Laser Cutter/Research Development

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Laser Cutter
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Current project direction is to adopt the Lasersaur upon completion, but further research never hurts.

Functional Diagram

How It Works

Notes: 1. Pumping makes many electrons to rise at the same time, creating coherent light. 2. laser cavity sides must be parallel to 0.2 micron - and then wavelengths are selected. 3. Small hole on one side allows a narrow beam to escape.

  • Longer explanation - [1]
  • MIT Open Courseware, 1 hour - [2]

Types of Lasers for Cutting

  • CO2 - earliest technology for cutting lasers
  • Small diode lasers
  • Direct Diode - high power 600W [3]
  • Fiber lasers - diodes coupled to doped fibers, where the fibers provide the gain [4]


There is evidence that by using laser engraver tubes ($200 each), say 10 of them, an industrial power laser can be put together at reasonable cost. The challenge is to work out the optics for paralleling the beams

See Also

The Global Village Construction Set
Habitat CEB Press Cement Mixer Sawmill Bulldozer Backhoe
Agriculture Tractor Seeder Hay Rake Well-Drilling Rig
Microtractor Soil Pulverizer Spader Hay Cutter Trencher
Bakery Oven Dairy Milker Microcombine Baler
Industry Multimachine Ironworker Laser Cutter Welder Plasma Cutter
CNC Torch Table Metal Roller Rod and Wire Mill Press Forge Universal Rotor
3D Printer 3D Scanner CNC Circuit Mill Industrial Robot Chipper Hammermill
Drill Press Induction Furnace
Energy Power Cube Gasifier Burner Solar Concentrator Electric Motor Generator Hydraulic Motor
Steam Engine Heat Exchanger Wind Turbine Pelletizer Universal Power Supply
Nickel-Iron Battery
Materials Aluminum Extractor Bioplastic Extruder
Transportation Car Truck

Imprimante 3D Scanner 3D Extracteur d'Aluminum Pelleteuse Four à Pain Presse à balles de paille Extrudeuse à bioplastiques Bulldozer Voiture Presse BTC Betonnière Broyeur à marteaux Imprimante de circuits électroniques Table de découpe numérique Trayeuse Perçeuse à colonne Moteur électrique Gazogène Faucheuse Râteau à foin Moteur hydraulique Fourneau à induction Bras robotisé Poinçonneuse Découpeur Laser Laminoir à plaques Microcombine Microtracteur Multimachine Batterie Ni-Fe Machine à granulés Torche plasma Power Cube Presse hydraulique Laminoir à barres et fils de fer Pulvérisateur de terre Scierie Semoir Concentrateur solaire Roto-bêche Moteur à vapeur Echangeur de chaleur Tracteur Fraiseuse de tranchée Camion Alimentation électrique universelle Rotor universel Poste de soudure à l'arc Plateforme de forage de puits Eolienne

Key Design Planning Prototype Almost done Full Release