Eric Lotze Log

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  • This Page goes over User:Eric 's dev work for OSE
  • Also has a sort of "captains log" of their work / daily thoughts
  • Not always consistent, so double check their Contributions Page for more specifics on projects/edits
  • Hours Logger has been locking me out for the last few days. The error code/message is below. I tried logging out then back in (also added OSE to a list of "sites that can use cookies" in the google chrome settings)
"Forbidden (403) CSRF verification failed. Request aborted. You are seeing this message because this site requires a CSRF cookie when submitting forms. This cookie is required for security reasons, to ensure that your browser is not being hijacked by third parties. If you have configured your browser to disable cookies, please re-enable them, at least for this site, or for 'same-origin' requests." 


HintLightbulb.png Hint: I added 27 for April and 9 for May so far. Any more?-mj

(The hour thing is broken, as the bit in the "Basics" section states)

Eric Log


  • Sitting in a work truck parked in the middle of nowhere waiting to clean a pig (Pipeline Pigging not the animal!) but due to weather and ’’’efficient subcontracting’’’ kind of just burning time
  • Documented a VERY cool example of not JUST a working DME engine, but one using that and Methanol for a RCCI engine
    • Methanol is a bit less than ideal, ALTHOUGH good synergy with Syngas and DME Production


  • Still hoping this is some odd dream sleep deprived me is having…but i had the displeasure of seeing the news in my feed after work today.
  • I honestly just don’t know what to say, they did it they straight up did it


  • Small Scale RDF Workflow stuff (also a bit last night)
  • Had a job today 10 or 25 gallons of diesel fuel or something spilled, so large enough all the agencies and whatnot, and thus the company got involved
    • Was over the grass by an intersection (they pulled over, ‘’’NOTE: From a Cleanup Perspective it is Better to Stay On Pavement if a Vehicle is Leaking (short of if you are avoiding a waterway/drain) ; Pouring adsorbant and sweeping it up is easier than scooping soil up and all that’’’
    • We did rent a Backhoe which was GREAT
      • Backhoe, Rol-Off Box (for the contaminated soil), and a Dump Trailer for fresh soil made real quick work of it all
      • The only other improvement i can really think of would be Hydroseeding and a Bale Chopper
        • Unless they demand Sod that is, although that isn’t too bad to work with
    • I’ll grab a picture of the controls, but the backhoe also had me thinking of my Modular Vehicle Simulator type stuff, need WAAAAAAAY more levers to replicate this machine!
  • Anywho just wanted to jog my thoughts on this down, I’ll keep you posted


  • Been busy at work but thrown in some car ride edits every so often
  • I really am intrigued at the biomass potential of these vines, one variety made these fruits of sorts but they seem to be mostly starch/potato like
  • The sheer amount of litter has me thinking about Litter Cleanup Methods , part of me wonders some sort of version akin to those Rock Pickers but for plastic waste could make sense?
    • Also reading up on + making a page for that Ocean Cleanup (and more importantly their river interceptor, and similar other designs) would be nice, a mini one for the stream would be neat
  • Also California is doing some case on “The Recycling Scam”, one one hand i get it and it is valid, but also the “cannot be recycled really” typically glosses over W2E (although this is just fossil fuels with extra steps to an extent) or how “Not Economical” ‘’’really just means’’’ not economical compared to fresh plastic from fossil fuels…which shouldn’t be an option (ie TRL should be the main issue, Carbon Taxes/Subsidies is the how
  • ALTHOUGH people often neglect the reduce/reuse aspect of it all, and marketing and whatnot is partially to blame for the culture and all that but i just had to ramble about this SOMEWHERE lol
  • I also saw some lawn care truck advertising their use of electric equipment on the way to work today so I’ll add that when i do my Gas Powered vs Battery Electric Landscaping Equipment at Scale article type thing
  • I also got some fire related stuff (a plasma-butane lighter combo thing which is great so far, i just need a candle type one now!, and an Off The Shelf Rocket Stove type thing as well as some 20usd or so heat spreader for stoves (basically uses mesh to make it into a heater
  • I geeked out a bit on Sun Protection stuff, and may have found some more gear to get for that so that is another project to document (as well as Evidence Based Skincare although i am too bad at routines to master that yet)
  • Evidence Based Lawncare / SHERPA type things have been on my mind too, optimal cut height for health of the grass, something like “Mow Only When Needed” (so before a party/picnic or whatever but otherwise it has flowers and whatnot for the bees)
  • Also i seem to be getting ahead of the vines and some sort of disease is getting at them, part of me wants to make some soup almost like Phage Therapy meets Integrated Pest Management ! That type of experimentation would have to be on my own time though lol
  • Also Anual Topsoil Growth on Lawns / Topsoil Erosion / how much topsoil you can “add” to lawns or other ecosystems without breaking anything
  • My HTC digging was related to this, but basically if the biomass / p2x economy took off could you just dump a PILE of Biochar + Humic Acid Synthetic Amazonian Black Earth type stuff into a lawn or elsewhere to sequester carbon and terraform the soil to be better (also what DOESN’T grow well in SABE is worth looking into)
  • ’’’Had some spills at a concrete mix plant, admixture tank cracked open’’’
    • I’ll document the admixtures, it was some Lignosulphate type thing from paper mills supposedly, looked like soy sauce almost
    • Also good example of poor Secondary Containment planning, and Plastic Tank Lifespan thinking/inspecting them for cracks/damage/deterioration
  • I was pumping Degreaser which is always a mess (leaky hand pump, foam in the Pump Pressure Sprayer getting all over
    • I was thinking ANOTHER example of one of those dedicated wash bay type things is you could have your degreaser etc there that way any mess can be washed away into the drain
  • Also Shredder Sump Pumps / Macerator Pumps ! The ones we have in the Tank Farm’s Containment Berm Constantly clog up with leaves. If we could get one that just eats those leaves up it would no longer be an issue! That and/or just good bit to think of / plan for FeF or other projects
  • ’’’Rambling but I just wanted to get thoughts on paper, and keep you all posted’’’
  • Hurricane coming in the next few days, my area (Jacksonville) should MOSTLY just get strong wind and a good bit of rain, but will be cautious and all that but no worrying needed there!
  • May be “mobilized” for spill cleanup with JEA in which case I’ll be very busy and/or waiting in a truck for spills that don’t come (in which case pile of time for edits)
  • But yeah that’s about everything, I’ll maybe move this to a more proper page but yeah I’ll keep you posted!


  • All done with that project and heading back to Jax now
    • ’’although’’ due to being too polite and/or trying to build up credit/repoire and all that i may be going back on Monday as they have ‘’4 more of those bins to do’’
  • Saw the photos User: Marcin posted, good progress on the Seed Eco Home , starting to look like a ‘’’home’’’!

Rant on Landfill Job

  • So ‘’first and foremost’’ i am ‘’quite’’ certain that this could be done in a Spray Tower or Bubble Column type process like that algae Biofilter type thing i saw at that Wastewater Treatment Plant
    • When filling the containers back up i snagged the name of the material btw, AxeTrap 4142
  • This could probably be cleaned with the Clean in Place “gamma jet” type thing we use for gas stations ‘’’if even that’’’; could just drain, maybe run bleach water through then fill back up (ALL VIA PUMPS) not…this
  • Granted grunts and some consumable material is probably cheaper than doing things the right way oof
    • It seems they just Flared the gas too ( Gas Flare ) rather than either use it for Power Generation or upgrade it to pipeline spec and inject it into the pipeline grid (I’ll link the paper i saw but it is also ‘’’the most basic type’’’ a “candlestick flare”
  • As stated before i think this is just about ‘’’the worst way’’’ to do all this in more ways than one, but I’ll probably document issues that came up, hypotheses as to why, and potential solutions
  • I just looked up the material and i was riiiiiiiiiiight, Iron Oxides (potentially others, but that may just be marketing bs), and some sort of “organic binder” which would explain it being decently light and more dirt colored than pure rust
  • The smell wasn’t AS BAD as i thought it was. Still bad, but i would describe it as a mixture of sulfur and the smell of/taste of burnt campfire marshmallows if that makes any sense
    • I was expecting rotting dumpster/someone forgot to close the lid and rainwater got in type stuff. GRANTED it is a “retired” landfill that is “stabilizing” so it isn’t ‘’’as bad’’’ as it was i bet.
  • Clings/Tracks like hell though. I did go to Walmart and get that cheap basic (technically dish-) soap and that got it all off everything well.

Lessons Learned that are more Directly Relevant to OSE

  • ’’’On a directly relevant to OSE note’’’, this job had me thinking+plotting a lot of “what to pack” / how to optimally staff (re Overstaffing vs Understaffing etc
  • Mainly:
    • How critical having large and/or many coolers with ice is for jobs in remote locations and/or doing high intensity work and/or in high heat
    • Labeling of Personal Drinks etc would probably be nice too, that or have individual coolers, didn’t have any PROBLEMS (ie stealing drinks and whatnot) but did have some decent Time Waste from asking around etc
    • The impact of having food available and/or proper lunch breaks during long work
      • Was getting ’’’very sluggish’’’ and they got sandwiches for everyone from some semi-local place, that+sitting in thr shade with a fan etc didn’t make my sorr muscles better but i was WAY better
      • Most bosses will be all “raaaah push through”, and to be fair it may vary case by case but i HIGHLY suspect it could be proven in a Time Work Study etc although even if it doesn’t save time, sure as hell improved morale!
      • A Sports Drink can somewhat hold you over but some sort of Meal Replacement Shake would be nice to have too
    • Planning+Communication
      • Not that going all snobby and making a Lift Plan for the most basic stuff is needed, but there were some cases at the end in the filling process there were occasions where lifting began before the loops for the Big Bag were in the Holder thing (was attached to an excavator in this case, that and a Skid Steer Forklift
      • Disputes in Procedure/How to Fix Problems (there wasn’t any ANGER to anything like that, but major frustration and confusion) (this was almost all in relation to the Vac Truck hose clogging
      • It gets iffy in terms of Power Dynamics / Nepotism and such, but a more clear Chain of Command would help
      • Either in addition to this, or as a more equal alternative, Evidence Based Protocols/Procedures (Standard Operating Procedures and all that) could help. MUST BE based on Evidence+Be Reliable the feild (re Designer User Disconnect and all that)
  • Funnels/“Mouseholing” and whatnot being an issue in Emptying Big Bags and for Silos in general
    • I saw some archival footage I’ll have to dig for that was about some government study on this and all that
    • There are some products that make it basically never happen, so between reducing Tome Waste and just the ‘’’stabbing/hitting with shovels and hammers process’’’ it would be wuite beneficial i bet
      • Also they were manually cutting open the bottoms of the bug bags, there are specialized tools if I understand correctly that may be faster
    • Importance of Shade and Fans
      • We had one of those large orange metal fans and an extension cord
      • It worked GREAT at the first box but we couldn’t find a plug in the second one in range
      • Shade was a bit sparse/moved all over etc. Limited “spots” also means not everyone may get it so some “pecking order”, stress, and time wastage+exhaustion issues there
        • Those Pop Up Shade Tents (need the proper word) are reasonably cheap, stack well, and work well
      • We had one of those on an Atmospheric Storage Tank Cleaning job and it was great
      • Also has the advantage of leaving your eyes a bit more adjusted+there being less glare for people doing Confined Space “hole watch” or for looking into pipes mid troubleshooting etc
        • Although everyone having a Flashlight/Laser Flashlight on hand can help


  • Guess who’s cleaning out containers filled with Activated Carbon and/or Iron Oxide that are ‘’saturated’’ after doing their job in a Landfill Gas Upgrader ……
  • It’s meeeeeeeeeee
  • And due to them bring intentionally mysterious i am not 100% prepped (was gonna follow the tips of someone and get some vics vapor rub or some shit/a mask but nah just going in for ‘’the full experience’’ i guess)
  • Moderately interesting from an academic standpoint but yeah ‘’’n a h’’’
  • Granted this is the worst job this company does so i have the “this is some bullshit” meter from Luxury Vacation to This Job all calibrated lol
  • It’s for the greater good! Also gotta earn that social credit lol
  • Still though I’m gonna hate Landfills ‘’even more now’’!
    • Gonna do that hate rant from “I have no mouth but i must scream”
  • They are unbolting the hatch and i am getting hints of the smell rip
  • Wish me luck and here’s to hoping!


  • Been VERY busy with work recently
    • Falling asleep on the floor for a bit after getting home means your Work Life Balance is good…right?
  • Not the worst though, learning a ton+making money
  • PILE of ideas to add on Wiki (as per usual)
  • One i was thinking in regards to Stake Trucks and Securing Items in Trailers/Truckbeds was something like
    • Gridfinity But For Pallets ( GBFP , pronounced “gee-bfp” which seems to flow well)
    • it worked out okay, but another Underground Storage Tank Cleaning Job which needed
      • 2x Pressure Washer Hoses
      • 2x 50 Foot Garden Hoses
      • 1x Small Gasoline Engine Powered Cold Water Pressure Washer
      • 2x Safety Cans for spare gasoline
      • A “gammajet” / “buttorworth” (or me “that spinny thing” ) basically a Clean In Place / Sootblower type thing on a metal cable you hook up to a pressure washer line and drop into the tank to clean it from the middle
      • A sort of jerry rigged pipe with a 90*bend on the top (so it drops down) and a Pressure Washer Nozzle on the bottom so you can jet out any sludge there+the debris that gets dislodged from the gammajet thing
    • These smaller things don’t secure ‘’too’’ well with a Ratchet Strap although it did work out eventually ( Cargo Nets may be even better for odd shaped small stuff although we don’t have any if i remember correctly)
    • Also in terms of loading/unloading time having premade pallets would be neat
    • But in terms of what GBFP would look like think a Plastic Pallet (or maybe a “hat” that goes on top of a pallet so not to waste material making a single use pallet) with Gridfinity / Shadowboard type indentations deep enough to secure the load. Also maybe D Rings / Eyelets to tie/ratchet strap down the pallet if needed
  • ALSO i got an IBM Selectric (Specifically a ‘’beige’’ IBM Correcting Selectric II) and some old blowtorchez (2 Alcohol, one Kerosene/Gasoline (sadly probably the latter) )
    • Selectric works GREAT
      • may need to be cleaned+re oiled/greased (neat Info from digging on that) and get a new production ribbon
      • Stencil Mode on normal Wax Paper didn’t seem to make a stencil good enough for a Mimeograph so further experimentation needed there
      • Custom Type Elements / Typeballs / “Golfballs” can be made too (even for windings/comic sands/papyrus etc lol) with a 3D printer (and maybe 3D Print to Metal Part Workflows so that’s ANOTHER thing on the to-print list
  • That’s about it though, already past 2 PM but I’m going to try and get some wiki work done on my laptop today (this and most recent edits have been on my iphone so a bit limited) if not though i hope this update helps!


  • Essentially going on a road trip for some training today, passenger in company vehicle so got some time to burn


  • So i am starting up another job soon
  • IE Probably back to the "Checking During Lunch Break / Occasional Contributions on Weekends etc
  • I'll keep you all posted


  • Today I Mainly did
  • Finishing up info on Optical Disc Stuff
  • All that is left of the window of tabs is ~10 or so links (Mix of papers and niche Wikipedia pages) that can get chucked into my data buffer page for now, a pile of videos i'll probably pick the best out of and put those into the Eric's (Planned) Data Storage Ecosystem Workflow Page's External Links Section
    • Most are youtube shorts by the same creator so that should be quicker to jot down
  • Do have the medical stuff to do tomorrow, but yeah should still get some work in


Pre-Log Notes

  • Main To-Do's for Today:
    • Order the Oil for my 3D Printer, Black ink for the Disc Publisher, and Some Polypropylene Jewel Cases / Storage Stuff for Them (not much, but just enough for storing music cds neatly, and storing a few test discs if i make those)
    • Kick that one person causing drama off the discord again
      • (They keep on making alternative accounts, and do this odd bit where they act normal for a bit then bring up the same drama (something to do with Precious Plastic, i archived the conversation somewhere via screenshots in case, i tried to get details/deescalate, but it's just a mess))
      • I'd love to hear your "take", as i haven't met him personally yet, but if i remember correctly Dave Hakkens visited FeF way back? Granted old memories and a quick meeting of someone isn't a proper way to really "know someone" and whatnot, but between the bits i know about him / how he behaves in the groupchat and whatnot vs the other guy who is going around/stirring shit up without really trying to address the issue, also posted some anti-vaccine "documentary" on precious plastic's discord during the height of it all' which i mean if someone is anti-vaccine but isn't rude about it i can work with them i guess, but the kind of "CABAL of people trying to ELIMINATE POLIO" type stuff isn't conducive to teamwork i guess lol
      • I'm rambling, but TLDR problems occuring there i'll have to go clean up
    • Figure out where the [eForFuel]] project is based and try and contact them (i think it was germany or so, about 7:22pm or so there now, so not today probably)
  • A bit more of documenting what is currently in tabs / getting those loose ends tied down
  • I don't want to get too bogged down in all that / reading+minor edits and whatnot on the recent edits y'all have done, but once i get the main to-do's done i'll probably do that and try and catch up on-discord a bit more


  • Today I Mainly did
    • Digging through chat history looking for all the various alt accounts
    • Took some screenshots, but DiscordChatExporter is probably more efficient, so got that downloaded/was troubleshooting that
    • Anywho i made a list of all the names, made a new mod role so hopefully if/when i am not there others can temporarily mute them until i can get on it (without risking a Priviledge Escalation Attack or anything, not that we are some high risk environment, it's a server for discussing OSE stuff, but especially when i am still sorting out backing it up and whatnot i don't feel too comfy with large amounts of people being able to mess with more core aspects of it yet
    • Digging on Optical Disc Jewel Cases + Optical Disc Jewel Case Storage Box
      • Was planning on doing that today, might send it out tonight so it is processed quicker, but saving it for the morning when i can think things through better is probably the wiser thing to do
    • I have a drug test / physical (latter is mainly to be sure new hires can use the (fancy term is Negative Pressure Respirators iirc) masks when working with especially nasty stuff without lungs getting messed up/not being able to breathe enough) for that new job i got on this upcoming tuesday, also need to get any last bits of paperwork all sorted out.
  • Also trying to get sleep schedule back to waking up dark and early
  • Either way it is way too late at night, and my brain is a bit shot right now, but that's all i've been working on today


  • Today I Mainly did
  • Finished out documenting the EForFuel stuff
  • Put a bunch of the links i dug into from the Journal Club Hangout into Eric's Data Buffer Page
  • Documented OpenSprinkler and made a category for Irrigation to put it in
    • Not too much of this on-wiki yet. Would this be of use for the Lawn Stuff it seems like (at least from edits) you are working on User: Marcin ?
    • Seeding Grass / Soil Conditioner / Grass Mat and all that
      • Sidenote i don't want to be pissing people off with my category making, but would one for Landscaping / Lawncare stuff be good?
  • I finally tracked down that diagram i like for Technology Readiness Level and saved it on my pc + uploaded it to the wiki that way i don't need to hunt it down
    • May make a little stickynote sized printout to put next to the pinned up mess of macro key cheat sheets and whatnot on that corkboard thing in front of my pc
  • Still kicking that can of make this all look nice down the road but yeah
  • Guessing around 6 Hours or so? (Granted not on ultra-pertinent stuff or cad for now!)


  • Need to clean all this up / fill in gap sheeeeesh
  • Anyhow Friday did a job interview type thing for a company, and may have a few others lined up soon.
  • As of now branching out of electrical to see if there is anything that is a better fit, although money is money at the end of the day!
  • I watched that videocall thing on User: Marcin]] 's YouTube the other day (and i think posted some stuff on here about it, although between that and comments cleaning that up is a thing to do as well probably)
  • Either way though it sounds like the internship / larger hands-on stuff is happening at FeF soon so that's exciting!
  • I might shoot you an email tomorrow marcin, but either way i'd love to hear more about all this.
  • My main concern is i don't want to get all tied down into a job or so just in time for OSE stuff to really get going (and not just a 1 week camp either!)
  • Also i hope i'm not boring/annoying people with my optical disc / data hoarding spam lol
  • I need to order some of that oil for my 3d printer's bearings as they seemed to be getting dry. All the local hardware shops had when i checked last weekend or so was a bunch of WD-40 / PB-Blaster / 3-in-1 or CLP Oil (Which as per some bits i was reading really doesn't do any of those good)
    • I could have sworn that the Ace Hardware had some "Machine Oil" or "Sewing Machine Oil" or whatever they called it but saw none of that, probably just going to buy the prusa stuff online to be safe (after turning everything upside down one last time to see if the one that came with the printer isn't around here)
  • Once i get that back in working order though i can finish up the Ikea Lack Enclosure stuff and/or make those Scale Models you were mentioning
  • Anywho though getting late, i'll add hours+clean things up later


  • Went hunting for all sorts of stuff today
    • Main thing was going to Ace Hardware after last afternoon's mostly unproductive search at Home Depot
    • Went there, took a while but found what i needed, went to checkout and they were like ah okay what are the part numbers "t h e p a r t n u m b e r s?!?" so then i did the same thing in reverse
    • Also got a benzomatic adjustable - hose torch thing which will probably be better than the slightly charred disposable candle lighter i have been using (along with preventing the stringing itself via that filament dryer)
    • All in all though my main conclusion is I NEED to print some gridfinity stuff and/or get bins (either buy some or hoard those square-with a black plastic rectangular lid-clear plastic food containers that almonds/peanuts/etc come in) to have my own mini-hardware store for stuff like that
      • Will need to find good sources for screws and all that, granted it was via an advertisement/endorsement, but "" seems good, especially for more obscure bearings
      • Standardization / Parts Reduction in terms of screws is also a must, as short of Drywall Screws hunting down the exact kind you need is a pain
    • Having a makerspace with a Parts Vending Machine would make this nice too, could even be a store/service too not just for on-site use
  • Went to Home Depot afterwards to finish up the trip there that started the day before (was in a rush due to dinner plans, so stopped after screws)
    • I got 2x of those concrete pavers and a pack (4 i think?) of those exercise room foam tile things
      • They didn't have the bonded foam, or any other smaller vibration isolation specific thing (although more expensive/less squishy but potentially higher impact rated tiles that seemed like bonded shredded tires or some other non-PU Foam type elastomer thing, idk if it was latex or what) so i improvised with those
      • Will probably test that out after i print out all the brackets for the Ikea Lack Enclosure
    • Need to put in an order tomorrow for more filament and some other things
      • I might get one of those 20 Gal Propane to 1 Gal Propane Tank Refiling Adapters or whatever the term would be
        • I want to read up more to make sure they don't fill it to the max and do the correct rule where there is that ullage space for vapors and whatnot
        • Also they sold a sensor that can be used after screwing off the torch hose, but i know larger tanks can get a "tree" manifold for a lanter, a stove, and more etc all on that one tank via hoses breaking off that "tree"
          • I want to see if they make those, or more accurately a 3 way or "y" type 2 way adapter so i can get pressure readings and use the torch with no fiddling with tighter valves then re-testing them" after small torch usage, although storing with things off may be better due to small leaks, could go proper and make a metal cage lol)
  • While i was in Ace Hardware got an email chain from marcin and User: Alexa about discord being on fire a bit, so i went in there and kicked the bots/deleted their comments and whatnot. Need to see if that reported them or i need to do that manually
    • Also met Alexa properly, talked about stuff, and gave her Admin Permissions (one or two other people too, i need to check a few others to make sure they aren't that one guy coming back on, although seem to be playing nice in the sandbox for now? so this doesn't happen again
  • For the time being i can probably be on-discord a bit more, i just tend to get sucked into the brainstorming / helping people side of all that, and the sheer information flow gets overwhelming as per that rant i put on here somewhere
  • Also did you get my emails marcin or no? Granted pile of stuff happening and my non-business email with all those subscriptions has a number of unreads i do not wish to disclose so i get stuff getting buried lol either way i would appreciate if you look for those and i can resend if need be
    • GRANTED FeF Fence Craziness is a priority and all that, still hope that's going well sheeeesh
  • Anywho maybe only about an hour or two today'
  • almost 2 (or wait i guess 3, with daylight savings time...) local time oof


Pre-Log Notes

  • Probably going to head out for screws, and maybe the concrete paver+foam thing for dampening at Home Depot and/or Ace Hardware depending on availability
  • Currently have a dual color filament loaded (for a little RC Car Stand Thing for my Younger Brother's Car (Keeps the wheels from developing a weak squashed point in longer bits of storage...something Russia has apparently neglected to do in actual tires!) ), need to do a final "so what model are we doing" (and figure out what hardware if any it needs), go get stuff
  • THEN i want to get that print going and done (that or remove that filament)
    • Then probably go back to Marble Polyterra PLA i have ~0.5 of a spool left of, make some brackets, place an amazon order for 2x more spools of it, and maybe some more black spools
  • Get into "print farm mode" where if i'm home it's printing, get those cranked out
  • See how it prints then regroup from there


Pre-Log Notes

  • Unsure on the BOM category bit, as it may be of use to have a subcategory for the "meta" stuff (ie not just a list of BOMs for Builds), but it will do for now
  • Put the Ukraine stuff from yesterday onto the Talk:Ukraine War Reporting Page
  • Put the Carpet Stuff on Eric's Data Buffer Page


  • Today I Mainly did
    • Usual minor wiki work (Adding Categories to Stuff, Reading Recent Edits)
  • ALSO:
  • Laid Out Plans for if/when i finish up Drywall and all that
  • Documented the Jobsite Organization/Teams i saw and thoughts on all that (Re: Talk:17 Trades )
  • Dug Back Up / Skimmed and Sorted all the stuff i have watched/read on Ukraine War Reporting in preparation to add all that
  • Looked up some carpet terms, got some link spam
  • Guessing ~5 Hours


  • Got some stuff done today
  • Turned out i had a window of stuff on the Speed Benchy stuff to finish up
  • Watched some people finally doing multi-material prints on the XL (short of slicer not allowing for multiple wipe towers for filaments that don't bond, and pulling ultra-flexible filaments through the Reverse-Bowden Tube system, everything seemed to work great which was nice to see
  • Few other videos there
  • One mentioned a fork of FreeCAD called Ondesel or something, need to document that, more os than OnShape but still a bit odd, seems better though, and despite being semi-irrational it seems Angus from Maker's Muse has a similar issue (sidenote i need to dig for that flash drive with a...certain software, educational version of course, on it somewhere)
  • Also communicated with a few OSHW projects i saw for whatever that's worth
  • I'll probably write an email, and granted i don't know if all of you at FeF are working on the jobsite or in the lab all day or what, but a videocall or something to go over what all is happening, and discuss timelines for the near future and all that would be nice! Email chain can work (or edit/talk section chain), but it's been a good while since those video conferences!
  • Either way it's ~1:00 local time, late night owl energy hit did a pile of stuff then crash has been hitting for last 1hr/1.5hr but had to get stuff condensed and this all written down
  • May check the discord in these next few days, but although amazing for networking/brainstorming that tends to either lead to HIGH "flow" feeling networking idea sharing brainstorming craziness and/or me getting overwhelmed and mentally shutting down, both of which can derail my day's work to an extent (although the latter is amazing ) ; this primate brain is not meant to handle the totality of the collective consciousness using the World Wide Web moreso just forage and occasionally hunt/scavenge in the african savanna yet here we are lol) (if i ever make a page on this it will probably be The Existential Horror of Large Discord Servers or something, it's like a mix of those "zoom out" videos (ie your location zoomed out to the farthest map of the known universe etc) and the common scene of the "runaway conveyor" and the workers getting more and more overwhelmed, really odd but also good in a way?)
    • Main things of concern, are that one guy may be on some "alt account" harassing people again, so have to do the ol say why i'm banning them again, do so, delete the toxic stuff (it gets hard since they do occasionally have decent hardware work so have to do the equivalent of having a human rights abuser as an ally to be able to do good things goddamn )
    • Also see who all is there (probably some new people) (i also need to properly say hi to and meet all the new on-wiki people; hullo to whoever's reading this at least :3 )
  • All in all decent days work, but still balancing all the things
  • Hard to determine exact hours, putting 8 will probably work, granted hour log is still broken and bigger things to deal with i guess on that front


  • Did some work forgot to log, need to fix this later
  • I also when looking into the Tub Install or whatever recent edit that was i was able to view the Google Drive folder with all the Media (mainly photos) and all that
    • thought it was just the tub install, ended up viewing all the videos, and viewing all the recent then skimming more and more for the photos upon realizing how giant the folder is lol
    • Did get a good idea of what all is going on though, and left some comments
    • Some of the Pictures would probably be good on-wiki in my opinion too, makes things more tangible for the passerby
      • Although much of the photos are more a log / "engineering footage" (i got to see the tools of choice and the cursed looking, but intriguing cordless tool battery brand adapters
  • It was a few days ago but went to home depot for some things, checked materials so planning for the Downdraft Table , materials to Laser Cut etc
  • Also started the Ikea Lack Enclosure a bit ago
  • Fix the order/add details when i fix this


Pre-Work Notes

  • Was updating some software and it said there wasn't sufficient space. I was thinking, "oh that's odd, (checked through folders, didn't find much) let me run WinDerStat
    • I end up finding that Plantout Video (Both the raw video in which was a few GBs
    • 1gb for the original
    • 87.1gb for the final video
    • Maybe i didn't compress it, or something
    • Either way getting that off my Laptop is probably something to do
    • I can probably put it on my 1tb external hardrive i use for photos backup and whatnot although transfer time both there, and back to get it to marcin or whoever back from there, is one issue of that plan
  • I think email would collapse at the mere thought of that much data (although i'll double check real quick) but is there a way i can get it to you User: Marcin or directly to the wiki?
  • Either way i'll dig into that a bit more, then get tabs put down to continue the 22's goals

Actual Log

  • Can pretty much call all of the tab documenting, short of drywall stuff ( at least for on-laptop ie not on-smartphone stuff oof ) handled
  • There are 2 windows left, this one which is just drywall stuff and this tab, then the other with a PILE of the recent edits by you all all opened up and half read
    • Reading through the edits/new pages, adding category links to a lot of the Seed Eco Home ones is probably a 1/2-full day of this computer type work
  • But yeah finished up the Coal Upgrading in the context of Ultra Clean Charcoal Fuel as well as the Gas Turbine link spam ( at least for the time being bwahahahah )
  • Jokes aside though getting to a point where i am actually surfing the wave not frantically paddling behind it !
  • Only ~3 Hours Today


  • Getting tabs condensed into my Eric's Data Buffer Page thing pre-documenting more tips i've learned / materials i have seen and whatnot pre-finishing drywall stuff then basically seeing what needs help and working there


  • Too much complex chemistry and too little snacks; my brain is frying. Going to get some food, get the links dumped and get back on topic lol


  • Gradually getting rid of tabs, and documenting all the tips/tricks i picked up from work
  • Mostly done with all the Drywall stuff short of some quick pages, documenting the products i saw, and documenting those cool Cordless Drywall Sanders (Basically a Random Orbital Sander but attached to a vacuum (similar to the "wand" on a standard vacuum), so instead of using one of those sanding pads on a pole and getting coated in dust you use that, also works faster benefitting rapid construction OSE plans to do
  • Partially got pulled from Magnesium Oxide Panels back down the rabbit hole of Brine Mining and all that but trying not to get bogged down in that for now
  • Otherwise did some usual reading other people's work + organizational edits and such
  • Only ~4 Hours Today


  • Odd Note: Might have been due to deleted cookies or a chrome update or something, but my Enhanced Spellcheck was messed up, so probably have had a decent chunk of typos in recent edits of mine; another thing to go back and finish out i guess
  • Added some more Drywall Stuff
  • Got the Drywall Finish Levels bit done, granted started down another rabbit hole of all their various tools
  • People i was with on that commercial job mainly did manual everything short of a corded drill for mixing, the Powered Drywall Sanders (The pole mounted ones with Vacuum Dust Extraction and all that, not just a Random Orbital Sander , although those are nice too! Many also come with a ring of led lights around it which can supposedly air with seeing what you are working on
    • Although seeing things with Final Lighting is a good QC step, did that at the commercial site, minor odd bit to address is how that ties into the ballet of sorts that construction is
  • Also dumped a tab pile's worth of chemical types/names into my Eric's Data Buffer Page thing so my Laptop can have more ram for more pressing matters lol
  • Also read the recent edits and all that as per usual
  • That's about it
  • ~2 Hours


  • Got Caught Back up with Wiki Recent Changes and People's Logs
    • (Sidenote, i wil try and reply/catch up with all of you and maybe check the discord (can become a time sink and mental stressor oof, the superobject of the collective contiousness of the entire online world and the speed needed to keep track of all the channels vs my mere human brain)
    • Also need to document the projects by the YouTube Channel "Hyperspace Pirate". I sent their Shells to Pure CO2 Gas Kiln project to User: Marcin a bit ago during lunch break via email, but documenting their whole HVAC Saga to be able to make LN2 at Home Scale all DIY / as Appropriate Matrerial based as possible has been REALLY neat (Even made their own Ethylene (RE: Ethanol to Ethylene ) and recently Ethane , as well as the Aforementioned CO2 from Shells, which ties into Marcin's Solar Concrete stuff!)
  • Added my experience to Class to Lab Time Ratio for Tech School (i can clean it up/get precise dates if need be)
  • Added some to the Digital Twinning Page (May have not understood the context, so was a bit vauge, was this in the contect of OBI houses, or in general? Either way VERY interesing topic! Sounds like an overwhelming level of integration hell for me, but not a task for a single person, seeing something like that come together though, especially if FOS...
  • Added some Categories to Stuff
  • Dumped some old links and stuff on my data buffer page thing Eric's Data Buffer Page
  • Mainly:
    • On the Availability of Carbide/Diamond Blades for Recipricating Saws and/or Cordless Bandsaws
    • Exchange-a-Blade (Both on what a Bimetallic Blade is (TLDR: High Speed Steel tip, Tool Steel for the rest) and their trade in recycling program
    • Documenting hearing about those Milwaukee NITRUS CARBIDE™ Blades pore-grabbing more information (Great for demo/renovation, as if you hit a nail or some masony hidden in/behind what you are cutting the blade can still work or at least not self destruct ) Need to get hard data, and try and figure out what it is, one would think a patent would be there, unless Trade Secrets can get around that? That and/or it's just goofy branding for Tungsten Carbide (A la crappy LED Light being sold as a BIONIC LIGHT^tm c r in some As Seen on TV type ad)
  • Also documented Metal Stock Channel Names (Heard "L Channel" when looking at commerial ceeling rafters at one sight and got a bit confused, now i know! Also the generic name for Unistrut)
  • Got into some drywall stuff when documenting some YouTube stuff
    • Between that, and the products i have seen the great people we were working with on that one commercial site, i can probably add a bit to all that
  • Post Dinner Crash is Hitting though, so that's all for Today i'm off to go sleep lol
  • ~6 Hours or So?


  • I'm still alive
  • In Other News:

Main Things of Note I Have Been Up To

    • By the magic of Adapters off amazon, i got the Old Camera i got at the auction to work (Via the S-Video and the Coaxial Video over the BNC Connector to VGA (then VGA to whatever) )
    • Also connected my computer into that old crt monitor to see if it worked (it did)
  • I got the Sunlu S2 Filament Dryer and 3D Print Quality Improved Substantially (Mainly Stringing )
  • Also got a Lightbox to use with that 3DBenchy Photography Studio 3D Printed Turntable for Print Quality Monitoring (Good High CRI Leds Incluided (At least as measured by my Mk1 Eyeballs) , Collapsable, i'll add the amazon link later)
  • Got some more Power Tools
  • Bought the Ikea Lacks to be able to make the Ikea Lack Enclosure
  • Learning how horrible renovation work is at this jobsite (more details later)
  • I dropped off some old blankets (beyond Donate-able quality wise) to that Safe Animal Shelter , got distracted, pet some cats + cleaned up there a bit, also asked for if they had a TNR Program (sidenote, snobby me wants a different acronym, some elequent backronym if possible of "Capture, Treat, Sterilize, Vaccinate, Chip/Mark, Adopt or Release"
    • Plotting making those "Cat Colony Monitoring Station" things (Trail Camera + RFID Reader (and/or Optical Recognition of 2D Barcode tags, or maybe even facial recognition?) + Ant Proof Food/Water Dispenser + Box Type thing for Shelter
  • Printed more things, to the extent my 0.4mm nozzle is probably moreso a 0.6mm nozzle; i had to adjust my z offset
    • Also the belt tensioning mechanism on my Prusa Mk3s brings me pain
  • Took my car to some local chain Carwash place called "Luvs" or something (odd branding), anywho they have a standard Tunnel Style Carwash and then they have what essentially a single row of parking, but with Central Vacuum lines for cleaning out the inside (Also a "prewash station" , and Microfiber Cloths at the end
    • All pretty standard stuff, although a pretty slick layout. The main thing of interest is they have a subscription model where you get "unlimited washes" for a montly fee. I am currently tracking the "cleanliness" equivalent of the Time Between Overhalls (also trying to plot how fast i go through toiletries and whatnot as well but that's another rant)
    • Main takeaways from that rant are 1.) OSE Equipment Washbay would be pretty slick and 2.) From a preventative maitnance standpoint (Bird Poop Eating through Clear Coat and so on) it may be worth it compared to paying each time and/or Water+Soap+Time for DIY (lack of wastewater treatment of the effluent at home also, although from a Dilute and Dispose standpoint it isn't too big of a deal) 3.) Dumb Idea but Franchise / Replicate thye Business Model for Continous Revinue
  • Also i have a somewhat stable income now so am growing my collection of tools / hardware

Thoughts of Note

"Open Source Taxes"

  • One i want to plot a good personal budget and get that going
  • Has me thinking of the concept of Open Source Taxes
    • Basically Merge Patreon Donations, Donations to NGO's ( Amnesty International, Humane Society, OSE), Donations to "free" things like Wikipedia and Open Source Software ( Blender Foundation , etc)
    • Tricky bit would be prioritization
    • On the Youtube Channel Patreon side i am somewhat sure at least
    • Hard part would be exactly who, and exactly how much each
    • Main thing though is Consistent Long Term Donations vs Bulk Donations
      • Not sure if it has been covered on-wiki yet, and what to name the page if it hasn't been yet, but essentially Monthly Donations are better as:
        • They make budgeting (especially predicting income in the future etc) easier for the group
        • They can be lower / "seem" lower (10 USD Per Month vs 120 USD All at Once)


  • The other bit that has me intruiged is Investing
  • Probably low risk + some companies i like (The whole "Game the System" get rich quick type investments tend to fail, short of companies with supercomputers+piole of anaylists, although even then. RE: Goldfish Rich of Investing etc)
  • There was some ad for "Acorns" which uses the Cost Round Up Model to get you to invest money
    • Need to real all the fine print, and if i remember correctly they interfered in the Gamestop Stock Short Selling Event (or whatever would be a better name for that phenomenon that happened)
    • Also the Ethics of Investing has me a bit concerned
    • Either way i've been pondering that a bit

(OBI) Rennovation Work

  • SO the recent jobsite i have been working on has been a country club so that, and it being built in the 90's/early 2000's means it is somewhat peak "Cheap Sloppy Work"
  • Granted i am of the philosophy of "As long as the company and i get payed, no reason to be concerned too much/get stressed" (within reason, not slacking, or also still say some combination of swears when hitting my head on something in an attic etc lol) DBT and all that, bit funny seeing some others and being like y'all need therapy goddamn
  • ANYWHO there are some Reverse Switchlegs , Discrepancies Between The Prints and Reality in Construction (Things measured wrong, product not specified/mismeasured, lack of communication between departments leading to overlapping HVAC / Electrical etc) , and just in general bad things happening
  • Has me always thinking of "Oh how could this be optimized"
    • Not that i'm walking around like i own the place/talking people's ears off with my "ideas" and all that, but yeah
  • My Main Philosophy Though Would Be:
    • Measuring Crew
      • Goes in First
      • Uses 3D Scanners (Unlike Quality Control / Reverse Engineering , they don't need to be Metrology Grade 3D Scanners ), Laser Levels , Tape Measures + Laser Distance Finders (forget the term), and Cameras to capture what is there currently
      • ALSO doing whatever one can to determine what existing wire + studs + insulation exists behind the drywall would be of use as well
        • Pulling out outlets, or even some "Exploratory Drilling" with small bits, then feeling around + using an Inspection Camera (Especially my ideal one which would have a 360 Camera by 2-4 wide angle lenses facing outwards from the center (protected by a saphire or optical grade diamond layer for longevity) + a higher definition/zoom camera on the "end" (attatchments for a hook/magnet, if not medical style manipulation system would be nice as well)) and maybe a Wall Scanner such as the Walabot device should gather information + find any abnormal situations
      • They also preform the esential tasks of scouting for Asbestos so the proper Asbestos Abatement professionals can be called in
    • Design Crew
      • They take the existing design process but add in Cross Referencing of Different Sectors (Plumbing, Electrical, HVAC, Framing, Roofing, Insulation, etc), and Taking into acouint the Measuring Crew's data and any details on what is being installed (Such as the size of a Refrigerator etc
      • After finishing the design, and making sure all parties agree to it, it should be "final" ; the goal is NO Change Orders (Construction)
    • Along with Resilient Part Sourcing , Integrated Construction Site Logistics , and Proper Staffing (Not Understaffing etc, although Overstaffing needs to be avoided) (Swarming is a neat concept, hard to implement (for now...) in most "long term contractor company" models due to the inconsisent work, not a "9 to 5" type deal, not fitting with the needs of Wage Workers having a consistent schedule+income, although if salaries or Pay by Project / Pay by Task (Although these can introduce Rushing, and thus Safety/Mental Health issues) are used this may be a non-issue. Either way they are definetly great for onsite stuff probably)
    • Construction Crew
      • Can be Subcontractors , although Vertical Integration has MAJOR advantages, short of the important issues of Monopolies and Monopsolies (spelling oof) (Also Are Ethical Monopolies Possible for thoughts on this once i get around to that)
        • Mainly the coordination is easier, quality is easier to assure (consistent "your people" not "oh i don't know this is some local contracter that made the bid" (Although at least as far as work Batia Construction has been a GREAT partner (Just hope their workers can get more holidays/breaks and pay, needs muckraking) they have a great standard of quality and their workers have all been nice (short of the eternal "can you move your stuff", althogh that is inherent to the work and we do the same at times)
    • Planning/Managment/Logistics/Safety Crew
      • Try and keep it minimal, Lead From the Front and all that; want to keep the Managerial Class from getting a bad dynamic / even forming
      • Although in terms of Answering Phonecalls, "Herding Cats" (although the aforementioned changes and their advantages should greatly reduce this), and Managing Material Flows it can still be quite an ordeal
      • Could also merge the Safety Specialist role into this (Making sure everyone has the PPE they need, inspecting it + ladders, lifts, and such, and also Access Control among other things)
        • Bit of a sidenote but we have had MAJOR problems with Access Control despite the Construction Site Warning Signs / Posters on Doors etc
          • "HARD HAT ZONE" etc in bold text and people wander in like they own the place, we even barracaded a door with a table lowkey like Zombies or a Slasher Flick Villian were coming and they MOVED IT absolutely wild, but adding more Caution Tape and locking down some doors is somewhat working ( May just need to have someone sit by a door and drop something loud, like a metal pipe, enough we scare them off!0
  • I'll need to clean this up and make a dedicated page for it later, but i just wanted to throw these on-wiki for now, in case anyone else is interested/can "jump on that" first!

Construction with "Long Time" Considered

  • Materials Choice ( Corrosion Resistance , UV Protective Coatings , etc)
  • Galvanic Corrosion prevention by design
  • Potentially adding Cathodic Protection to Metal Studs , Steel Rebar , and EMT although the degree to which that would be of use is debatable (need to look into this more)
  • Design with Upgrading/Retrofit/Repair in Mind
    • ALWAYS "Think of the Next Guy"
    • Features Such As:
      • Rigid Conduit rather than "Freewiring" or Flexible Conduit to allow for easy addition of more wire, or "repulls" for Broken Wires, Updating a Data Wire to the Latest Standard, or even Preventative Maitnance (Replacing Wire Before the Plastic Coating Becomes Brittle etc (Need to determine the exact time, Accelerated Aging Testing + Documenting Ages of Jobsites and the Condition (Visual and "Feel" Most Likely) of the Wiring/Materials Used)
      • Going above and beyond the code in terms of things being Accesible
      • Computer Models, or even "Scale Runs" (just a few studs vs a whole build etc) to ensure Ergonomics may be of use (IE can a Short Person, Average Person, and Tall Person each get in here (at least just the average person) and have space for tools and a ladder/lift)
      • Standardization of Fittings and Fastners
        • In Prints, Labels on Panels, Paperwork on Protocols, "Changelogs" but for the Physical Building as well as the Prints, Maitnance etc
      • Considering Insulation's Impact on Other Aspects of the Construction
        • As an Electrician, Fiberglass Blanket Insulation is PAIN (both in mental anguish digging for wires/looking for where the next hole is, and in the physical sense with Fiberglass Splinters ), unsure on what a better alternative would be, but that seems (at least to me) to be something to ponder

Power Tools etc that have me Tempted

  • Milwaukee Packout and Klein Tools ModBox (or both via an Adapter Plate...if i can find someone who makes them/figure out how to make one)
    • Dream would be base module with power tools in bags/cases chucked in there, then drawer modules above that (with Gridfinity in them), then maybe the Milwaukee Radio Module / the Light One
    • The Milwaukee Packout Wet/Dry Vacuum has me intruiged, although having the Milwaukee Backpack Vacuum hung on the handle/side would be more multipurpose, especially for On-Tool Dust Extraction / that neat device they have that uses the suction to stick on to the wall and catch dust
    • The Collapsable Handle on the ModBox would make fitting stuff in my Hatchback easier (although it has been fine so far with power tool case or two + a ridgid rolling toolbox thing; it's funny to see people be like "i need a TRUCK" and only use it for grocery runs + dropping lil timmy off at soccer practice, meanwhile i do contracter work in my lil hatchback (granted also hauled that *flight simulator thing* in the sedan too lol) (granted also don't view people with contempt, and other things like that, but it does make me smile at times)
  • Dewalt Stealthsonic
    • VERY quiet wet/dry vac, need to read up on specs/reliability, but could be neat for creating a central vac of sorts for the garage, also maybe on big jobs, but it's a bit bulky
  • Dewalt High Pressure Inflator and High Volume Inflator Two in One (Basically a tire pump, and air matress inflator all in a little thing the size of a lunchbox, and powered by their 20v removable batteries, seems AMAZING but the Amazon reviews have me concerned
    • Between this, a Lithium Ion Jump Starter , and my Spare Tire i am set vehicle emergency wise (I also have some Retroreflector triangle style signs, and a goofy Vehicle Escape Tool (Overkill, but neat peace of mind i guess, that and/or save kid (and/or dog) from hot car if need be) (I also want to get a proper Trauma First Aid Kit , seems only way to do it right is to buy all the peices parts, most amazon etc kits use counterfits; seems fine till the turnoquite windlass snaps and the bleeding isn't stopped!)
      • Also would be of use for Air Mattresses , maybe even a Air Inflated Beam Based Frame Tent (or whatever the term is), beachballs, and bike tyres etc (also maybe quick starting charcoal/fires if i'm feeling brave)
      • ALSO i saw the framers do this, but blowing Drywall Dust out of the Air Cooling sections of Cordless Drills etc, keeps them functioning well and clean in general
  • Thermal Cameras
  • Computer Monitors (Hard to tell what is good, and especially get a good idea of the risk of Dead Pixels / Display Burn In / Outright Failure; if i'm burning money on a good monitor i want it to last, not die after one year as some reviews have said) (A bunch on "sale" though; need to look into if any are just On Permasale
  • Thunderbolt 3 Dock (Would make my laptop-desktop mess nicer) (Also sidenote m o a r d e s k has me intruiged, although even ikea was DAMN expensive compared to what i was thinking they would be) (Also a proper desk chair maybe, although these days not doing too much time at my desk anyways!)
  • Metal Casting Gear / A Multiprocess Welder
    • The "YesWelder" Multiprocess+Plasma cutter in one has me intruiged, but supposedly low duty cycle and not that great
  • The Usual CNC Mill and/or Laser Cutter
  • Also saw some crazy high resolution Resin 3D Pritner on sale, and granted the real expense is in the Resin (...+Gloves+Solvents for Post Processing Washing+PPE Filters+...), but the ceramic resins have me especially intruiged (3D Printed Rocket Stoves, Gasifiers , and even maybe a Fuel Reformer (Re Swiss Roll Reformer )
  • Also misc kitchen gadgets but those are even lower on the priority list

Small Combi-Oven Plotting

  • I learned about these recently, although they are a bit hit and miss feature wise
  • Basically the form factor of a Toaster Oven , but also (depending on the model)
  • NONE have these features that would be in my dream one sadly:
    • Self Cleaning Oven (Would allow for that, and also Neopolitan Pizza / that "Wood Fired Pizza" type deal as Demonstrated by Alex/FrenchGuyCooking (YouTube Channel) (Granted i'm not too crazy about all that, but having the capability would be neat, also how hot do Tandoori Ovens get (Although Rotimatic should have me covered in the flatbread territory once i have money to incinerate and assuming the company still exists)
    • "Smart Oven" in the sense of "sensor cooking" and also the "cook by barcode" function demonstrated by that one company
      • Smart as in Wifi/Bluetooth etc wouldn't be horrible, but not needed, and for something OTS almost always comes with horrible software and privacy risks
      • [Technology Connections (YouTube Channel) ]] made This Very Interesting Video on the "Popcorn Button" on most microwaves
        • Most seem to use a huimidity sensor, if not just blind timers, optimal is a microphone essentially automating the "time between pops" method
    • My dream one would have all those functions and maybe have the rotissorie (somewhat of a gimmik, although could be neat to have, also if it has a "multiplexer" of sorts for 1 spit replaced by many Kebab Rollers :) )
    • HOWEVER either OTS and Rip Out + Substute the Controls, or all DIY/OS
    • This way there is no behinds the scene stuff happening code wise, there are no annoying preset buttons i don't use, and it may just be more straightforward
  • GRANTED this is not that important/great of a project, but as per one review i can dig up these are AMAZING for Campervan / Tinyhome type stuff

NPR Stuff

  • Getting late so i'll have to add these later, but on Fridays they have a non-news bit, "Science Fridays"
    • All sorts of neat papers + interviews and whatnot
  • Also had a news bit on there being an Agricultural Surplus of Apples , and thus Farmers making the choice between hire labor to pick them and go into debt/not be able to sell them, or let them rot
    • Luckily some Food Rescue Groups stepped in on at least one location, but tragic nonetheless
    • Some book also mentioned this, i forget which, but yeah this stuff is wild
    • Networking (as with most situations) may help though?
    • Either way that story really stuck with me and i thought i might as well throw it on here
  • ALSO all the bits are archived and can be listened to on demand
  • They also have call ins sometime, granted i don't want to Grandstand too much but that may be a neat avenue

Catching Up

  • It's been a while since i've checked the discord so i should do that sometime
  • Also Marcin, could we Catch Up over a Videocall or something sometime?
  • Been a while so i'd love to join a meeting if we still have those, or just catch up + share ideas sometime.

Final Notes

  • Holiday Crazyness is Ramping Up
  • Between that, The Jobsite Getting into "Crunchtime", and just the usual work schedule i may not be on wiki that much as per the past few months, but we'll see
  • I do want to document waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more things though, and expand upon all this, so if i get the time i'll dive into that
  • And again i'd love to catch up in a more efficient non-huge text entry way sometime
  • Either way thanks for reading this far, and happy holidays and all that!


  • Today I Mainly did
    • Usual minor wiki work (Adding Categories to Stuff, Reading Recent Edits)
  • ALSO:
  • Documented Oscillating Tool stuff
      • one of those is probably going to be my next "big purchase" as i gradually get more and more tools
      • Along with an Impact Driver , Basic Hammerdrill (not an SDS Rotary Hammer although that is a good later buy, few times i may need it now one of the older people will have it, etc), and all the various Electrician Hand Tools those are the main things you really need for more Electrical Work, Conduit Benders are usually company provided, but that may be on the list as well (granted N/A for residential work for the most part)
    • I do need to buy a pair of Diagonal Cutters , was going to get the Klein Tools one, althpugh someone recently got Knipex Lineman's Pliers and Diagonal Cutters, and they may be a bit better, so i may want to double check that, but honestly only so much differences/innovation in hand tools short of Stuff that Breaks Quick and has a Horrible Joint (If Applicable) and just good tools
    • Less priority than that stuff, and cleaning up the last few logs, but documenting BambuLab 's Products, and what that means for the Future of 3D Printing / RepRap / "the maker movement" / "the open source movement" may be interesting
      • I don't want to be all "the end is nigh", and they may hopefully Open Source work down the line, but they essentially took all the work VORON , RatRig , HevOrt , 247Zero , and to a lesser extent Prusa did and locked it up IP wise
      • I need to see what degree the cost reduction is due to their mass manufacturing, but their printers, mainly the latest Cetus / Prusa Mini esque cantilever design which is ~300 (or ~500 USD with the Filament Splicing Multicolor 3D Printing "AMS" unit), are quite cheap. This may just be my "grrrr not Open Source" bias, but i wonder to what degree "skimping" on componets/long term support/wages for the people assembling them (although someone rightfully pointed in a YouTube comment thread i was in out how Czech Republic isn't amazing either, which i need to look into, but on a scale of sweatshop to anarchosyndicalist utopia it isn't too bad (i hope, again citation needed, not Confirmation Bias stuff)
      • I wonder if any Occulus/Meta Type Predatory Pricing is happening. I don't know if they have / how much money they have to "bleed" compared to Facebook/Meta's Horde, but that could be something happening; their semi-closed materials system/cloud use (although again LAN mode and custom spool use is allowed...for now at least) and proprietary Hotend (and maybe Nozzle) system is concerning. Sort of a 1.) Wipe Out Competition 2.) Swap Over to the Printer Ink Model / Raise Prices / Paywall Features / Require Subscription
      • Again all speculation, need to do proper mudraking, and they could turn around and OS all the things, or become a great company (printers look nice, and seem decent too admittably)
  • Rambling there, but the Prusa XL (Mainly the 5 HEADED TOOLCHANGER ) ( Although i think sadly only 2x is available for now for some reason) release has happened to an extent, and reviews are trickling in. Due to the main advantage being the physical toolchanger (similar to the E3D Toolchanger although hopefully the Development+Community Prusa Has will make it polished+commonplace unlike E3D's Design and some custom VORON's etc) which isn't fully released on launch it has been a bit anticlimatic, especially due to the Prusa Machine's higher cost. So that is all over that part of the internet. YouTube at least, haven't been on reddit since the Reddit Boycott thing began (although i think their CEO is being proven right which also is a bit of a dark sign. Good Union stuff happening in the USA for once, so that's promising at least
  • 'Anyhow whenever i'm able to write on all that philisophical/political stuff that's what i should go into, that or Marcin you can read up and dive into all that!
  • That's about it, guessing 4 Hours?


  • Slowdown at work (At the Commercial Site we're waiting on the Framers/HVAC people to finish some things up before we can begin working on the next steps) so i'm on hold to an extent for this week
  • I have support networks and whatnot so it's not too big of a deal, but still odd
  • Figured i'd get some things done on here with the free time
  • I'd don't know if you got my email, but i'd like to get in contact with you sometime User: Marcin and see what all is happening/will happen soon.
  • Maybe ~3-4 Hours of wiki work, nothing too much today

Misc Things i Was Looking Into

  • Some more things i want to document sometime that i saw recently over the past few days
    • Rotary Atomizers
      • Mainly used for Paint (Coinidentally the cone type is used on most Painting Robots !) and some Spray Drying applications, i'm intruiged by using one for Pyrolysis Oil / WVO / PPO and such that may have the viscosity of Heavy Fuel Oil etc. Also unlike pumps "dump liquid on spinning thing" can be simplified quite a bit i'd imagine. Potentially even making a crude Gas Turbine of sorts (Almost like those goofy Turbo Burn Barrels ) to drive it could be done
      • Even without all that, as proven by those battery powered "Milk Frothers" (Stir, not Steam Wand based) (this is what inspired me a few days ago, i was rinsing one off and bumped the button made a PILE of spray/mist from the water flowing on it), not too much electrical power is needed, potentially allowing for a low power Biolite Camp Stove type Thermoelectric powered system
    • I was looking into Diode Laser Cutter/Engravers
      • There seems to be a VERY good brand, Skulpfun
        • Seems to be higher build quality on the motion aspect than xTool
        • Also quite modular, and offers Upgrade kits akin to Prusa
        • Not open source sadly, although they do seem to at least consider their customers' feedback. Also could maybe push them towards open sourcing their stuff like what Naiomi Wu did with the Creality Ender 3 / CR-30
        • The Skulpfun S30 Ultra (33w Optical Power Version) isn't cheap ( ~1200 USD (+ Import Taxes potentially, also a Base Honecomb Board, an Enclosure + Fume Extractor + Fume Scrubber (Charcoal cartrige seems to work as per a video i saw) ), but is very capable, and seems quite well constructed short of the use of Cable Wrap rather than properly constrained Cable Chain
        • It may be cheaper to DIY, but they offer a Camera module for layout assist
        • Not as good as a proper CO2 or Fiber Laser to an extent, but given the price (Compared to Offerings by Full Spectrum Laser etc)
        • Looking into Laser Diode vs Laser Tube Life may be something of interest as well
    • A BUNCH of Petrochemicals to document, may just chuck the links on the discord + my temporary trashcan page
    • Cooling Vests (Specifically saw a novel system, often used by Media Blasting personell (since they already need, and thus have, a PILE of compressed air) that used a Vortex Tube and a standard Compressed Air Quick Connect for personal cooling)
    • Agricultural Water Managment / Water Table Management (Essentially Drainage Tile / Drainage Tile Line connected to a small valve of sorts often using Stoplogs . This, sometimes in combination with other strategies such as Ponds , Swales / Subsurfacing or Keyline Plowing / Terraces , or even more complex systems like Subsurface Dykes =
      • I was watching something where they had a large homestead/market garden type farm, did no-till, then had the issue of "too much water" etc and went to tillage/creating furrows or whatever the term was, i was thinking something the lines of a French Drain / drainage ditch, and found all sorts of information on all that
  • Bit more knowledge on Vacuum Sealing mainly (Semi-) Automated forms of the Chamber Vacuum Sealer ( Double Chamber Vacuum Sealer and Conveyor Belt Vacuum Packaging Machine etc
  • The Thought Emporium recently posted a very interesting video titled "Synthesizing Chicken Soup From Pure Chemicals" ( !23 Minute Watch )
    • Mentions this Expired Patent "689,289 CHICKEN FLAVOR AND PROCESS FOR PREPARING THE SAME"
      • They could imitate different meats or vegtable broths by varying the ingredients
        • Makes me want to make something akin to a CocaCola Freestyle but for broth
      • They only compared to storebought broth/soup etc, i figured a collaboration with Alex/FrenchGuyCooking (also to complete his ramen series, could make his own take)
      • Also tangentially discussed the vegan meat simulant type stuff, open source impossible meat type stuff had some people hyped in the comments
        • Seemed like a neat oppertunity to tap into sometime
  • That's about it for now


What i have been doing / ramblings on things i want to cover in the near term

  • Jobsite for the New Job is a MAJOR Renovation which isn't too bad, however the Drawings either haven't matched up with real life...or sometimes eachother (HVAC vs Electrical vs Framing etc) (Safety Lights right where a Fire Sprinkler is, Walls where an existing Chandileer we are supposed to keep are)...and the Architects are in Georgia
    • Been a bit of a wild, if not sadly uncommon experience
    • Has my mind thinking about the advantages of not only Open Source stuff like all the Seed Eco Home / OBI Stuff will be, but also great reccordkeeping "what does this breaker go to, what does that wire go to" etc
  • Got some power tools (for a price oof) for work the other day, want to document what i learned looking up tools and whatnot sometime
  • Also maybe what all i have, gets odd privacy wise / i don't want to be showing off per se (not to say that i have anything crazy), but documenting my experiences/takes on what i have may be of use
  • Anywho was in the middle of work, two windows piles of tabs + seperate account with window for music
    • m y c o m p u t e r d i n ' t l i k e t h a t
    • Was supposedly at only low 90's / high 80s % RAM Usage, so i thought things were stable, guess not
  • Was aiming to finish out the Thin Film Coating Technology documentation (although mainly just YouTube Playlist for Now), mostly done on that
  • On a note related to that above stuff and the Rubber Boat page, it's been in the garage for ages, but we finally got a small RHIB dinghy and engine from my dad's dad out from the garage. Airtight, Engine is Good (Friend of my dad did a "startup run" / looked it over i guess (could potentially grab details), main thing is there is some liner that needs to be glued down, so my looking into all of this may be of use lol
    • Sidenote, i'll probably document this when making a page on RHIBs and materials etc, but supposedly the High End material is " Hypalon " (aka Chlorosulfonated Polyethylene ) which is more chemical and UV resistant, plus able to deal with more temperature extreems. Another to add to the list at least!
  • CNC Kitchen (YouTube Channel) covered PET Bottle Pulltrusion (or whatever term would be good for a page on all that)
    • Makes me think a Petamentor 2.0 or something similar ( "ElectroNoobs" has a good design, i may modify it to use my Arduino Uno i have lying around, rather than the Arduino Nano they used, also maybe a more "proper" spooler to get that perfect overlap to prevent potential tangling etc, other than those two things either would work well
    • Main things are 1.) Open Source Design 2.) In my case not requiring an old 3d Printer (typically Ender 3) to cannibalize for parts
    • Looking into Material Properties, Print Settings, and whatnot for the material may be of use as well
  • Getting a Dedicated "Non-Food Use" Toaster Oven, Microwave, and maybe given that parts cleaning video crock pot may be of use too, more things to add to the "near term decently large purchase" budget
  • I was looking into the Babington Burner a bit, also stumbled upon training footage for Fired Process Heaters (Furnaces) in Refineries, learned stuff from that, turns out due to Ash and/or Coking on the outside of the (for lack of a better word, for Crude Oil and other Process Fluids, not water) Water Tubes in what is quite similar to a Water Tube Boiler there is a sort of Clean in Place System (Fixed, or Retractable) called a " Sootblower " (Most use steam, looking into Dry Ice Blasting based versions would be neat
    • Internal Coking was a more concerning aspect, not only inefficiency (such as Water Scale in Steam Systems), but also Pipe Overheating/Melting spilling flammible fluid all over the (most often directly fired with open flames) Furnace and potentially causing a catostrophic incedent!), need to see how that is adressed, mentioned burning it with Superheated Steam / Oxygen, something akin to that Foam Ball Based Descaling / Pipeline Pigging would be neat
  • Other than that mainly need to check recent edits, finish out the Textile / Threadwork Stuff
  • After that things are somewhat stable and i can return to the To-Do Page of mine / the longer term goals of Full Fabrication Capability / Makerspace Type Stuff, also look into Campervan/Skoolie type stuff, and just getting budgets+scheduled plans together
  • Also had a quick google search i'll need to finish+document on YouTube Compression (both in Audio and Video, wondering if it's variable and so on)
  • Other bit was Lubrication. Someone on the jobsite (i think HVAC) had a squaky as hell wheel on their desk-cart thing, someone grabbed WD40 after a search by the framers i think it was in their various toolboxes. They have these small cans now (of WD-40 and PB Blast etc) (although no attatched straw, either need a good 3D Printed Case or something or i'll only get the one with attatched straw) so i was considering getting some when i was buying tools. Didn't have time to go in depth, so resisted the impulse buy, but despite short term Lubrication, given that is not it's primary role, it may "dry out" existing lubricants. So i looked into similar "cans" which were there for Dry Lubricant (advertised for locks at least at Home Depot), Lithium Grease , and Silicone Oil (Major Compatibility Issues with these so that's a rabbit hole to explore)
    • One of the same people had a bottle (not pressurized can) of that "Sewing Machine Oil" type stuff (did seem like a good choice, lack of pressure can/Grease Gun spooked me from getting some (short of whatever came with my 3D Printer), but may not be too bad) a few days later so that may be the way to go

Communicating With People

  • I was in contact with this person, Stanislav Zachazevski who has some REALLY NICE seeming Stirling Engine designs (and not just models, but engines that are actually capable of doing useful work)
  • If you're reading this and haven't seen it already User: Marcin , after getting their permission i CC-ed you in the email. Granted i'd assume you are doing plenty of work on the SEH and all sorts of stuff as is, but more direct communication to someone with Fabrication Experience/Capabilities, and potentially more time may be of use i'd imagine. I hope my occasionally delayed replies didn't scare them off
  • On a related note Marcin, Could we potentially have a videochat sometime to catch up/talk about what the near term plans are for OSE?

Final Notes

  • Anyhow though, around Midnight local time here, so will get at this tomorrow hopefully, if not Friday-Sunday (outside of odd bits like Jobsites being closed due to Hurricanes and whatnot) are the days when i'm available


  • Got a bit sidetracked with Dry Ice Blasting and also other surface prep stuff
  • Did get the Loom stuff started
  • I want to make a Flowchart for Feedstock->Finished Textiles using that chrome plugin sometime
  • Need to clean this up later, it's 2:00 am oof


  • I feel I was quite productive today
  • Today I Mainly did
    • Usual minor wiki work (Adding Categories to Stuff, Reading Recent Edits)
  • ALSO:
  • Next Steps:
    • Contacting the people behind both of those designs for more details may be of use to "wrap things up"
    • Documenting some more textile stuff (Went down a bit of a rabbit hole looking for terms around looms today, need to tie those loose ends up
    • Also uncovered a small loose end on some sort of Scraping Self-Cleaning Filter (One of the applications of PCM )
    • Documenting that OS-ish DIY Single Point Diamond Turning Lathe
    • Watch the Technology Ingredints (YouTube Video) on Photonic Radiative Cooling and document anything of interest (most likely cooling panel design)
    • Document more Freeze Drying / Microwave Vacuum Drying stuff
    • Granted all of this is probably 2-3 days of work at the same level of what i did today
      • That and i want to plan/budget out Laser Cutter/CNC Router type stuff, the Folding Bicycle / ultimate pedal electic hybrid cargo bike crazyness, and also a BOM and General Plan for a Campervan / Skoolie
        • ~~Granted crunching numbers for the latter one has me c o n c e r n e d given current wage lol~~
  • Catching up on all the discords is a good idea too, although that can be a bit of a task in of itself
  • Anywho that's about it for today
  • Guessing 7-10 Hours, hard to tell when i started, although i am stopping now-ish ~10:35 est, started noon-1pm-ish ? although uncertain on what gaps existed


Pre-Log Notes

  • I don't know if i said it anywhere yet, but turned out fine hurricane wise, the track bent up north a bit compared to earlier predictions (also not in a flood plain ~~yet, climate change woooooo~~, and a bit sheltered compared to some areas by the coast or more south, so we usually aren't hit bad)
  • Anywho Brains deciding to crash now at 10:25 rather than burn the midnight oil documenting things (probably related...)
  • Was working with a stream of someone assembling a Prusa XL in the background (Sadly it was only the Single Toolhead model, which compared to a VORON / RatRig / HevORT / VZBot etc isn't all that exciting
  • I think content on the 5x toolhead version should be trickling in soon
  • Time's ticking away until Tuesday
  • Might not get all my to-do items all written up by then, but we'll see
  • I'll clean this^ up whenever i edit next


Pre-Log Notes

  • Monday started a "working interview" for a similar electrical job at another local place
  • Got paused to an extent due to Hurricane Stuff (will resume this next tuesday after Labor Day )
  • Was some renovation work so usual mess that that is, but otherwise neat and nothing new/scary really
  • Also gradually accumulating tool recommendations / good things to have, need to add those on-wiki, or at least to my Data Buffer Page / the discord for now
  • Jynxing it now, but not too concerned with flooding in our area, and it should be a bit weakened before it reaches the mid/east coast
  • Wind is my main concern, my dream would be to have those Hurricane Shudders on all windows just in case, but a e s t h e t i c s (and they aren't cheap!)
  • Either way may be offline and/out of power although that can be hard to predict
  • If/when it starts getting real stormy i'll be shut off just in case
  • Here's to hoping i guess lol


  • Today I Mainly did
    • Usual minor wiki work (Adding Categories to Stuff, Reading Recent Edits)
  • ALSO:
  • Finished up the Photonic Radiative Cooling short of watching + documenting anything from the Tech Ingredients youtube video
    • Their Heat Exchanger Design may be good; their Desiccant AC seemed really well build (*just need a damn BOM for it oof* )
  • Somehow snaked over to and documented the Open Source Maskless Lithography stuff
  • Making a Category for Existing Open Source Designs and really getting all the robotic arms / robot actuators etc documented is a good near term project
  • Made a category for Optics stuff and Paint
    • That "High Density Pigment" thing had me wondering if the key to those Black 3.0 type paints is just multiple meshes of Carbon Black ?


Pre-Log Notes


  • Today I Mainly did
    • Usual minor wiki work (Adding Categories to Stuff, Reading Recent Edits)
  • ALSO:
    • Dived into good sources / learning+teaching material for Logical Fallacies
    • Looked into Vacuum Chamber stuff (2 channels doing some great well documented work, one made a light ring and camera holder for the "ports" (forgot to ask if they were glass, or Sapphire ), the other channel made a Vacuum Chamber System Controller (may need a better word)
      • Basically it has to Check Conditions, Run the Roughing Pump (with the door to the Turbomolecular Pump closed), close that and run the Turbomolecular Pump, THEN close another door, do it in reverse for venting to an extent, etc
      • They made a very clean design and are open sourcing it if i understand correctly
      • The other channel plans on doing some Physical Deposition (i mentioned the PA-CVD and DLC Stuff!)
    • Got Caught Up on Discord Short of Precious Plastic (who i want to get into contact about their recent Plastic Welding video)
    • Was also looking into Towing Capacity (Was thinking Campervan type thing towing a Makerspace-in-a-Trailer would be a neat way of doing things!)
    • That's about it
  • Started Later, Partially due to watching the amazing the IRSO Chandrayaan 3 Landing Livestream!, so didn't get as much done
  • Getting to a good point though
  • Guessing ~4 Hours Maybe?



  • Today I Mainly did
    • Usual minor wiki work (Adding Categories to Stuff
  • ALSO
    • Open Source Weather Station / Indoor Air Quality Monitor (I was looking into these, and documented what i have found)
    • Short bit on House Fires
      • Seems like basically don't use sketchy wiring, keep fire contained, and keep a fire extinguisher in your kitchen and you *should* be good, need more sources to check)
    • Ronja
      • I need to read up on how complex the optics are, as per the Technology Connections (YouTube Channel) video, TosLink doesn't even necessarily use Laser Diodes / Proper Optical Fiber just a LED, Coated Clear Plastic, and a Photoresistor (Or transistor for the sensitivity?) Either way surprisingly simple. I remember a ted talk on Solar Panel Based LiFi for Rural Areas, although i though FSOC required complex optics
        • Granted most of the places i've seen it are aerospace applications by DARPA and all that craziness so go figure
  • Some Minor Concrete Stuff
  • Need to grab the name of that YouTube channel if i haven't put them on-wiki yet, expert on concrete that does videos on all sorts of aspects of it
  • That's about it, didn't get as much done today as i had wanted to (had to help someone load up car / head out and lots of hecticness in that regard for a bit), but i am getting close to single window with only a few tabs
  • After that can get on just a single project at a time (as well as "keeping up" with the Recent Changes
  • Maybe ~6 Hours?


Preface/Update on Things

  • Alrighty
  • So due to some stuff i can discuss another time at another place maybe, after a few months or so at that first job, they let me go/dismissed me
  • Wasn't anything horrible like "Get the fuck out of here, don't let the door hit you on the way out!" but yeah i don't want to get into details too much here
  • on the bright side of things at least got a few months of experience out of it!
  • I saw all sorts of jobsites:
    • Parking Lot Light Install
    • Walkway Light Install
    • Indoor Commercial Renovation (With a PILE of design vs reality issues / "discoveries" )
    • Indoor Renovation in Name, but it was essentially new construction in practice at times
      • New Metal Studs were put up, ran EMT for the boxes in those, Drywallers came in put that up, the whole process really (i was learning more spanish too with the drywallers, still "survivable" (bad grammar a kid could probably beat lol) but that was neat
  • Also learned a trick or two
    • Trick for Stranded Wire on Screws like Outlets etc (if you aren't using Crimp Connects (which at least industry standard here in USA is no, probably cost cutting, also not too needed, makes sense honestly
      • You strip the wire as per usual, but leave the loose insulation on the end, this keeps the bundle of strands together
    • Using a Shop Vac's Exhaust etc to determine which conduit went where
    • 2x Drywall is a 1 Hour Firewall (iirc, need to check notes i took on my phone)
    • Rudimentary Punch/Predrill makes "Zipits" Drywall Anchors go in way better
    • etc, small stuff like that
  • Also got more hand tools and a Rolling Toolbox (Smells like cancer, for lack of a better word. Must be some Plasticizer , i just assumed it would offgas soon enough like the "new car smell" etc, more persistent and noxious than that sadly) (need to make a page on these, would be my optimal storage/moving setup; like a Universal Load Unit but for a Hatchback / Minivan
  • Been figuring out what to do next, in the middle of that now
  • In the meantime i've been doing some stuff around the house, and getting into this work again to stay busy
  • Getting all my chrome tabs together then want to budget/plan things out a bit
  • Wait adding this in last, forgot the fan control on my alienware broke in a recent update, so i spent a day or two waiting for drivers to delete then reinstalling them yada yada yada, fan is stuck on max for better or for worse lol. Getting a Framework (or just budget route of rpi4 + monitor to be honest for stuff like this) may be higher up in expendable income (or remains of it) priority lol

Work i Did Today

  • I can grab the page links tomorrow if need be (also a time hack)
  • Added a lot of category links to stuff
    • These were small quick edits just to make finding stuff easier really (One person on the discord, i forget the name, was working on wiki search algorithm type stuff iirc)
    • I marked most if not all as "minor edits" to hopefully not fill up your Recent Wiki Changes page too much!
  • Outside of that i:
  • That's about it, unsure on the time, maybe around 4-5 Hours or so?


  • So some family stuff going on so i had more babysitting / responsibilities around so was off and got off that rhythm
  • Did 3D Print Spare Parts for, and fully set up the Rokenbok we have with my siblings
    • Had me thinking on that V2 (Brushless Servos, either IR, or longer range and probably 2.5ghz wireless, More "Real" functionalities for the Forklift etc (Also making a refinery game of sorts to make it less Sisyphean
  • Have been doing a pile of 3D Printing (Mainly Spare Parts, although made some more of those phone stands for some family members. Currently making Gridfinity parts for what will probably be my toolbox or whatever
    • Printed 2x of the holders for Klein Screwdrivers, i will need to download+slice the shorter one for the long flat head one
    • Probably also want to print a new "baseplate" (Preferable to "flush fit" inside a toolbox, or try and make one of those 3D Printed Toolboxes (although PLA would...probably not hold up too well)
    • That's something to figure out tomorrow
  • I got a job!, heading in to work on Monday, i'll keep you posted on all that; figuring out that stuff has also been a theme of the past week
  • 'Need to backup my Phone and move stuff of Google Photos; Both are almost at capacity, the latter of which also holds all emails sent to me, so that is almost code red to-do wise, spending some money on a NAS / smaller Data Buddy type thing for a more sustainable workflow is probably one of the first things i'll burn "expendable money" on
  • Getting the non-401k or whatever system, savings plotted out (both in term of savings-savings, and "saving for project x's fund" savings, that and maybe some money for misc small stuff like eating out etc but that can add up!
  • Either way exciting times, but i need to get to sleep
  • I'll keep you posted and sorry for the gestures at the mess of all this but yeah!


  • Finished up the stuff on Steam Weeding
  • Watched that latest bit on the DIY LN2 Temp Cryocooler project (Seems to be stalling due to difficulties in the design)
  • Outside of that not much else
  • Read up on the current Reddit Boycott Protest
  • Barely did any work just wanted to document all that
  • I have a job interview (of sorts, it's a bit nebulous when it starts/ends) tomorrow at 8:30 AM est, so will be up early (thus heading off to sleep early, thus no late night edit binges from me today!)
    • (Unsure what the afternoon will bring ie "you ready to work" "sure" "welp here's the job site's address, meet you there", or "see you in 1 week" etc)
    • Either way edits may be going back down to similar levels of when i was at trade school, i'll keep you posted
    • Also need to post this in the discord


Pre-Log Notes

  • Heading off to something that will probably be about an hour or so. Will get back and finish up small page creations for tab reduction
  • Between Short Notice Babysitting Duty, and just feeling drained (i guess quite litterally lol) from blood donation didn't get much done today
  • Heading off to sleep now, should be on later morning early afternoon


Pre-Log Notes

  • I was reading that Design Guide stuff, and i figured something along the lines of a Style Guide may be of use for video/picture/infograpgic/slideshow creation as more people get involved etc
    • I need to read up on what they actually are, but if i understand correctly they are basically a list of rules and some Templates
  • Currently trying to move my work tabs over to my business email's chrome browser so i can comment / get into those google slides better


  • Pretty much just some nigh-useless redirects/category additions and staying current with discord/yt comment correspondence, and whatnot
  • I could probably finish up the Sulfur Lamp page (add in the hive plasma par etc yt video links) and the Steam Weeding page (Youtube links, consumer level product, commercial company that uses the word "satu-steam", (potential for) diy experimentation with ots Steam Mop / Steam Cleaners , more intense design of a Flash Steam Generator , boiling water method, etc
    • Someone in the "Forest Building" section of SciHub's discord was mentioning attempting to weed without Herbicides and a failed attempt at Flame Weeding (issues with wildfire risk, how topical), i mentioned steam weeding page needs cleaning up / more infor pre-sharing imo
  • On the note of wildfires i was also mentioning PM Emissions vs NOx emissions / VOCs etc and the concept of an OS PAPR Unit for use in welding, or hazardous air (Painting with a chemical cartridge, medical staff or just out and about when needing during a epi/pandemic with filter, welding or fire related stuff with some odd mix of the two etc)
    • Especially a 3M Speedglass PAPR type thing *potentially with* either a look through lcd type ar, or Project Northstar type semi-reflective coatings on the clear parts
      • Also with this was mentioning the benefits of an Infared Camera , Ultroviolet Camera , and Near IR Camera etc in order of usefulness. Machine Vision itself would be of use for maintainance etc, but yeah
      • The 3M one has a small "task light" but a brighter one, a wide fov one, a red/green night preserving one, and an ir illuminator would make it the ultimate one!
      • Heck could even add in a gyroscope sensor and have virtual laser level lines, granted those bricks will probably be more useful akin to Smartphones and Smart Watches vs AR HMDs
  • I'm rambling, but yeah Maybe ~4 hours
  • Also moving back to the proper chrome email as stated earlier


  • Today I Mainly did
    • Usual minor wiki work
      • Made redirects for Solar Thermal Chemistry stuff for some reason, may have showed up in the search engine when i was looking up "rtv silicone" then "silicone" etc?
    • Usual SMM work
    • Also Did work on Gridfinity after realizing i hadn't documented it on-wiki yet
      • This was after reading the OSE Super Tool Box page and adding my thoughts in the talk section
    • Somehow got into a rabbit hole (although my mind has been churning over it for a long while) on where the line between Grassroots Organizing and Astroturfing is / how one navigates that
      • Discussing it on some discords/trying to refine my thoughts
      • Also saw a GREAT 60 Minutes episode called "Brain Hacking" which discussed Social Media and the Attention Economy as aspects of this
      • All sorts of names to drop / a study to like etc, but i need to go to sleep, not muckrake
      • But yeah. Also sort of tied to that email marcin, i am pondering to what degree support exists for OSHW etc it just most people Don't Have The Word to Describe It , and once they do are good. However some people will have Fixed Mindsets and may even be hostile to OS Movements, especially if IP Invested Parties start dumping money into Attack Ads etc
    • Also made a page for RTV Silicone (Saw it in a BPS Space video, may have seen it elsewhere, but finally made a page on it
  • That's about it guessing 6 hours? ( Hour Logger is Still Broken )


  • Getting into a rhythm which is nice, getting some major work done
    • Only caveat is i need to push the timeline earlier by 2-4 hours, so i go to sleep at a normal time not looks at clock 2:30-ish local time (est)
  • Anywho today i mainly:
    • Applied to a Local Company for work as an Entry Level Electrician (They mainly do commercial and industrial work)
    • Updated my User Page, so hopefully that has more info, and also is current
    • Was researching Greensand Casting / Sand Casting stuff
      • Was spurred into this by talking about how with the makerspace planning i have been doing recently, i've been looking into what tools can really "get you going" especially in the sub few thousand dollars area too (not a full on Lifetrac + property + Lincoln Welder + cnc table etc)
      • Between A FDM 3D Printer , A Pair of Cheap Digital Calipers , a Rotary Tool and/or Angle Grinder (+ Downdraft Table if you want, especially for plastics), A Soldering Iron, a Drill, and some Metal Casting setup, (along with other odd bits and ends), you can build other tools and work your way up
      • Also selling products/providing services locally to get some makerspace independent income to keep things afloat / gradually improve
      • A CNC Router and/or Drill Press (Or Magnetic Drill Press ) and/or a Lathe are a good next step
      • I don't need to rable about it here, heck should be moving this over to another page and just have the page names+hours as is the standard, but yeah that is what the general theme of my train of thought was today
    • Also got around to my longer to-do task of contacting people on the Sulfur Lamp stuff
      • I thought i added way more to that page / youtube playlist before, getting some odd Deja-Vu there, but either way i had to add a pile to that page, but it is pretty much finished short of the youtube playlist being near empty
    • Also checked the discord, and discussed Subsurface Ripping / some sort of Land Restoration Machine / Rewilding Machine (Similar to the Lifetrac variant that was used for the Hazelnut Tree plantout, but with the flail mower / some sort of Plow and/or Rototiller , something to add Biochar, Fertilizer, and Soil Inoculant , and either seeds via a Seed Drill or Hydroseeding. Then potentially either a Land Imprinter or a Mulch Spreader to keep Soil Erosion from happening post- Feed Plot type Initial Soil Restoration Tillage
    • Also a "survey bot" of sorts
    • I also need to determine what pulling power is needed for Subsurfacing / analyse the old footage on that, maybe do some comment necromancy, one person seemed snarky/rude, but with some convincing they may have legitimate insight, that and/or look at some OTS options
  • That's about it though!
  • Granted usual guessing, but i'd say somewhere around 7 Hours or so? (sure didn't feel like that many damn time flies)
  • Still having that 403 Error with the Hour Logger, so someone maybe User: Marcin can add that in if they want
    • Also if you're reading this marcin, check for that email i sent your way about that person doing some land restoration work in somewhat in need of heavy equipment advice / with similar goals to OSE in that regard


  • Mostly did job hunting stuff and whatnot today, but got caught up on the discord stuff, and checked here+chimed in
    • Also went down a rabbit hole on paint i guess lol (Sidenote i should check if the Magnetic Primer page is still good)
  • Also in Scihub Inc. 's Discord there is a subsection on "Forest Building" and someone got some interesting hardware akin to what was used for the Hazelnut Tree Plantout , so there may be some reverse engineering on that and/or if they need to modify it (seems to be breaking on them already) could aid in that by sharing resources and whatnot
    • On a note related to this, i am in the beginning stages of moving photos around / clearing up drive space on my computer, and i noticed i still have the g i a n t file from balancing the sound levels out/and my primitive attempts at Color Grading in blender from forever ago
      • I don't have enough space in my work email's google drive/photos account but could move that to Wiki/Marcin's end somehow maybe
        • It was either that or the export failed and retry that and it will be compressed more, but giant still
      • I wanted to find it either way to show the people in that server what the Flail Mower + tractor / "stuff carryer" setup looked like
    • I might make a page on Hydroseeding / a Semi-Automatic Seedling Planter or Automatic Seedling Planter Attachment or something along the lines of that
    • ALSO i haven't asked / infodumped about it there, but i was thinking while taking a shower about Biofilms and whatnot, how to wipe em out, reminded me of the concept of Sample, Sterilize, Inoculate i had a while back for compost/soil type stuff
      • Basically determining the optimal Microbiome for healthy soil (Re Synthetic Terra Preta / Terra Preta ), then growing that in a Bioreactor and innoculating soil when "Building it up"
      • Would probably take a Soil Sample beforehand (i was pondering on something akin to a Mars Rover, but for Surveying...RTK GPS , 3D Scanner / 360 Photography (If you got money to burn Volumetric VR Photography ), then like the Curiosity Rover to an extent, have it take a "grid" of Soil Cores so you can analyze how it varies over the plot. Could also even have a Metal Detector and/or Ground Penetrating Radar all on it. So you buy a plot of (contaminated, overused) farmland etc, send one or more of those out, it does a sweep akin to "mowing the lawn" determines what the "diagnosis" is, and can grab any interesting microbes to add to the ultimate micribiome mix (also good documentation for before/after etc), THEN you do an Extreme Build kind of thing, that and/or send out your fleet to restore it
        • I'd need to see if there is any literature on it, but although Low-Till | Low]] / No-Till is best long term, "working in" your Biochar , Phosphorus Fertilizer , Organic Matter / Compost (or even "seed soil" (so some existing STP) may speed up the time it takes, rather than adding layers and waiting for them to sink and/or be mixed by Earthworms etc
        • May need to do a test plot on this
  • Fought with FDM 3D Print Stringing recently, probably due to humidity, need a Filament Dry Box / Filament Dryer (That and/or lower temp from stock 210 to 180 or so as per the Temperature Tower although that lowers Layer Adhesion ...
  • That's pretty much all, i need to sleep i'll come back later and clean things up


  • Currently working, but i just checked out the "real" site for the first time in a while. A small bit rough around the edges, but DAMN those D3D Pro and D3D Universal pages look good!
    • I don't know who did that / when the change took place from when i last saw the website, but DAMN. I just had to comment this somewhere, seriously well done and i hope we can do that for *everything* soon!
    • Only possible improvement i can think of would be OSHWA Certification or something along those lines, otherwise (again, ranting/gushing here) VERY slick design!
  • Scrolling through the photos of Seed Eco-Home construction right now and i saw the dreaded drywall box (also a lot of Romex but that wasn't as bad to be honest), hated those almost as much as Nail on Boxes
  • Went and got food with some family in town visiting and now am just tired, so will be logging off at a surprisingly healthy 9:00pm-ish local time
  • I'll get this entry all cleaned up tomorrow
  • Also marcin saw that email, but i'll respawn tomorrow when i'm more awake and both of us are probably awake!


  • Haven't done a log in a while:
  • May Need to Finish This later, it's 12:12am / 00:12 local time here already, but TWO MAIN THINGS TO NOTE
    • I just had a lag spike or something odd on ose wiki, "page timed out", internet was fine otherwise for whatever that's worked
    • Had to kick the alternate accounts of someone who keeps on re-joining despite being banned for causing a mess by accusing the people behind Precious Plastic of whatever, and not only that but does so in a toxic way, and i'm rambling but it was b a d
    • Given them enough seccond chances, so if they rejoin again probably going to message them the macro of the reasons why / what they would need to do to be allowed back on (basically just play nice in the sandbox oof), then ban them
      • They do make decent hardware design contributions from the little i have checked though, so bit of an oof to do so, but i'd prefer there being no "fires" happening even if that means they get booted out of the metaphorical treehouse i guess
      • Noone else was on, so semi-unilateral decision but yeah
      • I forgot their original name, they have had the alt accounts of "LeaveMeAlone" and misc related things
      • That's that bit of drama, it is managed though so things should settle out on that
  • Other Discord Related Stuff
    • I caught up with " Sci-Hub Inc 's Discord and OSE's a few weeks back, as well as a few smaller ones
    • I caught up with all of them except the Precious Plastic one, and the 3D Scanning One
  • Just because time is limited i'll leave it at this, but yeah. Neat to see more people doing edits!


  • Been very absent recently, mainly due to school
  • That is finishing up, and i will hopefully be joining the union, or if that doesn't pan out another local company
  • Have learned more, mainly in terms of Commercial Wiring
  • We did EMT bending, and some "panels" based off of that
  • Also covered Armored Cable
  • Recently Threaded Rigid Metal Conduit (may have been intermediate, maybe did both?) did this both manually, ratchet-assisted manually, and via a lathe like machine
    • "Power Pony" and that combined with a "Hog Head" for larger diameter conduit was mentioned
  • We did PVC Conduit and that is heat-bendible
    • I looked up the box we used for heating up the pipe and it was an obscene price for what it was (at least in my opinion) so that may be a project soon
    • Open Source Mechanical Conduit Benders/Threaders would be a MAJOR labor saving thing, and assuming the cost reduction could be done a major help
  • Mentioned 3 Phase / Hookups to powerlines, although that varies based on if they do Overhead Power Lines or Pad Transformers and Underground Utilities
  • Went over, in worksheets, Grounding Systems and all that (Also saw a Ground Rod (copper coated steel, if i remember correctly)
  • Lots of stuff to cover later, and they are glad to let me upload worksheets/diagrams so i'll upload the pre-work pictures i took and/or ask for some "fresh ones" later and get those on-wiki
  • My laptop is out of commission (I am beginning to think the heat cooks those batteries)
  • Typing this up in the computer lab real quick, and am heading out, but i thought an update was due



  • Somehow hit the wrong button or whatever, so the remainder of my chrome tabs we lost to just general search history, so may have been some data loss there
  • So i'll skim history and see if there was any of the things i was mentioning there
  • If not i'll move on to finishing backing up Mobile Links, especially the stuff on using Solid Particles (Typically it seemed they used Sand ) as a Heat Exchange Fluid
  • ^ was from a few hours ago, submitting this to document that + be able to close this tab
  • Still short on time, recovered most of (?) tabs with manual digging
  • Have 1 Large Window of Small Diesel Engine / Smallest Diesel Engine / Heavy Fuel Engine etc stuff (+ Some Fuel Specs on the various Jet Fuels / Standard Marine Diesel
  • Have 1 Small one of FeF/Old Media Stuff
  • Have another on One Community Global and Open Source Ecology Commonality
  • Everything else has been dumped into Eric's Data Buffer Page
  • Don't have time to clean things up/do much else
  • Also later need to document 3d printing i did this weekend


  • Drastically reduced the amount of loose tabs i have, only have 2-ish groups in separate windows to cover now
  • Then Phone Links
  • Crashing Now, so i'll clean all this up later
  • Also sorry again for filling the recent changes area, i tried to make many of them minor edits so that filter should work


Recent Events/Activities of Interest

  • This week at school we finally went into the lab for the first time on Thursday!
  • Kind of got "thrown in the deep end", but just were doing basic residential wiring with Romex
    • May not have been romex, i'll need to double check (and eventually i TOTALLY ALREADY DID with all the welding stuff i learnt /s ), but it was the plastic coated conductors that negate the need for Wire Conduit / Armored Cable etc
  • Not much else to report besides that

Wiki Work

  • Moved the pile of links off the top of this page to Eric's Data Buffer Page to make this page more in line with it's actual goal
    • Granted may want to move the "Recent Events/Activities of Interest" bit to another page as well, what are the thoughts on if that is needed?
  • Anywho Today I Mainly added information on Fuel Cells / Gas Turbines / Combined Cycle stuff
  • Also added category links to + read the edits being by other people (hope it didn't flood the recent edit page too much / step on any toes, i tried to make them almost all "minor edits" so that filter should help!
  • Also mentioned a bit of information on Surface Treatments / Thermal Barrier Coatings but just barely mentioned it; that stuff+CVD based Diamond / DLC etc are another area of stuff i need to document
  • I did get another window of chrome tabs emptied out today, and a decent chunk of phone links

To-Do For Tomorrow

  • My phone has:
    • A Paper Analyzing Current FES Tech
    • Less Toxic Flare Compositions (+ Recipes, i was wondering about road flares the other day and what all goes into them, was looking for alternatives for various stuff and found that link)
    • Some good Induction Furnace Industry Standards (also some of those are buried in my YouTube history and/or a YouTube playlist depending on if i made one already or not)
    • Stuff on Soy Sustainability Assurance Protocol (I saw this on a label, and thought it reeked of Greenwashing but it may have some merit to it, needs looking into
    • Laser Excited Phosphor based light stuff
    • Low Impact Hydroelectric Dams (Bit of an Oxymoron, BUT i was hearing on NPR about Lake Mead being so low they may not be able to do the "Artificial Flood" procedure that essentially simulates seasonal flow increases/floods downstream which helps sediments behave right or whatever. That combined with Fish Ladders / Eel Ladders / Potentially even Sediment Bypass etc and so on would lead to it not having too much of an impact i'd imagine, an they allow for Constant (short of Climate Change Worsened/Induced Droughts...) Renewable Power, and Pumped Hydroelectric Storage so if the ecological/sediment issues could be resolved (and all the water isn't gobbled up for animal feed so that those downstream + the river delta get water!) they are a neat solution
    • Stuff on Dish Antennaes / Parabolic Antennas / how they are made
    • The page on the Sawmill (I think "Way out West Blog" was doing some logging work recently so i thought they may want to check that page out, so i need to go in and make sure it is all interlinked well and whatnot probably)
    • Stuff on Ropeless Trapping / Ropeless Crabbing etc
      • Was mentioned on NPR in relation to whales i think, may have use in 3D Aquiculture and could probably use some OSHW for cost reduction (granted dev time, money, and supporting an industry that basically is just overfishing...)
    • A few (~3 or so) more Gas Turbine / Fuel Cell articles
      • One mentions "Ultra Clean Coal" which seems to be a term for Coal Upgrading via leaching that basically removes every mineral except the carbon within reason
    • Something on if DME can be used in Spark Ignition Engines
    • Sloped Bottom Tanks
    • Syntin / Russian usage of it in Soyuz spacecraft instead of RP-1 (May just be more wikipedia-side edits for that one, although i do have some rocket links as well lol)
    • Artificial Topaz / Spinel (For engineering, not just aesthetic, applications)
    • Well Perforation
    • FARO 3D Scanners and Coordinate Measurement Machines
    • Fire Ant mound killing via Liquid Nitrogen injection
    • Slurry Ice generator paper
    • Falling Particle Receiver for CSP
      • Seems like Carbon Materials would be great due to dark color and high thermal conductivity, so carbon negative materials?!? (Short of burning due to the temperature!)
    • Blueprint Symbols (I don't know if they are documented on here, but making pages (and maybe plugins for CAD/MSH3D (If they don't already exist) ) is probably a good idea
  • If i can somehow get past that the next window is mainly on documenting other groups and trying to get database information parity (or whatever the term for "we cross compare and have all of eachother's data")
  • The other windows seem to be mainly loose links that need categories etc, stuff on Bearing Lubrication / Grease Guns / Automativ Lubrication Systems , and if a Filament Dust Filter is needed
  • All in all plenty of stuff to do tomorrow


Wiki Work


Recent Events/Activities of Interest

  • First time back on-wiki in a while
  • My Iphone6 Flat Out Died (Pretty sure it is the Charge Controller/Power Circuit module, but i lack the Micro-soldering gear, experience, and just non-shakey hands so i'm just going to need to hope those damn electrons stay in their slot in the Flash Memory until i get the cash to send it off to someone who can do that (rates seem pretty high from what i've seen, although most are in water exposure applications, when, if what i have seen is correct, this is basically remove module a, and insert a new one OR the quick (but moderately more expensive if kept long term, rather than just used as an overblown chip reader) chuck the flash memory into a new "body" method
    • Really wishing i had that Big Box Store Sized Makerspace, a Cleanroom section, and some connections right about now!
    • Due to parent's phone plan and some promotion though i did get one of those iphones with Time of Flight Sensor / Lidar based 3D Scanning, so that has been interesting to mess around with (Haven't done any 3D Scanning Based Quality Control or made any of the scans into 3D printable Files yet, but that is supposedly doable (albeit don't expect Industrial level scan quality, so much more cleanup will be needed)
    • Did loose a pile of links/photos though due to not completing the backup process before that happened (my Seagate Wireless Pro is being quite glitchy (the app keeps on crashing) so either some modification of that, or some sort of Open Source Portable NAS / Open Source NAS is in order...granted again Money and Chip Shortage...
    • Also i was looking into something like the FairPhone / PiPHone , or even the AGM Glory Pro etc to get the Thermal Camera mainly (ir Night Vision would be neat, but much less practical) but due to a number of reasons that didn't work out, but the 3d scanner will be interesting and i am not in a place where any of this should be complained about also, thankfulness for having the resources + things i have etc!
  • ANYWHO that caused a bit of data loss/chaos
  • Also being a Full Time Student at FSCJ's Electrician Program now keeps me busy (Summer with the In-Person Industrial Hygiene and Water Resources + Online Environmental Science was much less time)
    • We are almost done with the Online "Blended Learning" Computer Lab Work (Which has been all the Ohm's Law Circuit Analysis (For DC and AC, from Series, to Complex Circuits, Wire Resistance Calculations / Wire Loss, math related to Motors/Generators (i'm understanding more of the "how" of BLDCs and those Mostly 3D Printed Electric Motors etc), and after we complete a module on Residential Electrical Code we will move into the (Hands On)Lab-Lab
    • I don't know if the pictures are on my old phone, or the new one, but the class had a tour on one of the first day of classes, so i took some photos, it basically had:
      • "Skeletonized Walls" Similar to what a construction site would look like for us to practice running wires/doing boxes etc, a Conduit Bender , etc
        • Also some sort of Shop Vac based Line Pulling system similar to a Pipeline Pig almost, but for Wire Conduit , but that was rarely used, but i was shown it after hearing about it in some story of jobsites past and asking about it
  • Will be starting a paid Union Apprenticeship assuming all things go as planned, this Spring, so that will be nice (Granted may just be being a human trencher to be honest, but gotta start somewhere i guess, and most Union work seems to be Commercial/Industrial down here ~~(Due to Florida being a Right to Work State (Real Orwellian naming as per their MO...)~~ so it may just me more really long wire runs etc
  • I finally picked up my OSHA-30 card!
    • Now i can whip it out like an FBI Badge! /j
    • On a more serious note that will just be nice to have
  • I was looking into the other classes, the NCCER Core , HAZWOPER , and even a Forklift Certification class! (But that may have just been that one day, which has long since passed, and supposedly most jobs make you do a 1 day class when they hire so it doesn't mean too much short of looking nice, and how it has become an internet joke)
    • The original coordinator seems to have resigned/disappeared or something, so there was a decent communication gap there
    • I'll need to get the new person's contacts Monday, and get that all nailed out
  • Also FSCJ had an auction for old equipment and i managed to pick up
    • A Binocular Microscope (Short of the Light System being Broken (Burnt Fuse on Arrival, Probably Broken Light, since a relacement fuse didn't seem to work), threw my smartphone as a flashlight below and it worked great so a lab grade optical microscope for 10 USD or so is a win in my book!
    • A FAA Certified? "iGATE Dual Engine Flight Simulator" ! (For 20 USD, also came with an entire tower pc + CRT Monitor !) (Granted it is missing a parallel cable or two, and the rudder (need to contact them on that, it may be lying in a closet somewhere etc, even if so not too complex to replace compared to the other crazy complex and aesthetically important chassis type thing)
      • Everything booted up fine, main issue was the io parallel cable being missing, so no io that way
      • Haven't cracked open the tower pc for seeing what components it has and probably De-Dusting, but it has a working CD Drive, and although it is currently running Windows XP (probably for the old proprietary Flight Simulator Software), either with a Dual Boot system, or just upgrading the OS, Moving the Software (or ditching it for FlightGear ) could leave me with a giant NAS, and/or a VERY capable pc (Full Size Graphics Card (VR, GPU Acceleration for CAD/Blender, etc), Pile of RAM (For Chrome Tabs /j) )
    • A JVC GY-DV5000U Broadcast DV Camcorder
      • This is a bit of an enigma, turns out it did not come with a battery (or tape cartridge lol, although i will probably just use the various video-outs)
        • I Ordered a 4 Prong Power Adapter, but it turns out it needs an XLR style "Smiley Face" / Arc type 4 prong, not "Square" style 4 prong so i'll need to return that, and get another in the future
      • It is a bit of a long shot, but for 5 dollars if i can get it working it would be a quality camera (in terms of lenses, color depiction, optical zoom, microphones, etc), but also have the disadvantage of lower resolution and 4x3 Aspect Ration (Although this would allow for A e s t h e t i c / Nostalgia value, i was thinking of making How It's Made (TV Show) / Modern Marvels (TV Show) / Industrial Footage type content for modern stuff (or even personal / OSE projects), but with the 4/3 aspect ratio/ a e s t h e t i c, and old stock music for a kind of nod to all that stuff i grew up on.
    • Mainly went there to get a welder or the flight simulator (this is what they said they had mainly), but got the other odd stuff since resalers got most of the other stuff for crazy amounts, someone got like 10 or so old + different model (thus not Part Commonality etc if they were making a new shop) welders for prices probably beaten by new budget models, ESPECIALLY if they plan on making a profit
    • The other impulse buy would have been a lab grade autoclave, which would allow me to do all sorts of mushroom/microbio stuff, but someone else got it i guess

Misc OSHW/Maker News Worth Mentioning (That i will make pages on making this section redundant)

  • Opulo went to ERRF and has been getting a pile of press for their LumenPnP machine, so that has been great to see
    • Also shows how powerful getting a booth at events can be
  • Open5x is having a similar experience, and it will be interesting to see if their OSHW and it's publicity causes a 5 Axis FDM Slicing, and Non-Planar Slicing
  • The YouTube Channel Blondihacks finished their Big Steam Engine Build
  • Vez3D is getting close to shipping their ultra-high flow Goliath Hotend (mainly discussed on their YouTube Community Page
    • They were one of the leaders in the Speed Benchy challenges (along with MirageC who is currently doing amazing objective tests of hotends), so given they push filament printers to their limit, i am excited to see the speed they will pull off with custom hotends, (given that that is the limiting factor now that CoreXY projects like VORON , RatRig , and HevORT are using crazy fast axis to the point they are using Servo Motors on all axis and even the extruder, and High Temperature, High Flow Nozzles etc

Off-Wiki Work

  • Decent amount of Wikipedia Work (Would hear about something in passing and look it up, maybe make a redirect, or add links i found to the talk/discussion page (their editing standards are high, so i don't want to barge in there, short of maybe adding an external link etc)
  • I finally used up that first included 1kg Spool of Prusament Filament, and Loaded a New One ( Black Polyterra PLA now) so the 3D Printer has been chugging away
  • I also have many more links on DME as a fuel, and some more information on Autogas (Aka LPG / Propane as an engine fuel), and CNG fuel mods
  • Also many links on Gas Turbines / Fuel Cell - Gas Turbine Combined Cycles , Non-Catalytic Partial Oxidization based Fuel Reformer that can turn nearly any gaseous/vapor fuel into syngas/light hydrocarbons (fit for a SOFC ), and some other misc links

Wiki Work

  • Misc Small Stuff In-between Last Update and This One
  • Cleared through + documented one window's worth of tabs
  • In doing so finished out the Thermal Insert Press page for the most part

Plan Going Forward

  • Next "Big Chunk" of tabs will be some more stuff on:
  • That may not take too long given it is mainly link dumping + creating a page or two
  • If that can be done, the next window is mainly documenting OSE Related Groups + Synchronizing Information which is a way bigger project
    • Getting the Basics Down + Making Bookmarks may be the way to go
  • The two of those things + trying to watch the recent meetings on Marcin's channel will probably be plenty for the weekend.
  • Also need to get the OSE Discord Set up on my New Phone + Catch Up there
  • Unsure on hours, and it is getting late here, so i'll log off for today and calculate those tomorrow etc


  • It's been a while, so there is probably a gap of a few small edits + redirect creations / category additions etc

What i've been up to recently

  • That Welding Program i was in last year was obviously done
  • Did a mixture of Environmental Science and Industrial Hygiene classes over the summer to see if i would be interested in that route/fill time
  • Currently doing the Pre-Apprentice Electrician Program at FSCJ now
  • I got a Prusa Mk3s+ kit somewhat recently (that almost wage-thefted walmart check finally came in), and built that
  • Have been using it since, i printed various calibration prints (short of Dialing in Prints / Making/Tuning Filament Profiles etc) it seems to be working great
    • Only issues are occasional mild stringing, and issues with [Overhangs (3D Printing) | Overhangs]
      • Although supposedly the part cooling on the Prusa is kind of lacking
    • I got some various tools for this to make the workflow smoother (i'll need to document this / post reviews etc)
    • I got the Diamondback Nozzle (Which reminds me i need to make pages on Polycrystalline Diamond , Diamond-Like Carbon , Lab-Grown Monocrystalline Diamond , Carbon Glass etc )
      • I haven't installed it (or even opened the box yet) due to an abundance of caution in: Installation Torque, Potential issues with these "insert based" nozzles (as opposed to a monolithic chunk of brass etc), and Lead Content in Brass (i don't think it is, but it may be soldered in there / brazed with Leaded Solder as well
        • It's a bit overkill to be concerned about all that probably, but it was a decent chunk of money, and i also only recently became aware of lead in brass, so need to dive into the data on that (does any of the brass flake/abrade off into the plastic, thus adding an additional aspect of complexity to Food Grade 3D Prints , again overkill, but lead is no joke)
      • ANYHOW this was so i could print Carbon Fiber Reinforced Filaments , Glow in the Dark Filaments (For black + glow in the dark bicolor signs, as well as maybe a goofy Halloween decoration or two!), and just not have to worry about nozzle abrasion no matter what i throw at it
  • This also has me thinking on what to make next
  • The main ideas i've had are:
  • Non-Major Tool Things i was
  • But just as with welding this is a Monday-Thursday "Dark and Early" - 5:00 PM Class so i will be quite busy
  • Will learn a lot though (even though i haven't documented all the welding + industrial hygiene stuff i learned on wiki yet...), and (assuming i pass everything...) get placed in a Union Apprentice!

What i did today

  • Pretty much documented + wrapped up all the tabs in one of the windows
  • Also trying to kind of look into / organize a lot of that hydrogen stuff
  • There wasn't too much on the OSHA side (i think, i may have chosen the LPG / CNG regulations for the assignment where we looked into them, i'll check + document on wiki later), but also the National Fire Protection Association probably has good information on that
    • They are similar to NIOSH / Studies etc in that they are typically more safe than what is legally required due to new data being faster than lobbiest halted regulation etc (or just novel feilds like the Hydrogen Economy ...)
  • I meant to update my User Page, and also lay out how to make this page fit more what the Daily Log of Tasks page actually outlines
    • I may split this page in two, that or perhaps this subsections page is fine?
    • Either way i also need to archive past years' entries

Future Plans

  • School first and foremost
  • Document what i'm learning (and what i've learned!, small backlog from welding, and major one from this summer's programs)
  • Document the tabs / get those under control
  • Learn FreeCAD
    • Especially now that i have a 3D Printer (and list of replacement parts i need to sketch up + print) it is time to learn
  • Print Jigs and maybe build a low cost machine or two to begin growing a Fab Lab

Formal Log Format


  • Online classes will be the death of me lol
  • This one isn't even virtual it's just "Here buy this expensive book and throw an essay at me occasionally, or take a multiple choice quiz + answer cryptically simple questions
    • At least we have discussions though...via submitting mini-essays and forced replies
  • Homework is kind of an odd concept too, granted i'm some scary leftist who also has ADHD, but one doesn't take an assembly line home after their 9-to-5 and do work at home, so why should kids
    • Granted i get it has some utility, and things like math do require some "drill to kill" level teaching for memorization, but i still dislike the practice / it's effects on Work Life Balance
  • It's 12:40 am local time here, i could honestly get some work done, but responsible me is saying i gotta make my sleep schedule less dysfunctional lol
  • This week was on Colony Collapse Disorder so nothing too applicable unlike all that Non-Timber Forest Product stuff
  • I did catch up a bit on the discord yesterday
  • My laptop really doesn't like having discord and my obscene amount of tabs open at the same time
    • I need mooooooooooooooooooooooore ram
  • Also damn i still need to look into that email you sent me and give a proper response aaaaaa (and edit that video)
  • So i guess to summarize, i am not doing much OSE work right now, but i am still alive lol


  • Just finished an assignment for my "Intro to Environmental Science" class that involved listing Goods and Services Provided by the environment, if they were needed for life, and what would happen without them
    • Burt a PILE of time on all of this yesterday and today
    • mess due to wondering what level of detail they wanted, what counted given that iirrc most of earth's biomass is livestock etc, and how many processes could continue without the ecosystem
      • This isn't to say "no need for protection; drill baby drill!" but rather Humans can survive a pile of things even with just a power source (Nuclear or Geothermal wouldn't even require the sun) and some infrastructure (re Feeding Everyone No Matter What: Managing Food Security After Global Catastrophe , and most of our products are independent of a lot of these things
        • Desalination + Plant Factories (or even feeding Methanotrophs natural gas / synthetic natural gas from other fossil fuels, or Power-to-Food technology if you are ok eating mush, mush derived "processed food", and mush fed livestock only) handle food and water.
      • Was trying to get to the bottom of it, but even *oxygen* isn't produced but moreso kept balanced, marine snow / peat bogs and the whole carbon cycle lead to net growth but it's very slow. So massive ecosystem loss may just leave us running off of the pile of oxygen left behind till we figure something out (bioreactors, or even some sort of electrolysis + CCS but with the resulting hydrogen instead of CO2 )
  • Was just a mess but that + the Decision Fatigue / Burnout / whatever the term for this was just lead to plans falling apart
  • I did end up choosing some Non-Timber Forest Products for a bunch of the goods though so dived into:
  • So i should get around to documenting all that eventually
  • But yeah just wanted to keep y'all in the loop + post interesting stuff i found i guess


Goals for the Day

  • Back Up Phone Photos, Offload to Google Photos, but start transferring to that Wireless Hard Drive as the main method (In-Progress)
  • Make Sure IndyMill is documented, then move on to that other design that is for Open Source Full Size CNC Mill
  • Document Jax Makes + Upload Photos Taken There
    • Also potentially update the Google Maps Posting
  • Make a wiki page for Forms That Would Be Good to Have Completed and On File (Safety Stuff, Emergency Readiness Stuff, that above FDA food certification forms that beekeeping channel documented, Tool Inspection Dates, etc)
  • Download Kdenlive and use it for that bit i mentioned and Marcin responded to on a youtube comments bit
  • Time permitting look into Blender CAD Sketcher

Pre-Log Notes

  • Some uncertanty around "Category: CNC Multimachine" vs "Category: CNC" vs "Category: CNC Mill" vs "Category: CNC Machine" and which of those should exist/what should go in each etc
    • Dumping everything in CNC Multimachine for now i guess?
    • Also will create that as a category page, i think as of this edit, it just exists as something a pile of pages link to


  • I replaced my Laptop Battery since it tiurns out the tabs weren't broken, the battery was pillow shaped and pushing them out
  • So that as well as the ending of welding school caused a bit of a delay
  • About to head into my first class of the Environmental Science Technical Certificate course i am now going into at FSCJ
  • Need to make a page on Prusa's documentation, and how it seems they are sort of Fake Open Source, or at least Poorly Documented / Partially Documented Open Source so that is odd
  • Dumped all my links on Freqency Response Flattening in the Discord's "Reader's Digest" Section
  • Will add more details on what i did/am doing later, need to head off to class


  • Need to head off to sleep, so this is just a general summary to clean up later
  • Mainly just been dumping info from tabs, so sorry for the seemingly random edits again aaaaa
    • I have been using the "This is a Minor Edit" checkbox more recently so hopefully that tones down my spam
  • Also documented some Workshop Organization stuff, + Safety Stuff
  • Both of which lead into Makerspace planning which post catching up with tabs (got a PILE documenteed+closed today+yesterday, felt good) will be my main focus
  • Will clean this up+add estimated hours later


Jotting Down Ideas


  • Caught up on the recent changes
  • Added categories + misc small things to some of them
  • Commented on Commented on Page 26 of the House Wall Module Design Guide (essentially you have done all the hard work / planning!, i/we just need to plan the layour+ergonomics for the Work Cells / how many will be required for making a wall module, and as an optional bonus design a Passive Roller Conveyor (essentially a table covered in upside down skateboard wheels (potentially in between rails for stability) (can also be done with Ball Transfer Units if those can be acquired/made for cheap?) Active with G28 belts would be neat, but probably overly complex?
  • Some notes on Design Guide: Kitchen
    • If i remember correctly, European Refrigerators are smaller (largely due to city planning + a little bit of culture i guess), so a sort of Regionalization of the design guide may be needed? Ovens may have been smaller too, need to check
    • Also personal preference i guess those Dual Compartment Sinks are neat, especially if one side is a Gabage Disposal (so you have rough dish scraping/cleaning on the left, then cleaning/soaking of things that need that on the right. Also maximum countertop space is nice in my opinion too. (wait now that i'm thinking about it, is countertop Induced Demand a thing..?)
  • Didn't boot up MSH3D yet so haven't seen the latest models by Catarina yet
  • Also watched a new video by James Bruton on Open Dog V3 !
  • That's about it, 1 hour if even that of work


Pre-Log Notes


  • Going to need to move on to bed, already ~9 mins sub 8hours as of now, and have been pulling too many late nights yet i already do poorly enough in the morning!
  • Had today off from welding school due to teacher needing to deal with some personal/family issues (or something along those lines)
  • Did talk with a like minded friend about various OS / Tech things
  • Also discussed a bit about Open Source Licensing and the "what if someone steals my design", and i brought up the kind of Brand Loyalty in an Open Source Business Model Context challenge a la Prusa where even though there are cheaper clones you buy original to support the creator and have their better QC/QA
    • Also just cultural awareness of this threat and calling out any corporations that do this
    • Also Share Alike / Non-Commercial licenses
  • Today I
  • Also should document the misc work over the past few days on this log later as well inbetween this and the current last (3/19/2022) work log entry


  • Been watching younger sibling a bunch recently for parents
  • That, as well as that sort of feeling of dread/overwhelming due to break ending soon (although the Panic Monkey / Frantic Last Minute Productivity is now kicking in!)
  • Tomorrow, sunday, is the last day of break so going back to weekends only again soon
  • I need to send emails out to those various classes as well as look into Electrician Apprenticeship more
  • Also if we are having summer X again and my health insurance can count that as "Full Time Student" work or something along those lines that may count too
  • Got a decent amount of work done, but it is still kind of trading water-ey
  • I almost have this window back to just what i will use for more Lifetrac Demo Media + Appropriate Colorants stuff
  • Also some Flamewar erupted while i was busy being productive and not watching discord today so that was neat
  • Kind of dealt with it, but not fully
  • It is 02:04 or so local time so my ability to stay awake, let alone deal with all that is quite low and decreasing
  • Will wake up and deal with any remains of that tomorrow
  • Essentially this one person, etc (Still trying to clear up that they are the same person, and one person (not multiple users), but i think they are?) has some bad blood with the "main people" behind Precious Plastic, i think mostly due to a fee in their Bazaar or something?
    • For one reason or another i haven't really gotten a clear explanation of all that which makes resolving the issues even more difficult since i barely know what they are and what parties are involved!
    • I've taken screenshots, so even if they delete comments (or i may do so just to make the general chat not have...that pop up first thing, that or just fill it with discussions of other stuff too) i have all their points / answers to questions documented
  • brains blanking out so i'm going to log off now lol; i'll clean this up in the morning


Pre-Log Notes

  • Alrighty
  • "Blocked Out" Daily to-do (All are in est / i didn't include some items i already did)
    • Catch up on YouTube Comments / Discord (Check)
    • Document missing 14/15 logs (Check)
    • 5:45-6:00 School Class Plotting / Sending Emails Out
    • 6:00 - ? Finish Video Backlog
    • ? - ? Make as many pages as posible documenting above topics


  • Less progress than yesterday due to watching a younger sibling for the afternoon/nigh, but still got some work done
  • Mainly just dumped some links into the OSE Discord 's "Reader's Digest" section
  • Also documented some more designs/iterations on the concept of the Wire EDM and Die Sink EDM Machine
  • Also a link to a wikipedia page on Remote Sensing is now in the Open Source GIS page
  • Finally just usual discord/youtube networking/question answering type stuff


Pre-Log Notes



Pre-Log Notes

  • Just watched an Engineering with Rosie livestream on Airborne Wind Energy
    • Mentioned a bunch of great papers/studies, as well as just a good way to categorize the designs, and Rosie's personal opinion on AWE
    • May be worth reaching out to the channel (Sadly their discord is Patreon only (with the sheer ammount of groups i follow if i were to do that for all of them... (need to calculate this sometime, a sort of taxes, but for supporting all the groups i follow?) )
    • I can update the Makani page a bit too maybe?


Pre-Log Notes

  • Some low tier drama occuring in the discord
  • It is this same person that had an account called PP Catalonia then went to PlasticsHub / OSR etc?
  • Seems overall toxic but i guess their core issue had to deal with the percent profits the Precious Plastic Bazaar took from each purchase
  • I know their alternate names were banned over on Precious Plastic's Discord, and i think this one is too?
  • Oh also they were spreading covid-19 conspiracy theories on Precious Plastic's Discord right when it was starting and was hurting the most people so that was "fun"...
  • All in all i and/or the other mods need to deal with that I don't have the time / energy (physical or emotional lol) to deal with that now so am saving it for later i guess


  • Just caught up on the recent edits
  • Added a few category links and other minor edits
  • Found These Media Folders and was going through them:
  • Haven't watched the videos, just skimmed and saved the videos as more tabs for later
  • Also kept anything Lifetrac open especially the videos
    • I am creating a playlist on YouTube of all videos showing it working for sort of quick "Yeah it exists and works" type sharing i guess
      • Needed to have this when i was sharing the project in Louis Rosman's Discord in the Agricultural R2R Subsection a while back, reactively making it now
  • Finally THERE ARE CATS AT FEF?!? valuable information...
  • Either way moving on to Mild Steel Pipe (~5 in or so it looks like?) in welding school, although i think i will work a bit more on TIG Test Plates and try some Aluminum Welding pre-diving into pipe
  • Also on the note of pipe Vacuum Brazing has had me intrigued anyways after reading up on it during a midnight deep dive into Skylon / Reaction Engines Ltd ...
  • Also Graphite Heat Exchangers


Pre-Log Notes

  • Before i dive into anything haphazardly i want to plan things out and maybe even try and block times out?
  • Either way i just want to get some quantifiable work done i keep on feeling like i'm trading water or doing less useful edits/work!
  • Plan(?)  :
    • 1:35 (Now) - 2:00 EST: Plan Things Out + Catch Up On Old Edits / Discord Posts (Discord may need longer?) + check email
    • 2:00 - ? Add misc notes / small edits to the old edits i just reviewed + reply to questions etc on the discord / emails
    • ? - ? Catch up on YouTube Feed (seems to be some CNC Machine Progress, another video in the steam engine series, a video update on the LumenPnP (formerly IndexPnP ) a few other small misc things (famous last words)
    • ? - ? Start continuing the Applied Hydraulics video
    • ? - ? Watch the OSEB Meeting 19th February 2022 Record Note
    • ? - ? Get as many links off of phone as possible (then backup photos, delete them from phone, and reboot) (also attempt to use that old Wireless Hard Drive of mine rather than Google Photos )
    • If Time Remains After All of That Move on to OSEH work maybe?
    • Also condensing / documenting the obscene amount of desktop chrome tabs (maybe even just bookmarking them rather than making a full on wiki page, although that may make them disappear from my thoughts moreso than "save them for later"; may be good to just "get it done"
  • ALRIGHTY 1:43 now, speedrun timeeeeeeeeee
  • 2:44 Now, just finished catching up on edits and checked email, next on to Discord, then YouTube, but first quick stretch / snack break!
  • 2:52 Catching up on Discord now
  • Got a bit side tracked, SciHub Inc. had a livestream where they were making a Modular Rack Mounted Mini-Bioreactor using off the shelf parts, a hand drill, and Two Part Epoxy (made 4 with 30 minute epoxy, may optimize a bit but that may be the per-person limit, good for Swarm Builds ! )
  • Moving on in the schedule NOW then at 4:17
  • Fully caught up on discord messages now
  • YouTube Tabs open and Ready to Go, Going to have a conference/meeting with someone from SciHub's Discord about SCOBY Leather Substitute

Work Log

  • Well Damn
  • I only got to the catching up on YouTube Feed Phase of my plan
  • Although I Did Catch that aforementioned Bioreactor Build stream, and had a talk on Bacterial Nanocellulose / SCOBY Leather Substitute / Leather Substitutes (and Mink Oil Substitutes )
    • We also discussed the Environmental Impact of Beekeeping (Need to look into it further, gets complex, but at least in Gabe's opinion the out-competing native species is a major con; Insect Hotels are much better.
    • Also discussed the OSEH project a bit with gabe, he was quite critical of the Maker Movement / Reprap Movement, neat bits of Constructive Criticism, need to document later
  • I just saw (pun?) all sorts of neat footage in [Google Photos Link from one of Marcin's Recent Edits] that i should dive into sometime!
    • Especially seeing more footage of the Lifetrac out in the wild!
    • Looked like you were using the Sawmill a bit there too?
    • Altogether neat stuff
  • LumenPnP video was great, they seriously nail video documentation in my opinion
  • The steam engine is interesting, coming along somewhat well, although it isn't dual acting and doesn't seem to be too Optimized for Production , still neat nonetheless
  • Really neat video on Phased Arrays (good mechanical teaching demonstration with linear actuators and water (Would be great for a Kid's Science Museum kind of thing like Technopolis which i LOVED as a kid), they also made an ultrasonic based one which was modular and open source although pretty limited
  • Watched some stuff on Permanent Mold Metal Casting
  • There was some discussion of CEB Presses on the Precious Plastic Discord, i linked to some OSE Stuff
  • I also linked to the Indymill project in one discussion
  • Chucked a bunch of links in OSE Discord's "Reader's Digest" Section
  • Some OSHW designs on YouTube to document later
  • The topic for my OSHA-30 class this past saturday was Confined Spaces work mainly, so learned a bunch on that, need to document it
    • Next week is also the last saturday of that so i will have more time (and be officially trained not certified (important distinction supposedly) ) to do stuff like all this again
  • Also discussed Spira Inc and need to make that Appropriate Pigments page i mentioned in Catatina's Log's Discussion Tab
    • Essentially what colors can be used for ink/paint/cloth dye that follow Appropriate Materials etc
    • Gabe is calling up the person he knows at Spira Inc to see if they can tell us how they go about extracting the pigments granted good ol' intellectual property bs may keep that from happening idk
  • I guess i have a fourth chrome window now with about 9 videos i need to speedwatch / document later + this log, so One Step Forward, Two Steps Back as seems usual for me recently, but i got some stuff done i guess
  • Maybe ~8 Hours? Hard to tell, but i did that sort of constant updating in my "Pre-Log Notes" section today, and i think that may be a thing i keep on doing, good for keeping me on my To-Do's , tracking time, and "keeping you posted" ; i just hope it wasn't annoying!
  • Anywho back to a week of school!


Pre-Log Notes


  • Today I Mainly did
    • Usual minor wiki work
    • Usual SMM work
  • ALSO
    • Documented more / all of the relevant work by Seeed Studio
    • I am fully caught up on my YouTube Feeds
    • Made stuff on Wire Crimping
    • Documented the various Open Source PLCs
    • Smaller stuff like making the page on Layout Fluid and the Bed Leveling vs Bed Tramming Stuff
    • Looked into more Steam Engine stuff
      • Found a company making a modern steam engine in a similar format to a Steam Locomotive , Mackwell Locomotive Co.
      • Good YouTube Video Documentation, Seems they are trying to patent it and go closed source, may be able to contact them and convince them otherwise, although i have barely any time to do stuff like that now, and i feel i'm not the best at it? Can you send them an email or contact them somehow Marcin, if you have time? (probably in a similar situation to be honest i'd bet lol)
      • Some modern/novel designs, but these give me some serious Scam / Vaporware vibes
      • Blondihacks is making a 1/4 HP Steam Engine although it is at the limit of their machine tools so is quite "sketchy", also these model boilers don't seem to Optimized for Production so maybe not of much use?
      • The size of these engines vs the size of a Powercube seems a bit incompatible too? Maybe if a Axial Piston Pump kind of thing is used that may be more dense
      • Read on User: Jon 's log about the Pathways to Enable Open-Source Ecosystems‎‎ grant, and made a page on it (but realized one already existed, so seriously contact me if i stepped on some toes with my edits of that!) and it seems GREAT!
        • I don't know if we qualify though i guess, that bit on "it's not for product development, it's for infrastructure" but that is still do-able, and where they draw that line may be a bit more flexible than i think it is
        • I think i already posted it on a talk channel somewhere, but i think the OBI Business Model / My (or some variation of it; i'd love feedback + constructive criticism) OSEH Model (if kind of McDonaldized into a sort of "plug and play" kind of model) could work as infastructure maybe? Also that Open Source Discord Alternative / OSE Videogame (from the using it to sort of trick people KSP style into learning the real softwares and design principles, and maybe even making real usable house designs or even parts/machines!)
        • Either way i think that is a great goal to strive for
        • Also as shown by me making all these edits last minute a few hours before the week of school starts the modivational power of the Panic Monkey / Deadlines for ADHD me really helps, so having that date to keep up with may keep me on track more
          • IE i need to buckle down and focus on the OSEH / Fleming Island Makerspace planning i guess?
          • Do give me feedback / steer me in the right direction i guess?
  • Finally do we have a meeting schedule?
  • Maybe about 5 Hours?
  • Off to another week of Welding and OSHA 30 i guess,! I will check in a little bit throughout, but probably assume a communication + edit blackout until then.


Pre-Log Notes


  • On Saturdays now i have an OSHA 30 (i guess construction speciality, there is also "General Industry" and Marine IIRC (need an abbreviation to text + predictive text for desktop thing lol)
  • So essentially one less usable day (for relaxation and/or this)
  • I got about 1/2 through that Applied Hydraulics thing
  • I totally dissasembled + clened that Bathroom Exhaust Fan and it worked fine, although we had a spare motor that we had from buying *a whole new unit* to replace a shattered cover (would be a good reason to have a 3d printer!), so that is currently installed
    • I took pictures, no caliper use yet, but wouldn't be hard. It is a very straightforward unit
    • Also funny since they were going to throw it out Disposable Mindset and all that, not like it contains Rare Earth Metal Magnets some copper, steel, plastic, all in an inseparable blob that would most likely go straight to landfill lol
  • Got on a bit late today to be honest
    • Mainly just:
      • Checked on discord, although i still need to contact some people
      • Put the work Scihub Inc. is doing on Restor on-wiki
      • Added Categories to Stuff / Made Some Category Pages
  • Guessing 2-3 hours tops? Always hard to judge hours
  • Off to another week of welding and OSHA i guess,! will check in a little bit throughout, but probably assume a communication blackout until then


  • Got the Modern Welding 12th Edition (Book) Recently for school
    • Further Radicalizing Me Against Textbook Publishing Companies lol, but it is well written/has good information
    • I don't know quite how i can share the knowledge i am learning from it, TOS and all, probably find other papers/pages etc with the same information + a pile of paraphrasing?
      • Not like i am intending to *steal* from it, but it does have interesting in depth information, especially on more obscure methods / processes
  • Also will probably donate it to the local library or something like that (if i remember correctly there may be a cheeky method with that as well...)
  • Currently double checking that i am caught up on the "Recent Changes" page
  • Updates on my various video feeds:
  • I also want to look for / work towards an Open Source Bathroom Exhaust Fan , one in my family's bathroom is dying again, and i think it is just the bearing, making a horrible grinding noise sometimes, i'm assuming it's just metal plates Slide Bearing is the name i think?, making one with more proper bearings would be nice
  • Getting late so i'm logging off for the day
    • even more tabs now but i did document the Wio Terminal sufficiently short of maybe adding categories
    • Pile of information on some new OS Robotic Arm Designs, the AR4 Robotic Arm by Chris Annin has damn good documentation, kits, and even software made for it, so that's probably the most exciting in my opinion, although Stuff Made Here (I haven't looked into this one much), and Jeremy Fielding (watched about half of the videos on it) also made designs
    • There is also a scale model of the KUKA KR350 Robotic Arm by Coy Beardmore , and they also have some other neat "Benchtop Scale Models of Robotic Cells", and may be worth reaching out to as well
    • Unsure on Hours, guessing about five by my edits on the recent wiki changes page?
    • Also before i log off User: Kenmakunga has a GoGetFunding page for their daughter's tuition Here so chip in if you are able and haven't already, we gotta look out for eachother.
    • Off to another week of tig welding, probably back on friday/saturday again, but will try and check the recent wiki changes + the discord at lunch etc!


  • Feeling Better Nearing the end of that Infection (Did get a positive rapid test on Monday)
  • Got a good amount of work done today:
  • I also updated SweetHome3D , and removed a redundant, and 32 instead of 64 bit version. At least in viewing your neat looking work it seemed fine. Need to test designing floorplans, as that was where the error occurred last time
  • Also these past few days i have made updates largely related to Discord or various content in my feed / ideas
  • I developed some new editing practices i guess
      • Actually using the "This is a minor edit" feature for minor edits to hopefully at least slightly reduce the spam of my edits on days like this. I hope it doesn't mess with you accessing pages / keeping up with things on the Recent Wiki Changes page!
        • If so Do Tell Me please, i can definitely change that if need be
      • Labeling How Long Attached Videos Are
        • This way you can see if you have enough time/interest pre-clicking the link, saving time
    • I need to look into Desktop Based Autocorrect + Eye Tracking Based Mouse Assist (if mouse is moving it doesn't overwrite it, but when reaching for your mouse etc it gets you in the general area)
  • Overall i felt very productive today
  • Granted if me doing these not 100% aligned with the current work/goals edits + work is pissing people off Please tell me so i could address that!
  • Also Marcin what is the best way for me to contact you?
  • Tomorrow is my birthday so i may not get too much done due to various festivities, but we shall see i guess
  • I'm guessing ~6 Hours?


  • I likely am infected with the Omnicron Variant of Covid-19 so that's...neat
  • Have all my vaccines and i guess a booster, and it is mild (akin to a mild cold) so far, so that's good
  • Probably going to be isolating this whole week, so missing out on a decent chunk of the Flux Core work at welding school
  • May be able to get some work done on wiki, as well as around the house i guess though.
  • Today I
    • Finished up documenting stuff on Light Monorail and made a page + documented Narrow Gauge Railways
      • Do need to make a page on that farm YouTube channel though. Did document most of their work luckily
    • Read up on Thrive Energy Systems after watching their latest video
    • Added categories to some pages
    • Caught up on recent edits
    • Caught up on discord discussion + YouTube feeds
    • Started Getting Into the Factor E Farm QGIS Map work
      • Updated some related pages
      • Pulled up the site in google maps
      • Tried to get information on what satellites watch the area so i can see how up to date the images are and maybe get some interesting non-optical remote sensing data?
      • Also tried to get property lines
    • Need to find + integrate FeF Site Layout information to that
    • Also start making a QGIS File
    • Also grabbed that How to Document a Wall Module page
      • This did seem like a more pressing issue to an extent?
    • Kind of waiting on Marcin / Others to steer me to what jobs need to get done i guess
    • May also watch some more of the old videoconferences / interviews
    • Maybe 1-3 Hours, again hard to track them



  • So today at welding School, teacher didn't show, so we are in the computer lab essentially as a holding pen / busy work
  • SO i'm going to do more wiki work i guess
  • I got my google chrome working on the school desktop, so have access to all bookmarks
  • I AM missing:
    • My Macro Keys
    • My huge pile of "Recently Closed Tabs"
      • So now i will have to dig through history to find each article if attempting that work today!
    • All the software:
  • I think the work i can be most productive is Wall Module Cheatsheet work, and the usual Discord management + networking
  • Thoughts i guess? I'll kind of get started, but i would love some feedback
  • Also made some redirects for Wikipedia's articles on EDM
  • I just discovered the OSE Site Design and GIS Workshop , so it seems some GIS work and whatnot was already done!



  • Today's work was much more structured, and productive
  • But ironic given i am going back to school on Monday, but good nonetheless!
  • Documented just about everything there IS to document on Auger-Based 3D Printer Extruders
  • Dived into Supercritical Water Oxidation (Saw it in regards to space applications, seems really neat. The Convenience of Incineration with little to no Emissions and mineral like ash
    • Main "kicker" is the High Pressures and Temperatures needed, and potential salt precipitation fouling / corrosion issues
  • In the process of Onboarding (i guess, *fancy* term) some people from the discord User: Marcin if you see this, they should have sent an email your way
    • Was showing them some of the old meetings that were the weekly ones with 4 people or so to show how those kind of worked
  • In doing that i began watching some of the reccorded meetings on Marcin's Channel
  • Going to post reactions on that wiki page i made for that, make some YouTube comments, and maybe send an Email Marcin's way
  • Not done yet, just updating as i go



  • Nov 25 / Dec 15 - Now is what edits i am trying to find + review to check that i am "up to date" ; reached limit of Recent Changes at about Dec - 9
  • I'll clean this up later, but i went through the recent changes log and added some thoughts + basic edits.
  • I'm off to go do various new year festivities, so Happy New Year!


  • Didn't get all that i wanted done, but did get a decent amount of stuff (albeit a bit chaotic)
  • Made a very (at least in my opinion) detailed page on Pegboards
    • This is kind of due to me plotting on how to make my family's garage more organized, but also kind of in preparation for trying to devise what all tool wise is on FeF and maybe in the process of trying to determine that see how / help with the organization side of things?
    • A Plastic Version would (at least in my Opinion) would make a great Precious Plastic / OSEH product etc
    • This is also true for the near infinite amount of Pegboard Accessories
  • Along those lines i was also getting into Inventory management software and related things
    • I made InvenTree , mentioned me looking into all this on the OSE and (i guess now due the the Due to the Cease and Desist it is "Totally Not- ) Index PnP Discords
    • The developer contacted me, and we talked a bit, so that was neat and may lead to further collaboration in the future?
  • Also did some thinking + discussing on how a Barcode Reader (or 2D Barcode !) + "smart button" (need to grab the name of those amazon ones / how they work?) would fit in this system
  • I also made a pile of redirects on Wikipedia, and a few on ose wiki today
  • Also was mowing the lawns recently + using a leafblower, so that had me pondering on:
    • Clover Lawns
    • Reduced Lawn Landscaping / something along those lines
    • Leaf Vacuums / Leaf Mulcher's etc
    • Universal Battery Pack and related things
      • We bought into Ryobi's battery system / have their tools, and supposedly they make a vacuum+mulcher combo unit, need to see the reviews on that
      • They would save time + battery energy (also reduce gas usage via a lawnmower as a leaf mulcher/bagger which we did); leafblower almost seemed futile at times lol
  • Also catalytic converters on lawn mowers + muffler enhancement
  • Also need to look into the state of Self Driving Lawnmowers / Electric Lawn Mowers (or Flex Fuel !)
  • Also made Adversary Based Design which i had been meaning to do for a while
    • Need to add that criticism of OSE article that i saw here or on the Discord a while back
  • On that note / a preview of next weekend's work:
  • Fossil Fuel Free OSE by 2023
  • (Log was being weirdly slow / lagging on text input for a bit there which was odd, guess it is due to my CPU temp jumping to 80 for some reason lol)
  • (Unsure on hours, but probably somewhere around 6?)
  • (Also moved onto MIG, not TIG, due mainly to a higher up who likes to screw with people/flex their power lol)
  • (Was doing overhead and somehow got something in my eye; this reminded me of + gave me more ideas for that safety stuff)
  • FINALLY The Summer X Section of the Discord has been kind of empty recently, any idea as to why that is?
    • Granted as evidenced by my weekday absence, i do get the busy / far from a PC or Smartphone aspect!
    • AN update or something would be nice though
    • Anywho logging off for the night / week!


  • Or was it 28 due to the midnight swap?
  • Anywho quite literally burning the midnight oil; love how when my brain decides to get in a good state of Flow is *middle of the night*
  • Mostly just documented links/thoughts from my phone
  • Got through most of them, which unlike my laptop links went quite way back, and most were also welding related (ie i heard something in class and wrote it down / looked it up)
  • Also did some wikipedia side edits, odd how it seems perfect from the middle, but all it's niche "edges" are tattered and sometimes essentially empty
    • On this note need to look into Wikipedia's use of web crawlers / cros wiki comparisons, for instance there is "Petrowiki" and others (such as OSE Wiki!) that contain information that may be of use, we just need to sit down and "compare notes" that and/or make bots that essentially do that
    • Also "Open Repair Wiki" 's Discord has a neat bot run sub-channel that acts essentially as our Recent Wiki Changes page, but in-discord, which is neat
  • Also getting slightly paranoid as to if / how / where discord is backed up
  • Also did a bunch of cleaning recently and that had me thinking on "ease of cleaning" as another factor to rate stuff with
  • The ability to easily wipe something off, or especially if it is on the upper area of a well / on the ceeling to use an extension wand of a vacuum to vacuum dust it, rather than needing to grab a ladder, and potentially dissasemble something is also neat
  • Also the damn Bathroom Exhaust Fan is squaking like hell, i think it just uses a metal on metal Slip Bearing , those things are built damn cheap, and my parents tend to take the policy of "throw the entirety of it out and buy *an entire new thing* " good opertunity for an OS thing IMO
    • Also on this note ineed to use the images + dimentions i took of that gear in the broken Pencil Sharpener and either order one, or sketch up one and get it 3d printed
      • Also could do a ~~mild ammount of reverse engineering given i took it apart to the screw level essentially~~ (although Sustainability of Pencils / mechaniocal vs wood etc?
  • Some more people joined the Discord today / last night, so give them a warm welcome, and also they may need some more help Onboarding if i'm not there to di it; i'll *try* to check the discord on my phone during lunch break / after school or something too
  • ~~Ever just sit there and feel a mix of Sonder / existential dread about Superobject that is the sheer ammount of materials flowing around you and all the complex processes for making / using even the simplest things (with much of said processes destroying the earth/environment/people's right to a good life), and the entropy + futility all that brings? ME NEITHER~~
  • ALrighty enough rambling, logging off for the day

(also this week will be somewhat crazy, we are testing for SMAW (which my essentail tremor may kind of prevent me from passing, although that feels like a bit of a crutch, but also it is the only factor i can isoilate) so i will be the normal ammount of busy, then some + stress, so probaby won't get anything done until saturday probably?


Pre-Final Log

  • Trying to focus on getting links off of phone
  • 10/17/2021 mentioned that central hydronic heat working fluid tank thing This Page seems to be along the lines of that, worth a look


Work Stuff

  • Didn't get as much done as i wanted to
  • Mainly just treading water in tabs/STEAM YouTube creator content/discord discussion + projects
  • Made a couple pages, probably kind of nonsensical since i am tired and not working efficiently right now i guess
  • Wrote this comment on the Discord about wanting to catch up sometime on the progress on the FDM Filament Maker specifically (although all the work seems *amazing* really wish i was there! (always future years and whatnot i guess!) )
    • Essentially there seems to be a *pile* of designs emerging, but at least from what i have seen not much collaboration/awareness of eachother's work, and thus a bit of Redundancy Waste
    • I am *way* behind in the videos on User: Marcin's YouTube channel short of maybe a few timelapses, i have also been watching a few videos by some of the new people (also before i forget, sorry i haven't done the onboarding bit yet aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)
      • So i'd like to also watch the relevant videos beforehand, the whole "read the fucking syllabus" bit, not ask questions mentioned in 5 of the last 10 meetings!
    • But at least from what i've seen with working with Precious Plastic, that and the shredder, as well as maybe an Open Source 1hp Electric Motor are in huge demand, and would be very effective in making the equipment more accessible
  • Still a PILE of links to add from my phone that keeps on growing
  • I need to get into some better way of managing all that, chrome bookmark folders may work, but not group viewable, i do have a *pile* of open YouTube playlists, but sometimes they oddly disappear / the library on YouTube is a pain to use since you have to hit "view more" and wait a few seconds a bunch of times to go from a to z etc
  • Computer is running slow as hell today, need to diagnose that
    • Long uptime maybe that
    • Probably near full drive, need to address that (granted i don't have money for a NAS yet, so it is all probably dumping it to the lovely google owned cloud, or flash drives, may be able to find an old "smart" 1tb hard drive and get that going again
    • Also could be RAM and/or "hybrid" HDD (honestly may just be a HDD, doesn't have the speed i'd say just marketing bs lol) not being able to handle the sheer power of my tabs AS WELL AS Bloatware
      • Moving to OSE Linux or some sort of basic daily driver linux (LTT has a video on trying to get a user friendly linux going, they seem to be doing a HUGE amount of PR for the OSHW / OSS community recently which is neat!
  • Also there was some sort of software by mit for lifelogging / personal info management IIRC, gotta dig that up and look into it, also some sort of time managment app which may help less time slipping away from me

Personal Update i Guess?

  • Welding school isn't going too great; hard to tell given there are so many factors, but i think my essential tremor *may* be holding my back which is a bit concerning
  • I think i have gotten my flat welds with 7018 rods to an acceptable level, but i don't have access to any sort of testing above looking at it / asking around until the final "bend tests"
  • Not certain how it will all work out, we also dive into full on TIG Welding next, so either that will go better due to the perfectionistic nature (iirc, lots of prep grinding and can be slow and meticulous due to not worrying about rod feeding, can even do a "cleaning pass" with just torch iirc?), or be worse due to being notoriously harder
  • Also may need TIG Gloves (and my current leather gloves are getting quite charred as well lol, hence the research into Welding Proof Materials and other consumables / buy to continue learning but maybe end up failing and thus sinking little cash on something that is near useless to me then
  • Granted MIG / Flux Core are supposedly quite easy, and less leverage + hand adjusting due to just holding the "gun" would probably be nice, and most "production over precision" jobs use those anyways i guess?
  • Granted it's not exactly right to compare myself directly to my peers (mindfulness/growth mindset/dbt and all that shit), but at the same time from a heartless hiring person, *in a Right to Work State * in what is essentially a Gig Economy job (to an extent, more stable if with a fab shop / company etc), i would say that i would hire the best people so thus the comparison is semi-accurate?
  • Granted again if they just need a human robot arm capable of running a mig gun all day i may be able to do that, or maybe i will learn more and get better skills?
  • All in all just not too great for the mental health i guess!, a great example of the "things i like, things i am good at, and things that make money" venn diagram meme
    • That and the Iron Triangle will be the death of me i swear
      • Currently having community recycling the Library backing up...if only there was some sort of local recycling system to swing in and save the day...
      • That and stray cats reminding me i need to get that catch and release stuff going (and maybe GIS mapping+even tracking them?)
  • Just TLDR pile of ideas / projects / jobs that need to get done but not enough time / money to even get any of them even started, in the process missing kind of tipping points/keyholes
  • Granted enough melodrama on my part rambling in the middle of the night goodness lol

TLDR / Guide to later me cleaning up this day's / past few of my dev day's mess

  • Information Overload / Content Treadmill issues
  • Information Organization / Storage Issues
  • Time Management / Stress / Flow State Issues
  • Some basic work getting done, but heavily limited due to the top factors
  • To-Do
    • Clean up mess of logs + work (and move these to the damn proper To-Do's !!! )
  • Try and finally get some form of more rigid schedule/time management + mind mapping software/data organization scheme + clean out PC and all that and make things orderly + optimized
  • Maybe get linux to deal with Bloatware
  • Visit Jax Makes
  • Try and get makerspace going at some basic capacity
  • More macros / automation of things like categories and that other work i can get derailed on at times?


  • Didn't get *as* much done as i wanted to, but a decent amount
  • Lots of discussion on the Discord as per usual as well
  • It's late though; 10:35 local time, so in theory if i fell asleep RIGHT NOW i'd get 6.5 hrs of sleep or so
  • Didn't get the pages on the various Open Source Smart Watches or the AGM G1 Pro down
  • Also need to back up more YouTube videos
  • And OpenDog v3.0 is aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive (decently on time with Halloween lol)
  • Also Steven Hawes and others working on the IndexPnP project are getting very close to completion of not only the design, but also starting full on Mid-Scale Manufacturing and design of the whole Minifactory
  • Also have aa pile of phone links to back up
  • Need to look into how Google's Web Crawler works
  • Also was looking into YesWelder 's recent 5-in-1 Stick, Mig, Flux Core, TIG, and Plasma Cutter (supposedly may not have all tig modes, also need to see if you can swap the polarity, ie DCEP vs DCEN etc, and other "fine print" specs)
  • I think that is about it, logging off for the day, probably will be off until thursday/friday due to lack of time + exhaustion when i am free! Will try to read the discord more on my phone this week as well


  • Baby sat a sibling so didn't work much today
  • Got some basic pages made:
  • Loving the concept of a OSHW PAPR welding helmet! (and probably cooling suit too)
  • Also looked into the Dyson Cinetic Cyclonic Seperation Technology and wonder how hard doing something similar for Air Scrubbers , Intake Air Filters , PAPRs and maybe even Flue Gas Scrubbing (To reach Baghouse levels of Particulate Matter reduction with little bag use (if any, may be wanted as a failsafe / guarantee)
  • All sorts of engine stuff to dump somewhere
  • Blender released a new Open Movie (I thought it was great, only complaint is Frame Rate, but that may be intentional?
  • Also the movie i watched with my younger sibling on netflix today was by a small group in germany, i want to know what software they used, it may have been Blender like "Next Gen", especially since the alternatives are Pixar's locked down thing i think and maybe Maya ? will be really interesting to see it's market share grow *especially* as the recent updates focus on the teamwork aspect of the software workflow (i dream of a day where FreeCAD has the development budget + developers + user base etc of Blender!)
  • About it i guess, will try and get some work done tomorrow pre having to go to bed early to get to school, missing the days of my almost nocturnal sleep schedule; i can do this early morning stuff fine, but it sure doesn't feel "natural" !


  • Didn't get as much done as i wanted to, as per usual, BUT
  • Figured out how to save pages to the Wayback Machine
  • Added some categories and organizational stuff to some new pages + skimmed them
  • Began Discussion of Solid Waste Management and how a Precious Plastic esque (ie reprapable and OS) approach may help with that with one person trying to do this from the Precious Plastic Discord
  • Discussed with the 1-2 people working on Their Own Filament Maker projects on the Precious Plastic Discord, and tried to see where they were, if they were OS-ing their stuff etc
  • Discussed that Central Hot Working Fluid Tank idea of mine a bit
  • Discussed + Went over some IndexPnP work
  • Tried to dump some phone links
  • (Rather frantically now that i have 6:45 mins until morning alarm...) Made the beginnings of Environmental Impact of SMAW vs GMAW and Servant Leadership
  • That's about it i guess, probably will need to clean this rushed mess up later
  • Unsure on hour count, may reverse engineer that later, but was mostly 12:00-now or so (with breaks and whatnot which always makes these calculations a mess)


Pre-Work Bit

  • Need to see how long i've been in it, but been at the welding program at FSCJ for a while now
  • Currently working on some SMAW ( Stick Welding ), mainly with 7018 Welding Rods (Tried 6010 Welding Rods a bit, but they were funky, smelled like lung damage, so i decided to master 7018 before that)
  • May make some pages on welding + non-destructive testing stuff i have learned
  • Need to dump links off of pile of phone tabs
  • All sorts of YouTube links to share
  • Been driving the ~45min each way drive and realizing how horrible the Car Dependant Model of USA Urban Planning and whatnot is
  • Also recycling of metal powder from grinding + powder/chippings/precipitated smoke from welding, and the Environmental Impact of SMAW vs GMAW (and reprap-ability)



  • Alrighty, felt *much* more productive today, logging off for the day, SHOULD be back in ~8-11 hours or so
  • I guess 6 Hours, Hard to tell
  • Did a pile of Safety Stuff (Been watching a bunch of USCSB stuff which shows all the ways to *NOT* do Bio-Petrochemistry (Granted 2/3 of the incidents, and nearly all recent ones were do to people rushing (often due to higher up's demands), and having a bad safety culture, or just flat out skipping maintenance
  • I do think fleshing all that out, and implementing various systems (+ just making sure / adding there are fire extinguishers/eye wash bottles/stations etc where there should be some)
  • Once i (someday...) or someone else gets into bio-petrochemistry stuff that is when this will really "kick in" granted one of the incidents was due to their plant scale reactor not shedding as much heat (and them skipping steps, but i digress), as their lab scale unit, leading to a runaway reaction.
  • But with modular design / smaller Scale (Analytics) production (ie makerspace, county, or state level, not global, demand wise) things may be safer from that
    • Was due to the square/cube law, which was another surprising oversight, granted easier after the fact i guess
  • Need to do a Hazard Analysis of Hydrogen Storage / Saturated Steam (and probably biogas / upgraded biogas to cng standards etc) just to help design in all that
  • Did some misc stuff today on Ash Handling , Composite Materials , and CEBs (mainly just adding links i recently saw
  • Tomorrow though
  • Probably going to fire up that GIS Suite and run some tutorials first thing
  • Then probably some cleanup from my past few days of work
  • Then, if any time is remaining, move on to watching marcin/ose video backlog (caught up otherwise on other channels)
  • Then, if ant time is remaining, move on to finishing up safety stuff / To-Do List Stuff


  • Didn't get enough done, but by staying up longer that just ruins sleep schedule making it worse, so logging off for now
  • Read some papers/dug for info on that Heavy Metal Removal via Ozonation (and later Advanced Oxidation Process ), burt time didn't get too much done but that was a thing
  • Brains kind of blanking out, so will fix/update this later


  • Off rhythm/getting back into it
  • Got all that backlog short of safety stuff pretty much taken care of
  • Should finish up safety stuff, then move on to GIS stuff / watching past meetings at ~2x speed (also try and make any of the ones i can!)
  • Need to also get back to answering questions on the PP discord, and send emails out to in-person stuff again\
  • Not certain on hours as that has all been odd recently, will try and get a good log of all that
  • (also tried out some VR stuff i got on steam sale, "VR Power Tools" wasn't even as good as the dev sprint Lathe Safety Simulator software/game, so that was unfortunate, but i'll try the Robotic Cell Simulator later (if i even can, may need engineer level understanding / example files etc!)
  • Project North Star announced on their discord a day or so ago they are having dev meetings
    • "Hi @everyone I'm excited to announce that we'll be holding #ProjectNorthStar meetings weekly at 10pm EST on Monday! These meetings will go over some of the current software initiatives as well as hardware and campaign updates from @CombineReality We hope to see you all there and that these events will help guide this project's momentum forward! If you have any suggestions for topics or items you'd like to discuss please feel free to share them.

We're currently planning on discussing the following:

1) Updates to the SteamVR Driver system 2) Iniatives for getting prebuilt headsets out to select developers 3) Continued development on the ground truth optical calibration models 4) Systems to improve the onboarding process with a northstar HMD and standardize calibration file naming + coordinate systems.

We understand that this time won't work for everyone, and we will likely time shift or add additional events to accommodate other time zones better in the future!"

  • That's about it i guess


Pre-End of Day Stuff

  • Currently have ~72 tabs up
  • Mix of:
  • Need to document + comment + share
    • New content by Iron3D
    • Channel developing a DIY / OS ultrasonic inkjet
    • Content on some sort of OTS Filament Maker circulating on major channels recently (compare to OSE design / determine if/when we could send a model to not get left in the dust?
  • Need to get all that where it needs to be so i can move on
  • Also need to watch all that video backlog from Marcin's channel i have, can watch at 2x speed (although may need to slow down/pause for detail in some bits
    • Calculate minimum time this can be done in
  • Figure out why discord is not showing alerts as to new comments in other groups yet is still sending that noise / etc
  • Load up freecad and try new workbenches / try and get that going
  • Heading out for food now i guess, so will be continued


  • I didn't get much done today, maybe one or two hours, but i think that tabs / project creep/scope creep is controlled again.
  • I will probably make some pages on safety systems, swales/keyline undersurfacing, then try and catch up on marcin's videos
  • THEN after that i can move on
  • I did also clean up the OSE Discord given many people are joining
  • Also i beleive the audi issue may be fixable via using push to talk (in settings) instead of voice detection (which it uses if i remember correctly)
  • I