180 Degrees Consulting
OSE hired 180 Degree Consultion - https://180dc.org/ - to produce a marketing strategy fro the OSE STEAM Camp - right before COVID hit. This strategy applies to general marketing now.
Final Report
- Partnerships - with
- Joe - podcast list - external audience
- Eric - videos
- Josh - up to 15-20 hours per week - partnerships and more.
Report Summary by MJ
- Phase 1, 6 mos: 100 customers in Brand Awareness Phase at a cost of 800 hours and $1500
- If hours are paid at $25/hr, then COCA is $200/person.
- Phase 2+3:
Podcasts - 4 shown, needs to develop
Magazines notes - 37 listed with contacts
- Organic YouTube - Eric?
Organic FB
Organic Linked-In
- Paid FB
- Paid Linked-In
- OSE Podcast
- Online Courses
- Partnership:
- College/University
- Business - collaborative marketing and Development
- Nonprofit Orgs - also collaborative marketing and Development
Hi Marcin,
Before I comment on the marketing plan.
About your story:
"The STEAM Camp, in turn, leads to a collaboratively literate public – where graduates are prepared to take part in Open Source Ecology’s Incentive Challenges – collaborative design ‘competitions’ which will be held annually starting September 2020"
1 / Not sure what your plan for the competition is... but I'm assuming teams. I see sponsorship opportunities here. And a great hook for marketing. And you could incorporate a 15 minute live stream of each day's efforts and standings. You want their family and friends to check in and that will build more community connections and more future participation.
2 / The first video on your site is excellent. Consider a 1:00 cutdown for play during your campaigns. The World Economic Forum does their social videos the best in terms of having readable texts play on top. https://www.instagram.com/worldeconomicforum/
3 / The second video on your site is demeaning to your effort. If you are going to do a parody of a twitch game trlr or some other thing --- it has to be done well.
Now for the Market Strategy: Who is doing the work? Are they executing the plan? I think the time to execute needs to factor in who is doing this. If it is a newbie it will take much more time.
First of all. Wow. 63 pages. Lots of terrific stuff in here!!! The only area that I think is questionable is the Magazine approach. And the time it takes to implement most sections. The pandemic makes this a whole new day for quite a while to come.
Print Media -
- Comparing Print Advertising to Email Marketing is a false equivalency. - Print Subscriptions could be at risk during a global recession.
1 / I think your first goal during phase 1 should be to pitch the editorial staff on being featured. Editorial and Advertising are generally separate divisions - even at small publications. For something like Maker, you two should consider being contributing writers. This will build brand identity and tell the SteamCamp story.
As an example: Make Community just finished their Virtual Maker Faire & Maker Camp https://make.co
2 / I think Mobile is key to any successful campaign. Instead of print ads I would consider using an Ad Network to push to the mobile publishers. https://www.taboola.com/ or others possibilities https://www.mobidea.com/academy/best-ad-networks-list/
Perhaps you could get a digital advertising agency to contribute the management of this to some degree. I am not in this game right now so don't have a recommendation.
SEO - All of this is excellent. I'm using SEMrush myself right now. Excellent tool. You can also do social posts with it but I'm not utilizing that tool so not sure how well it works.
Organic Social Media - Facebook - All good. Note that a youtube video link will not get as much play as if you upload it natively. Facebook favors native videos. LinkedIn - Great! I learned some things.
Podcasts - Excellent. This should be ongoing. Creating your own podcast would cost very little to set up. You two know enough people to interview or host - your TED Fellows alone. You could do 12. You should not do less that 12 and you should put them out in a consistent sequence.
Inorganic (Paid) Social Media- LinkedIn also let's you select Titles.
Online Courses - Don't know enough about this to comment. But It seems to be a lot of work for little return. It is another business model.
Strategic Partnerships - These are key. And inviting people to be on your podcast would open up your strategic relationship.
I still think the University, State School and Community College are key. BUT Libraries are awesome. I'm attaching a deck I used to pitch people to be on our Board of Advisors. Scroll through and look at the Library info. The Los Angeles Public Library has a huge maker fair and they have a maker space at the Library.
That's about all I have to offer up. Happy to discuss. Send some times along.
Emily Aiken
site: thestorystudio.com
Attachments area
- 180DC is helping OSE to create a marketing strategy for 12x12 Open Source Microfactory STEAM Camps - 12 events with 12 participants each.
- Jaeame @ greenforce - offer of a call center person
- Andreas - coordinating content
- Marc Zorn - Visionlaunch
- Minds
- LeoDavid
- Eric Lotze
Fri May 29, 2020
- Courses
- Any time!
- Remote participation already - get them on a MOOC platform.
- Skillshare - most user friendly, plus analytics.
- 1. Create anticipation - create a teaser course.
- 2. Create lesson plans -
- Go Premium on skillshare. If you want to go free, go to YouTube. Less detail for free. Free is beacon. Premium weeds out the people.
- Certificate. Creation.
- For Premium Memberships. Can get certificates. No certs without premium.
- Affiliate links - can be created. Via Skillshare.
- Kit.com integration - with Skillshare.
- But - how do you do this specific to OSE needs? Just let it be a teaser, and we refactor? Long presentation - to a serious refactor? Conference.
- Automated fulfillment - via Kit.com
- Strategic Partnerships - each of 4 gets a different strategy. High school - assembly; Univ - student led orgs; Nonprofits -
- Education institution partnerships-
- Similar nonprofits/biz - consider their partnerships before reaching out to them.
- For high schools - it's just time that is necessary for it to succeed./
- Consider the history of partnerships - in determining if they will partner.
- Goals, values, and needs - consider them in determining partnerships.
- Mags - [1]
- https://searchvolume.io/ - os tool - keywords - gets how hot a keyword is.
- Open source SEO tools - what are they ? Chapman can provide.
- Semrush - appears like a powerful tool
- See how we can track with Awstats
- Public feedback or crowdsource - what YouTube channels to coordinate with?
- GRIN - paid app for contact creators to find other content creators.
- Create YT content - 1 hour program. Multiple participants as leaders. Take several people together for discussion sessions.
- Integrate interview with Podcast between YT creators
- Integrate content from multiple people. Doing different aspects. Live event even. Content creation via live collaboration. Focus on what people already have, that they could teach readily.
- Collaborative Podcasts or Panels
- Partnerships - Mastermind brainstorming session on marketing ideas.
- Library - funder as CoC, library receives.
- Startup Camps - Open Source Microfactory Startup Camp.
- Needs: Podcast Pitch
- Needs: Collaborative Education: diverse authors - contact the aligned people.
- YT example: will it shred?
- OSE page - social proof - former articles on this
- How many Top Podcasts are there?
- STEAM Camp splash web page
- Design the ads - give specific script.
- Facebook - Quality Ranking Tool, vs Analytics. After ad design tool - prior to deploying ad - get a quality ranking tool - before deployment.
- Bottom line of $50 coca on FB?
Fri May 22, 2020
- FB privacy issues. But a good short-term solution.
- FB $1 CPC, $7 CPM (thousand impressions). 0.9% clickthrough-rate - so comparable. Go by CPC. Pay just for c
- How do you use Qaulity Ranking tool in FB ads? How do you use Relevance Diagnostiscs?
- 18-34 yo are using more of platforms like Instagram or Snapchat.. Pros use LinkedIn.
- You can create your own demographic, but there is risk to that - ads may not work.
- FB requires - 50x cost of a click. So $1 cap - need to spend $50.
- Say 1000 clicks - conversion is 9% for FB on average. From 1000, get 90 people converting?
- A standard conversion rate is 2%. [2]. 10% would be really high.
- What about Collaborative Marketing? Employee Advocacy Campaign - LinkedIn has it. Gives useful information to OSE Members - gives them more exposure, and promotes OSE's goals.
- Do some AB testing.
- Organic marketing - risk - make sure it doesn't sound like an advertising. Connect it, but don't make it blatant.
- Crop out 3-5 minute segments from videos - and post directly to FB. Easier to do it by short clip.
- Crop it! Extract juicy bits and recycle!
- High Schools and Colleges
- SEM - science and engineering Magnets - schools - https://www.usnews.com/education/best-high-schools/texas/districts/dallas-isd/science-and-engineering-magnet-school-sem-18934
- Private schools with STEM - [3]
- STEAM Camp - for college students, it builds your resume. IEEE. Engineers without borders.
- If college group has good social media - that would be good start.
- https://www.semrush.com/
- Google Search Console- https://search.google.com/search-console?resource_id=https://wiki.opensourceecology.org/.
- Pages tab for a website - see keywords that people search.
- You can see warnings - like images take too long to load.
- Indents matter for speed.
- Breadcrumbs - get you more insight on keywords to use
- Crappy backlinks are bad for OSE. Makes you go down in the search engine rankings.
- List of SEO and technical problems.
- Phase 1 - 3-6 months; phase 2 - 3 months; phase 3 - 3 months.
- Pricing - discounts for community partnerships. Many for the price of one.
Finding Collaborators
- SEMrush, Ahrefs,
Fri May 15, 2020
- Print media - ads - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yD-5LWJKDI8YmnR6Ii5iOdl-N0TGFm-9Lav16xzeKQ4/edit
- Both pitch content and inquire about advertising - would be a good strategy. They want contect. For each mag, advertising vs content could be a good option.
- Podcasts - investment required is search & appear. Otherwise, great brand awareness. We have interesting content for them. They have audiences. We offer collaborative design
- Youtube. Research them. Paid - think about what they are interested in, how OSE fits in their content. Then track it. Use Google tracker - Custom Link. Custom link is an effective way to track.
- Youtube collaboration - can we do a build together, for example?
- Partnerships - aligned and established - good way to go.
- Combine Partnerships with Collaborative Marketing with Enterprise Education?
- Look for companies that have established Partnerships route
- Hardware Freedom Day - do an Extreme Build?
Fri May 8, 2020
- ROI calculations for click-through and general ROI - can give some insight on spend and return.
- ROI on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/help/lms/answer/94703/forecasted-results-in-campaign-manager?lang=en
- Instead of conversion, do brand awareness on LinkedIn
- Start with Skillshare and Teachable.
- Set up a film studio!
- Working doc - [4]
Fri Apr 24, 2020
File:4 24 Update Call Report .pdf. Editable doc - [5]
Fri Apr 17, 2020
- Digital footprint -
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ywPgnHtdSZxLI8x8-PIEGxt3klpAZA1iSlyR71AN9pc/edit
Fri Apr 10, 2020
- Entreprenuerial, super-cooperator - coordinating a club, OSE, teacher - , builder - building things, collaborating with OSE
- College audience, industry audience. Industry may be makers.
- SEO- good to get OSE up using basic techniques, and Community Organizations
- https://www.unitedway.org/get-involved/groups/student/about
- https://www.unitedwayoc.org/how-we-are-doing-more/income/upskill-oc/ - OSE can be a part of it
- Summary: focus on Community Partnerships, SEO, and College Tour/University Chapters.
- Resources - Alvaro Log, Andreas Log, Jessica Log.
Beginning Questions - Apr 4, 2020
Questions for Open Source Ecology
- How does Open Source Ecology get money to fund these events (i.e. STEAM Camps, Competitions)? The events are self-funding. All of our work comes from programmatic revenue, such as the STEAM Camps. We also sell 3D printers and other machines. For the Incentive Challenge, we will look for a sponsor. However, we would like to run regular competitions from the revenue of the STEAM Camps, because the STEAM Camps are aimed at product development where the products are taken to market as a result of the Incentive Challenges.
- How much does 1 event (i.e. competitions, STEAM Camps) usually cost Open Source Ecology? We do a 50/50 revenue share with instructors, so for every person that signs up ($1000 revenue per person after material costs), OSE revenue share is about $500/paying customer. This revenue covers marketing, travel, and organizational costs.
- What does Open Source Ecology see as the main issue when it comes to communicating Open Source Ecology’s goals and values to the public? I think it's the complexity of our message, but probably most confusing is our claim of 'growing the pie for everyone.' Ie, our promise is creating open, collaborative enteprises for producing things - but it seems that people balk at this idea because they don't see how they could make money if products are open source. One has to study the revenue model carefully to understand that cooperation is an advantage, not a cost. We would need to simplify this message so people are clear about our promise.
- What is Open Source Ecology’s current marketing strategy? We post on our main website (https://www.opensourceecology.org/workshops-and-programs/), front page of our wiki (https://wiki.opensourceecology.org/wiki/Main_Page), OSEmail newsletter, and social media - see OSE Social Media.
- What marketing resources does Open Source Ecology currently employ? We don't hire any other marketing sources. We do have access to AdWords ($10k/month for free to nonprofits), but we don't know how to use it effectively. We have a decent promotional video for the STEAM Camps - as in our last announcement [6]
- What current and past marketing activities has Open Source Ecology done? Not really any - we haven't run any specific marketing campaigns. People from our internal audiences would sign up if we ran a few workshops per year - but now we are scaling our events and we have tapped out our internal audiences.
- Has Open Source Ecology reached out to college campuses yet? If so, how has Open Source Ecology gone about it and how successful was it? - I have done a College Tour 2014 - but beyond that, we have not started a formal program. Right now, it's rather ad-hoc - I communicate with individuals who express interest. It's time to organize a more formal campaign - some notes were started at OSE_Chapters_at_Universities.
- What marketing efforts have Open Source Ecology done in the past for the STEAM Camps? Already covered above.
- Does Open Source Ecology want all of the 12-24 events to be in different locations? Yes. The idea is to do mass collaboration, and practically speaking, the instructors will be located at those locations. So it's about matching avaialable instructors to different locations. Doing different locations facilitates logistics, in our thinking.
- Would all the 12-24 events be happening all at once or within a timeframe (i.e. 3 months)? The idea was to run them all at the same time, so it's a massive sprint that provides visible and exciting results that leverage effective collaboration. It's part of our concept of Extreme Manufacturing - with many teams working in unison. You can see more in the Wikipedia Article on Extreme Manufacturing
- Are there any constraints to how we market the STEAM Camps (i.e. monetary, legal, organizational constraints)? No legal constraints, but definitely organizational: staff to execute the marketing strategy. We don't have anyone in this role at this time. We have an Event Planner Job Announcement for the STEAM Camps and are looking for a candidate. Regarding monetary constraints - these could be addressed by people signing up for events, which pays for all the costs involved. So that revenue from registrations should cover marketing expenses. We are also recruiting instructors - see So,_You_Want_to_Be_an_Open_Source_Microfactory_STEAM_Camp_Instructor?. Without finding more instructors (currently we have 6), we cannot make our quotas.
- Who are the decision makers of Open Source Ecology when it comes to implementing our recommendations? It is I.
- What are some complications you have identified for recruiting people to participate in the STEAM Camps?. This question should be broken into recruiting instructors, and recruiting participants. Both are needed. For instructors, the main challenge is that we are looking for 5-legged dogs: open source, supercooperators, entrepreneurs, builders, and teachers - all in one. The skill set involved revolves around open source toolchains. The mindset revolves around collaboration and comfort in a creative process. There are just not so many people that fit the profile. For participants - some of the complications are taking 9 days off to do the STEAM Camp. But I think the main challenge to recruiting participants is publishing more refined curriculum online and publishing related videos, so that this serves as marketing for the STEAM Camps - by showing the depth of the content - with the understanding that it's even better at the live event. It seems that our marketing would improve when people get a deeper preview of the material covered - as it may seem too hard to believe that we can actually offer all that we do in such a short time. This would require refining/perfecting the curriculum to a higher degree, and perhaps also creating online MOOCs which also serve to market both the live event and the remote participation option. At the same time, it seems to me that simply advertising more would put this out in front of more people, so that even without the additional assets generated, we should be able to attract more people - because what we have already is quite compelling.
Notes - Meeting 3/23/20
- Megan - pres of UC Irvine
- Matthew - engagement manager
- Chapman - engagement manager
- Matthew + Chapman will be points of contact
- Midproject - prioritization meeting. Matrix graph - as far as what to focus on
- 10 week project - because quarter system
- Meetings - weekly
- STEAM Camps - skills to collaborate - skills to build
Project Proposal
First Meeting - Friday March 6, 2020
- Started in Sydney - 2007
- Now 140 chapters - in 35 countries
- Marketing, impact measurement, revenue generation
- GLP - Global Leadership Team - calling from Sweden, India, Keshan Huang. Shivani.
- Potential project for September
- Socially oriented impact -
- Grad or undergrad or both - could be any student. But generally - mentoring scheme - McKinsey, Deloitte. Mentors are volunteers.
- Cheap high quality consulting.
- Keshan - Junior at Columbia U - art history and econ
- Aug-Sep start of project.