STEAM Camp Candidates

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What's In It for You

  • Developing real products, which can also be produced in a decentralized econonmy
  • Financial freedom to engage in open source product development - work half time to fund your self-determination
  • Growth opportunity: learning to build infrastructures for microstates
  • Learning from other A players on technology, society, and enterprise
  • Leading movement entrepreneurship to transition the economy from proprietary to collaborative development



  1. x-creation - 400k - battery packs
  2. Chris Riley - 17k - ramps wifi for $5, can upload gcode to SDcard remotely
  3. Electronic granade, 23k - Pi Tablet

Chris workshop - backhoe


Invitation Letters

Simpler Messages

Interested in helping us develop a 9 day STEAM Camp program - collaboratively? Once developed, we pay instructors $5-8k for a 9 day event. This is for modular open source tech that matters - with real product development. See Curriculum -

Simple Message


I'm the founder of Open Source Ecology - please see my TED Talk on the Global Village Construction Set ( for a background of what we do.

I'd like to ask if you'd be interested in collaborating with us and serving as an instructor in our 9 day Open Source Microfactory STEAM Camp in your local area. We all collaborate on developing the curriculum, and as an instructor, you'd be responsible for generating a small part of the curriculum, while learning from the other instructors to present theirs. We run a number of events in different cities at the same time. We can offer between $5-8k for running the STEAM Camp if there is a good fit. We teach collaborative design of technology that matters. Our proposed curriculum is this - . You can see links to other info there at the bottom. The idea is: we get a group of supercooperators to develop amazing curriculum. Goals are to develop a mechanism for scalable and sustainable open source product development.

Please let me know if you are interested in this so we can set up a call to discuss further. If this is not compelling to you, I'd be interested in hearing your feedback, and suggestions if you know someone else who may be a good fit.

Thanks, Marcin

Smoothieware, other arduino, SAV MAKER, Eurorack, OpenFoil,...



Our latest is STEAM Camps as a way to fund continuing open source product development.

I'd like to ask if you'd be interested in collaborating with us and serving as an instructor our 9 day Open Source Microfactory STEAM Camp in your local area. We all collaborate on developing the curriculum. We can offer between $5-8k for running the STEAM Camp if there is a good fit. We teach collaborative design of technology that matters. Our proposed curriculum is this - .

Please take a look at the curriculum let me know if you are interested in this so we can set up a call to discuss further. The idea is that we divide up the work between 6-12 instructors to develop - and each of us learns the full curriculum so we can all run the Camp - where all of us do it at the same time in different locations. If this is not compelling to you, I'd be interested in hearing your feedback.

Thanks, Marcin


We are looking for people with a diverse productive tech skill set to create a crash course for digital age tech literacy. In:

  1. Design and CAD
  2. Arduino
  3. 3D printing
  4. Raspberry Pi
  5. Drones
  6. Electronics and electronics design
  7. CNC machines - Mills, circuit mills, lasers
  8. Power electronics - welder, inverter, dc-dc
  9. Electric motors - axial flux, and geardowns, and coil winders
  10. 18650 Battery packs
  11. Sensors and IoT

Using open source toolchains: live Linux, FreeCAD, KiCad, Blender, WebGL, inkscape, flatcam, wikis, and live editable documents

Curriculum Development and Evolution Model

  1. Run events in 6 location simultaneously as part of collaborative effort.
  2. 6 instructors collaborate on making the project better: strengths of each are (1) 3D printing; (2) Arduino, KiCad, and electronics; (3) electric motors; (4) power electronics and battery packs; (5) CNC machines; (6) smartphone apps/programming. (7) Drones, (8) vacuum bot, (9) raspberry pi tablet.
  3. Requirement for Instructor: they have built a finished product that works to a reasonable degree that is worth replicating for building into a working product along the lines of continuous open source product development.
  4. We coordinate and co-develop the curriculum
  5. Instructors have the benefit of learning from others, so we select with growth-mindset instructors
  6. We promote open source collaboration to break through the scarcity mindset
  7. Prep required: (1) each instructor prepares curriculum for 1 module by modular breakdown; (2) all instructors combine curriculum. (3) OSE contributes curriculum; kits for printer/plotter/mill/etching/battery packs/electric motor/welder.
  8. Instructors collaborate on curriculum improvement for subsequent Camps


See STEAM Camp Preparation

Responsibilities and Finances

  • OSE ships kits for all participants to instructors 2 weeks prior to the event.
  • OSE handles registration and customer service
  • Instructors reserve a suitable venue, and OSE pays for the venue
  • Instructors present at the entire 9 day event from 9 AM to 6 PM each day.
  • Instructors are paid in full upon completion of the event.
  • All instructors cover a refundable $300 for a sample kit to build all the devices. Refund is offered if kit is sent back to OSE after the STEAM Camp.

Risk, Reward, and Vetting

In an entrepreneurial spirit, this is a risk-share endeavor. We develop the event together - so we are all resonsible for its success. Participating does not mean that OSE is guaranteeing success. We are all in it together to succeed - based on the promise that with each successive open source design and build - the whole program improves continuously. While the first 4 days may stabilize - the 5 project days will always keep pushing the limits of product improvement or new products. The end goal is commercial-grade product with distributed production. The more successful the event, everyone gets paid more in the 50/50 revenue share. The products that we develop contribute to the Open Source Everything Store - open source product design and production engineering production blueprints that lower the barriers to entry to the open source economy.

The revenue share is 50/50 between an instructor and OSE for each individual event that the instructor runs. OSE uses the funds to develop and run Incentive Challenges as the preferred way to large-scale collaboration. The incentive challenges must be resourced sufficiently to deliver a working product - as a solid foundation for an enterprise. This means that the incentive challenge will be designed also to offer enterprise startup support.

The approach of running incentive challenges is based on OSE's learnings that typical open source product development effort is difficult to complete for reasons of contributor continuity and resources. Typical open source hardware projects rely on a heroic core team that does most of the work, due to the significant barriers to entry for mass participation in open hardware development. Volunteer turnover tends to be high. Thus, open source hardware has enjoyed only a limited level of success in terms of rapid, large-scale collaboration. And because taking projects from prototype to product requires a herculean effort - most open hardware remain as projects-in-development - not products. (Not to mention the enclosure of open source by many who get close to a final product). By injecting more resources into the development effort in the form of a well-funded incentive challenge, we aim to (1) break the participation barrier, and (2) assure product completion. The keys to success are a massive transformative purpose, and highly modular breakdown that allows many people to collaborate effectively in parallel.

In the STEAM Camp program, vetting is essentially self-executing. We select qualified open source developers as instructors - and their capacity is demonstrated by their ability to deliver their curriculum. This become evident after the Kickoff Meeting, their Curriculum Submission. After OSE approves everyone's Curriculum Submission - we open the event on Eventzilla for registration. OSE's role is to maintain quality control standards in delivering events.


  1. Relevance to OSE mission
  2. Audience size
  3. Early Adopter
  4. Mutual benefit
  5. converting the competition

Candidate Criteria

Strategy: align with skill set of candidate so this feeds directly to product. Propose value of Growth Mindset - learning other tech, meeting exciting people. Must select for OSE Spark, and supercooperators willing to work as a team.

  1. Provides Relevant Technology - most important because technology is the foundation of our product. Without technology, we could not substantiate practical development of open source products.
  2. Excitement about the OSE Vision of collaborative design for a transparent and inclusive economy of abundance. This is what gives them extra energy.
  3. Growth Mindset - to be excited to be around other A players and to want to learn from them, as doing STEAM Camps requires learning.
  4. Supercooperators
  5. Open Source
  6. Socially savvy
  7. Entrepreneurial
  8. Educators

STEAM Camp Product Ecology

See STEAM Camp Product Ecology


Offer - What do the Candidates Like

  1. Open Source Everything Store
  2. Financial Freedom
  3. TED Talk - technology with a purpose. The Spark - do they have it when they see this work?
  4. Transitioning from a competitive to a collaborative economy
  5. Solving issues bigger than we can do on our own
  6. Solving pressing world issues - what issues are these to my people?
  7. Working with other A players - which is a great growth opportunity
  8. Learning new technical skills
  9. Improving their teaching skills
  10. Distributed economy - vision of decentralization as a key improvmement
  11. Open source - this is available to everyone. OSE owns content, under open source (CC-BY-SA or CC-BY) license
  12. Open Source Franchise - that we are growing the pie for everyone by lowering barriers
  13. Being part of something bigger than themselves - a global movement of collaborative product design
  14. STEAM Education that Matters - teaching relevant skills vs putting people into the military complex
  15. Integrated OSE design - product ecologies that arise from modular design
  16. Construction Set Approach and Scalability - that we can build many variations at different scales
  17. OSE Campus - are they interested in starting a facility that becomes a point of light for their community?


  1. OSES OSPD Products with curriculum - 3DP, plotter, mill (2D with servo), functional electric motor, functional stepper, cordless welder, vacbot, raspberry pi tablet (stackable screens), stackable drone, large printer, rubber extruder, etc. You can put them on your store immediately
  2. Sideline biz
  3. Learning
  4. Involvement in GVCS OSPD

Ideal Outcome

Person is already familiar with OSE, and is fully on board with the vision. They are already open source at the core, and are excited about meeting other A players to create the next economy. They already believe that the next economy is the open source economy, and have the skills to bring it about. They are supercooperators with a growth mindset. They are fast learners, and come more from the education field than technology - so they are able to inspire others. They are entrepreneuarial, so they do not have a problem with envisioning the impossible. Since they come from education/community management/supercooperation backgrounds,


  1. Do it in bulk: run 6-12 camps at a time as a Collaboration with leadership development and coopetition

Potential Venues

  1. OSHWA list
  2. YouTube
  3. Fab Academy grads
  4. Hackerspaces
  5. Green Fab Labs
  6. STEAM consortia in the USA
  7. OH directories - P2P Foundation OSH Directory, Wikipedia Directory of OSH Projects, OpenProduction OSH Directory, ProjectOpen! OSH Directory, others.



Main needs. See STEAM Camp Curriculum.

Stars With Good Reputation

  1. Lee Felsenstein
  2. Dan Gelbart
  3. Mitch Altman
  4. Mark Frauenfelder
  5. Joi Ito
  6. Astro Teller
  7. Dean Kamen
  8. Joshua Pearce and group.
  9. Stewart Brand
  10. Collaborative Literacy guy

3D Printer

Keywords - [1]

  1. Marcin Jakubowski
  2. Jeff Moe
  3. Adrian Bowyer
  4. Richrap - Richard Horne - [2] - 12k YT. Innovative - [3]
  5. John Muloc - linear bearings, 3D printer, machine design
  6. Lars Brubacher
  7. AutoFabrikantes leaders or MEdialab leadership
  8. Penn State - clay printers


Keywords: XY plotter, open source, drawbot, drawing robot, pcb plotter

  1. Dirk Herrendoerfer - Circuit Plotter
  2. Evil Mad Scientist Labs - plotter
  3. Tom Sanladerer - [4] - Eagle not OS, but Flatcam is OS. His didn't work - but Ferric Chloride is suggested with regular sharpie alcohol-based markers. Need to go even further - Ecological Etchant Solution
  4. Drawing bots on Thingiverse - [5]
  5. DIY Notable Mention - [6]
  6. Another plotter - 15k YT - [7]
  7. Fritzing - Flatcam - positive mask removal. Also marked on the back with a 1W, $15 laser - [8]. Small audience.
  8. Tech2C - 75k YT - mill for circuits - [9]
  9. Geek Arduino Projects - 14k YT - plotter - [10]
  10. Ravi - 1.8M views on circuit plotter - and 8k YT - [11]
  11. Jeff Atwood of GitHub/Discourse

Small Mill

  1. V1 Engineering
  2. Wikihouse - Alastair
  3. Yorik van Havre


  1. Brian Reifsnyder - [12]
  2. Richard Horne - RichRap - in issues 3 of RepRap mag - explores them - [13]. Note that Prusa v2 nozzle appears to be the source of E3D.
  3. Nick Stratton - J-head extruder
  4. Sanjay of E3D


  1. Drone - Flone
  2. Drone - raspberry pi drone course - [14]
  3. Farmbot

Circuit Making

  1. Massimo Benzi
  2. Dave Mellis
  3. Nathan Seidle
  4. Shane Oberloier
  5. Limor Fried

Electric Motor

  1. Mr. Christof Laimer
  2. Axial Motor guy
  3. Amory Lovins


  1. 3D Printed Stepper Motor
  2. Geardown For What - 41 patrons

Battery packs

  1. Tesla's battery guy

Welder/Power Electronics

  1. Electronoobs - Electronoobs
  2. Open Source Waterjet Cutter guy
  3. Joe Justice
  4. Great Scott - electronics

Vaccuum Robot

  1. Cordless drill - Marius Hornberger - [15] .
  2. Roomba Rodney Brooks
  3. Cesar Harada

raspberry pi tablet

  1. Raspberry Pi founder
  2. Christian Villum
  3. Mark Horner
  4. Jeff Moe


  1. Guillaume Dumas -
  2. Dr. Pearce
  3. Book Sprints guy
  4. Challenge Island - what is their offering?


  1. Elon Musk on battery packs
  2. Luka Mustafa
  3. [[Claire from Canonical
  4. Jono Bacon - co-teaching
  5. Mediawiki founder
  6. Hackaday founder
  7. Dave Hakkens
  8. Mexico City TED Fellow
  9. Brazilian 3DP and hackerspace founder
  10. Kdenlive editor
  11. Mr. CEB Jim Hallock
  12. Solar Hydrogen Chronicles
  13. Phil Jorgenson - Box Beam Sourcebook
  14. Y Combinator founder
  15. Darren Hardy - 10 million entrepreneurs; 10,000 within 3 years
  16. Fablabs - anyone that has a practical product - Greenfablab networks
  17. Small robot arm - German guy?


  • Aren't you reinventing the wheel? I feel that a lot of the implementation is going to be unnecessary re-hashing of products. Thingiverse, online forums, Instructables, and YouTube etc. are good sources of open sharing of designs and ideas already established. While there are numerous examples of open sharing, few except for very rare exceptions are in a refined form ready for practical use. They are by far experimental or incomplete, or doable only by extremely savvy creators. And ones that are actually complete - are typically not shared. To the casual observer, it seems that you can build anything from online resources and it will work. But in truth, that typically doesn't happen without requiring a heroic effort. When you try to do it, you typically see the gaps and incompleteness. This is exactly what we are trying to address - by improving the products with replicable, open source production engineering and distributed quality control. We want average people to be able to access real production. This also applies to our own designs - we simply need to keep refining to the point of easy replication. This makes the difference between hobby products - and ones that can actually have an economic impact and change peoples' lives in such tangible, material ways. Our goal is to break through this veil to create the next industrial revolution, because that revolution is much delayed. People have theorized since 2005 that production will become personal. This hasn't happened, and what is available today is a good seed, but it needs a lot of TLC before its consumable by a larger portion of the public. Without going through this due diligence, many people will continue to waste millions of collective hours wading through unrefined information. Our goal is to make those refinements so that the Open Source Microfactory is a viable way to make a living for a significant fraction of the population.
