Organizational Log

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  • This page documents the development of the OSE organization and movement. See also Logs

Sun Dec 15, 2024

On the current approach or strategy:

Sun May 29, 2022

10x Is Easier Than 2x. Many problems need solving, from rise of fascism, continued colonialism into Ukraine, povery, war in general, renewable energy, corruption, education, health, etc as implied at Pressing World Issues. The transition to the Open Source Economy relying highly on principles of the Economy of Affection can help deliver Self-Determination. It's about time that people choose to do what they want with their lives, as opposed to financial pressure dictating the answer to them. As we roll out Seed Eco-Home 2, the opportunity is significant. Let's do it. But Fix the Future Fund just closed, so must look elsewhere. The operational way to get there is an Affordable Housing Soution That is Also a Job Program. The running model is an Apprenticeship with 24 people, as the Core Enterprise Module, but how do we 10x it? What is the block? It's the integration of design/build/BOM - architect+draftsperson/tradesman/contractor - the Holy Triumvirate of Integrated Design. This requires a team of people, minimum of 3-4 to collaborate. However, a 4th person is the project manager who inserts OSE Specifications into the design. To 10x it, one way is naturally funding for the design/build/bom side - 4 full time people, for one month at least. Capable people would mean $5-10k/month, and their recruiting, which could happen from the $800k Grant Request if the sum $100k is allotted to instructionals (building + video) and curriculum (completed the CAD and design guides) as the ultimate source of the design. In other words, for this to happen on any respectable time frame, a team of 4 full time people is required, cost of $20-40k/month on the design/documentation side. That's in the budget.

Now, where does extra speed potentially come from? Finishing of the design/build, from which we can move really fast. With a marketable design, we need to solve for the Build Team 2-3 times. The traction comes after the first 2 builds. Now, who can do the first 2-3 builds? That's the block, undless a detailed operations manual can be created. That ops manual consists of finished build, finished redesign (new route for the carport). For example, we can specify the 2nd floor detail for the new trellis design. Concept is there. Can we outsource the design of specific details? Design-build architects could do it, if they focus on design-for-build.

Nobody understands the OSE modular build system unless they built it. So design work would be $100-250 per hour. If that design is good, the rate is worth it. What about drafting? Average is $24, with top get $35. Much lower. Providing detail to draft out would be ideal. If they do not use FreeCAD, then we would need to export a coordinate system for them in STEP format, and they would work in that system. This means: we create an object in FreeCAD, export to step. Then we observe if import yields the same location.

Thu May 12, 2022

About 16 years ago I started Factor e Farm. Went into the Mut Hut, deep in the Missouri underground. After that I emerge. 2011 was a good year. 2012-13 were some of the lows in terms of sudden spurt of growth and lack of management skills to match. Exiled in 2013. May 2016 - began on path of deep enterprise coaching with giants, starting with Cameron Herold, care of TED. I noticed the difference between vision and execution. Main point was getting to the point that people are showing up. Highlight was 2021 - Summer X - about 50 people showed up and year end revenue was $175k. But the trend is nowhere near the thousands of people - full time - needed to scale like Linux. But under the guidance of Steve Netzley since 2019, I'm in good hands. The good point is all the proof of concept on One Day, on swarm builds, on large-scale collaboration proof-of-concept, of documentation and remote collaboration, and crowdfunding - it's all there. So now, model is 24 people full time. Model is growing that by 10x Extensively, and 10x Intensively. Thus, if 24 Apprentices work, then 240 have to work. If this operation works, then we're training Entrepreneurs at Year 2 to replicate the model: complete blueprints, ability to build, and ability to attract new students. I don't see why not. If they can succeed, then we're solving housing, or at least cutting cost by 30-50% for the consumer market, and by 70% for the DIY market.

Tue Jun 16, 2020

Extreme Enterprise concept published.

Fri May 29, 2020


We know that rock stars create startups. But can we replicate the same to other startups, by helping them along? Can we find people who are interested in solving pressing world issues as their job? How do we market this? How do we 10x it, blow it out of the water?

"We build local open source microfactories that change their economy to circular by producing essential goods for their community to bring wealth back to town - as a means to people leading more fulfilling lives by shifting to what is most meaningful for them once the threat of survival is removed. We achieve this by collaborating on industrial productivity on a small scale."


The best possible STEAM program. How is it possible to create an irresistable-offer STEAM Camp program for industrial productivity on a small scale, which yields practical results? 1. 3D Cad, 2. build your own Aduino, 3. design your circuit board, 4. make it with circuit mill - literally make a bunch of axes,FreeCAD and part libraries. Spreadsheets and workbenches. 5. and convert them to small milling and lasering. 6. Then open source 3D printed motor that is buildable. 7. Then open source switch mode power supply for DC voltage, GFCI and fuse protected. 8. Then filament making: bearings, 9. pulleys and rubber belts. 10. Nichrome heater elements. 11. 3D printed bolts - 1" in wood as large fasteners or tierods. 12. Filament maker. 13. Printing furniture. 14. Grinding PVC and all else. 15. KiCad 16. Kdenlive. 16. GIMP. See STEAM Camp Development Log.


Biggest question to solve is mass participation in a self-funding way such that the development process can show synergy. This means raising the number of participants during STEAM Camp training, but also lowering the barriers so that someone who has no resources can also contribute. The best low-entry-barrier idea still is the Open Source Everything Store, but the question of marketing it is still live. How do we do it?

It requieres solid product development and marketing, which are pretty high skills and very few people are willing to do it. There needs to be a simple process for accepting participation, and there needs to be a simple process for onboarding people. The critical aspect still remains to retain people, which can be done only if people start generating revenue. On one side, we can think of the low entry barriers to simple OSES development, but because the skill set required is significant, nobody sticks around: the low-entry-barrier is not really low when you consider that real, marketable products are the end result.

Is OSES feasible? The promise of OSE is that we make the product dev process simple - but the truth is that it takes significant skill. Not anything difficult, but something that requires a deeper commitment - while 'giving everything away for free'. So this route does not seem feasible or easy: both the skill set and the open culture required of sharing. Indeed, only very few people have the high self-esteem required, or the evolved mindset required - where a clear connection between super-cooperation and economic results is visible. This mindset is the most rare.

Where are the people that have this mindset? There are some orgs, such as Gaudi Labs, that do have this mindset. So the ideal target would be an org like Gaudi Labs. What do we do there? We can share products -


Hi Urs, great work on open source culture. Wondering if we can talk regarding collaboration. We run workshops, and so do you, maybe we can run some together where we combine open hardware and teaching prowess? The idea is that we can build on each others' work, expand product lines, and market things collaboratively while promoting industrial productivity on a small scale. I'm trying to get people to collaborate on scaling open product development - both open and collaborative. The requirement is that the people involved have some product already, that can be set up for distributed and distributive enterprise with collaborative development.

Therefore, the simple OSES process must occur with captive audiences, such as at schools, or with university teams, where strong or coercive social ties ensure continuity. For example - enlisting teachers to the Global Classroom Initiative. The other route is more heavy - and that is the full OSE Chapters at a national scale, where the clear expectation is enterprise startup and continuity - more of a deep dive. For the latter, we still want to create mentorships, so a recommended process would be identifying either a SCORE mentor or some other business mentor at a local chamber of commerce, and partnering with someone to provide productive/education space - such as a library where ongoing development or production can take place. In the latter case, an air filter is pretty much a requirement. But such recycling spaces would be a great idea. For the least constraints, the onboarding would be training people who are committed to doing this for real. This means that they are passionate about the vision of collaborative development, and they have the internal motivation, plus the available time (not distractions) that allow them to do this full time.

The ideal deep candidate would be one who loves to build things, and has the COMMITMENT to learn.

For the low-brow (low-entry-barrier) route, it's still about continuity - when examined more closely - what you put in is what you get out. Which means little. So the other way of putting more in is more reasonable.

We still need to have effective training, though - and still the hope of significant investment via STEAM Camps can happen - but it must have the large numbers of people involved. In which case the solution is putting in the money to marketing, and product development in a singificant way.

So to go forward - develop product, and then develop an irresistable product launch with different price points, from simple $7 webinars (must be quite attractive), $200 to $1500 immersion - to $20k for year program where you start a chapter in another country. Includes the first month, then one hour per week guidance, and weekly assignments. but based on a core of developed content matched by $10-40k/month revenue (10-20 sales per month at $500-$2000 revenue each). We aim for 10 days of production at $2k/day net as the baseline. For example, 9 kits with 3 people + manager in a day). That still requires development of sourcing.

Tue Mar 10, 2020

Process is clarifying. To get to scalable OSPD, we simply have to raise the bar, while re-focusing on entrepreneurship, aka a source of livelihood. To raise the bar, we must leverage collaboration of 2-5,000 people for one day or multiple day design sprints. To do that, we start with audacious projects, and develop 100s of OSE Chapters at Universities, and hundreds of STEAM Camps happening at one time. This requires having done proper marketing, which we are starting to develop with 180DC. For event quality, we must reach Tony Robbins-level event quality. To get enterprise, reshift Summer X around Startup Camp. Summer X Startup Camp, which is already the enterprise track, but not prominent as the value proposition. We do the same-old-same-old: recruit supercooperators, run STEAM for captive audiences at schools, and top it all off with incentive challenges. So a combo platter of STEAM, startup camp, University Chapters, and Incentive Challenges, each developing a localized microfactory operation that begins to change its local economy.

Tue May 3, 2016

OSE no is an education organization. Specifically it's a Distributive Enterprise organization. Moreover we are an education and Manufacturing organization. Division is to build an open-source Village. From the business perspective likely form of that is a campus or research and Eco Industrial Park. Eco Industrial Park. Division is to have no employees only executives perhaps in the form of Partnerships or tenants. It would have to be residential for some time so that we demonstrate a functioning Society like a college campus which is residential accept it has a real economy built in meeting production not only education. Other elements include ecological broad-scale regeneration or land stewardship. The main vision is to create responsible stewards of the Earth's resources buy integrated design and interdisciplinary approach. One of the main challenges is culture fit and responsibilities. With responsible participants Performance Management is not an issue this could be implemented as an education campus with entrepreneurs in Residence as faculty and participation in production by the students also applying Xtreme Manufacturing as a model for Revenue generation from two streams from education and production. We are looking at doing for manufacturing and production and housing and any productive sector that which Wikipedia has done for knowledge that is democratize production and disrupt the manufacturing model from the typical unskilled alienation 2 responsible participation. In the next three years the optimal scenario would be to attract one or two Mohr partners and to begin the education program with the curriculum as well as regular ongoing workshops. The goal is to franchise this open-source throughout the world 2 viral replication that means tens of thousands of facilities like this across the globe within 20 years to create 8 trillion dollar effort possibly as large as about 50 trillion accounting for about 50% of the world's economy.1-800-Got-Disruption for movement entrepreneurs. Thus, the recruiting has to be high quality. Specifically, this is Thiel Fellows and Y Combinator with ethics - land ethics and open source.

Mon Mar 4, 2016

Heavyweight product management of Toyota and OSPD is a good idea for complex projects. With this, a 100 Leverage Ratio is a desired goal,converting a $100k operation into a $1M operation, and $10M operation pending training of managers. With this in mind, an enhanced recruiting function as in Rare Genomics Istitute by Dr. Jimmy Lin. Coupled with quick rapport check-in, for next meetings occurring when 100 leverage ratio is obtained.

Thu Feb 25, 2016

Pivoting to Enterprise centric approach. That means we start with "$100k enterprises" and economic analyses as the starting point to motivate positive capital feedback loops for continued development. Seeking facility manager EIR (design of 25% time in facility mgmt, 25% earning, and rest in visionary work along lines of self-determination theory), production manager EIR, and farmer scientist EIR.

Wed Feb 17, 2016

Learned about the distinction between philosophical alignment and entrepreneurial alignment. Those who share a philosophical outlook with OSE do not necessarily have the entrepreneurial mindset and level of commitment that is required to accomplish goals by doing whatever is necessary to get the work done.

Thu Oct 8, 2015

Committed to thought leadership in concentration of economic power vs it's distribution. Facts and figures by sector. And therefore historical perspective.

Fri Oct 2, 2015

Started commitment to effective interactive video communication with clickable links in YouTube, renders, effective 3D walkthroughs, infographics, face time, screencast, kdenlive, title screen, and credits. Natron or PowToons for aftereffects.

Tue Sep 15, 2015

Started Power Electronics Construction Set.

Wed Sep 9, 2015

Started prep for the first aquaponics workhsop, dated for Nov 6-11, 2015.

Tue Aug 11, 2015

It is becoming clear how important basic collaboration structure, and collaborative literacy in communicating that structure, is to the project. Basics include Work Log, and Development Template such that now any project can be found readily on wiki. Google Docs are used for collaborative edit. I see a case for an Entrepreneur in Residence program, piloted with 6 people then done with 12 - where we all pull together, and tuition funds the process. 3-6 month time scale for full prototyping and deployment of one technology including distributive enterprise. On the collaboration front, advisors and high level collaborators who are already doing same things (such as Ashoka people at Collaborators page) - that's where the rubber hits the road - pending the social entrepreneurs having open culture. Recent conversation with Alexander Slocum reveals how backwards center of excellence academic thinking is in terms of collaborative literacy, which is the core reason why I left academia for open source. I found academia to be the antithesis of open source.

Mon Jun 29, 2015

When I spoke to Allan Savory at Permaculture Voices this year, he piqued my interest with his experience on the diffusion of new ideas. He mentioned the work of Saul Ashby about how mental models change. The comment is that public opinion must change before institutions change. The real question is - what is the definition of public opinion? Is that the .0001%? The 1%? The 5, 10, or 20%? Above 20%? What percentage is the Joe Sixpack? Cultural Creative is 20%. This is critical insight for any movement entrepreneur.

Sun Jun 28, 2015

As a result of Webinars, it appears that the excitement does not lie in the DevelopmentvMethod, but product. It always has been. So a shift to focusing around production enterprise has to be the way to move forward. This addresses the livelihood question. Development atechnique does not address livelihood in the immediate sense.

The next milestone for FeF is to recruit the first ever self-sustaining on-site collaborator. The idea would be for that person to run workshops. It appears this will be feasible when Brick Press, Power Cube, MicroTrac, Gasifier, and CNC Torch will be fully deployed. That right there is a powerful fabrication package.

A favorable scenario would be developing the first priority - agriculture. If this person knows how to build the Microtractor, and use CNC torch, and 3d model with a printer, FreeCAD, etc - they can be self-directed into high level R&D work - the key is providing sufficient direction and training, matching the skill level to the person.

There could be a 2 weeks ag/ 2 weeks running workshops every month. There would have to be a serious vetting process - maybe workshop to volunteer on site for a month at expenses paid of $15/day - to qualify for a deep immersion program. The program would offer substantive skills in agriculture and technology. From cad to Rapid prototyping to Machine Construction Set to energy to GIS to breeding.

The critical missing link is still training materials. Maybe the best way to attain organizational collaborative literacy is to write a curriculum - the teaching part - from where the goals and methodology are clarified. One major block right now is the lack of collaborative ecology. The methods and techniques of development are not clear - a persistent block. Specifically - I have not seen anyone skilled in modular breakdown, interface design, and parallel process design for product development. Thus, with little common ground, it is too steep a learning curve for someone to come up with parallel process design.

The next step on the parallel process design aspect of collaborative literacy is to define the methodology. Then, do a pilot course. If the results are favorable, as demonstrated by the ability of a leader to emerge to run a parallel dev process - then we have succeeded on two fronts. One is method of development. Two is the necessary leadership to spread the method. This is essentially a technology transfer question.

The outcome would be, for example, that a mass parallel process is begun to fulfill the open source Aquaponics project. Or nursery. Or Machine Construction Set.

To summarize, it is all about Training Program Development as the next frontier for stacking livelihoods behind GVCS development. Curriculum is key, collaborative literacy training is key - which is a mixture between tools , method, and biz dev.

Thu Jun 11, 2015

Today marks the shift to building a community development effort based on complete teams, as opposed to lean teams. We are still considering lean operation, however, we will be ramping up the recruiting function to make teams more complete. Incomplete teams are a persistent weak point of the project. Economic sufficiency is currently progressing well with the Extreme Manufacturing Workshop Model.

Wed May 6, 2015

This year marks the start of team building and training for creating high performing teams. The benefit is learning leadership and peak performance towards becoming Integrated Humans. The practice is doing world-changing work of creating Collaborative Literacy - one of core Literacy topics.