Enterprise Log

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Tue Jun 28, 2024

This is same as Enterprise Development Log. See OSE Apprenticeship Development

Sat Jun 11, 2022

$400k goal via NoVo foundation is possible. Next step, if doesn't come through, is to talk to Rifkin et al in the next class of people who are interested in Fundamental Solutions to Pressing World Issues, who actually comprehend open development AND are entreprenuers. Can't be the usual collaborators - must be the super-visionary ones that are way above on the Psychosocial Integration Scale so that they can be intrinsically motivated about the potential. Next, move to Sublimation Log.

Mon May 30, 2022

First, clarity on operations. 24 students, building their own microhouse as part of training. First 6 months is housing, then is welding, structural engineering, power electronics, heavy machine design, agriculturing (landscape, food, ecosystem), aquaponics. In a cohort, $50/hr means max of $100k/year earning. Tomorrow we do an incentive challenge to complete to LOD 500 and produce Design Guides for each module. Continue seeding modules. Revenue produced = 1800 hrs average, but we work 10 hour days 5 days a week. Thus, 48 weeks of 50 hours, 4 weeks unpaid vacation. 2400 hours, or 2.4 houses thus $60k to $120k net gerenated per person. See Revenue Per Employee for benchmarks. If a realistic figure of $60k is available, then $1.4M is available for support staff. See Core Enterprise Module Staff, and build upon New Industrial System. At the ground floor is the Seed Eco-Home Production Facility at the Tower of Wisdom.

Sun May 2, 2021

Formulating a growth plan from builder to designer to manager to C-suite to Movement Entrepreneurship. Revenue model clarity is emerging on the house: $50k for materials including foundation. $50k turnkey build fee, land + hookups not included. A conservative estimate is 1000 hours. We pay $1500 per 40 hour week, with 24 people swarm. 24*40=960 hours. That makes it $37.50/hr. This indicates net revenue of $14k for OSE, and $36k for workers. OSE provides equipment trailer consisting of skid loader + auger/backhoe, power trowel, and tools.

Discussion: $37.50 is skilled work after training. For unskilled, we pay $15-25. $37.50 is somewhat irresistable after a 6 month apprenticeship, and allows for half-time R&D if such collaborators are working 2 weeks/month, and completing an on-site continuing education program for management, enterprise, movement entrepreneurship, which then starts people at $45/hr for running crews (management), and more like $65/hr for organizing crews (C-suite) for those with management experience. Our growth program goes as: builder, designer, manager, c-suite, up to the highest level - movement entrepreneur.

Builder is physical work - but once enough build occurs, one begins to understand design. But this can be facilitated by design training. That's what we do in Summer X, OSE Apprenticeship, OSE Mentorship. All options are backed by strong emphasis on collaborative development - so we do 1 hour design training, 2 hours of design practice, and 5 hours of build per day. The design/build part can be flexible - as builds are physically intensive so one may add more design time and lessen build time in order to help the body recover. At the end of it, one migrates into management, C-suite, and ultimately, Open Source Movement Entrepreneurship.

This implies a Redneck to PhD transformation capacity.


There are 2 main phases of enterprise - development, training, and scalable operations.

The issue about target audiences - for scalability - is lack of funding. Rich progressive people can be a part of the program, but we really want to uplift 4th World audiences, rural areas, and 3rd world settings. For this, a self-funding mechanism is needed - and can be provided readily by scholarshipping people because: 1. our operating model is lean, 2, we can cross-subsidize from people who can afford it, and 3, we have high revenue earnign potential of open source Industrial Productivity on a Small Scale.

Fri Apr 2, 2021

  • 3 Day Solar Rover Workshop - build your own rover. Includes 1 day course on installing Ardupilot Rover, 1 day on power systems (solar or gas) power cube + solenoids, 1 day on Python and programming to program custom routines with beacons.
  • Virtual Swarm Management System - internet throughout facility.
  • OSE Internet - wireless added to span site for wireless head cams with mike for 2 way voice, for guided work from a control room, so 1 person can manage dozens on various tasks. This is the Redneck Virtual Assistant.

Tue Mar 30, 2021

Tue Mar 30, 2021

Collaborative Creation of Genius.

Tue Mar 29, 2021

  • Shiting 4 Zones from 4 to lower: $1B in revenue in 2 years. How about 1 year? 1000 people would need to be trained as entrepreneurs, with $1B each. Or 5000 at $200k, which is probably more likely.

Wed Oct 7, 2020

The new vision for a 1000 acre enterprise:

  1. Chestnut, hazel, black walnut, mammoth hickory, and perennial agriculture
  2. Hydrogen filling station
  3. Eco-House Tech School
  4. OSE Campus
  5. Village
  6. Car and tractor production
  7. Concrete production
  8. Lake
  9. Steel production
  10. Community worldwide contributes to collaborative, distributed enterprise

Tues July 21, 2020

Primary goal ,

Develop product marketization process. Does anyone have any formal architecture documented on what all the roles included in that are?

Role Architecting Strategies,

1) Teams make up is derived by grouping the user stories into logical sets that combine to produce a minimally viable product (module).

Then assigning roles based on the unique skill sets required to deliver the minimally viable product.

2) performing modular functional decomposition of a subsystem

Generate role composition requirements for each subsystem by analyzing skillsets needed to instantiate the subsystem.

Roles that need to be understood and integrated into the enterprise system:

Legal: contracts, zoning issues and permits, marketing copy,

Management: product strategy, product management, sourcing, economic analysis, logistics,

Technical: web design, video, documentation, distribution, production,

Technical Breakdown+Modularization Strategy

Template development Strategy Decompose the target product into a set of Modules such that each module provides a Specific and independent function. Constrain any module components that create functionality with other modules(interfaces) in the template to insure module interchangeability (examples: inputs/outputs, Connectors, fasteners, Signal/language type, and all known spatial constraints.)

Example, Seed Eco-Home 1: Decide wall module dimensions (because this module logically contains all other modules. Constraining dimensions will enable module interchangability after Extreme Enterprise event.) 2: Build wall module template in CAD 3: Build other module templates in CAD that will define volume constraints and include all connectors that will allow interoperability with other systems. 4: combine these together in a CAD assembly to act as the total product template 5. Assign performance goals for each module

These templates enable marketing efforts by providing a technical outline of the job. Templates also contribute to value delivery by providing performance goals that will inform designer decision making processes during the XE event.

Value Delivery Breakdown

Seed Eco-home example: the house, builder training, publications, model kits, real kits, etc

each of these provide value to OSE, The end-user, and/or the collaborator

Thu May 11, 2020

Welcome to the Open Source Everything Store. Home of Distributed Quality Control.

Wed May 10, 2020

Steve Notes

  • Wouldn't work if distribution is not setup
  • It would fail if products are not QA'd
  • Inconsistency would make it fail. Model would break
  • Love the idea.
  • Love the opportunity
  • Both ego and economic are in
  • Inventing something that never existed before.
  • If I am building a cordless drill that is also a welder - but that would be great.
  • We can fail if we do something that has never been done before. For the higher complexity product, we need full prize money etc.
  • That presupposes the marketing success, viability as a product
  • Market-based partners.
  • Work-from-home opportunities
  • Makers, hobbyists - intro to, semi- to advanced - to extreme enterprise workshops
  • Biz opportunity program.
  • Sign up and pay for event - distribution set up beforehand?
  • Event can come up with more nuanced distribution channels.
  • So say it's a 3D printed motor.
  • Activate marketing to the site.
  • Amazon store, etc.
  • It's for both people who have distribution channels, and without distro channels.
  • Orders come in, we distribute them out to people who were involved in the production.
  • 70% goes on to producer, 30% goes to OSE. They are not doing the marketing. They are the production effort.
  • Education - it's not only education; but through marketplace, we educate consumers about open source.


This is about Enterprise in a Box - not about 3D Printed Electric Motor. Identify, find, and incentivize, and retain to show up for a 24 Hour Extreme Enterprise Event, and how do you keep them motivated. Architecture must produce product, while keeping them motivated. Product is the reward, but, if they don't last the 24th hours. Bc it is remote, there is an extra challenge over the on-site hackathon.

  1. Who are they
  2. Where do we find them
  3. How do we attract them?
  4. How do we structure an event that gets results - playful vs gsd

Assumes a short event for producing a business consisting of one product.

Terminology: producing a business construction set. A method rather than product. Even though there is a product.

Enterprise in a Box Startup Camp. An enterprise generator.

They are creating a kit.

That may not address engineers, so attract them in. A more nerdy way.

We are solving for a motivation, incentive issue. There is discrepancy between attracting and retaining them. With remote, you get extra risk of dropping out.

It's either 12 hours + 2 hr presentation or weekend.

Either one night or 2 day. Fri Eve to Sun evening.

May 6, 2020

We are solving for Extreme Enterprise: how do we get people who are already in an existing business to collaborate on making better products, while being open to distributing the same enterprise to others. Prerequisite is that they must be collaborative. But more for spinning off new products/business closely related to and synergistic with, but not just their products. The new enterprise must be bigger-faster-stronger - and easier to implement - or otherwise - why bother collaborating? The assumption is that we do more with less (more product, less time required) by collaborating.

Right now the current state is do more with less - by monopolizing industries. This is extractive and win-lose, as it is not inclusive of the environment and others.

And the 'bigger-faster-stronger' has several properties enabled by collaboration:

  1. Reduce number of specialized parts. Part degeneracy, for interoperability - 10x value to customer
  2. Modular so we can have multipurpose functiionality
  3. Localize supply chain. Such as Made in the USA. Enable local supply chain for supply chain robustness. Local supply chain network of producers - we make partnerships
  4. Collaboration along an open source, distributive franchise route - so we guarantee 'free' future R&D via collaborative effort.
  5. Stop the demise of the American Empire, while leveling the field for everyone.

Summary: development of enterprise with stakeholders:

  1. Improves their products
  2. Starts competing businesses (free enterprise) - Distributive Enterprise
  3. Unleashes innovation towards easy meeting of needs
  4. Transforms the world toward self-determination, as people no longer struggle to make a living. This de-fuses political ponerology and post-truthism and polarization - as politics (money) is no longer so controversial.

Measuring Distributive Enterprise in Companies

  • How do you know that a business is distributive? You ask - Does a company actively document their business knowhow which enables others to learn from this knowhow? And for what reason?
    • Ideal answer is yes, and reason is for helping others/increasing innovation knowing that we are all in it together. And of course that is part of a value proposition that improves marketing - but marketing is not the primary reason for doing it - but spreading wealth is.

Sample Companies

  • Adafruit
  • Gigabot
  • Farmbot
  • PP Bazaar - Guenther
  • Sparkfun
  • Daniele Ingrasia Fab Lab
  • Jens Dyvik Fab Lab

These are all successful ones - but the question is, how do we also involve smaller ones.

Prerequisite is familiarity with open source or some form of collaboration - cannot be completely new to the topic as there is too much getting on the same page. There are plenty of people who do understand open. Also, just because they are in an open source project, doesn't mean that they carry the culture - for example if the project does not vet for formal open culture (documentation and repos). Another is running some sort of business, as that vets for a basic level of market-proven value proposition, as opposed to hobby or academic only.

The only academic exception is those academics who intend to start productive enterprise.

May 5, 2020

Working on clarity for "What problem are we solving?"

Yesterday I got insight into Extreme Enterprise as the last missing frontier in OSE's package. This means: Efficient development of enterprise on rapid time scale, equivalent to the the development of products with Extreme Manufacturing, such as 1 day, which in turn provides financial feedback loops that allow it to scale. This is like Extreme Manufacturing, but for fully refined machines that displace the central factory in favor of the distributed microfactory.

We are definitely solving for the 80/20 transfer - transfer from 80% wealth captured by investors, to 80% captured by producers and workers. It is only just that those who actually produce should be paid for their work. There is less conflict of interest compared to investors dictating production.

We are definitely solving for mass creation of regenerative livelihood.

We are solving for 'getting people to show up' voluntarily to public OSPD events such as the 24 hour Enterprise Sprints.

We have perfected, at least in theory, and tested all of the pieces - of collaboration architecture for product development.

We are solving for Bodies Showing Up - so that all the roles required for a development process can be fulfilled.

But also, the collaboration architecture must be tight in that

We are solving for Bodies Showing Up. For example, the Open Source Microfactory STEAM Camp is sparse and Completion Escape Velocity is nowhere near done.

Solution is inviting more people, but what is the incentive for people showing up? Can it be that we invite entrepreneurs who are already into production, and want to expand their product line, AND others who are not producing who want to produce?

Clear assumption is that open source collaboration produces better-faster-stronger results - and distributes access to them. Why are we not creating institutions that do this?

We are solving for just that: mass creation of regenerative livelihood.

The challenge is massive social upheaval (people don't know what to do with themselves when they have freedom to think) - a condition that people can adjust to readily, but most may not be immediately ready for that. Massive social upheaval arises when consumerism (filling spiritual needs with material items) is abolished via abundance.

We may be solving for the fundamental issue of wealth distribution, and to distribute wealth in the big picture.

Small businesses, which account for 99.7% of all companies, generate less than 2/3 of the U.S.’s new jobs – which means that the .03% of companies that are big create one out of every three new jobs, more than pulling their weight. - [1]

Apr 6, 2020

Enterprise Metrics Log

January 1, 2016

Explicit pursuit of D3D as a Distributive Enterprise, along with the Brick Press - see Roadmap.

Thu July 9, 2015

Local CSA enterprise. Local CSA with open source pellet-fired microcar delivery, bread from open source bread oven, aquaponics greenhouse greens, and sprouts from open source sprout machine. Pellets from open source pelletizer. Biochar from open source pelletizer/ winter greenhouse heater. Open source combine harvests wheat. $25/hr revenue projections for Milestone 1.

Sat Apr 25, 2015

History of OSE should be placed on timeline like in [2]

April 21, 2015

With time, OSE is gaining structure and identity - like a human in development. As of April 2015, we began discussing training OSE volunteers into leadership positions. This is due to Jonathan Kocurek stepping up to Community Manager, and Laura Colcord helping directly on the Leadership Training webinar. We are finding that we need to train our people in order to enhance OSE's development efforts.