Factor e Farm Site Plan

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2022 Improvements

2021 Improvements


End of Year 2021





See Large Workshop Structure

Rural Electrification

Priority: connect Campsite to Power. PV on workship roof, with transfer switch.

  1. Phase 1 - power to workshop
  2. Phase 2 - power


See OSE_Internet#Internet_Upgrades_2021

OSE Site Plan - from GIS Workshop of 2015

Site Plan from Site Mapping and GIS Workshop, July 2015

  • QGIS file -File:Fef siteplan 1.zip
  • Topsoil Cover - 40 points at FeF as baseline soil fertility data after decades of commercial abuse and no active regenerative effort- unzip, go to file manager, and open the .shp file. On Ubuntu 15.10 with QGIS 2.8, opening file from the Open File window did not work. - File:Soil samples interpolation.zip
    Soil data measurements taken in August 2015 during the Open Source Mapping and Site Design Workshop. More images: North Side - Soil2.jpg. South Side - Soil3.jpg
  • Note: topsoil cover above is largely qualitative. 5 teams took data walking north. Result depends on what the 5 teams thought was a layer above pure clay. The more accurate fertility measurement would come from the % carbon content. One test for this could be the biomass content of superficial soil (assuming highest % is at the top). This could be used as a better baseline over the years - as the same oint in the soil horizon can be tracked down the years.

Download QGIS to view the above file. A screenshot with the layers:


Site Plan

Agriculture Plan

See: Agriculture Plan 2013


  • Marcin:


I just called - the soils map people referred me to http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/WebSoilSurvey.aspx

I spoke to Jason Saunders. He said the above has 2009 or 2010 aerial photography. He said the USGS quarter quad shows images from about 2001, so he recommended just the online stuff.

Their number in the DeKalb County NRCS office is 816.449.2118.

Let me know what we still need.

I looked at the soils: here is the result: the border is our 30 acres:



  • Dan

I understand you have a need for some discussion around the following:

  • Small scale methane
  • Single family and community sized constructed wetlands for domestic waste treatment and disposal
  • Aquaculture/aquaponics
  • water filtration and purification
  • Small (1 acre) cattle and pasture development
  • Land drainage and soil regeneration

Please bring along your USGS quarter quad from the local NRCS office. You can also get the soils map of the place there too. I have Kuchler and Bailey resources for potential natural vegetation for that location. We'll look at your bio-region as well.

Permaculture Site Plan Logistics

Permaculture is a ecological design methodology based on a set of core principles and values that Open Source Ecology shares. Its primary application is to generate best practices for environmental site analysis and ecological site plan design but is also used to design ecological systems in general.

  • idea 1: host a permaculture course at the Factor e Farm and have the course practicum be a site plan for Factor e Farm
  • idea 2: host an individual permaculture designer in exchange for food, board and fame
    • User:Liam.rattray volunteers to do conduct an on-site environmental analysis and provide a comprehensive site plan for FeF over a week from 3/20/10 to 3/28/10 in exchange for cooperation in constructing a modified CEB press.
  • idea 3: send a Factor E Farm member to a PDC course to get Permaculture certified and do the site plan

Permaculture Teachers

Online Resources

FeF Environmental Site Analysis



Earthworks 2014

