Andreas Log
Editing google slides template, master
Midsummer bank holiday. STEAM camp meeting edit
Review & consolidate: Google Ad Grant Strategy in Marketing, with STEAM Camp budget Template, Marketing log, new budget calculations - Google sheet -> is 800 USD for 1 weekend, with uppsale of 750USD for comming weekends too much. if they buy a package of 3 weekends they get them for 600 USD each, and can get 1000USD back (out of 1800) if after the first weekend they don't want any more weekends. edit
Curiculum Development google slides, Marketing Automation, EFORGE | 3D Print Electronics On-Demand, Trying to get automatic gant calculator for google excel open-sourced by the author<- mail sent - Distributed Manufacturing of Open-Source Medical Hardware for Pandemics - Joshua Pearce
Comments on Final Marketing Support, Estimated need for our STEAM Camps Rainbow Deep Reinforcement Learning. Developing open-source general intelligence. <- fixing attention memory and to newer pytorch and from python 2 to python 3.
CE, FCC, and EG product certification edit
OSE Universal axis in 2 hours FreeCAD in 1 hour OSE Lesson - Universal Axis Freecad wiki - PartDesign Body
OSE Lesson - Universal Axis OSE Lesson - Universal Axis Ray Dalio Myths About Open Source<- source article has good points reg version control I think we can improve with e.g. Guenter's solution. would be interesting to utilize that also on our documentation, and not only our product-files. [Idavall development]
2020-06-2 & 3
Reviewing: youtube - planetary gear, Previews STEAM meeting, May 8th,Dev Team - Collaborative Marketing - Part 2 are we still on for meetings automatically?
Updating: [1]
People: received update from Siraj - he's got the prints. what curricullum is most stable to do there though? Asked miss Lee for update. To do: William, Don.
3D files .obj, .stl .3MF, which three are core for a good 3D printing service? 3D printing analysis API, mail for cost for 3D printing repair API (no open source?) Update: KiKad. Message@slack Need marketing triage. take it on an ROI basis in terms of cost + manhours alike.
AI overview Upwork outsourcing skype call, feauture requests
Stylle transfer learning with Keras, Tensorflow and Jupyter notebook on cloud
outsourcing, artificial intelligence, introduction to Jupyter notebook, Open source alternative to Adobe Xd for User interface design. Curricullum Minimal Viable Circular Economy - 2 versions. The one-dimensional man pdf, Article: workout to electricity (<300Wh?), Recruitment
2020-04-27, Mon
<- is open-source the best way for ressillient cooperative behavio? (should remember to add logs) April 2020, Cloud architect: Docker vs Kubernetes
Thur-Fri Apr 23-4, 2020
2020-04-22, Wed
Marketing-social media buffers, Template:InfoboxMarketing, March Google Present
2020-04-21, Tue
Google Ad Grant Strategy,Marketing, Google ad grant strategy working doc OSE Lesson - Universal Controller - 1 hour, Template:Lesson-trashcan, Event marketing timeline template, my overall marketing tactics for event management, Installing Linux on virtual box, OSE Lesson - Universal Axis
2020-04-20, Mon
Marketing, August 2020 STEAM Camp, [[]],OSE STEAM Camp Lesson Plan, wiki page review
2020-04-19, Sun
Call with Siraj, Taiwan notes & updates
2020-04-17, Fri
OSE Kanban Board, Template:Steam-9-enroll, wiki overview, OSE STEAM Camp Schedule, STEAM Kanban, Template:RequiredReading
2020-04-16, Thur
Template:Steam-9-enroll, wiki overview, OSE STEAM Camp Schedule, Andreas Critical Path
2020-04-15, Wed
Template:Steam-9-enroll,Template:Lesson, wiki overview, OSE Lesson - FreeCAD - 1 hour, OSE STEAM Camp Schedule ---How do you transclude a section of a article from the main namespce? I only get the entire page.... Neither of this works:
- pageX|transcludesection=chapter1
- FreeCAD 101#Lesson_1:_OSE_FreeCAD_Tutorial_1, neither versions of it, with space instead of _
Nor does the #lst:articleX|chapter1 work See wikipage abut section specific transclusion
2020-04-14, Tue
Template:Steam-9-enroll, wiki overview, Template:Infobox STEAMcampOSE STEAM Camp Schedule, Template:Lesson, Template:Lesson-trashcan, OSE Lesson - FreeCAD - 1 hour, OSE Lesson - Welcome & OSE Introduction - 1 hour, OSE Lesson - How to Start an Open Source Project - 1 hour
2020-04-13 Monday
Creating Infoboxes for templates, Template:Lesson-trashcan, OSE Lesson Repository, Template:Infobox STEAMcamp, Template:Lesson, OSE Lesson - Welcome & OSE Introduction - 1 hour, Wiki repository, OSE Lesson - How to Start an Open Source Project - 1 hour, about wiki links, so that I shorten name of internal links,
Friday, Apr 10th, 2020
Andreas Critical Path, Template:STEAM Camp Kanban, OSE STEAM Camp lesson review
Thursday, Apr 9th, 2020
wiki pages review, Marketing, Marketing Automation, OSE Kanban Board, Sheet Kanban, Slide Kanban, <- See instructions in OSE Kanban Board for how to get rid of the annoying menus. The logic of the sheet should be correct now even without dates.
Wed, Apr 8th, 2020
Andreas Critical Path, Teaching Module Requirements for STEAM Camps,Critical Path STEAM Camp Blocks Template, Templates in Mediawiki, Template:Lesson, MediaWiki - Basic formatting of templates - Tutorial 8
Tues, Apr 7th, 2020
Personal Peak Performance Wiki-review - Wiki goal: be able to find any doc within 10 sec for anyone
view & comment Overall Project Tracking - OSE STEAM Camp - 2020
Mon Apr 6th, 2020
[2] See if these personality tests are good. Entrepreneurs, ressilience (that one wasn't good). Video of Team Meeting - Open Source Microfactories + COVID. See [[3]] Limited Flutter 3D display Dart Flutter viewer Peak Performance Programmes
Friday April 3rd, 2020
Meeting discussion points STEAM camp 2020 10x_Is_Easier_Than_2x Learnings from 10x_Is_Easier_Than_2x
Thur April 2, 2020
Review of STEAM Camp reviews STEAM camp 2020 Follow up with Luke & Siraj.
Wed April 1, 2020
Wiki review IT engineer volunteer and doctor volunteer who both are available for team meetings. STEAM camp 2020. Open_Source_N95_Face_Mask#COVID_Dashboard Open_Source_N95_Face_Mask_Requirements_+_Value_Proposition#Notes Good photometri video
Sat Mar 28, 2020
Open_Source_N95_Face_Mask#COVID_Dashboard, OSE-only Survey results including e-mail addresses, Public Survey results excluding e-mail addresses, Product Feedback, Mediawiki template tutorial
Fri Mar 27, 2020
Draft of why OSE would use tracking cookies Open_Source_N95_Face_Mask
Fri Mar 20, 2020
March 8th, 2020
OSE Social Media - [5] Facebook e-mail - [6]
March week 1, 2020
Talks with Siraj, Alana, Wendy. Setting up interview with Luke. Siraj starts sourcing parts for the late spring event
Monday-Tuesday 12-26th Feb, 2020
Recruuitment. Talks with Siraj, Wendy, and Ousia. Talk with Alana rescheduled to 3rd of January.
Monday-Tuesday 10-11th Feb, 2020
Saturday-Sunday 3st-9th Feb, 2020
Recruitment (LinkedIn, mails, talk to potentials)
Saturday-Sunday 1st-2nd Feb, 2020
Monday-Fri 20th-31st Jan, 2020
pipeline Worked on 3 leads. Will go down to part time in Feb which should release more time to recruitment.
Monday-Sunday 13-19Jan, 2020
pipeline (Once I have 2-3 onboard I'ld like to review the marketing plan). Main obstacle: current employer drains too much time which means I have to resort too much on generic messages which drives down conversion rates. Ideal solution... get this to work asap, (but sustainably).
Monday-Sunday 5-12Jan, 2020
pipeline I've engaged my primary list of candidates. Selling and getting them to apply for the next phase. Pending on initial results I'll post the add as well, but the existing engaged list is plenty enough for now.
Recruiting: pipeline Writing a "how to interview" guide Interviewing.
Saturday 4th Jan, 2020 :)
Friday Jan 03, 2020
Bolean strings. E-mail & LinkedIn templates for prospecting. Sourcing. Meeting the team, adding them to social media (only one have LinkedIn, one have only FB? and one has neither??). Notes to self: the technological effort seems to be there. Sales: I have either not seen their marketing strategy, or it doesn't really exist or it is not being executed, or it is for other sessions (outside the scope of the upcoming video, which is quite in the last moment, plus, is there a dispersion plan for the video as well?). Does the team members spread it through their channels and through local marketing? And if not, why not?
Thursday Jan 02, 2020
Sourcing Spreadsheet. Job Position Template. Profiling. STEAM Instructor Job Opening. Recruitment Tools, Pipeline, and Procedures .
Need to work on the application flow and candidate data management. Effectivity vs openness vs SPI, esp in regards to legislation. What about contracts? Are there any ready made agreements?
Wednesday Jan 01, 2019
Requisition Form Req resrch. Redesign req workflow for new tools.
Friday Dec 27, 2019
Rewrite recruitment workflow as majority of tools are unavailable. Identify free/cheap alternatives and new processes/workrounds. Biggest obstacle: can't really use my existing account. Alternative workaround is to only collect but not engage, or to engage through e-mail instead (not as effective but, well, make it work). Summary of tool review: Recruitment Tools, Pipeline, and Procedures
Saturday Dec 14, 2019
Working on strategy and operation of: event marketing, event SEO optimization, Twitter advertisements, How to analyze influencers and trending, facebook marketing - pages vs groups - techniques to turn cold facebook leads into warm leads, outreach through large event portal and small portals and its impact on SEO, financial considerations, review and re-iterate task splits and team organizing recommendations.
Monday Nov 18, 2019
Updated/Clarified my Q&A to Marcin's e-mail
Sunday Nov 17, 2019
Reviewed OSE STEAM wikipages. Revised my strategy. Asked questions before final proposal consisting as taking it at face value and suggesting an alternative. Add Partner CRM Sheets into excel pipeline, event gantt chart, set up overall project tracker.
Monday Nov 11, 2019
Sunday Nov 10, 2019
Friday Nov 8, 2019
Wednesday Nov 6, 2019
Saturday Oct 26, 2019
Editable Copy of the STEAM Camp Senior Project Manager Announcement Course content tracker. Project Plan. Timeline. Cashflow document. Project charter (co-create)
Friday Oct 25, 2019
OSE Event Trello Board OSE Recruitment Pipeline
Mon Nov 30, 2015
Fri May 11, 2015
Wed June 10, 2015
Google hangout, Leadership development.
Tue June 9, 2015
In the end of the google-hangout for ledership development talk.
Mon June 8, 2015
Wed May 20, 2015
Tue May 19, 2015
Leadership styles.
Wed May 11, 2015
Collaborative Literacy. Move parts of OSE Leadership Draft into Team Leader Training. Moved it back again. Got help from Ellen with document. I put in more things, some examples for what it means for OSE, also links to surveys to test these leadership attributes.
Tue May 12, 2015
Mon May 11, 2015
Insightful interview about OSE's approach to collaboration. Collaboration.
Sun May 10, 2015
Presencing Institute.
Sat May 9, 2015
OSE Leadership Draft Delete part about teams as this is already existing in Team Leader Training?
Thu May 7, 2015
Talk about OSE Leadership Draft Aim at Collaborative literacy.
Wed May 6, 2015
Trying to re conceptualize accordingly Leadership Draft.
Mailed Ellen Wheeler for another perspective of the Leadership Development.
Tue May 5, 2015
Mon May 4, 2015
Collaboration analysis: (Inductive) Concept Formation.
Sun May 3, 2015
Value assessment. Interview about collaboration with Jonathan Kocurek.
Sat May 2, 2015
Leadership Draft. Collaboration assessment.
Fri May 1, 2015
Andreas Leadership Development
Thu Apr 30, 2015
Leadership Draft Research Likely to Be Participatory Ethnography to get to know the organisation, which will help uncover unknown processes, before an thorough leadership program can be made. Avoid quick fix and do it through the values requires deep knowledge of organisational culture to tailor it to fit the underlying philosophy.
Wed Apr 29, 2015
Andreas Leadership Development Mailed Supervisor to Revise Topic to Leadership Development.