OSE Campus

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HintLightbulb.png Hint: The Campus is a model community. Once created, we expect the economic, freedom, and prosperity model to be replicated. Because it's paradise. These are rough notes, work in progress until 2028 when 'groundbreaking' is intended to occur.


The physical build goal of OSE is to produce a replicable city center, in the number of 30,000, in the form of an educational-research facility - the OSE Campus. There is no modern analogue of this, but it can be described best as a combination of existing institutions. It is a mash-up of the following:

  • University - an institution of learning, except that quality education is provided to develop practical skills along with critical thinking ability. The explicit goal is to train people to transcend political ponerology and create a world that we all want to live in.
  • Eco-Industrial Park or Factory - a center of ecological manufacturing, except by flexible fabrication, immersion hands-on training, and social production
  • Farm - except not a factory farm, but a Factor e Farm - where we transcend norms and produce integrated, regenerative, polycultural ecosystems that enhance biodiversity and nourish its denizens.
  • Space colony - an autonomous settlement except that it's on Earth, where infrastructure is built and maintained with few imports, but instead - with a predominance of local resources. Autonomous housing on a Dunbar's Number scale.
  • You Tube Channel, News Station - in that it broadcasts its developments continuously to educate the public about its culturally creative work
  • Sanatarium - where people are rejuvenated, driven sane, healed, and inspired to self-determination
  • Enterprise Incubator - for Distributive Enterprise startup

The enterprise model for the above is based on productive enterprise that includes education and production, while developing 9 Forms of Capital.

The number 30k stems from the Number of Universities. We propose to meet the industry standard number of campuses - which is intended to create a significant capacity for regeneration. The total proposed area of 30M acres (1000 per camppus) out of 12 billion total is 1/4 of a percent. As such, this is doable - and could create the proposed points of light for more extensive global regeneration. A major question is building a team and organization to support this, which is a derivative of developing the Global Village Construction Set (GVCS) in that the enabling collaborative processes developed by building the GVCS - can be applied to the OSE Campus model.

Working Doc


General Infrastructure

The general infrastructure consists of regenerative living and working space including housing, productivity, R&D, classroom, and farm infrastructure. The campus features eco-housing, renewable energy, flexible fabrication, and land stewardship aspects. The technologies used are appropriate, and are representative of the infrastructure that can be produced with the 50 GVCS Tools, such as bakery, eco-housing, hot metal processing, eco-cars, flexible fabrication workshop, or solar energy. The intent is a circular economy that can be replicated at other OSE Campuses.

End State

It's an applied learning university capable of producing 1000 people annully who coordinate to build a new Network State every year as a way to eraducate suboptimal practice one square mile at a time.

Some Infrastructure Elements

  • Infrastructure including housing, meeting and conference rooms, workshop area, microfactory, etc.
  • Integrated polyculture community supported agriculture (CSA) and food store. Food store supplies food for participants, includes some processed (storable) items, but focuses on raw ingredients. Diverse value added product (food storage) is included, including bakery, dairy, and deli. This is essentially stainless steel + refrigeration systems. Fresh veg delivery to customers, via autonomous vehicles. This contributes to the General Store Construction Set.
  • Open Source Nursery for perennial edibles and seed bank for seed subscriptions
  • Solar concrete production
  • PV manufacturing
  • Hydrogen production and compression
  • Steel recycling to structural and sheet steels with alloying
  • Plastic and rubber recycling into pellets and 3D printer filament
  • Internet utility
  • Aquaponic greenhouse food production
  • Stabilized CEB production
  • Lumber and sawdust production
  • Hay bale and strawboard production
  • Wire drawing
  • CNC automated manufacturing housed in an Open Source Microfactory
  • Tractor and solar hydrogen car production
  • Human hybrid vehicle production.

New Industrial System Narrative

Any industrial system for regenerative development must be grounded on renewable energy sources, local resources, and closed loop material cycles. Trade can be engaged for certain exotics, but the core should be grounded on abundant local materials. Industry spans from steel, to concrete, and silicon. Plastics and metals can be recycled from surrounding economies, and biomasss can replace all that oil can do. As the economic base is set up with computer-controlled precision machining and grinding, space age technology can arise. Silicon refining from sand can follow in the general rollout. Ceramics and glass would be a direct spinoff from induction, but we may need to wait until hydrogen energy infrastructure is in place for higher temperature flames.

The steel induction furnace with metal rolling involves 200kW fueled by photovoltaics at a cost of $50k for energy, $100k for furnace, and $100k for plant of 3000 square feet ($250k total). A similar facility at $250k produces cement, a plastic facility produces plastic goods with 3D printing. At this $750k level, we establish solid steelworks, cement production, and plastic products as basics of any economy. Outputs include 1000 kg of solar steel produced per day in Billet or refined to rod and standard steel sections, 1000 kg of solar cement, and 5000 kg of plastic parts or filament. Daily output as such on solar energy means $200 in cement, $1000 in steel, and $5000 in plastic parts production - at current market rates. This is based on 5 hours of sun per day - which makes a strong case for windpower and other power storage such as pumped hydro for the night.

Assume a set of 50kW VAWT that is readily installed on a non-windy site - we more than double the productivity on a given site. Installed capacity would have to be around 250kW, so we produce at 20% peak power on a normal day, and much more on windy days. For hydro storage, 1 acre at 24' deep gets us almost 400kWhr under Factor e Farm conditions. This adds only 2 hours of 200kW energy to each day. Combined with biomass energy at a rate of 1000 lb regenerative harvest per acre - we would max out at 30,000 regenerative lb of dry biomass per year. That's about 7000 kWhr extra - not too much (only 35 extra hours of the base 200 kW rate). The hydro storage of excess is much more robust - at 20x the storage from biomass crop.

And the eventual solution is solar hydrogen. Year 1 can do the base facility according to the Core Enterprise Module - and 12 cohorts of 24 can begin on Aquaponics + regenerative agriculture; plastic + 3D Printing; CEB; solar concrete; tractor and heavy machines. Hydrogen can even begin if there is enough progress. Within 5 years, the New Industrial System up to silicon PV and semiconductors should be realized.


Completion of all aspects of the orginal GVCS up to production of aluminum from clay - combined with the development of the OSE School supported by the Core Enterprise Module - allows for the tactical and rapid replication of OSE Campuses or regenerative villages to promote freedom across the globe. Given that Democratic Society has been under threat since 2006, it is a matter of urgency to leveage the information towards securing continued prosperity of humanity in balance with natural life support systems. It's 2022, and shit's hitting the fan. That is a call for a creative approach.

Scaling at the rate of creating a 1000 regenerative villages per year would take regenerative development to the next level. Each Core Entterprise Module is approximately a million dollars of net productivity, allowing for growth at a $1B annual scale. When the model is shown to meet needs of creating democratic society, then this has a chance of overwhelming success of overcoming regression towards slave society. We must emphasize that the program of study for agents bringing about this change must center around growing as a critical thinker and Integrated Human.

Startup of campuses may be provided as Fellowships or Scholarships to students of the 4 year core OSE program, where individuals self-select at the build, design, manage, or enterprise levels. Individuals can perform with between 6 months as workers, 2 years as collaborators, 4 years as designers, and 8 years as creators. Funding may be provided from existing institutions/resources, and from revenue generation of each Core Enterprise Module. While we are developing the Seed Eco-Home enterprise in 2022, each of the GVCS technologies will undergo a similar process towards product release. Revenue should be allocated at the 50% level to growth, and 50% of operations, of which half is materials and half is staff.


  • Seed Eco-Home Enterprise Module
  • Open Source Microfactory. See the First floor - Construction, materials production, storage. Second floor with ramp - machine production. Third floor - solar hydrogen production.
  • Materials are abundant at a land-based facility. Valuable bulk products include: rock and gravel (shredder), woodchips (shredder), compost (shredder), hay, plastic, solar cement, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen
  • Refined materials - lumber, PV, foodstuffs
  • Biological enterprises - composting, batshit, biogas, and more.

Other Enterprise

  • Refugee, Asylum + dissenter services - anyone who wants to leave an oppressive regime has a clear opportunity to switch to a new life, with the transition streamlined by OSE housing, facilities, and R&D environment. This could span from housing refugees to thought-leader dissidents. For higher-level dissidents, comfortable living with internet and research facilities would be required.
    • Examples - ex soldiers - [1]


See OSE Onboarding

Unique Features

The unique features of the OSE Campus is that the entire facility is effectively a complete working economy - which from an institutional transformation perspective - is effectively an experimental autonomous microstate. This means that on as little land as a 40 acre farm, though around 200 acres is preferred, a Dunbar's number of people (150 people being the average maximum number of people with whom a person can maintain relationships) can survive and thrive at a modern standard of living - completely from abundant local rocks, air, sunlight, plants, soil, and water. This is the BHAG experiment that we are pursuing. The curriculum, research, public workshop, and production activity at the OSE Campus will be designed to fulfill this goal, down to production of aluminum from clay and silicon from sand. OSE's goal is to achieve the first example of such a community by 2028.

Peak Performance

Hallmark of OSE training is deep hunger for excellence: peak performance, increased flow state percentage, mind-body-spirit integration, health, raising the bar. The assumption taken is that this must be a proactive search and practice. Candidates should not say "Oh shit, that is demanding" - but instead be inspired by lifelong growth. Responsibility and lack of entitlement attitude are hallmarks sought in our candidates.


Seminal books spanning the full range of human wisdom stack the library:

  • Great Classics of Western Literature - list is found in How to Read a Book
  • personal mastery classics - Maslow, current work on Self Esteem, Napoleon Hill, seminal literature in marketing, deep understanding of Political Ponerology, General Semantics, NLP classics (Handler), Flow States (Cziksentmihalyi + current work), Tony Robins
  • Health and Medicine, Soil and Health Library
  • Applied skills in open source appropriate technology and OS product development.

Startup Model

  • Partner with someone to provide 1000 acres
  • OSE provides infrastructure construction and education curriculum
  • Funder or Benefactor's reward is creating a place of future heritage that the person would want to live in

In other words, the concept must work with visible results executed efficiently. The only way that could happen is if the underlying technology is open source.

Specifics of Infrastructure

  • 1 acre - Hydrogen fueling station with PV generation. PV generation is one acre - 400,000. 39.4 kWh for 1 GGE according to Hydrogen Production. THis means 400kW capacity yields 20 cars worth, with 6 gallons equivalent produced per day. That is, a covered acre yields support for 120 cars if all energy went to fuel.
  • 10,000 sf - PV manufacturing facility for crystalline silicon solar cells. One production line.
  • Perennial Polyculture that works. Possibility: 1000 acres of chestnut, walnut, mammoth hickory, and hazelnut plantation, with perennial polyculture planting.
  • Onsite biomass recycling for fertilizer and agriculture via vermiposting, biofilters, and algae, duckweed, fungi, chickens, and more.
  • Foundry and metal rolling line - 8000 sf.

Mashup Of
