Apprenticeship Unique Value Proposition

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  • Learning how to learn via dedicated curriculum. Starts with LTL, moves into Civilization Design.
  • A school that runs a business dedicated to proving the theory that the school teaches. The SEH and it's evolution are the ongoing substance, stretching to solving housing, energy, and class (education access).
  • Abundance mindset and practice education. In the 1000 hour curriculum, counting, character, communications (negotiation), genius, and leadership are the main class topics that cover this.
  • A think tank with an action arm dedicated to transformation. The action arm is funding explicitly dedicated to Open Sector development.
  • Rapid Learning Education - RLF and hands-on enterprise projects projects for applied learning in swarms. Multimodal, visual, hands-on, mission-based (Impossible Projects)
  • Contribution to a Library of parts, mechanisms, modules, products, and ecosystems of products dedicated to a transparent and inclusive economy of abundance. Daily, student contribute designs, builds, and data to this library based on key Part Libraries, Mechanism Libraries, Product Libraries, Product Ecosystems Libraries. Process is documented and certifications are provided to contributors from the general public. The onboarding process validates collaborative literacy, providing background materials.
  • Integrative visual thinking education via mind maps as key communication assist.
  • Edge of Knowledge implementation via 1000 Hour Curriculum. RLF modules provide quick access to infrastructure for practice, from which it is easy to take off into innovation.
  • 5 Minute Design including sub-minute hookup of devices for scaling. Library of Interface Design enables the understanding and implementation of interoperable designs. These are practiced in house, with intent to develop into global, open standards.
  • Lifelong education program. Starts with 4 year Apprenticeship, continues to 6 more years of PhD equivalent institute of advanced studies, and continues by providing lifetime of advancement possibility to start and run new Campuses. Any role has a clear definition of advancement opportunity, effectively allowing to break the ceiling and set your own opportunities and payscale.
  • Enterprise writ large education style. This is inherent to mission-based operations (leveling the playing field within and between all sectors). Class/graduation project involves swarm collaboration on enterprise.
  • Specialization in generalization - ie, integrated skill sets enabling Global Stewardship. RLF implements as many 1000 Hour Curriculum lessons as possible.
  • Social experiment in the replicability and normalization of genius. Extensive metrics taken for individuals participating in this program. Integrated metrics of human performance are continuously developed and updated. Start with 3 or so funders scholarships, with data collection and publishing support from other cutting edge institutions
  • Immersion education via Impossible Projects. Immersion is the nature of RLF, work-study, swarm design, and swarm build - as one mustap out an integrated scope of activity.
  • Leveling of legal, engineering, and compliance rackets. By in-house development of legal curriculum and capacity (contracts, real estate, liability (responsibility), procedure/process/codes transparency), engineering curriculum and capacity via open standards and open design for compliance purposes, and innovation in compliance streamlining. Applications.includes legal paperwork, permits, surveying, litigation, design compliance, etc.
  • Leveling the playing field for opportunity in education, enterprise, and other possibility, making the realization of potential significantly more accessible to everyone.
  • Personal power education - humility, morality philosophy. Implemented by Character 101, Negotiation 101, History 101, and other modules in the 1000 Hour Curriculum. Practiced in peer-review of contracts and negotiations. Practiced personally in Character Journal. Practiced in day-to-day interaction with 'click counter' of violations.
  • Integrated Enterprise - lifetime design product ecosystems based on integrated education. Students contribute to ongoing improvements of detail, technique, process.
  • Enterprise which also manufactures its production machines. State of art of open source workshop provides degenerate tool ecosystem designs.
