OSE Europe/Blogger
Mission, Values, Roadmap, Blog, Forum, Newsletter, ContactTogether:
We, Friends, Map, Communication, Open Governance, EventsParticipate:
with Fundraising, in OSE Community, as Friend, as Lawyer, Countries:
Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Germany
The OSEE Blogger communicates what is happening in OSE Europe with monthly status updates.
The task is simple and includes:
- Connect with the main country contacts and find out:
- What was done in the last month?
- What are the main blockages?
- What is the plan for the next month?
- Compile the information in an easy and understandable way
- if possible add links to relevant country specific website pages.
- Publish it as a Status Update on the OSEE blog.
- Add the category "Organizational Development" and tag "organizational-development".
- Maintain the list of the main country contacts.
Status update quality:
- focus on providing value for the reader.
- use fewer clear words.
- include links to interesting information, so that the reader can quickly navigate to what is interesting to him.
- the words in a sentence should not leave the reader with questions that cannot be answered.
- select as category "Organizational Development" and add the tag "organizational development"
Time estimation is 2-3h/month depending on your ability to process and present information to the public.
We need volunteers. Please contact Nikolay if you are interested.