[hide]- 1 2022 Status
- 2 Until 2028 - The Last Mile
- 3 Overview - 2021
- 4 Overview - 2018
- 5 Introduction
- 6 20 Year Milestones
- 7 Roadmap 2019-2025
- 8 Roadmap 2018
- 9 OBI Roadmap 2016 and 2022
- 10 End of 2017 Tasks
- 11 Open Source Product Development Method - Roadmap
- 12 Agriculture Equipment Construction Set Roadmap
- 13 CEB Press Roadmap
- 14 3D Printer Roadmap
- 15 Other Engagements - 2024
- 16 2 Year Overview Roadmap
- 17 Older Roadmaps
- 18 Links
2022 Status
The revenue goal for 2022 remains $400k, with $150k from foundations and $250k from house sales. However, we are more interested in net revenue, which must mean revenue minus materials and opearations. 5 houses constitute a net of $250k. Current plans call for 4 houses in 2022, thus leaving a small deficit, to be made up in 2023 in order to continue 100% year on year growth until a net of $25M in 2028- marginal for GVCS completion by 2028. We envision a 10x growth as soon as the house revenue model is proven. 24 students' tuition alone would be around $0.4M, and scaling to 2 cohorts would do the job right there.
The 10x can happen through investment in the 50/50 revenue share, as initiated at Entrepreneur to Systems Transformation Entrepreneur Program and at Seed_Home_2_Product_Strategy#2022_Investment_Product_-_Engaging_Investors_in_Mission-Aligned_Funding. Floating OSE Crypto where proof-of-work is buy-in, in other words laundering of funny-money. Funnymoney is thus converted into OSE Crypto. Laundering should be respected as a true demand of the modern economy, where Federal Reserve backing is an irresponsible mechanism that causes lots of death and suffering.
At best as of Sep 1, 2022 - we have a build in October, and another 2-3 in early December. This would have to be in a warm climate. Critical prep time means instructionals for construction, which are in progress.
Until 2028 - The Last Mile
2008-2018 marked the phase of rabid experimentation, until a discovery of the need for a transition from vision to execution. In 2018, the Founder declared that only 10 years remain in GVCS development - from which the shift will be towards applications and replication. Applications may be full open source microfactories, land-based productive operations, schools, communities, and other infrastructure projects. Specifically - we will use what we have available in 2028 to build and replicate the OSE Campus concept worldwide.
The OSE Campus is a rallying point of experimental communities to transform the world from proprietary to collaborative. The idea is for each Campus to serve as a focal point of local regeneration, combining to global transformation. This is done by Solving Pressing World Issues, as opposed to continuing the current System
In 2020 this crystallized as the observation of a significant 'error' in the experimental phase: OSE was project managing - not product managing. Since 2018, serious experiments were undertaken regarding replication training (Open Source Microfactory Boot Camp), and in 2020, the Extreme Enterprise concept was formulated based on OSE's experience with Extreme Manufacturing. Through module-based design and swarm builds, we are now capable of building heavy machines in one day, and houses in 5 days. Based on this learning, 2020-2021 is dedicated to solving for large-scale development of enterprise, by getting enough people to show in a rapid timeframe to take significant projects to product completion. We are starting with Seed Home 2 as the test case for the extreme enterprise model.
As of 2020, we estimate about $10M budget requirement for completion of the GVCS at the very minimum, where viable products are developed for the remaining technologies. If we are effective, that may involve a bootstrapping model based on Extreme Enterprise. Otherwise, a realistic cost (by MJ) is $50M over 2020-2028 to develop all the GVCS machines to the enterprise level. Specifically, we mean highly replicable, irresistible offers consisting of robust product ecologies that solve housing, energy, manufacturing, wealth distribution, and other issues.
Overview - 2021
The main learnings from 2021, based on OSE's first immersion, 6 month OSE Apprenticeship - is that learning OSE's integrated Open Source Product Development takes more time than 6 months. The techniques include Distributive Enterprise, Extreme Manufacturing, and Extreme Enterprise. Candidates pursuing these techniques must be designers, builders, entrepreneurs, teachers, and collaborators in one. Each of these requires a rigorous skill set - and rarely if ever is to be found in a single person. For example, the collaborative part involves mastering the balance between control and chaos, to the point of inviting anyone to contribute. Understanding true collaboration mainly involves evolving one's index of possibilities to the most ambitious state, such that autonomy of development effort is never an issue because there is plenty of room for everybody.
Two critical issues remain: people showing up, and training significant numbers in the OSE state of art. People Showing Up involves thousand-scale strong coordination of talent, in a self-funding way. Training significant numbers at this time means 2-6 year programs at the Master's level where the relevant skills are learned - by culturally-aligned individuals. These individuals must have physical grit enabled by purpose, and a glimpse of possibility regarding collaborative enterprise. They must learn to design and teach - teaching meaning giving in some way.
How do we solve for People Showing Up?
Overview - 2018
OSE uses several roadmaps. One is the overall roadmap to 2035. Another is the 10 year plan from 2008-2018. Third is a roadmap for each of the 50 machines. Roadmaps focus around product releases, with explicit intent to engage widespread replication as opposed to remaining in a project state. See Project vs Product.
The maps below represent more or less a linear development pattern, while we expect the reality to be more nonlinear. As such, the milestones in the maps below are being followed roughly and loosely. The end state of economic transformation to a Collaborative Economy remains the same.
The following are the overarching milestones of OSE for a 20 year period (2016-2035), consistent with evolutionary timescale thinking (500 years). The main milestone for the first 20 years of OSE is eradication of artificial scarcity, as a basis for the evolution of humanity. The following on general roadmaps, and do not necessarily reflect specific milestone dates based on critical paths and sequencing. General notes on sequencing are shown below, but the specific tactical steps are reflected on the Critical Path and OSE Priorities page - which both reflect a strategic approach towards the open source economy.
20 Year Milestones
See corresponding Blog post - [1] Increasing the social production market share for goods and services...OSE. (Work in progress - 2003-2035)
Roadmap 2019-2025
Work in progress, as everything.
Roadmap 2018
OBI Roadmap 2016 and 2022
- 2022 and 2016 - see Seed Eco-Home Roadmap
End of 2017 Tasks
Open Source Product Development Method - Roadmap
Agriculture Equipment Construction Set Roadmap
CEB Press Roadmap
3D Printer Roadmap
Other Engagements - 2024
OSE believes in the Art of Possibility, is aiming to go from Good to Great with Level 6 Leadership, and intends to scale to trillions as a Collaborative Hybrid organization. A core part of this involves contributing to world peace by facilitating a global transition to post-scarcity economics - solving the last unsolved frontier of human enterprise. Negotiable possibilities in state relations are part of our interest - which means studying the psychology of abundance, studying mental models for power flows between people and countries (such as 48 Laws of Power and Global Chessboard and The Best and the Brightest, On Freedom) - and acting on this by creating open sector enterprise that provides the prerequisite security for human self-determination. We envision an exciting public forum where we learn from practitioners about post-scarcity possibilities in international and inter-regional relations - with an online presence to facilitate this discussion. Currently, the best fora for global geopolitics include the World Economic Forum in Davos, but the current fora are built on scarcity economics and thus do not meet the ends of leveling the playing field for personal and political self-deterimnation. So instead of yodeling from the top of a mountain, we are ready for the transition of mindsets to post-scarcity thinking - starting by forming increasingly accurate mental models of personal and geopolitical power flows which balance power grabs with self-determination. The model here is that be reformulating economics to post-scarcity, more people will be exposed to post-scarcity thinking - and thus a new type of power balance can occur.
2 Year Overview Roadmap
2018 - develop open source cloud editable docs equivalent of google docs, and a Collaborative Cloud CAD platform.
Develop list. Prioritize, swat analyze, risk assess to re prioritize.
Older Roadmaps
See Talk:Roadmap
- See SEH Roadmap
- Current OSE Development Priorities
- OSE 2015 First Quarter Review - [2]
- Infrastructure Building
- OSE News