OSE Lesson - Welcome & OSE Introduction - 1 hour
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From OSE Introduction:
Builds on the OSE Slide Deck
- what open global collaboration is not. Ssentially - to change the conversation on what truly open collaboration is
- what open global collab is - open boundaries, economic development, open governance, meritocracy, collaborative literacy.
- Everybody works on open hardware products (3dp) so we can't say it does not happen - it's about coordinating it by gaining a clear inight on the vision. Such as OSES etc. It's about creating a shared understanding.
- Distribited production engineering - simple cots so ANYONE can start a business with 0 barriers to entry.
- Public production engineering - when you are designing production for 0 barriers to entry for individuals
About this lesson
Purpose of this lesson, what will we build, and why. Where does this product fit in human technology
Product specifications and requirements
pdf-file of full downloadable version
Prerequisite lessons
You need to have an understanding of
- xxx - covered in lesson yyy
- xxx - covered in lesson yyy
Prerequisite parts
You need to have the following parts to get the most from this lesson:
- xxx - built in lesson yyy - can be bought from *link*
How to enroll
There are three alternatives to enroll
- Prerecorded
- Webinar - recordings, live participation, Q&A
Background reading
Background reading - background information, videos, etc - to prapare for the lesson (in addition to earlier finished modules)
Scale experiment instructions
Modularity experiment instructions
Course Completition
Grading and test
Incentive Challenge
Teacher's corner
Alternative 1
- 0-15 min - Welcome and introduction - Watch Ted talk
- 15-30 min - About OSE STEAM Camps, what to expect.
- 30-45 min - What do people want from this course? Write down some thoguhts, and then review them by the end of the workshop.
- 45-60 min Round up, try to quit before the end of the class to give people some time to go to the loo before the next class.
Alternativ 2
- 0-20 min - Welcome and introduction - OSE Presentation Slides
- Backup: Ted talk.
- 20-35 - Participants Meet and greet each others and other teams
- 40-55 - Discussion of outcomes
- 40-43 What do we expect from the students?
- Focus, effort, try and error, help your neighbors when you're done. Explore complete openness, honesty and transparency, to test what collaborative literacy is about.
- 43-46 What are the intended outcomes? Collaborative literacy and product development
- 46-55 Ask the students to take 5 minutes to think about and write down the three most important things they want to get out of this course. When they are done they can take water, go to the loo, and then come back for the next lesson.
- 40-43 What do we expect from the students?