OSE National Chapters

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In order to scale participation to thousands of active contributors and developers worldwide, OSE welcomes the startup of national chapters of OSE.

Chapters at the national level provide leadership in promoting the OSE Vision at the level of nation states. Activities that OSE encourages include:

  1. Doing a basic level of production as a base for funding continuing R&D. This is a baseline of 10 or more 3D printer sales, or a sufficiently-enrolled workshop - to meet operating capital requirements for the Chapter each month via programmatic revenue.
  2. Spending 50% of their time or more on continuing product R&D, running collaborative design/build events, and preparing various incentive challenges, Extreme Enterprise events, and other social production events. Coordination on priority projects is required according to a Critical Path defined in the annual or biannual Chapter Charter.

Other tasks, depending on the interest or track chosen by the Chapter leader - may include:

  1. Coordinating the development of OSE Chapters at Universities in a particular country. See OSE Chapters at Universities#Strategies
  2. Coordinating a nationwide, annual hackathon on priority projects
  3. Promoting annual Incentive Challenges at the national level
  4. Collaborate with the rest of the OSE global community on coordinated development
  5. Collaboration in Extreme Enterprise sprints for the Open Source Everything Store

Development Path

In order to promote clear and visible development, and to release economically-viable, open source hardware products on a regular shedule, OSE is coordinating a single main prject at any one time. This allows rapid development to full product releases. Once a single transformative project develops a 100+ person Collaboration Ecology with several thousand participants, and attains Distributed Market Substition for the first product, we will move on to the next one.
