D3D Universal 3D CAD
3D Printer
D3D Universal Rework - [1]. Newer - File:D3D Universal Assy.fcstd. Note: sensor holder is old fine in assemly; Extruder separate file for sensor holder is correct.
D3D Universal - scaled to 12" print bed - FreeCAD - File:D3du12inchscaled.fcstd
D3D Universal Rework X Axis - File:D3D Universal X Axis.fcstd
D3D Universal Rework Y Axis - File:D3D Universal Y Axis.fcstd
D3D Universal Print Bed - File:D3D Universal Print Bed.fcstd
D3D Universal Rework Z Axis - File:D3D Universal Z Axis.fcstd
D3D Universal Rework Base - File:D3D Universal Base.fcstd
Spool holder assembly- File:Spoolholdersassy.fcstd
Spool- File:Filamentspool.fcstd
D3D Universal Rework Controller - File:D3D Universal Controller.fcstd
D3D Universal Rework Spool Holder - FreeCAD - File:D3D Universal Spool Holder.fcstd. STL - File:D3D Universal Spool Holder.stl
Spool holder rod . FreeCAD - File:Spoolholderrod.fcstd. STL - File:Spoolholderrod.stl
[10] Motor Side of Axis - 221k - FreeCAD -File:Universal axis motor side.fcstd. STL - File:Universal axis motor side.stl
Universal axis carriage: File:Universal axis carriage side.fcstd. STL - File:Universal axis carriage side.stl
[10] Short Idler Side - 75k - FreeCAD - File:Universal Axis Idler Side short version.fcstd. STL - File:Universal Axis Idler Side short version.stl.
Carriage to side motor piece- FreeCAD - File:Carriagetosidemotor.fcstd. STL - File:Carriagetosidemotor.stl.
D3DS motor piece with bracket for x and z-axis
FreeCAD file -File:D3DS motor bracket.fcstd
STL file -File:D3DS motor bracket.stlD3DS idler side piece for Y-axis
FreeCAD file -File:D3DS idler screwdown.fcstd
STL file -File:D3DS idler screwdown.stlD3DS elevated idler side piece for Y-axis
FreeCAD file -File:D3DS idler high screwdown.fcstd
STL file -File:D3DS idler high screwdown.stlD3DS motor side piece for Y-axis
FreeCAD file -File:D3DS motor side screwdown.fcstd
STL file -File:D3DS motor side screwdown.stlD3DS elevated motor side piece for Y-axis
FreeCAD file -File:D3DS motor side high screwdown.fcstd
STL file -File:D3DS motor side high screwdown.stlMount of Z motor to base plate. File:D3DS motor bracket x axis.fcstd. STL - File:D3DS motor bracket x axis.stl3D Printed Bed Holder File:Newbed.fcstd. STL - File:Newbed.stl</strike>
[10] Belt Holding Peg - FreeCAD original size - File:Peg 8mm rods.fcstd. STL at 85% size, works well - File:Peg 8mm rods.stl
'Cable clip for end of axis nut catch. - FreeCAD - File:Cableclip2.fcstd. STL - File:Cableclip2.stl
Endstop holder. - File:Endstopholder2.fcstd. File:Endstopholder2.stl. See Open Source Endstop Holder
Printer Extruder - Universal Gearless Extruder
Hint: Note the small extruder gear shown is MK8- we are using an MK7. Note: Supervolcano nozzle has heat transfer issues, so we are using a 3 mm E3D v6 heat break with success (6mm threads on both sides - note that E3D v6 has 6 mm on the nozzle side, 7 mm on the cold side. Can also test Titan Aero v6 1.75 mm - which appears to have 6 mm thread on both sides. 3mm titan aero is definitely 6 mm thread on each side: see E3D_Titan_Aero_Extruder#CAD
Notes: Still missing from final assembly by MJ: fan, heat sink heat exchanger, MK7 gear, spring. In final CAD of extruder assy, heat break does not stick out of the heat sink. In reality, it sticks out about 3 mm. Where is the discrepancy if the heat break is 25 mm long?
Simple Extruder WIP. Github - [2]. Gitlab - [https://gitlab.com/marcin_ose/d3d-universal.
Extruder Spring for Simple Extruder. Buy + spec - [3]. FreeCAD file - File:Extruderspring.fcstd
Extruder assembly - Gitlab - [4]. FreeCAD - File:Simpleextruderassy.fcstd
Main extruder part. - Gitlab - [5]. FreeCAD - File:Mainextruderpart.fcstd. STL - File:Extruder main.stl
Extruder Active Cooling and Sensor Mount File:ExtruderActiveCoolingAndSensor.FCStd. STL - sensor holder - File:SensholderSimple.stl
Extruder Active Cooling with Sensor Mount + Plotter Mount File:ExtrCoolSensPlt.fcstd. STL - Cooling/Sensor/Plotter Mount - File:ExtrCoolSensPlt.stl
2 Extruder Pieces nested for printing. File:Totalext.fcstd. STL - File:Totalext.stl
Spring tensioner -File:SpringTensioner.FCStd. STL - File:Tensioner.stl
Jig to cut the heat sink -File:HeaterSinkJig.FCStd
heat sink -File:HeatSink.FCStd. Technical drawing - File:Heatsinktechdraw.FCSTD
Spiral linear bearing - parametric, but parameters set up for D3D -File:SpiralLinearBearing.zip
Volcano heater block. File:Volcanoheaterblock.fcstd.
File:5015blower.fcstd 5015 Blower - positionally correct for D3D Universal.
8 mm sensor. Download - File:8mmsensor.fcstd
608 skateboard 8x22x7 mm Bearing. Download - File:608Bearing.FCStd
40x10mm fan File:40x10fan.fcstd
Stepper MotorFile:Steppermotor.fcstd
Stepper Motor from FaceplateFile:Nema17face.fcstd
Super Volcano NozzleFile:SuperVolcanoNozzle.fcstdDrive GearFile:Drivegear.fcstd
3 mm heat break.File:3heatbreak.fcstd. Re-Source - [6]
4040 heatsink.File:Heatsink.fcstd
Control Panel
See more at 3D Printer Control Panel
Control Panel - FreeCAD -File:Controlpanel v1904.fcstd. Bent panel STL - File:Bentpanel v1904.stl
D3D v19.04 Power Supply - FreeCAD -File:Powersupply v1904.fcstd
RAMPS 1.4 - FreeCAD -File:RAMPS14 v1904.fcstd. Full detailed file - 4MB - [7]
Stepper driver - FreeCAD -File:Stepperdriver v1904.fcstd. File for detailed LCD controller and endstop can be found at [8]
Solid state relay - FreeCAD -File:Ssr v1904.fcstd. Source: [9]. See Fotek SSR. Dimensions verified with Amazon source.
Reprap Discount Smart Controller - FreeCAD -File:Smartcontroller v1904.fcstd. Source: [10].
Ground Fault Connection Interrupt (GFCI) outlet - FreeCAD -File:Gfci v1904.fcstd. CAD source at McMaster Carr: [11]. May not represent actual GFCI.
Wire box cover. - FreeCAD -File:Wireboxcover v1904.fcstd.
Power cord wire clamp - FreeCAD -File:Heatbed wirelock.fcstd.
Inner part of D3D Electric Plug - FreeCAD File:D3DPlugInner.fcstd. STL - File:D3DPlugInner.stl
Outer cover of D3D Electric Plug - FreeCAD File:D3DPlugCover.fcstd. STL file is scaled to 105% already - File:D3DPlugCover.stl
Hint: Amazing, works out of box. Improvements: raise tip next to carriage. Double-sided attachment. Probe on right, not left, to optimize print area

D3D Universal with 3D printer motor functioning as a CNC mill. - FreeCAD -[12] or Michel's repo.
D3D Simple Working Copy by Marcin - FreeCAD -File:D3Dsimple.fcstd
D3D Universal with plotter attachment. - See D3D Universal Plotter by Ferdi Meier. Gitlab - [13]
Plotter Pen Attachment. - File:Plotterpen.fcstd. Start from Ferdi Log, adaptation by Marcin Log. STL printed - File:Plotterpen.stl.
Simple extruder for 1.75 mm filament. - By London International Academy team. From Simple Extruder.
Pen holder clamp for plotter - includes sensor holder - File:Penholderclamp.fcstd. STL - File:Penholderclamp.stl
Pen holder and Mill - includes sensor holder - File:RouterToolhead.FCStd File:RouterToolhead.stl
Simple spindle - By John Stager team. See Simple Spindle.
Arduino Uno for motor power supply. See Emmanuel Log.
Pen holder and Mill Mount - includes sensor holder - File:RouterToolhead.FCStd. File:RouterToolhead.stl