OSE Europe/Workgroups/Information Distilling

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Informatin Distilling Workgroup

The aim of the Information Distilling Workgroup is to streamline the Information Access that is gathered through the Discussions in the Mailinglist and Forum (as soon as it exists) as well as encouraging the people to document the Information on their own in the Wiki.

For this purpose at the moment there exists the Communication Log that tries to summarize all the important Information.

Current Members

Meeting #1 2010-11-04

Communication Log

Andreas, Jalil and Jamie met in Teamspeak to discuss the further work of the Group.

Andreas presented the ideas on the Communication Log and how to use it further. It should be single point of entrance for people who are reading the Mailing List, but are not so familiar with the Wiki. The Communication Log will contain a summary on the important insight from the Mail discussion, further all the Information that is written down there is linked to the Mails in the Google Groups view, so that it is easy for everybode to pick out the most important Mails of this thread that might contain more detailed information than that in the summary.

Further the summary of the log should contain links to all the wiki pages to which information was added in the course of the discussion. Additionally internal and external ressources should be referenced. The goal is, that the reader starts at the summary of the thread and gets more and more information when following the links in the thread. Also similar threads should be linked.

  • Writing a best practice method how to write the summaries (Andreas, Jalil)
  • Summarizing the Threads depending on the significance of the discussed topics (Andreas, Jalil and Jamie)

Engaging People in Wiki Work

More information that is passed in the Mailing List should be put on the wiki for easier access and better sorting. For this the workgroup will send the relevant pages to put information down to the Mailing List when there is information worth documenting.

The people should be engaed to use the wiki more. For this purpose important information like minutes of meetings, tutorials how to use it and best practice methods to collect information are to be written down.

A resources page on which interesting external information is collected has to be created. More pictures should be in the wiki to attract more people to use it.