracts interest and high level discussion.
  • The OSE Insider - digital for those who can't make it onsite - a how to run a successful Extreme Manufacturing Enterprise + online monthly webinar - based on the book chapters a
  • OSE Boot Camp. 2. 12-20 people per year.
  • Immersion Training.
  • Regan Arts for graphics and publishing.

Existing Materials

  • GVCS 50 - Energy and Microfactory chapters - [15]
  • Massive parallel breakdown for large builds and basic technique - [16]
  • Transcending Brook's Law - [17]
  • OSAT - [18]
  • Per capita income - [19]
  • Richest people - [20]
  • Scarcity creation via patents - [21]
  • Microstates - [22]
  • Success of open source - [23]
  • Podcast - [24]
  • Possibility of Distributive Enterprise - [25]


  • Explain that politics follows the economy. Not the other way around. No, really.
  • Add open source Waterjet to system. Needs high pressure hydraulic power SMEs to be added to the team.

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Potential Editors



Machines and Primitives



  • Overarching Theme - this is an improtant document, a manifest of values and direction. It must be comprehensive and far-reaching, but it must be agile. New contributors always bring new information. Together with experience - direction of execution may shift - but the values and vision should not. The program allows for agility to adapt to new information - so that the document does not decrease in relevance over time.
  • Introduction - frame it around the economy of access. Could start with TED Talk. A new civilization for $10k. Induction furnace + 3D printer, and we are good to go. $2k induction furnace. Scrap metal.
  • 50 Machines – machine groups.
  • Product groups + insights about other companies to give perspective. Such as hydrogen vs electric, biomass vs electric, solar tranisition (cheap PV), cars (the superefficient single commuter), batteries towards ZMCS - nickel iron?
  • IoT Housing 2.0 – microfactory, energy plant, food production aquaponics in an energy/manufacturing/food production internet.
  • Materials Production Facility – Biofuel + biomaterials and carbon negative concrete. Charcoal, insulation, bioplastic, semiconductors. Discuss zone refining of silicon. 8000 sf produces biofuel, concrete, steel, insulation, charcoal, induction glass furnace, bricks, lumber, and semiconductors.
  • Energy Internet – excess PV house or microfactory power goes to producing hydrogen. Compressed biogas runs cars. Nickel iron batteries are the Power Wall 2.0 based on lifetime design. insights on biomass vs electric vs hydrogen vs compressed methane
  • Aquaponic Greenhouse – and Farmbot for seeding, Drones for planting, and last mile delivery of produce.
  • Agriculture – ROS + heavy equipment
  • Advanced - aluminum from clay and SiO2 sand to PV. Just needs some energy from the Open Source
  • Ramifications - Appropriate Technology, End of Work, Abundance or Existential Crisis, Singularity, ZMCS, Experience Economy, Sharing Economy, New Commoners, New Contracts (smart contracts), New Money (blockchain)
  • Integrating all known trends into a cohesive picture, paving the way for OSE implementation
  • Becoming the greatest unemployer in the world. Boss employee relations. Critical: statistics on demonetization? Statistics on 'employment'? Is the Paradox of Capitalism being realized?
  • How to Get There
  • Development Process: OSPD, Extreme Design, Extreme Manufacturing, Extreme Recruiting
  • OS Microfactory with Energy Internet. Internet of production and logistics. Remote Control Print+automate harvest+UPS truck.
  • How OSE is levearaging crowdsourcing, singularity, automation, AI, 3D printing, MOOCS, Buying out at the Bottom (BOAB), ZMCS, Experience Economy, Sharing Economy, open source microfactories, smart contracts, and crypto coins to create the open source economy.
  • $10k + Civilization Starter Kit DVD by 2029. $100k upsell for the Quick-Start Package. $1M for a new small scale republic. Freedom is not for sale.


  • P567 MJ24
  • Legal structure for optimizing the commons: infinite scalability of the open source economy
  • Employees vs partners
  • Franchise model
  • Owner operator model + startup
  • Value differentiation - open supply chain, open design, open enterprise, open training - for a Distributive Enterprise.
  • Land based university model of the commons
  • Triple + 1 revenue model - education immersion, production during training, XM workshop - product + tuition
  • Open enterprise model of commons marketing - swag, infoproducts, infofacture, kits, products
  • Risk - Amazon. They will go open source.
  • Scale of University Education sector

Appendix 2

Abstract for Extreme Development chapter

Integrate all human knowledge on collaborative development and relate to OSE’s Extreme Development – Extreme Design and Build. Make a case for our work based on known techniques that are already known and prior literature:

  • Wikipedia – unmanaged contributions improve themselves, a la Clay Shirky, Here Comes Everybody
  • Bold – crowd funding, crowd design, incentive prizes – HeroX, X Prize. MTP by Diamandis.
  • Appropriate technology – Gandhi, Schumacher, Rifkin – Zero Marginal Cost Society (ZMCS)
  • Flexible Manufacturing – Piore
  • Rifkin – ZMCS, referring to Adam Smith et al on the Dilemma of Capitalism. Supported by 6Ds of Diamandis, but need some numbers to verify
  • Kurzweil – Singularity when computer power overpowers
  • Moore’s Law
  • Law about doubling of installed PV reduces cost by 20%
  • Modular, open source design – the latest in Product Development Literature
  • Going from 13% to 40% overall energy efficiency – Rifkin
  • Even Amazon admits that the future of its Fulfillment Centers will be Microfactories
  • But open source, collaborative is key- as that can be the balancing force. Discuss fake open source – Tesla?
  • Collaborative commons will eclipse Capitalism by 2050
  • FabLabs – digital fabrication towards the open source microfactory. Many organizations have proposed the microfactory vision. However, their proprietary nature introduces competitive waste, such as the LocalMotors enterprise – which means it will deliver only a part of the zero marginal cost promise. Other efforts, such as OpenMotors – rel
  • Aggregation platforms will survive, such as Uber, or Amazon logistics of same day product delivery. But rest will enter zero marginal cost regime.
  • OSE Value Add – Extreme Builds – very efficient. Combines crowd build and digital fabrication

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