OSE Europe/Roadmap
Mission, Values, Roadmap, Blog, Forum, Newsletter, ContactTogether:
We, Friends, Map, Communication, Open Governance, EventsParticipate:
with Fundraising, in OSE Community, as Friend, as Lawyer, Countries:
Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Germany
March 2012
- March 6 - Nikolay updates the OSE Europe Wiki and website with most current and important information.
- March 8 - produce the OSE Video.
- March 10 - We need help with the OSE_Europe/OSE Europe Brochure to make few more changes. If you have experience in Photoshop, please contact Nikolay Georgiev.
- March 15 -
Daniel Sabinasz developed a Wordpress widget for showing recent videosfrom different sources - multiple youtube channels, vimeo or others. http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/recent-video-aggregate/ See it on: http://oseeurope.org/
Mai 31 - June 1 - OSE/OSEE presentation by Nikolay at KarmaKonsum conference in Germany.
June-July 2012
- OSE Europe Camp - meet, learn and build together - to be announced.
- Offered places:
- Open E Land - http://wiki.openeland.org/index.php/Open_E_Land
- Offered places:
- VillageInnovationCamp - http://www.dorfwiki.org/wiki.cgi?VillageInnovationCamp
- January 3 -
Nikolay creates the OSEE Team Culturing Google Form and ask people to fill out their profiles.
- January 3 -
outline initial Development Team for OSE Europe as a network.
- January 3 -
Nikolay adds "how to add friends" (Open Governance)
- January 4 -
Nikolay writes a Wiki Cheatsheet with visual wiki code syntax for new people.
- January 4 -
Daniel creates a 3D map of Open E Land - http://solarflower.blogspot.com/
- January 5 -
Spain - Angel asks for building permissions at Open E Land for a workshop and 3 domes.
- January 14 -
Spain - Visit to Open E Land is prepared, around January 14, more info soon.
- January 15 - Thomas creates a script (csv to wiki code) for the Team Culturing Europe Team Culturing
- January 19 - Nikolay creates OSE Independent Community A4 print.
- January 19 -
Nikolay creates OSE/OSEE Presentation.
- January 19 -
Jalil creates OSE/OSEE Independent Efforts Flyers - English and German.
- Check the OSE_Europe/Brochure
- Can be printed out at http://www.vistaprint.biz/save100
- January 31 - define the most important aspects of the Open Governance of OSE Europe.
- January 31 -
Germany - Nikolay searches for people who may be interested in starting OSE Germany.
- January 31 -
Italy - build up the network in Italy.
- January 31 - Find a Machinery Safety Engineers to certify Power Cube and other machines withing Europe. See Machinery Directive.
- December 9-11 - About 25 people visited Millares, Spain, as possible OSE location. Result: there are some legal issues with one land, looking for alternatives.
- October 31 - Individuals from OSEE invested in Solar Fire to keep it open source. Will Cleaver visited Eerik and Eva Wissenz and helped with video documentation.
- November 6 - Will Cleaver creates a video on Open Source Economy a possible solution to the Occupy Movement.
- November 3 - Nikolay and Angel created the OSE Europe blog.
- September 25 - Nikolay and Ezequiel visted and researched Ca La Fou, near Barcelona, Spain as possible OSE location. Result: unappropriate for OSEE, connections with CIC made.
- September 14 - Nikolay, Angel and Will create the Open E Land blog and wiki.