Fellowship Collaboration 101

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The purpose is to learn how to collaborate transparently, seamlessly, efficiently, effectively. While keeping track of inventory, CAD design, build drawings, docents submitted to building departments, build burndown, task allocation to team members, materials production, tooling and tooling maintenance. At the same time, acquiring additional land, equient, and building new infrastructure. By this means, we can create teams who are ready to contribute to ongoing tech development, digital manufacturing, build aoutomation protocols, new house designs, etc.

Scalability considerations involve cohorts of 24 as the base unit, with 24-scale flat management as the goal. Design is for production House in 10 days, nominally, and readybscaling to 10x (house per day at village scale of team 240), and 100x (10 houses per day), and 100 houses per day (nominal 10k builder effort). Since number of new homes is on the order of 1M (Housing Statistics), then DMS begins at the scale of 1000 houses per day, or about 100k builders. Such is thus the desired scale of open sector enterprise in housong for the USA only.

For this, several tasks are necessary:

  • Understanding and manipulating CAD - opening up files, ready production of visualization and BIM outputs, generation of build drawings, visualization of modules, generation of CAM rules, feeg of CAM rules into digital fabrication tools
  • Module-Based Design - defining and extracting modules from CAD and other docentation. Ability to understand design from SEBD to a coherent fit. Further larger perspective ability to understand Product Ecologies of which the module is part, and to understand relevance of module to other eco technological systems. Understanding further the mayerial composition of modules, and the systems of which module is part.
  • Principles of Operations Architecture - understanding key elements of how operations are organized, how they are modula. Focus on information architecture related to operations, as a cornerstone of Operations Collaborative Literacy.
  • vBOM 1000 - for all of 1000 House Modules.
  • CAD 1000. This corresponds to the 1000 individual build steps.
  • Inventory 1000 - this corresponds to a QR scan of each build module - to assess available inventory and necessary production of inventory, whether by local production or external purchase. For this, we would want to explore an ephemeral instance of mediawiki to handle local traffic. Global traffic can occur via main wiki. Inventory takes you to an inventory Google form which calculates final inventory and shows supply or deficit. Must maintain on-demand, with little or no inventory. QR code for every inventory item - thus is highly modular. All inventory spreadsheets feed into a single inventory master. Every collaborator can scan the inventory and update the inventory. Clear live log is maintained, with construction manager overseeing everything.
  • Build 1000 - 1000 continolyously updated unstructiobals, cheatsheets, etc.
  • Materials 1000 - we can start chipping away at building materials starting with 3DP, CEB, Solar Concrete, and Solar Steel.

Practical Collab

Newcomers can engage readily with CAD 1000, as they learn Spreadsheets, they can readily start designing modules in spreadsheets. Techbdrawings can be extracted readily in such a case.

Newcomers can engage readily with vBOM 1000, manipulating it to organize this via visual scans.

This is where Icons (graphical design) must be taught, so that humans collaborate with machines in the form of human/machine readable coordination. This applies to inventory through simple Google Forms, and everyone can manage these.

Thus, CAD 1000, Build 1000, vBOM 1000 (collated in a master spreadsheet), and inventory can be handled in a scalable way. House Production Collaborative Literacy can thus be attained for viral scalability - key principle being the transparency and simplicity of the process.

Each of the above 1000s is global - while inventory is local at the facility level.

Thus, we aim to test the scalability above. We start with the 24 cohort, scale to 10x as the facility grows. At that level, we test the sister campus nearby, and are then ready to deploy Superlearners to other locations as soon as the superlearners become available. The superlearners progress much faster, such that the work-study program raises the bar from $8k (+Materials and Tools Production earnings) to $80k - while the student is still in college.

One critical aspect not mentioned is Multilevel Learning