OSE Europe/People/Team Culturing Europe
< OSE Europe | People(Redirected from Team Culturing Europe)
Mission, Values, Roadmap, Blog, Forum, Newsletter, ContactTogether:
We, Friends, Map, Communication, Open Governance, EventsParticipate:
with Fundraising, in OSE Community, as Friend, as Lawyer, Countries:
Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Germany
As an open group of people, it is important that we know each other. We need to share who we are, our skills and current work, how we want to contribute and how we can involve our friends and communities in creating a better place for everyone.
All this information will be shared by in our Team Culturing Europe.
You can either fill out this Team Culturing survey
or create the page yourself:
- Create your page http://opensourceecology.org/wiki/FirstName_LastName, where FirstName and LastName are your names.
- Copy the contents of this European Team Culturing template and paste it into your page.
- Fill out the questions
- To upload your picture:
- Open the upload page in a new tab.
- Set as "Source file" your picture from your computer.
- Set as "Destination filename": FirstName_LastName.* (where * is the extension of the file)
- Click the button "Upload file".
- Rename [[Image:myfotofile.jpg|thumb|myname]] in your Team Culturing to [[Image:FirstName_LastName.*|thumb|FirstName LastName]] (* should be the file extension)
- Open the upload page in a new tab.
- Save your page.
For further questions on Wiki Editing check our Wiki Instructions.