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"Åpen lisensiering tillater andre å kopiere, bruke igjen, tilpasse, forbedre, adoptere, få i skala, skrive om, snakke om, remikse oversette, digitalisere, redistribuere og bygge på det vi har gjort."
- Shuttleworth Foundation

Bli med oss og bli en Sann Tilhenger i dag.

Open Source Ecology is accelerating the growth of the next economy - the Open Source Economy - an economy that optimizes both production and distribution - while promoting environmental regeneration and social justice. We are building the Global Village Construction Set. This is a high-performance, modular, do-it-yourself, low-cost platform - that allows for the easy fabrication of the 50 different industrial machines that it takes - to build a small, sustainable civilization with modern comforts.

Civilization Starter Kit - v0.01

Open Source Ecology - DVD - Cover - v0.01 - 05.jpg

The Civilization Starter Kit currently contains all the training materials you need to build 4 out of 50 Global Village Construction Set machines (Beta v0.01). Join our global network of independent replicators creating a sustainable, open source economy.

Table of Contents

OSE Orientation


Get Involved

Active Teams


Ewing Marion Kauffman - Logo - Official.jpg
Wikispeed Logo.jpg

Shuttleworth funded-02---web.jpg


TED Talk - Marcin Jakubowski PhD

Best of TED (2011) - #6 by the Huffington Post


Open Source Ecology is a lean start-up dedicated to transparency in all of its operations. Below, you will find information about how decisions are made, who is making them, how much revenue is generated, how its spent, etc.


Process and Values



Global Village Construction Set

The Global Village Construction Set
Habitat CEB Presse Permakulturelt Pleieværelse
Landbruk LifeTrac Plattform Bakeri og Kornprodukter Ballepresse Melkeprodukter MicroTrac Brønnboringsrigg Høyrake
LifeTrac Tillegg Bulldoser Rototiller Jordpulveriserer Laster Traktorgraver Microcombine
Industri Metallverk Jernarbeidermaskin Dreiebenk Smiing Metallrulling MIG Sveiser Formløs Støping Innmatingsskrue
Digital Fabrikasjon 3d Skanner 3D Printer CNC Kretsmølle Laserkutter| Plasmakutter Multimaskin Kuttebord Robotarm Stang- og ledningsmølle
Konstruksjon Sementblander Sagmølle
Energi Elektrisk Motor/Aggregat Induksjonsovn Omformer Vindturbin Power Cube Dampmotor Dampgenerator Solturbin Pelletmaskin Knottbrenner
Materialer Aluminiumutvinning Bioplast
Transport Bil Båt