OSE Milestones Map
2023 - Proposal-Based Promises for Funding
- 6-Month Intensive teachability of Seed Eco-Home construction - to attain the top pay in the industry (10 year experience equivalent). Via Rapid Learning Facility, Information Technology Support, Open Source Design, and published, open blueprints + production engineering. 6 month as opposed to 2 year because 2 years includes design capacity and we have other things to learn to create sustainable communities. This is accomplished by a 24 Build Program of weekly builds where the person takes on a specific aspect of construction. Each house is 5 days build, 5 days site finish/utilities, where both may or may not happen at the same time.
- Seed Eco-Home Enterprise - producing 50 homes per year, with 24 person cohorts.
- Civilization Builder Curriculum - in 4 years a person is taken to the Edge of Knowledge, with the ability to build most of the electromechanical and semiconductor devices. See 1000 Hour Curriculum
Summary as of 2020
Newest on top.
- Extreme Manufacturing - one day builds of machines from scratch with swarms
- Module-Based Design - formulating the practice of breaking down technology into modular components for rapid parallel build, using erector-set, lego-set like construction for mechanical, precision machining, and power electronic areas
- XM for housing - 5 day build of Seed Eco-Home
- Technology Modules - formulated concept that all of human technology can be built from 500 scalable, modular building blocks
- Scalability has been proven with the Universal Axis and Tractor Construction Set
- Universal Axis - construction set for CNC machines, now powering the 3D Printer Design Workbench
- Construction Set Approach - building multiple machines from the same parts
- Vision - clarified
- Distributive Enterprise - the next economic model
- Open Source Economy - defined
- Incentive Challenge development protocol theorized
- STEAM Camps developed for widespread education on practical skills
- Distributed Market Substitution theorized for how we transition to the next economy
- D3D Pro and D3D Universal product sales begun.
Other Notable Accomplishments:
- 3D Printer Workbench - first design workbench has been started for one of the 50 GVCS machines
Mapping out major milestones:
- First machine built;
- Crowd Funding Started.
- 8 Prototype completed
- 100+ prototypes completed
- GVCS in 2 Minutes Video gets project to world stage
- first machine sold;
- CSKDVD v0.01.
- Workshop build.
- HabLab.
- TED Fellow. TED Senior Fellow.TED Talk. Shuttleworth Fellow. $500k funding reached for 1 year.
- First Production Run clears $25k.
- First Collab Production Run.
- First replication.
- TED Talk reaches 1M hits.
- 15 unique prototypes reached.
- 13 machines replicated to date.
- 24 machines replicated to date in 13 countries
- Distributive Enterprise concept seminal paper in MIT Innovations Journal.
- Adoption of OSHWA standards and extension to Distributive Enterprise.
- 1 day production run of heavy machines
- 5 day build of Seed Eco-Home, 1250 sf
- Remote realtime documentation achieved
- Modular build method developed
- Ability to stabilize and run a Distributive Enterprise on autopilot, including ability to replicate the same
- Construction Set approach verified
- XM DE Workshop revenue model proven
- First enterprise replication
- Viral replication of machines (1000s per year threshold)
- Distributive Enterprise becomes a popular case study in business schools
- 3 month product development cycle and 1 year time scale to $1B enterprises (normalizing the results of Bold
- Construction Set approach verified and scaled
- Open Source Economy created.
- Nobel Peace Prize equivalent effort reached
- OSE Roadmap - shows general path. Milestones shows future milestones on Kardashev Scale proprotions
- OSE Bootstrap Funding Milestones
- Book - Milestones
- Technical Milestones - requirement for GVCS completion