Eric's Post Meeting Comments
- This page will essentially be a public place for me to place thoughts and ideas if i miss a meeting etc
3/27/2020 Open Source Respirator Meeting
Seed Eco-Home Enterprise Development - Documentation and Rollout - Dec 8, 2021
- Seems like big need is getting people together / on the same page + level of familiarity with the software
- Then / Simultaneously:
- Finishing the Non-CAD Documentation of the Seed Eco-Home
- Jigs + Ergonomics
- Cheat Sheets
- Language Agnostic Tutorials
- Planning Infrastructure Development of FeF
- Planning of Logistics of Getting People to FeF , where they will stay + eat etc while they are on site (see above), Plotting how they get back
- Laying out all the Regulatory Processes Related to Seed Eco-Home Construction
- Preparing More Media for Event Announcements etc
- Finishing the Non-CAD Documentation of the Seed Eco-Home
On Face Sheilds
- Along the lines of face sheilds i find the head mount to be the best thing to 3d print
- For the see through part either OTS, or vacuum/thermal formed sheet of some sort seems to be the choice (at least imo)
- Can shredded and molded pet work? it's clear, but is it resistant to solvents/ozone/heat?
On Masks
- TPU would be a good option
- Perhaps epoxy or silicone dip/coat for rapid production?
- Filters seem hard to do non-industrial (as of now...)
- May not have been clear, i was looking into that today and seems to be the Plastic Melt Blowing or some sort of other Nonwoven Fabric method
- All of these are rather complex, and the scale is useful
- For the positive pressure systems seal may be less of an issue, but then we run into batteries and cost...
Custom Masks
- Can someone more code savy than me create some sort of camera/diy scanner -> face dimentions -> cad/changes in the cad - > custom mask program
- Would a webcam work, or would something more complex be needed? (like a Cyclops 3D Scanner , but with webcams and the user moving their head slowly
- Any OTS software for face modeling etc (VFX industry perhaps, motion capture etc?)
- This WOULD make it harder to mass produce perhaps?
On Blender
- I posted a great tutorial for the most recent form of blender, many of the artisitc parts MAY be skipped too? (Colors, Textures etc)
- On another note i heard it in passing but SUPPOSEDLY (i will look this up soon) there was a project to make a cad mod for blender (may be better than freecad
Collabrative Work
- First off, sorry if i was messing with pages too much. May have been either me forgetting to repaste that stuff, me merging similar pages, or us overlapping in edits
- EITHER WAY if i am overstepping in editing fits etc, feel free to chime in so i don't go too far
- Seccondly google docs supports "live editing" which is great for collaboration (especially at once) can any other software we use do this/be modified to do so?
- I know many of the closed source software suites are optimised for multi person edits, and frequent file moving around etc
- Also we may want to set up (if it isn't already) some social media stuff less for publicity, and more so real time text based communication that is a bit more straightforeward/organised than talk pages etc
- this again may just be me, and it may already be in use (google docs chat perhaps?), but something like "GroupMe" or something where we can bounce ideas etc off of whoever is online, and "keep everyone in the loop"
- How are we doing on recruiting/collaborating with the people in the COVID-19 Medical Devices Facebook Page? Have we sort of stepped out and thrown all our links out there etc?
Possibility of Local Efforts in My Area
- I am right outside of jacksonville florida
- Not as bad as new york, the west coast or any other of those VERY hard hit zones, but due to having some transportation hubs (Jacksonville, orlando), and all the tourists etc, we are starting to get pretty bad
- I need to do more research, as i have been sort of in the "self isolating" bubble, and not too in the loop on local needs
Look Up
- If the local hospitals have shortages
- Supply chain issues? (I know panic buying has affected civilian stores (bread, toilet paper etc, even tylenol and immunosuppressent someone i knew is prescribed for but SOMEONE figured out how to panic buy all the supplys...ANYWAY, need to see if filters etc are still available)
- Local Printers etc (I essentially have nothing too relevant to these efforts. I have a good pc (may need to start some COVID-19 Distributed Computing Projects running in the backround etc), basic tools (rotary tool, drill, the small stuff), transportation, and thats about it)
- I COULD perhaps make a thermoforming rig, i have an old loud shop vac, would need to get everything else, of find someone that does
- As of a recent search of mine, i don't THINK there are any makerspaces nearby
- UNF has a fablab, but it is pretty much shut off to engineer students etc ONLY, and the campus is shut down (MAY be able to ask around via email etc, but probably wouldn't get far)
- Facebook page perhaps? where can i look around for local people with 3D Printers etc
- I know some dental labs have 5 axis cnc mills etc, but that's also a stretch for access
3/27/2020 Open Source Respirator Meeting
On the IP Camera
- Cost would be a benefit but does the printfarm have octoprint? User:Marcin
On getting more people
- I think networking and superior product development are key
- I think we should "push" into precious plastic's forums, and especially their Bazaar (use the bazaar for selling ose prints, parts, etc?)
- Also i think reviews are needed. Outside of "our circle" not many, if any, have seen/reviewed our machines.
- This can create a bubble (we miss something due to all being in the same state of mind)
- And this reduces our exposure, brand presence is useful
Superior Product Development
- This IS our end goal, but as the belize build shows are products are sort of in a beta phase
- They Definetly Work but need some polishing and problems/solutions people frequently using it find
- Also we need more data publishing, if someone is payin $1,000 for somthing there will be lots of research, if specs are hard to find etc they may choose another option
Translations + International Spread
- We REALLY could use some translators. That's the real key to global networking IMO.
- Especially since 87% of the world DOESN'T speak english.
- Also perhaps some sort of tool such as the goodle translate app, or some sort of dedicated device? Not as great as a fluent translator, but it may help
- Think i made some goofy construction set on this a while back, will look for this
Livelyhood Stuff
Developed Country Market
- Using my town as an example, it seems the community center/makerspace/low level trade school market in VERY open, ie little to no competition
- We can use this to essentially make a kit like "precious plastic" made with workflows, budjets, forms, etc all in one packet/file, and a machine list so someone can get the idea, look for funds + invest and GO
Developing Country/Rural Area Market
- Granted i only have stories etc, so NO EXPERT HERE
- I saw in a documentary a while back, that due to the electric grid being unreliable, and very non widespread in some areas smartphones are sold at shops (*africa i think, i'll find that documentary
- Also generators were common, to the point there was sort of a "generator mafia" so perhaps small gensets, and solar kits etc perhaps?
- Solar Cookers International and BioLite have shown the potential better stoves can provide'
- Make ose versions of the small solar oven/water boiler?
WWT + Fresh Water Sources
- My oldest sister's husband (sounds like some third cousin twice removed nonsence lol) went to med school in Grenada
- HUGE disparity between rich and poor
- Most water is done on site/near on site
- Water grid is bad as is, and often goes out
- Thus many have home tanks, but these were often broken or dirty from what he said
- Thus i think our systems, plus the benefit of cooking gas/lantern gas, or even electricity could be a great asset
- Wells perhaps?
- I was looking into this a few days back, and open source tools do exist for full on online schools
- Supposedly what i used at unf used one of these as a backbone (even though it was for profit pearson or somthing lol)
- We could perhaps look into making lessons for this?
- As both of you pointed out, imo dev template is GREAT for intensive development work, but not so great for new people
- What is use is pretty low end, but good for placeholders
- Perhaps just the basics, see also, and useful links section
- It would require a pile of page edits and/or a bot dedicated to this, but i think it would be more accurate to say "internal links" and "external links"
- I think the "general" pages should be very clean and basic, and have the specific versions be the dev template style
- ALSO "orphan pages" or pages with no links to them are BAD, that has been one of the main perfectionist persuits, links and organisation
- ANYWAYS those are my thoughts on that but i Need some feedback on this please
4/20/2024 "Open House Party - With Chas
- About 2/3 of the way through it right now
- Commented a couple youtube comments along these lines, just got computer booted up and am moving to here
- I haven't used Zoom too much, i'll need to see, but at least in the Published YouTube video the Volume between Marcin and Chas is a bit off; Chas is a bit louder (Also i think there is some of that Microphone Picking up the Speaker Audio or Something issue if you want to get real snobby, but the goal is getting the point across, not being studio quality lol)
- Also tangentially related to this what was the choice of Zoom over Jitzji
- Lemme do a quick save then i'll add in the questions + timecodes for those
- 55:32 bit on this is a good spot for me to mention my rant on Creeping Change vs the Rapid Revolution (or some more eloquent way of putting that down)
- Wikihouse was mentioned, so i'll document all that
- 58:48 bit on 240 people, 40x240=9,600 total work hours per 40 Hour Work Week
- One bit quite frequently flowing throughout this i've been meaning to mention is the whole concept of S.M.A.R.T. Goals
- 1:04:12 mentions Worker Turnover Rate to an extent
- Timecodes of the various questions:
- 4:00 12 Questions - CHAT GPT made them -
- 4:21 1.) Background and Inspiration
- 10:09 Workshop Logistics and Operations What are some key considerations when and organizing nonprofit workshops?
- Mentions Scope Creep a bit there, Chas also touched on the need to collaborate with other groups / Redundancy Waste and all that, but the workshops aren't where i see the most of that, at least in my opinion as most OSHW stuff isn't at that scale in other groups. I mainly see it with development of smaller stuff such as OS/DIY Cycloidal Gearboxes or OS/DIY Small Robotic Arms etc where at least on-youtube there are 5 or so of these designs i can name off the top of my head. Granted we don't want someone to make a single bad design then tell everyone to pack up and go home; we have our design, but also work hours being burnt making something near-identical is a bit wasteful (granted learning experience for the person+content generation for the hungry mob (for better or for worse) but yeah)
- 15:12 What indexes, or templates, or standards, do you like to defer to in your own organization whether you guys have created yourself with the Seed Eco-Home, or maybe i think you guys have done some marketing and stuff or other templates when you guys do your workshops and keep documentation as far as these are our standards um what are some of the big indexes/standards you guys usually refer or defer to 15:35
- Development Template was mentioned along with FreeCAD Plugins and misc Calculators
- 19:06 What are some effective strategies for marketing and promoting your nonprofit workshops?
- Zappy Platform was mentioned by Chas, i'll need to look into that
- 22:48 What kind of experiences do you try and intrgtated to keep people like really engaged and excited and pumped up to do some of the drudge of the labor work
- Cas at 24:50 or so mentioned "Rock Stew" aka Stone Soup (Folklore) which i looked up (i forgot about it, but it is a kind of elementary school story+activity i may have done a loooooong while back) anywho it does seem like a decent analogy to OSHW / Development in general. Asking for a bulk sum doesn't work well, you throw your idea out there/get gradual contributions that are more palatable then you get something great out of it due to all the peoples' contributions etc
- Also at 28:10 Mentions COmpetition that is a Non-Zero Sum Game , i'll need to dig into it a bit more i think i only really read about game theory in regards to high tier cold war planning and all that, in terms of Video Game Design / Game/Activities type things it is interesting how most/all of the games are zero sum, i was thinking over a while back what all one would look like. Probably more like Minecraft or something where it is ultra-open ended and more about creating things? (Sidenote i have a whole rant about Open Ended Play and how Legos are amazing forever, yet many other things sold as toys basically become trash after a few uses, but going to have to worry about that rant later)
- Granted the "upbeat competition" can be a thing, loosing after a good balanced match can feel fine
- 33:18 Are there any specific funding sources or revenue streams that have been particularly beneficial for your organization?
- 34:00 How do you Identify, Cultivate, and Classify Partnerships with other Organizations or Stakeholders
- Also the timecode for the 37:23 - 41:16 was when the session ended due to going over Zoom's limit or whatever, then when it resumed
- 41:51 Future Plans and Vision: How do envision scaling or expanding your workshops or services in the future?
- 24 Class Cohort etc
- 52:58 Are there any new projects or initiatives on the horizon for your organization; are there any self imposed constraints to focus on the core discipline of projects
- 55:44 on this note there is a channel on YT something like "Awesome Open Source" which shows what all they use and has some news; i'll grab the links though. I do think a sort of "State of Open Source Development" / "Open Source Dev News" or something would be a neat thing to have. I have a pretty good finger on the pulse of the YouTube side of things, Hackaday probably has a bunch of projects on there i may be missing out on
- Another route is Voidstar Labs 's Discord has a Project's Page, i don't think they REQUIRE the projects posted there to be Open Source, but the YouTube channel is Blatantly very Open Source Culture-supporting, and the audience seems to match for the most part, hence there are frequently github page or hackaday page links etc
- 57:58 Did you have any self imposed constraints on what you want to focus on?
- 1:02:18 "Gotta be paranoid about survival as an enterprise". While this is valid (especially when your neck is on the chopping block of a bank for something!), i think between fostering that Support the Original Developer Ethos and building local connections so you have that sort of "small business relationship" is the way to go. If they know you, know the work you put into the thing, and see any blatant attempts to rip off the work as just that then you should be good. Granted as with OSHW as a whole, the only examples are things like 3D Printers etc, but the only reasons people have bought "rip offs" and whatnot at least from what i have seen has either been due to not having the funds to buy the original (IE 200 USD or so Ender 3 vs 800+ USD Prusa vs ~2,000 USD or so VORON / Lulzbot etc. I'm not going to go too far into nerdy terms and all that, so i guess it can be put as "Hearts and Minds" + "Herding Cats" is what it comes down to at the end of the day. ALSO unlike a 3D Printer, there aren't cheap alternatives for housing and/or you cannot have your house be built by offshored labor short of prefabricated modules maybe but someone has to bolt them together at the end of the day
- 1:04:58 Challenges and Lessons Learned?
- 1:06:10 T h e C o w b o y I n c i d e n t (That whole deal was wild, and i hope that is going okay, one hell of a story to tell though once this is all over lol)
- 1:10:00 Advice for Aspiring Nonprofit Leaders; Are there anr resources or tools you found particularly helpful in your journey as a nonprofit founder?
- 1:11:35 Who did Marcin Jakubowski want to be / who were your mentors (Also sidenote "Maybe Buckminster Fuller until i found out he was pretty proprietary as well, even though he had domes" is an ICONIC quote)
- 1:15:38 or so Scale Models ? We getting little tiny Seed Eco Homes or RokenBok but lifetrac soon?!?
- 1:16:14 Wikihouse as a Doghouse?!? This is amazing lol. Although similar in concept to that CNC Router Based thing i saw and covered a while back that mainly could make sheds
- That seriously sounds like a good way to market things though. ESPECIALLY if you place those files+good photos of the prints on Printables or Thangs for some sort of contest etc. Average Joe scrolling through Printables "Trending Now" page, sees a GIANT cat sitting on a Seed Eco Home (errr rather normal cat on scale model) clicks that, then goes down the whole rabbit hole of everything
- Off to go put an Earth Auger on the Microtrac and do a tree plantout it seems