CEB Press Genealogy
(Redirected from CEB Genealogy)
Hint: Newest on top. See also CEB Press Controller Genealogy
- 2021 - CEB Press v21.06. Parts procured. Not built as of July 2022.
- 2021 - CEB Press v21.02. Not built.
- 2019 - Soil Mixer 2019
- 2018 - CEB press controller upgrade for v16.09 - CEB Press Controller v19.01]
Latest working model - 2017 - Prototype 9 - CEB Press v17.08. Note that this iteration simplified some parts, mainly the way that the bushings are mounted on the drawer to simplify the design away from the adjustable bolts of v16.09. Those bolts were too cumbersome in practice.
- 2016 - Prototype 8 - CEB Press v16.09 5BPM. Taken to CEB Microhouse Build in Belize and modified: CEB Press v16.09Belize 5.5BPM
- 2014 - Prototype 7 - Machine with auger in hopper by Rob Beddingfield - Rob_Beddingfield_Log#With_Mixer_Module
- 2013 - Prototype 6 - Beddingfield Edition - See CEB Press 6 for the digital cutting files. 4BPM
- Machine switched from roller guides to guide shafts and bushings to simplify the guide rail of the machine
- This is the most well documented machine. See the module-by-module build procedure, about 90% complete - see index of modules at - [1]
- 2012 - Prototype 5 - OSE Christmas Gift to the World 2012. These are the the latest blueprints for the Prototype 5 - same as Prototype 4 except produced with CNC metal cutting from 1/2" steel sheet.
- This was first version that was redesigned for CNC metal cutting
- New Controller - see Slade Log
- 2012 - Prototype 4 - October 2012 Build, 4 days - [2]; November 23 2012 build, 2 days - [3]. These are the latest blueprints for the Prototype 4 machine - produced without CNC metal cutting.
- Roller guides were replaced with cam followers
- 2011 - Prototype 3 - found in the Civilization Starter Kit v0.01 - [4]
- Large hopper, 30 gpm solenoid valve - produced 10 bricks per minute with LifeTrac 1 as power source. Rpller guides were used.
- 2010 - Prototype 2 - Automatic Version - [5]
- Large hopper was added for tractor loading. Used a 10 gallon per minute solenoid valve with Arduino controller.
- 2009 -Prototype 1- Manual Version - blog post - pictures need to be restored - [6]. Build procedure on the wiki - CEB_Prototype_1_Fab
- First machine built, with small hopper. Soon it was discovered that the manual labor of soil loading requires 16 people to feed the machine as fast as it could run. This could be simplified by tractor loading into a large hopper.
Other Notes
- Prototype 9 - CEB Press v17.08.
- Prototype 8 - CEB Press v16.09. Used successfully with auger-based Soil Mixer to make stabilized CEBs. However, throughput is 10 block per load and mix quality was not perfect, which leads us to a hammermill-based mixer for perfectly uniform mixing.
- Prototype 7 - Machine with auger in hopper by Rob Beddingfield - Rob_Beddingfield_Log#With_Mixer_Module
- CEB Press 6
- CEB Press 5- OSE Christmas Gift to the World 2012
- CEB Press 4
- CEB Press 3
- CEB Press 2
- Prototype 1 Completed blog post
Current Work
Suggested improvements - see list of 20 points plus: disconnect drawer alignment from arms, and move alignment back into the frame, such that the frame becomes the absolute core around which everything is buikt., and the arms are just an add-on. Right now, the arms determine drawer alignment, and this should be relaxed for more rapid initial calibration.