Development Status and Needs
See Design Sprints for overview.
[h[[ttps:// edit]
- 1 February 2016
- 2 May 2015
- 3 April 2015
- 4 September 19, 2014
- 5 Thu, May 8, 2014
- 6 Sat Dec 7, 2013
- 7 Sat Nov 2, 2013 and Mon, Nov 4 - Fri, Nov 8, 2013
- 8 Sat, Oct 26, 2013 Plan
- 9 Sat, Oct 5, 2013 Plan
- 10 Sat, Sep 21, 2013 Plan
- 11 Sat Sep 14, 2013 Plan
- 12 Fri Aug 30, 2013 Plan
- 13 Thu Aug 15, 2013 Plan
- 14 Sat Aug 10, 2013 Plan
- 15 Sat Aug 3, 2013 Plan
- 16 July 27, 2013 Plan
- 17 July 20, 2013 Plan
- 18 July 13, 2013 Plan
- 19 Commitments for July 6, 2013
- 20 Commitments for June 29, 2013
- 21 Commitments for June 22, 2013
- 22 Commitments for June 15 - 2013
- 23 Commitments for May 30-31 Design Sprint
- 24 Commitments for May 24-25 Design Sprint
- 25 Commitments for May 17-18 Design Sprint
- 26 Active
- 27 Needs
- 28 Work Day Logs
- 29 Links
February 2016
May 2015
April 2015
- April_25,_2015_-_Pattern_Language_Icons
- April_18,_2015_-_Pattern_Language_Icons
- April 12, 2013 - Pattern Language Icons
September 19, 2014
Fri, September 19, 2014 - 10AM CST - USA time: 4 Build Instructionals Working Document - Instructionals for the most replicated CEB housing system in the world. Link to Google Hangout - If the Google Hangout is either non-existent of rull, or if you don't like to use Google - you can call in using a land line - please use the Conference Call number, or you can log in to OSE IRC and we can communicate there as well. The Conference Call line will always be used, but the Google hangout may be neglected at times.
Thu, May 8, 2014
Sat Dec 7, 2013
What's New this time around?
- A dedicated project visitor is hosting the hangout, more info here:
- This is someone that knows what it is like to be a remote participant!
- Brand new HD webcam for hangouts:
- Brand new microphone for hangouts:
- Inclusive / Participatory / Welcoming: this hangout is an open space for questions and suggestions and contributions to help OSE and further work on OSE projects and ask a current DPV what life is like on Factor_e_Farm
- Theme / Focus For the next 3 weeks our DPV (Sam) will be focused on CNC Torch Table 2 during his Dedicated Project visit and you are warmly invited to collaborate with him during this weeks design sprint to help push the project forwards :) the tasks have been defined on] please feel free to add some more or start working on something!
Before the Design Sprint / Hangout
- Open the pirate pad for this week's hangout/design sprint at your earliest convenience: please add your name and email under the Who section so we can say 'hey' before the design sprint starts.
- Come and lurk with us on our 'always on' chat channel
- If there is a topic that you are really interested to work on or discuss then please add it there under the What section.
- If you want to help out with some of what we are working on right now Factor E Farm then look under the What section and add a little note with your name under that item like: "hey this task sounds perfect for me, I look forward to helping with this on Saturday 7th Dec ~"
- Don't forget to state what you are interested to work on when you make your introduction at the first google hangout meetup!
Join us to hack on the CNC Torch Table 2 this Saturday 7th December, 10am to 10pm CST. 1) Introduce yourself on Google Hangout ( 2) Chat on IRC ( 3) Collaborate on Etherpad ( between 10am and 10pm CST this Saturday 7th December.
During the Design Sprint / Hangout
- Please join our (always on) IRC chat room by clicking on this link:
- Please jump into the pirate pad: to make edits, document your progress, ask questions, (help answer questions!), share notes and links (note: this will be copied onto the wiki for knowledge capture after hacking has ended for the day).
After the Design Sprint / Hangout
- If you want to start in touch with us after the design sprint then it is useful to also fill out the Tech Team Culturing Survey.
Sat Nov 2, 2013 and Mon, Nov 4 - Fri, Nov 8, 2013
Instructions: Participants sign up for a Design Sprint by filling out the Tech Team Culturing Survey. They gather in a Google Hangout and work in Google Docs, Sketchup, Wiki, and PiratePad. Typical session means getting our heads around a problem to generate outlines, concepts, designs, implementation pathways, 3D CAD, graphics, and other assets. Participant contacts can be found at the Team Members link. Set up your log according to video at Work Log.
Design / Build / Document Sprint: The Laser Cutter
OSE Executive Director Marcin Jakubowski will be visiting Lasersaur in Innsbruck, Austria from November 2nd -8th, 2013 to build and document the laser cutter. He will be hosting a Design / Build / Document Sprint during his stay. Agenda is below. All times are in Innsbruck, Austria time. Convert to your time zone.
Introduction Meeting: Sat, Nov 2nd at 6PM CET via Google Hangout Sprint: Mon, Nov 4th: Fri, Nov 8th from 9AM - 9PM CET via live Google hang out. Check in times at 12PM, 4PM and 8PM.
Agenda / Tasks:
- PICTURES - Marcin - Build, upload images and video throughout
- IMAGES - Load images into Dozuki
- FREECAD - FreeCAD- insert the same screenshots of CAD as the build picture. Free cad files are available. See
- SKETCHUP - Inviting a person to convert existing free CAD files into SketchUp
- LANGUAGE AGNOSTIC INSTRUCTIONALS - Within Dozuki we would like to invite another graphics artist who takes SketchUp images and annotate them into language agnostic instructionals in the same nature as Lego Technics assembly procedures
- ANIMATION - Either SketchUp or blender animation artists are invited to make assembly animations
- EXPLODED PART DIAGRAMS - Since CAD is available we can also do exploded part diagrams for explaining the overall machine
- VIDEO FOOTAGE - Real time documentary on build
- GITHUB - Track issues
- BLOGGER- Would like to invite an event blogger to this so we can keep a live feed a daily progress on OSE blog.
Sat, Oct 26, 2013 Plan
Instructions: Participants sign up for a Design Sprint by filling out the Tech Team Culturing Survey. They gather in a Google Hangout and work in Google Docs, Sketchup, Wiki, and PiratePad. Typical session means getting our heads around a problem to generate outlines, concepts, designs, implementation pathways, 3D CAD, graphics, and other assets. Participant contacts can be found at the Team Members link. Set up your log according to video at Work Log.
From 9am - 9pm CDT-USA. Agenda : A real-time documentation session as the Ironworker is constructed. Needed: CAD designers, graphics artists, animators, mechanical engineers for performance calculations, quality engineers, test engineers and technical writers. Work Day volunteers are welcome! Please contact the TCM:
- 9AM - The Ironworker build starts at Factor e Farm
- Noon - On-site personnel upload fabrication pictures to Trovebox to support documentation efforts
- 1PM - Work with Remote Collaborators to : 1) Create a LibreCAD/Sketchup DXF file of the module/part that was just constructed; 2) Performance calculations; 3) Animation creation; 4) Create an Ironworker infographic; 5) Develop a Quality Control checklist; 6) Develop test procedures
- 4PM - Check in with Remote Collaborators; Create a LibreCAD/Sketchup DXF file of the module/part that was just constructed
- 8PM - Check in with Remote Collaborators; Create a LibreCAD/Sketchup DXF file of the module/part that was just constructed
Sat, Oct 5, 2013 Plan
Instructions: Participants sign up for a Design Sprint by filling out the Tech Team Culturing Survey. They gather in a Google Hangout and work in Google Docs, Sketchup, Wiki, and PiratePad. Typical session means getting our heads around a problem to generate outlines, concepts, designs, implementation pathways, 3D CAD, graphics, and other assets. Participant contacts can be found at the Team Members link. Set up your log according to video at Work Log.
9AM to 2 PM CDT - USA Time Zone
- 9 AM - Documentation - Develop conceptual Google Drawings of modules to begin their development. Rob Log. John Hall Log prototype designer in software and hardware. Jeffrey Stump Log. Began Dev Method Video Script.
- 10 AM - Open Source Microcar - We are building on the work of Velocar and 100km 1litro to develop the OSE Microcar product ecology concept. Universal Mobility Construction Set. , , , . Yann Log, Jean-Luc Log. Recruiting car team - tasks - [1]. Open Source Microcar Systems Engineering Breakdown Diagram.
- 11 AM - Ironworker - Need completion of design + documentation of complete build procedure for Ironworker. See Scalable_Ironworker.
- 12 Noon - Backhoe - Redesign work includes the pivot and integration plan for controls and hydraulics. See Cory_Log#Backhoe and Brian Log. Cody Log. Daniel Log. Cyril Log. Ironworker and Backhoe Problem Statement Document
- 1 PM - Microcombine - Developing the Product Concept, module breakdown and requirements definition. Dorn Log. Leonardo Log. Microcombine Concept Diagram.
Sat, Sep 21, 2013 Plan
Instructions: Participants sign up for a Design Sprint by filling out the Tech Team Culturing Survey. They gather in a Google Hangout and work in Google Docs, Sketchup, Wiki, and PiratePad. Typical session means getting our heads around a problem to generate outlines, concepts, designs, implementation pathways, 3D CAD, graphics, and other assets. Participant contacts can be found at the Team Members link. Set up your log according to video at Work Log.
9AM to 1 PM CDT - USA Time Zone
- 9 AM - Documentation - Develop conceptual Google Drawings of modules to begin their development Working Product: Universal Rotor Construction Set. Logan Burkhardt - Design and Technology Program - CAD. ADDA - American Design and Drafting Association. AIBA - American Industrial Building Association. Logan Log, Jean-Baptiste Log, Rob Log. Sketchup to Animation Protocol.
- 10 AM - Open Source Microcar - We will build on the work of Velocar and 100km 1litro to develop the OSE Microcar product ecology concept. Universal Mobility Construction Set. , , , . Yann Log, Jean-Luc Log. Recruiting car team - tasks - [2]. First time - Leonardo Log. First time - Daniel Log.
- 11 AM - CNC Torch Table - Development for microcontroller, Powerlolu Stepper Motor Controller, rack-and-pinion drive system and stepper attachment system, gas control. Stepper Motor Controller - System Diagram
- 12 Noon - Mechanical Construction Set - Tractor & Backhoe Problem Statement & Ironworker. Other mechanical devices.
Sat Sep 14, 2013 Plan
9AM to 5 PM CST - USA Time Zone.
- 9 AM - Documentation - Cement Mixer, Trencher, Steel Wheels, Pelletizer, Hammermill, Well Rig, and Dimensional Sawmill are all cases of universal rotor with different heads. We will break these down into Module Breakdown as conceptual Google Drawings to begin their development by building on the Universal Rotor. Cyril Log, Rob Log, Marcin Log, Jean-Baptiste Log Product: Universal Rotor Construction Set.
- 10 AM - CNC Torch Table - Test-driven design - development for microcontroller, Powerlolu Stepper Motor Controller, rack-and-pinion drive system and stepper attachment system, gas control.
- 11 - Open Source Microcar - We will build on the work of Velocar and 100km 1litro to develop the OSE Microcar product ecology concept. Jean-Luc Log. Yann Log. Brener Log. Cyril Log Universal Mobility Construction Set.
- 12 Noon - Microhouse Design - Working on foundation details for OSE microhouse. Conceptual Design of Closed Loop Wastewater Systems.
- 1 PM - Rapid Prototyping with Laser Cutter - Generating tubing cutout files for rapid prototyping in cardstock via laser cutter for all Mechanical Construction Set machines. Will publish tubing files and select stock material, and send out several emails to supporters to get cutouts and begin scale models to be used in video instructionals. Will generate sample drawings for model cutting - such as cement mixer drum from flat sheet. Done: see OSE Rapid Prototyping.
- 2 PM - Universal Rotors - Cement Mixer, Trencher, Steel Wheels, Pelletizer, Hammermill, Well Rig, and Dimensional Sawmill are all cases of universal rotor with different heads. This is a conceptual Design Session where will pick as many of these as possible and create Requirements and Concept Drawings.
- 3 PM - Backhoe + Ironworker - Ready for completion at Factor e Farm. Need completion of design + documentation of complete build procedure for backhoe and Ironworker - see Cory_Log#Backhoe and Scalable_Ironworker. Brian Log.
- 4 PM - Hydrafabber - Continuing Developing Tech Tree of Choices for Control Software of CNC Circuit Mill, CNC Torch Table, Laser Cutter. Discussing best 3D printer build.
Fri Aug 30, 2013 Plan
Instructions: Participants sign up for a Design Sprint by filling out the Tech Team Culturing Survey. They gather in a Google Hangout and work in Google Docs, Sketchup, Wiki, and PiratePad. Typical session means getting our heads around a problem to generate outlines, concepts, designs, implementation pathways, 3D CAD, graphics, and other assets. Participant contacts can be found at the Team Members link.
10AM to 8 PM CST.
- 10 AM - Documentation - Continuing on Documentation. We will have 2 tracks: 1) developing a Google doc with a strategy to recruit Graphics Artists for Machine Infographics - plus completing the Development Dashboard placeholders for other projects - starting with Brick Press, CEB Press Controller, Soil Pulverizer, Power Cube, CNC Circuit Mill, Ironworker Machine, Backhoe, Cement Mixer, Well-Drilling Rig - using our newly developed Development Board - see Development Process. Participants: Raphi See Log, Jean-Baptiste Log, Tibor Log, Rob Log, Dan Cottrell Log.
- 11 AM - Recruiting Session - identifying Engineering/Open Source Clubs for Social Good in Universities, Engineering/Open Source for Social Good Organizations outside of universities, University contacts for Open Source. Beginning a database for recruiting Design Sprint participants and Dedicated Project Visitors for Factor e Farm. Audrey Log. [[Development document
- 12 Noon - Open Source Microcar - Filling in Development Board for OSE microcar. Continuing on a plan for a 1-Day Design Sprint on the Microcar with 125 developers. OS Microcar Aug 30 2013 Sprint Notes. Participants: Yann Log, Catarina Log. Pat Log.
- 1 PM - lunch
- 2 PM - Rapid Prototyping with Laser Cutter - Generating tubing cutout files for rapid prototyping in cardstock via laser cutter - for tractor + backhoe scale models.
- 3 PM - CEB Press - Pressure-Switch Controller + Code - filling in Development Board for the new Pressure Switch Controller for Brick Press. Need Arduino programmers to annotate and flowchart the control code - CEB Press Control Code Flowchart. Getting Brick Press ready for Microhouse Build.
- 4 PM - Backhoe - Ready for completion at Factor e Farm. Need completion of design + documentation of complete build procedure for backhoe - including 3D scale model - see Cory_Log#Backhoe. Will be able to prototype via paper cuts.
- 5 PM - CNC Torch Table - Filling in Development Board for CNC Torch Table - and moving forward on build of Torch Height Controller + Sample RAMPs controller prototyping + Documenting gas controller + Control Code integration.
- 6 PM - Laser Cutter and CNC Circuit Mill - Control code integration for CNC Circuit Mill. Moving on to actual prototyping of Laser Cutter. Brian Log. Tim Log. John Log.
- 7 PM - 50 hp Power Cube - Beginning on Development Board for 50 hp Power Cube. Producing technical drawings for mounting of 50 hp VW engine. Drawing up CAD for mounting engine from both sides. See Aug. 16, 2013 entry from Dorkmo Log.
Thu Aug 15, 2013 Plan
Instructions: Participants sign up for a Design Sprint by filling out the Tech Team Culturing Survey. They gather in a Google Hangout and work in Google Docs, Sketchup, Wiki, and PiratePad. Typical session means getting our heads around a problem to generate outlines, concepts, designs, implementation pathways, 3D CAD, graphics, and other assets. Participant contacts can be found at the Team Members link on the Dashboard.
1 PM to 7 PM CST.
- 1 PM - Documentation - Continuing on Documetation. Creating a plan for recruiting Graphics Artists to create Machine Infographics for different GVCS machine modules. Completion of True Fans Platform. Display of Machine Development Process steps.
- 2 PM - Open Source Microcar - Rallying around a plan for a 1-Day Design Sprint.
. Participants: Yann, Rob, Dorkmo, Daniel Cottrell, Tibor, Catarina. . Human power world record - 120 k/hr. Normal top speed for velomobile is 50 k/hr. Best Velomobile.
- 3 PM - 50 hp Power Cube - Designing the Pump and engine Mounting for 50 hp Power Cube.
- 4 PM - Backhoe and Ironworker Session - 2 machines ready for completion at Factor e Farm. Need documentation of complete build procedure for backhoe - Cory_Log#Backhoe.
- 5 PM - Tractor and Brick Press - Tractor posting finalization for LifeTrac 6 GrabCAD Challenge + CEB Concept Diagram for new controller with Pressure Sensors.
- 6 PM - CNC Torch Table and Hydrafabber - getting control software running for CNC Torch, Laser, and CNC Mill (see John Log), and discussion of automatic gas flow control for oxyacetylene cutting - see CNC Torch Table Gas Flow Control.
Sat Aug 10, 2013 Plan
Instructions: Participants sign up for a Design Sprint. They gather in a Google Hangout and work in Google Docs, Sketchup, Wiki, and PiratePad. Typical session means getting our heads around a problem to generate outlines, concepts, designs, implementation pathways, 3D CAD, graphics, and other assets. Participant contacts can be found at the Team Members link on the Dashboard.
9 AM to 5 PM CST.
- 9 AM - Documentation - We have broken down GVCS machines into ~500 modules - GVCS Modules. We will post the remaining module placeholders up at Dozuki. We would like to start publicity to art schools to produce Machine and Module Infographics for the ~500 modules. Working on OSE Documentation Wireframe, Tibor doing Modules Placeholders on Dozuki. Participants: Tibor Log], Jean-Baptiste Log, Rob Log, Marcin Log, Daniel Log.
- 10 AM - CNC Torch Table Session - Researching and implementing control code for xy motion using RAMPS. Reviewing Gas Control system and mapping how to control it with RAMPS.
- 11 AM -1 PM - CEB Press/Tractor/50 hp Power Cube. We will rally around: 1. Concept design for simple, pressure sensor-based, relay-based, Arduino controller for the brick press. 2. 1600cc VW engine mounting to frame and hydraulic pump for 50 hp power cube. One team breaks out to research Sunglass and Sketchup compatibility - for LifeTrac 5. Tractor interface design - Google concept docs on how modules fit together. Rob Beddingfield Log, Scott Log, James Log, Jonathan Log, Dave Log. CEB 5 - new CAD!!! last version in full 3D CAD was CEB 4 -
. Posting LifeTrac GrabCAD Challenge.
- 1-2 PM - Break
- 2 PM - HydraFabber - Getting ready for buildout of laser cutter and CNC Circuit Mill modules. Need to develop RAMPS-based software for mill control. People: Pat Log, Tim Log, John Log, Randy Log. Work Product - 10W Laser Cutter Calculations including concept breakdown diagram.
- 3 PM - Collaboration Architecture: Towards a One Day Design Sprint - We will begin designing a process for how we can get ~200 engineers around a virtual table - to design a complex machine on the time scale of a day. Best candidates for this process are 50 kW Wind Turbine and Open Source Car. Catarina Log, Randy Log.
. Results: Collaboration_Architecture_for_1_Day_Design-Build_Event.
- 4 PM - Open Session. True Fans Platform - True_Fans_Platform_Log#Resulting_Page installed, not working fully.
Sat Aug 3, 2013 Plan
Instructions: Participants sign up for a Design Sprint. They gather in a Google Hangout and work in Google Docs, Sketchup, Wiki, and PiratePad. Typical session means getting our heads around a problem to generate outlines, concepts, designs, implementation pathways, 3D CAD, graphics, and other assets. Participant contacts can be found at the Team Members link on the Dashboard.
9 AM to 5 PM CST.
- 9 AM - Documentation - We will work on a massive document breaking down all 50 machines into modules (27 machines so far) - GVCS Modules. We will create a Breakdown Diagram for each machine. Come to this session if you study the Industry Standards comparable to the 50 machines, and be ready to create a large number of Google Docs according to this Module Breakdown Template. Jean-Baptiste Log will lead the graphics team in preparing module graphics. Beginning to post video to OSE Latakoo Site.
. Participants: Tibor, Paul N, Rob, Robert Goeller, Fred Eisele, Marcin, Scott Eisele, Jean, Lucas Warner.
- 10 AM - CNC Torch Table Session - Capacitive Height sensor through I2C connector on RAMPS is done. Paul Log.
- 11 AM - CEB Press. We are working on the CEB 6 Controller that includes a pressure switch, and preparing the brick presses for construction. Inviting Zach Dwiel, James Slade, Paul Log to derive a new Controller Board. Drawing up a Microhouse Build Plan that addresses the timing. Best idea is to start a CEB Press Critical Path document.
- 12 Noon - Tractor - See LifeTrac 5 - we are refining this design to build LifeTrac 6. Posting on GrabCAD. Working on 50 hp Power Cube. Seeking session leader for Sunglass review session of Tractor. Inviting James Log, James Slade Log.
- 1-2 PM - Break
- 2 PM - HydraFabber - see John Log regarding the combination Laser Cutter, 3D Printer, and Circuit Mill, working from the Lulzbot platform and gaining inspiration from FoldaRep. Starting Hydrafabber Development Matrix. Initial CNC Circuit Mill Head. Participants: Leo Riveron, John Stager, Dave Preiss, Tim Boyd, Miguel Castro
- 3 PM - Open Source Welder - We are moving forward with the Open Source Welder Development Matrix.
- 4 PM - Open Session
July 27, 2013 Plan
REMINDER: The Friday night Tech Check scheduled for 26 July has been cancelled.
Instructions: Participants sign up for a Design Sprint. They gather in a Google Hangout and work in Google Docs, Sketchup, Wiki, and PiratePad. Typical session means getting our heads around a problem to generate outlines, concepts, designs, implementation pathways, 3D CAD, graphics, and other assets. Participant contacts can be found at the Team Members link on the Dashboard.
9 AM to 5 PM CST.
- 9 AM - Documentation - We will begin filling in graphics and information on each machine at the OSE Documentation Site. We will fill in Machine Icons, Machine Infographics, break the machine into Modules, and define the interfaces between the modules. Participants: Albin, Colm, Rob K, Fred Eisele, Paul N, Tibor, Jean, Robert Goeller with Fred, and Ariel
- 10 AM - CNC Torch Table Session - See CNC Torch Table documentation page. continuing developments of Height Controller. See Paul Log and CoolRAMPS. Session work product - CNC Torch Height Control Schematic
- 11 AM - CEB Press. We are working on the CEB 6 Controller that includes a pressure switch, and preparing the brick presses for construction.
- 12 Noon - Tractor - See LifeTrac 5 - we are refining this design to build LifeTrac 6. Posting on GrabCAD. Working on 50 hp Power Cube. Seeking session leader for Sunglass review session of Tractor. Please log in to, download Sketchup plug-in as instructed, to be able to collaborate in 3D remotely.
- 1 PM - True Fans - We will begin implementing the True Fans Platform. The first step is to get feedback from as many True Fans as possible. General concept is a platform that can be used to send YouTube videos to invite friends to join True Fans, to send videos to one another, to subscribe as a True Fan, and other features. Once we design this platform, we will also use it to link to Design Sprints, Talks and Presentations, and other events. Participants - Mo, Catherine, +.
- 2 PM - Permafacture Design Course - Based on Rapid Prototyping Crash Training, we are creating a 3 day immersion training course in Extreme Design and Extreme Manufacturing.
- 3 PM - HydraFabber - see John Log regarding the combination Laser Cutter, 3D Printer, and Circuit Mill, working from the Lulzbot platform and gaining inspiration from FoldaRep. Specific Tasks - group the Sketchup File to reduce file size. Mai Red, Tim, John, Leo Riveron 300px
- 4 PM - Open Source Welder - We are moving forward with the Initial Welder-Plasma Cutter Block Diagram and inviting people to collaborate on this in Upverter. Participants: Nicholas Ornitz, Sam Turner, Scott.
- 5 PM - Special Guest - Alex Dale - ED of Engineers for a Sustainable World.
July 20, 2013 Plan
Instructions: For a Design Sprint, participants gather in a Google Hangout and work in Google Docs, Sketchup, Wiki, and PiratePad. Typical session means getting our heads around a problem to generate concept design, implementation pathways, and 3D CAD. Participants are noted below, and their contacts can be found at the Team Members link on the Dashboard.
9 AM to 5 PM CST.
- 9 AM - Documentation - We will begin setting up a Main Page for each machine on the wiki, where Main Machine Page Template is used. We can begin with reformatting existing information on all Main Machine pages, then putting image placeholders up at Dozuki. Need graphics artists for each Machine Infographic. Start with List of Main Pages. Then Main Machine Page Template for template. Then refine this template and start filling in relevant information. We will also be developing challengest that we can post at GrabCAD. Participants - Adam Messer (building Power Cube in London), Steff Huber, Robert Kirk, Marcin Jakubowski, Sam Turner, Victor Velenzuela, Jean-Baptiste, Tibor, Albin Zeuch, Ryan. Blog post Monday - rally documenters and graphic artists to work with Jean. Get Machine Dashboard set up for each page. Hold first True Fan biweekly Hangout Friday to rally True Fans onto Documentation.
- 10 AM - CNC Torch Table Session - continuing developments of Height Controller and gas solenoid integration for oxyacetylene case. See Paul Log and CoolRAMPS.Players: - Justin Downs, Chuck Harrison
- 11 AM - CEB Press. On September 28, we will be building the OSE Microhouse. For this to happen, we will need to perfect the tractor, brick press, and soil pulverizer so that we build a 400 square foot structure in one day. Work items include: improved CEB 6 Controller that includes a pressure switch, and preparing the brick presses for construction. Players - Rob Beddingfield - doing 3D CAD for CEB Press 5, wants to build a CEB Press in Alabama.
- 12 Noon - Tractor - improvements on LifeTrac 5 towards full product release. Main development points include the 50 hp Power Cube, 3 Point Hitch, refining of foot pedals, and streamlining of structure based on Lucas Log. Make Power Cube structurally independent. Design review will be done using Sunglass for collaborative 3D work. Players- Scott Eisele, Jonathan Miller, Gene on DIY Hydraulic Pumps and Control Manifolds. 541.708.1107. Will pursue making our own control manifolds. LifeTrac GrabCAD Challenge to be posted.
- 1 PM - True Fans - Inviting True Fans to become more involved in OSE collaboration. We will start a document to move the True Fans Platform forward, starting with a biweekly meeting invitation with the Founder. Working session is intended to design the True Fans platform and move to implementation. Steff Huber. Will hold first Hangout with Fans on Friday.
- 2 PM - OSE Crash Course - See Rapid Prototyping Crash Training. We need to create a crash course on rapid prototypfing of GVCS machines to train any newcomers, especially those interested in DPVs.
- 3 PM - HydraFabber - see John Log regarding the combination Laser Cutter, 3D Printer, and Circuit Mill, working from the Lulzbot platform and gaining inspiration from FoldaRep. Possible addition of 3D scanner.Players: John Stager, Tim Boyd. Tim working on pricing of 2 diode lasers. Other are bar lasers with fiber bundles. Blast and stop operation with turnon of laser. Jesse De Pinto. Suggests Laser or Projector.
- 4 PM - Open Source Welder - we are moving forward with the Initial Welder-Plasma Cutter Block Diagram and inviting people to collaborate on this in Upverter.
- 5 PM - Open for other topics.
July 13, 2013 Plan
See announcement in Google Drive - [3]
10 am to 2 PM CST session (possibly later depending on Tractor Buildout happening at Factor e Farm.
OSE is hosting our coordinated Design Sprint where we have a specific, project-based schedule for every hour. Sprint Details:
- When: 13 July 2013 from 9am-2pm CST-USA
- Topics: CNC Torch Table, Lifetrac, Hydrafabber, Open Source Car, Documentation, & Graphics/UI Sessions
- Media: Via Google Hangout (an email, with the link to the sprint, will be sent to participants by 8:45am on Saturday)
- Sprint Facilitator: Marcin Jakubowski
- Agenda for each session:
- Discuss topic. See Design_Sprint#Design_Process for general workflow of developing each machine.
- Jot notes in Pirate Pad at bottom of Dashboard.
- Start Google Doc Drawings for machine component breakdowns, interface designs.
- Develop Google Doc Drawings collaboratively.
- Record links to all work, including links to participant logs - on Pirate Pad.
- Software, Graphics, and UI people are needed to develop control code, Machine and Module Infographics and Icons.
- CNC Torch Table Session - 10 AM CST. Working document - CoolRAMPS#Systems_Engineerign_Breakdown_Diagram_and_Interface_Design -Inviting all electronics participants for System Module Breakdown and beginning to work out components and interfaces between parts. Starting with implementation for Acetylene Torch with auto height control + automatic ignition. Working on sourcing 3-hose torch + automatic gas solenoids + solenoid controller integration to Arduino. Beginning BOM. Beginning CNC Torch Table Graphical Interface Design. Need Graphics Designers - for a Machine Infographic and Icons of submodules. Need software people to build control code based on DXF to Gcode or other route. Building on RepRap electronics - RAMPS, CoolDRV, and open sourcing Powerlolu. Documentors needed to begin Study of Industry Standards and sourcing of parts. Need Sketchup or FreeCAD person to draw up stepper motor mounting and CNC Torch Table Structure.
- Open Source Welder Session - 11 AM. Inviting electronics, power electronics people; fabricators knowledgeable about welders. Work on Modules Breakdown. Graphics designers - for a Machine Infographic and Icons of submodules.
- Hydrafabber - 12 Noon. Continuing part sourcing for laser cutter part, full CAD drawing of the Router. Next steps expected - review of laser cutter BOM. Generation of 3D printing files for mount of Router and Laser Cutter. Generation of Procedures. Need Graphics Designers - for a Machine Infographic and Icons of submodules. See John Log.
- Agriculture, Construction Machines - Module Breakdown and Documentation - 1 PM. Starting with Agriculture and Construction Modules Breakdown. Working on any modules related to Ag and Construction - including Harvester, Backhoe, Microcombine. Starting with LifeTrac Development Matrix for building out necessary Warehouse components and devising prototyping files for 3D printing. Starts with upgrading of Warehouse to necessary changes, and generating STL then gcode files for 3D printing. Need graphics designers for Machine Infographic.
- Documentation and Collaboration - 2 PM if time permits - Tentative session - continuing to document modules at Dozuki, and drawing up Contributor Badges for OSE. Needs graphics Designers. Template for documentation suggested: take the Machine Development Matrix - and automatically feed the Machine Infographic, Module Breakdown, Interface Design, Visual BOM, Sketchup, and Fab Procedure into a separate wiki page - all based on the Machine Development Matrix having a regular structure.
10 people: Michael Log Kadie, Paul Log, Marcin, Jean-Baptiste Log, Christopher Log Bassett, Justin Log Downs, James Log Wise. Yann Log, , Tibor Log. Sam Log Turner.
Commitments for July 6, 2013
Folder of product images -
CNC Torch Table
- Working Document - CoolRAMPS#Systems_Engineerign_Breakdown_Diagram_and_Interface_Design
- Federico Log - begin design on the gas turnon solenoid shield to integrate with RAMPS
- Paul Log - evaluate RAMPS capacity to do all we need
- Rob Log - Putting CNC Torch Table on Dozuki -
- Chuck Log - adding on Steppernug. Wi
- Marcin Log
- Tim Log - working with John in Solidworks - sourced the laser diode.
- Leo Log - ready to design mount for Spindle using real parts.
- John Log -
Documentation Session
- Tim Asp
- Ryan Lutz
Car Session
Commitments for June 29, 2013
Discussed in part the work flow for future Design Sprints. Scott Eisele and Jonathan Miller interested in DPV
- Leo Log - working on Hydrafabber Sketchup mount of spindle including real drawing of spindle components
- Jonathan Miller - Jonathan Log - concept of LifeTrac.
- Albin Log - wheel unit integration - next step is full DXFs for hub, building on Justin Log and Chris Log for hubs and wheels.
- Scott Log - work with Jonathan on articulated LifeTrac based on LifeTrac_Development_Brief
Commitments for June 22, 2013
June 22, 2013 Sprint Introduction
- Caleb Bennett - punch element continued, stiff version - Caleb Log
- John Stager - CNC Mill Spindle - John Log
- Nate Wettstein - Download FreeCAD and TAZ tool mount - to integrate CNC Circuit Mill Spindle - Nate Log -
- Leo Riveron - Continuing on CNC Circuit Mill Mount on Hydrafabber. Leo Log.
- Tibor Sovis - Tibor Log
- Justin Downs - GEDA - 3" hub - Justin Log
- Salvatore - Public Domain Stepperlolu - Salvatore Log
- Gene Griffith - Hydraulic Motors - Gene Log
- Yann - major progress - Yann Log
- Jean-Baptiste Vervaeck - Jean-Baptiste Log
- Leandra - Leandra Log
- Cory - Cory Log
- Chris - Chris Log
- Jordan - Jordan Log
- Lucas - Lucas Log
- James- James Log
- Gary - Gary Log
- Tim Boyd - Found diodes - 10W in 100 microns - Tim Log
- Stefano - Stefano Log - Gary took over on truck suspension.
Commitments for June 15 - 2013
- Tim Boyd - friend designed power supplies for Synrad CO2. 2W Laser Diodes. - Put work up at Tim Log
- Albin Zuech - keyway info - Albin Log
- Colm Herbert - microtrac tracks with Cory - Colm Log
- James Wise - feedback on the Bulldozer geardown - James Log
- Lucas - Microtrac hydraulics - Lucas Log
- Jordan - Pivot hydraulics - Jordan Log
- Cory - Hydraulics, wheel. - Cory Log
- Leandra - blade hydraulics - Leandra Log
- Chris - hydraulics diagram - foot pedal - Chris Log
- John Stager - pass on the car wheel drive info - see MIT Car and work with Yann Log
- Andrew Must - advanced program manager - microtrac coordination with Cory - Andrew Log
- Sam - Backhoe reduction to 6' plus cylinder fit - Samthetechie Log
- Caleb Bennett - with Marcin on Holepunch element - starting Caleb Log
- Leo - Chicago - hydraulic controls for cab - hand levers with Chris - Leo Log
- Stefano - Milan, Italy - feet of backhoe - building upon Cory Log to create Stefano Log
- Brian Peters - backhoe bucket - Brian Log
- Salvatore - started Salvatore Log for the building upon Powerlolu
- Rob - Popcorning the Hydraulics 101 video - See Rob Log
- Yann Lischetti - - Yann Log
- Gene Griffith - gear hydraulic motor - conceptual design by next week - Gene Log
Commitments for May 30-31 Design Sprint
- Brian Peters - backhoe bucket + stick and boom finishing
- Jonathan Miller - Wikispeed car body conversion to Sketchup - Wikispeed Sketchup
- Joe Justice - discussion on OSE-Wikispeed 660
- Rob Kirk - Car negotiations with Wikispeed
- Chris DeAngelis - Microtrac tracks - finishing MicroTrac design
- Justin Burnett - quick attach wheel - design validation, ready for Bulldozer Geardown and 3" quick attach wheel module.
- Marcin - Bulldozer Geardown concept work
- James Wise - Bulldozer Geardown
- Sam Carlisle - cylinder fitting on backhoe.
- Husam - second printer up and running for microtrac tracks printing.
Commitments for May 24-25 Design Sprint
- Husam - printing DfF of tractor frame
- Sam Carlisle - Backhoe Pivot Joint - mounting between Boom of Backhoe and tractor rear
- Audrey Rampone - Community Management
- Luke Shields - wireframe for Concept Design Page
- Brian Peters - doing Backhoe Stick and Boom and range of motion calculations
- Justin Downs - completed the Quick Attach Plate
- Marcin Jakubowski - CNC Torch Table controller
- Rob Kirk - negotiating the Wikispeed Collaboration
- Justin Burnett - Quick Attach Wheel Module - in progress
- Joe Justice - negotiations on Wikispeed Buildout at Factor e Farm
Commitments for May 17-18 Design Sprint
- Leo - 2 hours on design of precision quick connect tool mount, see Leo Log
- Mike Jordan - Sketchup of Microtrac tracks for STL and 3D print. See Mike Jordan Log
- Husam - Pivot module for backhoe and articulated tractors.
- Rob - scripts
- Marcin - Bulldozer geardown module; backhoe module finishing.
- HydraFabber - getting parts
- Backhoe - boom and stick
- Backhoe - pivot
- Microtrac - frame and tracks
- Truck - suspension
- Conversion of LifeTrac IV for CNC Torch Table Cutting
- OS Car - wikispeed person to build frame
- Web support - html/css