D3D Pro v20.07 3D CAD
Visual History
Also: 1 main and 2 secondary extruder pieces nested on 8" platform: File:3ext.stl
Part Library
Useful prints: 3 secondary extruder pieces nested: File:3extruder.stl
D3D Pro update. Uses larger frame here. - FreeCAD -File:Pro2new.fcstd.
D3D Pro parts for printing. - STL - File:23parts.zip
Control Panel - FreeCAD -File:Controlpanel v1904.fcstd. Bent panel STL - File:Bentpanel v1904.stl
Main extruder part. - Gitlab - [1]. FreeCAD - File:Mainextruderpart.fcstd. STL - File:Extruder main.stl
Extruder Active Cooling with Sensor Mount + Plotter Mount File:ExtrCoolSensPlt.fcstd. STL - Cooling/Sensor/Plotter Mount - File:ExtrCoolSensPlt.stl
Spring tensioner -File:SpringTensioner.FCStd. STL - File:Tensioner.stl
Angle Connector. - FreeCAD with McMaster 6 mm nut -File:Angleconnector.fcstd. Finished STL - File:Anglecorner.stl
Angle Connector with axis mount, left side. - FreeCAD - File:Leftcorner.fcstd. Finished STL - File:Leftcorner.stl
Angle Connector with axis mount, right side. - FreeCAD - File:Rightcorner.fcstd. Finished STL - File:Rightcorner.stl
Bottom Z axis holder. - FreeCAD -File:Newzbase.fcstd. STL - File:Newzbase.stl
Top Z axis holder. - FreeCAD -File:Topholder.fcstd. STL - File:Topholder.stl
One Piece Motor - FreeCAD -File:Simplified motor side.fcstd. Full size at Gitlab - [2]. STL - File:Simplified motor side.stl
One piece idler. - FreeCAD -File:Newidler.fcstd. STL - File:Newidler.stl
One Piece Carriage: File:Simplified carriage side.fcstd. STL - File:Simplified carriage side.stl
Y carriage motor side. File:Ycarriagemotorside.fcstd. STL - File:Ycarriagemotorside.stl
Y carriage idler side. File:Ycarriageidlerside.fcstd. STL - File:Ycarriageidlerside.stl
Z carriage with bedholder.. File:Newzcarriage.fcstd. STL - File:Newzcarriage.stl
Carriage closure. File:Carraigeclosure.fcstd. STL - File:Carriageclosure.stl
Auto parallel piece. Can be used on Y for auto parallel, Z for equal bottoming. File: File:Autoparallel.fcstd File:Autoparallel.stl
Bed clamp. File:Bedclamp.fcstd. STL - File:Bedclamp.stl
Bed spacer. File: File:Bedspacer.fcstd File:Bedspacer.stl
Beltpinch. File:Beltpinch.fcstd. STL: File:Beltpinch.stl
New belt peg. File:Newbeltpeg.fcstd. STL: File:Newbeltpeg.stl
Spool Holder. File: File:Spoolholder.stl Link for more types of these joints - [3]
'Cable clip for end of axis nut catch. - FreeCAD - File:Cableclip2.fcstd. STL - File:Cableclip2.stl
Y carriage idler side top. File:Ycarriageidlersidetop.fcstd.
Integrated rod holders. File:Integratedrodholders.fcstd. STL - File:Integratedrodholders.stl