OSE Fellows
OSE Fellows are individuals who take the OSE immersion training program and become involved full time with OSE development. Immersion training started in September of 2018 with a 1 Month Immersion Training. The goal is to produce significant growth in open source product development in order to normalize open and collaborative as opposed to proprietary design. This is our change model towards Distributed Market Substitution.
In 2020, recognizing that it takes more than a month of training, OSE shifted to a 1-year remotetraining program - via the OSE Mentorship. See the Mentorship page for more information. The information below was drawn up largely in 2018, and the 2020 update is at the OSE Mentorship page.
In 2021, OSE opened up its first ever 6-month immersion OSE Apprenticeship.
Development Roadmap
Fellows are accepted to the Program based on their interest in developing the GVCS to completion, thereby creating a robust civilization starter kit for rebuilding infrastructures. Completion of the GVCS is expected to happen by 2028. At this time, we will focus on applications to regenerating civilization's infrastructures - such as regenerative cities, farms, and production enterprises. At this time, we will decide how deep into the semiconductor manufacturing process OSE would like to dive. OSE's main goal is that there will be no bottlenecks in human technology - in terms of certain areas of endeavor remaining proprietary. In 2028, we plan on branching out to human development: helping people to become free of trauma, addiction, violence, low self-esteem, insecurity, closed-mindedness, negative psychology, and any other weaknesses related to unhealthy lifestyles. Our route to that is education, as well as tools and techniques for health, positive psyhology, biofeedback, renenerative medicine. Our goal is to make the knowledge and tools for health fully accessible so that everyone has an honest chance to thrive. This follows and is enabled by the removal of artificial scarcity from the mainstream society.
All Fellows who work with OSE collaborate with the OSE team on delivering the GVCS roadmap, and the current Development Narrative at Critical Path#Development Narrative. The entire team of OSE Fellows will be involved to engage this process deeply, including providing feedback to the direction to the GVCS rollout. Because Fellows and the leadership team are involved most deeply in the actual development process, we will keep the focus clear, but might reprioritize items based on the specific interests and skill sets of participants. The known end point by 2028 is the creation of an infrastructure sufficient for creating a modern standard of living - housing, private transportation systems, food systems, and others. This includes all technology up to semiconductor fabrication and the production of bearings. The latter is not explicitly in the GVCS - but may possibly be added if it appears that semiconductor manufacturing is not entering as a regenerative area of endeavor.
Fellow Generalist Specializations
OSE values a generalist, systems-thinking perspective, which allows one to draw on patters from different areas of human endeavor. Fellows are trained in generalist skill sets that span the technical, personal, social, organizational, and entrepreneurial. For our immersion program, we are currently looking for Fellows who as a team combine to a diverse skill set. At the same time, Fellows self-select to maintainer positions in different areas based on the Fellows interests, as long as the roles are aligned with the Critical Path. Fellows will choose the area of their specialization, such that they commit approximately 25% of their development to running Extreme Manufacturing / Extreme Learning workshops, 50% in research and development, and 25% in their chosen area of specialization. As such, each Fellow curates a specific product for the Open Source Everything Store, and completes a burndown for that product. Each Fellow reports their results annually at the OSE Summer of Extreme Design and Build - held every June in sweet Maysville, Missouri, at the OSE headquarters. Cross-training and community building is a large part of the summer events.
The list of major areas is
- 3D Printer Technology - hardware for designing the 3D Printer Construction Set.
- Microfactory Software - programming Construction Set Workbenches in FreeCAD and maintaining/programming software toolchains for the Microfactory tools. Works with student groups/clubs for software Coopetitions.
- CNC Circuit Mill Technology - hardware for designing the CNC Circuit Mill Construction Set. Maintains circuit library in collaboration with OCI.
- Laser Cutter Technology - hardware for designing the Laser Cutter Construction Set
- Print Cluster - software and hardware for the Print Cluster, inluding part harvesting and online store. Production management of Open Source Everything Store - to assure standards compliance for effective distributed printing. Evolves to Circuit Mill and Laser Cutter.
- School Program - Open Source Microfactory clubs - at schools, for creating massive parallel design/build competitions with a purpose, or FIRST/VEX with an open source economy mission. Introducing young people and their teachers to the possibility of open source
- Community Wrangler - outreach to schools, clubs, etc. Public lecture and speaking engagements. Finds clients. This is really the Marketing Manager role. Since our market is relationships, we put marketing into the role of the Community Manager.
- Library Program Manager - microfactory in every library.
- ROS Program Manager - development of a robotic arm
- Filament Production Program - works with Community Wrangler, Library Program, School Program,
- Incentive Challenge Program
These should be organized by Top 6 and Top 12.
Areas are:
- Tech
- Software
- Education
- Integrated Human Development
- Extreme Event Production - Outreach
- Coopetition Manager
- Operations Chaos Rider
- Certifications
Core Duties of Fellows
- Fellows run a microfactory and execute XM workshops
- Maintain their Work Log and participate in the Development Team as OSE Developers.
- Maintain an operations manual of standard but evolving operations procedures for their area of specialization.
- Maintains respective Forum section. See OSE Forum Design.
Fellows and Senior Fellows
After a year as OSE Fellows - the OSE Fellows have a chance to apply to become Senior Fellows. Senior Fellows are Fellows-in-Training to assume Product Lead duties on any of the 50 GVCS technologies. This is similar to the Lieutenant role in the Linux project - people who gain technical authority to lead design decisions on specific products. There are currently (2018) 2 Fellows-in-Training.
Various assessments of mindsets and skill sets are important to understanding the make-up of our community of OSE Fellows. The privacy buff might say this is invasion of privacy, but in this case, the words of Thad Getterman apply - "Fuck y'all, I'm from Texas". The goal of assessments is transparency in one's abilities - not meant to put someone down - but as a point for beginning growth. A core principle of OSE is the principle of nurture - that great powers are nurtured, not born. As such, any person can learn genius qualities. All progress starts by telling the truth.
It should further be stated that all tests are negotiable. Some can be gamed, some may be inaccurate, and results may change with time. Assessments are only hints of insight - because as in general semantics - the map is not the territory. Assessements are a tool. A tool can be used in good or bad ways.
Various assessments include:
- Street smarts
- Listening skills
- Open Source Phychometrics Project - check out their various tests, including connectedness to nature.
- Mindset assessment
- Emotional intelligence
- Optimism/pessimism
- Motivation assessment - what is the best motivator for someone
- Learning style - visual, auditory, kinesthetic, print
- Vulnerability
- Balance assessment - is one's life balanced? By what standards?
- 12 areas of life (Vishen Lakhiani)
- Cardiovascular fitness
- Flexibility fitness
- Physiognomy - what does a person's body and face tell about their life
- Self-determination test - how far is a person on their way to self-determination in their life?
- Brain wave test - ability to meditate
- Kolbe profile - open source version of this
- Myers Briggs
- Empathy
- Memory
- Ability to teach
- Teachability
- IQ
- Sociability
- Gene sequencing for illnesses
- Gut biome sequencing
- Dietary assessment - you are what you eat
- PSY-5 - relevent to Political Ponerology
- Big Five - NEO Personality Inventory - [1]
- 16 Personality Factors
- Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory