Part Library for the Raspberry Pi Tablet

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Chris Log - Jeremy Log - Jessica Log - Don Log

Working Doc


Part Library

See Fablet Part Library

Add-On Modules

  1. Cordless welder battery pack that also serves as a long-life battery add-on

Data Collection

  • 4.2V after charging 5-set of batteries
  • One battery was loose - the connector wire was not over the hole but offset to the side


  • Parts start - [1]


Android options

Industrial Android on rPi: Not sure it might be NC, or maybe that's just the service layer they are selling on top of what seems to be mostly a business use case

Also trying other Android Options:

Keyboard options

Note: Best touchscreen keyboard application on the Raspbian so far is Florence
> sudo apt-get install florence

Also trying several other linux on screen keyboard options while building android images to try:

  • GOK (GNOME Onscreen Keyboard)
  • kvkbd
  • onboard
  • Florence

Raspbian installation

Based on the NOOBS install:

SD card must be FAT formatted, at least 8GB and preferably 16GB:

It's handy to have a usb keyboard and mouse to navigate the install process once the prepared SD card is on the rPi.


I had issues trying to run Cura on the Raspbian, it kept crashing. It seems like someone has compiled a version and posted it in the ultimaker forums that will run on the RPi processor:


Install procedure: Once the appimage file is downloaded (I used Cura-mb-master-armhf-20191209.AppImage), make the file executable
> chmod +x Cura-mb-master-armhf-20191209.AppImage

Then you just need to run the app image file:
> ./Cura-mb-master-armhf-20191209.AppImage



Once it's plugged in, Camera just needs to be toggled on in the config -> "interfaces"

Once restarted, you can take a picture like this:
> raspistill -o Desktop/image.jpg

This will activate the camera module and show a view finder, until you hit "Enter" and it saves a picture to the specified location.


What resolution works best for the screen? The directions that came with the screen result in unused pixels on left and right side.

From Product Sheet:

  • Native Resolution is 1024 x 600.
  • Power Consumption 800mA @ 5v

Product Sheet instructions for /boot/config.txt:

  • In terminal "sudo nano /boot/config.txt"
  • Comment out "dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-vd3" and "max_framebuffers=2"
