OSE Europe/People

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OSE Europe

We are engaged in the goals and mission of OSE Europe:

The Development Team is maintaining and expanding the OSE Europe network.

OSE Europe People
User page Email Skype Origin (country) Living in (country) Comments Vision Time available: h/week
Nikolay Georgiev nikolay (at) opensourceecology.org nikolay.h.georgiev Bulgaria Germany x My Vision 8-10h/day, since 13. July
Billy Blitzidee ose-freiburg (at) googlegroups.com mabe009 Germany Germany Want to create Local Group around Freiburg
Stefan Raabe raabe.stefan (at) googlemail.com Germany Germany http://kombinatg.org
Sasha Mrkailo mrkflux (at) gmail.com Serbia Serbia Love to see this materialise in Europe! http://www.sashamrkailo.com/blog
Alvaro Bahls alvarobahls (at) googlemail.com Brazil Czech Republic x
Andreas Gmeiner GmeinerAndreas (at) gmx.de Germany Germany planraum->ose My Vision
Will Cleaver willcleaver (at) gmail.com williamcleaver UK, England UK, England x
Alex Ford alex665321 (at) hotmail.com UK Bulgaria x
Robin Bäckman robinbackman (at) gmail.com Finland Finland x
Robert Anteau anteau (at) hushmail (dot) com Netherlands Netherlands x
Alvaro F Boirac alphydan (at) gmail (dot) com Europe UK x test 2-3 h/week. More after Dec. 11
Ino D. Fleischmann ino.fleischmann (at) gmail (dot) com Germany Germany, Berlin x
Miquel Torres tobami (at) gmail (dot) com Spain Germany x
Samuel Carlisle samuelcarlisle (at) gmail (dot) com samuelcarlisle UK UK Electronic Engineer based at London Hackspace My OSE 'Team Culturing' Entry
Adam Messer messerad (at) gmail (dot) com UK UK Based at London Hackspace
Alexander F. Lieders cicnos (at) gmail.com Brazil Czech Republic x
Evgeni Pandurski epandurski (at) gmail (dot) com Bulgaria Bulgaria x
Eerik Wissenz wissenz (at) gmail (dot) com Finland Finland x
Angel Imaz angel (at) hiruki (dot) eu angel.imaz Spain Spain True Fan, OSE Evangelist
Javier Rivera javipk (at) gmail (dot) com Spain Spain already true fan
Jeremy Blum jeremy (at) jeremyblum (dot) com USA USA happy to provide advice remotely!
Johan van der Hoek jvanderhoek (at) gmail (dot) com Netherlands Netherlands x
Arthur Kulik arthur (dot) kulik (at) gmail (dot) com arthur_kulik Ukraine Ukraine x
Joe Hudson joe (dot) hudson (at) gmail (dot) com UK UK x
Denis Durmishi zdenman (at) gmail (dot) com denis.durmisi Macedonia Macedonia A young mechanical engineer, open for remote collaboration. 20h/week
Florin Birgu florin.birgu (at) cyburg (dot) eu cyburg.eu Romania Romania http://www.cyburg.eu
Florin Busuioc bfdzizu (at)yahoo Bitech & Kabuto Romania Romania http://bitech.ro/index_ro.php http://Kabuto.ro
Edward Hines Edward (at) tmafrance (dot) com edwardhai England France http://www.tmafrance.com
Andres G. Aragoneses knocte [at] gmail [dot] com knocte Spain UK Awesome idea!!!
Claudia Bosch claudiabosch [at] daad-alumni [dot] de claudia.bosch Germany UK
Samuel Rodrigues samuel (dot) gros (at) gmail (dot) com samuel.gros.rodrigues Portugal Portugal http://www.sitiocoop.com/
Eduardo Riesco eduardo (dot) riesco (at)gmail (dot) com eduardo.riesco Spain Spain eduardoriesco.org
Tomaž Žlender tomaz (dot) zlender (at) gmail.com tomazzlender Slovenia Slovenia x
Josef Davies-Coates josef (at) uniteddiversity.com jdaviescoates UK, London UK, London I've got 5 acres of land in Spain to contribute to this project! See http://buildingman.org
Matthieu Laneuville mlaneuville _at_ gmail _dot _ com mlaneuville France France -
Ivan Garcia capiscuas _at_ gmail _dot _ com ivangarcia1982 Spain VietNam already true fan
Pedro Correia pcorreia at development-association dot org Portugal Germany OSE Evangelist and Biz Developer
Luke Devlin mail (at) lukedevl.in luke-devlin Scotland Scotland http://lukedevl.in Human Ecologist
Mike Lowther mlowther11 _at_ gmail _dot_ com spannamike UK UK x
Juris Kudiņš juris_dott_kudins __aat_ gmail _doot_ com Latvia Latvia x
Dirk Janssen Dirk (dot) janssen1980 (at) gmail (dot) com Netherlands Netherlands x
Mark J Norton markjnorton (at) earthlink (dot) net nolaria Northeast USA Upstate New York Figured I was already involved, so why not commit fully?
Anu M anu (at) fabfolk (dot) com Finland Netherlands Been following OSEcology for a while with interest & currently working with Fablabs
Yoonseo Kang msn149 (at) hotmail (dot) com yoonseo (dot) kang1 South Korea Canada Interested in continuing OSE development with full commitment
Branislav Misovic(Branko) braniti (at) gmail.com branko_nl Croatia Netherlands OSE Live long and prosperous _\\// 4h/week (From Sept.2011)
Eugene Kazlou eugene __aat_ ostech-electronics.co.uk li-eugene Belarus UK My Vision
Franz_Nahrada f.nahrada (at) reflex.at globalvillagesinfo Austria Austria networking not yet cklear
Jalil Wahdatehagh j.wahdatehagh (at) googlemail.com j.wahdatehagh Germany Austria studying information design 5-10h/week; 2-3weeks/year
Christopher Fraser chrisf (at) goop dot org Australia UK Up to 20h/w?
Oscar Calvo natheshi (at) gmail dot com Natheshi Spain Spain Completly
Jan Skoda jenda.skoda (at) seznam.cz x Czech Republic Czech Republic x at beggining 10 h/week, later more
Matyas Skvor matescb (at) gmail dot com x Czech Republic Czech Republic I have some space and technology available (lathe, CNC, welder, drill, workroom ...) 10-20h/w?
dode gpeattie (at) gmail.com georgepeattie UK Hungary Around 8 h/week
Joakim Saxin my surname at unithorpe dot org N/A Sweden Sweden Electronics, automation Unspecified
Daniel Connell solarflower.org(at) gmail.com sugarandfat New Zealand Germany (for now) http://solarflower.org
Jamie Clarke jamieclarke333(at)googlemail.com pseudo judo UK, England UK, England http://www.youtube.com/user/jamieclarke321?feature=mhee 40hours/month
Darren Hill mail(at)vegburner.co.uk dazer1234 UK, England UK, England biofuels, governance, economics - http://s.coop/7nij variable (but some) hours/week
Aymeric Theyse aymeric.theyse@gmail.com aymerictheyse France France I have 18ha of land in Dordogne with an eco-community since 2002. The community could integrate an OSE project for France as we already have useful infrastructure and tools (wood working and metal workshop) 6 months a year & 10h/week
Kordian Euriś oseurope@gmx.com ose.europe Poland Europe Young entrepreneur with vision of creating Center for Open Source Technologies http://oseurope.wordpress.com/centre-for-open-source-technologies/project-in-bulgaria/ 24/7
Gabriella Handler gabriella (at) handler (dot) org (dot) uk n/a Hungary Hungary Creating interactive video for learning and better understanding of building steps as well as createing media content for publication of projects and sharing information http://linkconsulting.hu/ 3-months a year & 10h/week
zAdd yourself as a copy of this entry zWith your email zSkype zOrigin zLiving zComments (leave "z" for nicer sorted display) Z-months a year & z-h/week
Leonard leonard dot favre at gmail dot com CH CH