Pressing World Issues

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Systems inertia works by preserving the System as it is. Many well-intentioned individuals fail to approach the edge of the System sufficiently close to make actual change.

Any effort, from the open source ecology perspective, must include collaborative open source, and thus modular and Distributive solutions as the stated core. Time scales of change must be on the generation scale (about 2 decades) if required.

The natural outcome of such an approach is transformation via Distributed Market Substitution on the house-keeping (economic) front, leading to Microstate Entrepreneurship.


  • What are the leading think-tanks on complex systems approach to pressing world issues? Must be integrated systems approach, and be inclusive as in what is the overall map of problems, their hierarchy (system issue, area issue, country issue, local issue, universal issue at Kardashev Scale 3 (Galaxy), special interest, non-issue (because it is solved by solving another issue, in other words it's a symptom, not an issue - etc.

Who are the leading individuals doing the above work?

Are there any entrepreneurs taking on big picture work, or are they misguided? Who are active, what are their benefits and shortcomings?

Who of these is searching for fundamental solutions.

For the OSE Platform

For the Book, we can easily communicate the obvious things in society that everyone relates to, such as 8 people own as much wealth as the bottom half of civilization, that housing is expensive, etc. A survey of all of these would go on the Solving Pressing World Issues Forum of OSE.

OSE Approach

Global Grand Challenges

HintLightbulb.png Hint: Disclaimer: This page is a work in progress, and items are not listed in order of importance. The meaning of some of the following items may be different than what you may think, so please limit your assumptions. Further explanations will be provided and published in a forthcoming book, after being vetted and peer reviewed for general consensus and best practices

  1. Institutions
  2. General ecocide (Whole World issue) - deforestation, desertification, loss of habitat, species die-off
  3. Disparity of wealth. High Gini Coefficient
  4. Labor Rights. Marxist theory must be updated to continuous learning. Ie, in the workforce, one has a full option to rise in responsibility, and thus set their own pay commensurate with their value. This is possible only in a collaborative system with aligned incentives of win-win situations. Today, there is a large class of non-learners, who are fodder for fascist manipulation.
  5. Democracy under siege - see Freedom House
  6. Fractional Reserve Banking with high leverage ratios providing for instability. Note that the Federal Reserve Reduced Reserve Requirements to Zero in 2021, making funny money completely baseless.
  7. Desertification
  8. Deforestation
  9. Anthropogenic Climate Change
  10. High Cost of Living, preventing honest pursuit of Self-Determination by most people (a First World issue)
  11. Standing armies
  12. Genocide
  13. Enforced Mediocrity
  14. Political Ponerology, or promotion of evil within institutions
  15. Medicine for Profit
  16. Resource scarcity - water rights, clean air, clean food (Whole World issue)
  17. Patent system and other legal fictions for enclosing public knowledge
  18. Lack of public access to published journals. Solution possibility: cross subsidization or institution only pay for the service
  19. Limitation of liability (ie, fundamental unaccountability baked into the operation of enterprise) and the Agency Problem.
  20. Biodiversity loss
  21. Alienation from work (related to high Cost of Living)
  22. Access to healthcare
  23. Illiteracy, and especially collaborative illiteracy
  24. Innumeracy and Scientific Illiteracy
  25. Corporate funded research which encloses the intellectual output of public institutions
  26. Pollution, especially water pollution
  27. Corrupt institutions
  28. Economic system based on proprietary development as opposed to open source product development
  29. The Best and the Brightest as opposed to education
  30. Disciplinary thinking, as opposed to systems thinking which acknowledges that things are connected.
  31. Agricultural monoculture
  32. Fossil fuel energy instead of renewable energy
  33. Global supply chains via cost externalization
  34. Externalization of social, environmental, and lifetime costs
  35. Slavery, including wage slavery
  36. Consequences of Colonialism + Neocolonialism
  37. Depression
  38. Insurance Racket
  39. Corrupt Officials and Bribes
  40. Racism, Unequal Access, and Redlining
  41. Excessive Incarceration
  42. Anomie, lack of self-esteem, lack of Character
  43. Addictions - to substances, sex, power
  44. Tariffs - the need for protectionism evaporates with access to open source technology and collaboration where everyone has access to productive capacity worldwide starting with their own communities.

Existing Pressing World Issues Efforts

By Country

  1. Tunisia.
    1. What are current mechanisms whereby the international community addresses evil building in certain countries? Are the measures reduced to sanctions, embargo, political pressure, transparency campaign? Could and should violence and coercion be used? Clearly after other attempts via gentler means (von Clausewitz). Open Source Legal Violence.
  2. Russia



  1. Fear

Human Structures

  1. Financialization

Psychography of Macrosocial Phenomena

This is an entertaining take on the relationship between nature and the power flows of society. We think that this is a brilliant encapsulation of the human psychology that makes the world what it is today. In particular - that both the cause and the solution is within each of us - we have the ultimate responsibility, not some 'tyrant on high'. But be careful about this being Russian RT propaganda of disempowering people - distracting people from the fact there are deliberate and organized international crime networks that are responsible for significant impacts. What is the level of that impact? This video does not get into any of that.

Universal Solutions

  1. Open Source Hardware
  2. Universal access to education (upgrading the operating system in peoples' heads)
  3. Circular Economies
  4. Mass creation of right livelihood, unjobbing, and conversion of people from employees to entrepreneurial agents
  5. Open Source Product Development
  6. Transparency
  7. Ethical Economics
  8. Distributed Production - Distributed Manufacturing - and especially Distributive Enterprise
  9. Democracy
  10. Afforestation - planting trees. For example, transitioning from fossil fuels to biofuels can be accomplished by repurposing wasteland and other use to Integrated Polyculture biomass production
  11. Agricultural perennial polyculture
  12. Renewable energy
  13. Regenerative development of land
  14. Economics based on full cost accounting
  15. Building of (Renewable and self sustaining) Economies + Medical Systems + Infrastructure in Developing and/or Island countries, Or rural areas of ones that do not fit those prior conditions, yet face similar problems
  16. Unlimited Liability Company
  17. Termination of Public Offering which separates agency from the executive role, ie - enforces conflict of interest between owners and operators. (this is a longer discussion)
  18. Just Internet - for Web 3.0, we need to start considering libre hardware chips. The internet runs on hardware. That hardware is proprietary and non-transparent. Step 1 for an open internet is open source hardware for the internet. This way, there are no back doors, as you can examine what everything does.
  19. Biodiversity loss - solution at scale would be creating local microfactories and food systems to eliminate cause: resource predation. Secondary would be acquisition of desertified/destroyed/clearcut land and settling it with stewardship.


Solving pressing world issues is noble work. Here is a list of prizes that honors such work.

  1. Berggruen Prize
  2. Right Livelihood Award
  3. Nobel Peace Prize

Other Viewpoints of a Better Future

  • WEF prediction - [1]

OSE Culture

OSE asks in its day-to-day - Are you solving your own problems, or are you helping others solve their problems? The correct answer is that by helping others solve their problems, you are also solving your own. Ie - altruism is ambitious.
